From 1bfda2a5449704ea69e9ac70e574047ce3320d35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giorgio <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 22:07:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] use preload trick to work with new electron version
CPP_preload.js | 332 ++
CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js | 9190 ++++++++++++++++----------------
add_this_to_index.js | 23 +
3 files changed, 4837 insertions(+), 4708 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 CPP_preload.js
create mode 100644 add_this_to_index.js
diff --git a/CPP_preload.js b/CPP_preload.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f73a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CPP_preload.js
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// electron logic
+const electron = require("electron");
+const _preload = electron.ipcRenderer.sendSync("_original_preload");
+if(typeof _preload == "string")
+ require(_preload);
+// CrossPlatformPlaying logic
+const net = require("net");
+const tls = require("tls");
+const https = require("https");
+const crypto = require("crypto");
+// custom websocket client adding support for HTTP headers and cookies
+class SimpleSocket extends EventTarget {
+ constructor(url, options={}) {
+ super();
+ this.on = this.addEventListener;
+ this.emit = (e, d) => this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(e, d));
+ this.url = new URL(url);
+ if(this.url.protocol !== "wss:") return console.error("Only wss WebSockets are supported!");
+ this.key = options.key || crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64');
+ this.status = SimpleSocket.states.CONNECTING;
+ const reqOptions = {
+ hostname: this.url.hostname,
+ host:,
+ port: this.url.port || 443,
+ path: this.url.pathname +,
+ rejectUnauthorized: false,
+ headers: {
+ "Connection": "Upgrade",
+ "Upgrade": "websocket",
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Key": this.key,
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Version": options.version || 13,
+ ...options.headers
+ },
+ ...options.requestOptions
+ }
+ if(options.protocol) reqOptions.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = options.protocol;
+ if(options.extensions) reqOptions.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = options.extensions;
+ this.req = https.request(reqOptions);
+ this.req.on('upgrade', (res, socket, head) => {
+ try { // check accept header
+ const expected = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(this.key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11").digest('base64');
+ if(res.headers["sec-websocket-accept"] !== expected) return console.error("Something fishy is going on... sec-websocket-accept expected vs recieved:", expected, res.headers["sec-websocket-accept"]);
+ this.socket = socket;
+ socket.on('data', data => this.receive(data));
+ socket.on('close', () => this.closed());
+ socket.on('error', console.error);
+ this.status = SimpleSocket.states.READY;
+ if(this.onconnect) this.onconnect(socket, res);
+ if(head && head.length) this.receive(head);
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ });
+ this.req.on("error", console.error);
+ this.req.end();
+ }
+ send(data, opcode) {
+ try {
+ if(!this.socket) return;
+ if(this.status !== SimpleSocket.states.READY) return console.error("Tried to send data on a closed WebSocket!");
+ let header;
+ if(Buffer.isBuffer(data)) header = 0x82;
+ else {
+ header = 0x81;
+ data = Buffer.from(new TextEncoder().encode(data.toString()));
+ }
+ if(opcode) header = 0x80 + opcode;
+ let lengthByte = 0x80; // mask set to 1
+ let extendedLength;
+ if(data.length > 65535) {
+ lengthByte += 127;
+ (extendedLength = Buffer.alloc(8)).writeBigUInt64BE(BigInt(data.length));
+ } else if(data.length > 125) {
+ lengthByte += 126;
+ (extendedLength = Buffer.alloc(2)).writeUInt16BE(data.length);
+ } else {
+ lengthByte += data.length;
+ extendedLength = Buffer.alloc(0);
+ }
+ const maskKey = crypto.randomBytes(4);
+ const maskedData = this.maskData(data, maskKey);
+ const buf = Buffer.concat([
+ Buffer.from([header, lengthByte]),
+ extendedLength, maskKey, maskedData
+ ]);
+ this.socket.write(buf);
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ receive(buf) {
+ try {
+ if(!this.onmessage) return;
+ const fin = buf[0] >> 7; // bit 0 is FIN
+ const opcode = buf[0] & 0x0F; // bits 4-7 is opcode
+ const mask = buf[1] >> 7; // bit 8 is mask
+ if(opcode === SimpleSocket.opcode.PING) {
+ return this.pong();
+ }
+ let length = buf[1] & 0x7F;
+ let lengthEnd = 2;
+ if(length === 126) {
+ length = buf.readUInt16BE(2);
+ lengthEnd = 4;
+ } else if(length === 127) {
+ length = buf.readBigUInt64BE(2);
+ lengthEnd = 10;
+ }
+ let data;
+ if(mask) {
+ const key = buf.readUInt32BE(lengthEnd);
+ lengthEnd += 4;
+ const masked = buf.subarray(lengthEnd, lengthEnd + length);
+ data = this.maskData(masked, key);
+ } else {
+ data = buf.subarray(lengthEnd, lengthEnd + length);
+ }
+ if(opcode === SimpleSocket.opcode.CLOSE) {
+ return this.closed(data);
+ } else if(this.status !== SimpleSocket.states.READY) {
+ return console.error("Data received on closed WebSocket!");
+ }
+ if(opcode === SimpleSocket.opcode.TEXT) data = data.toString('utf8');
+ this.onmessage(data, buf);
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ close(statusCode, reason) {
+ if(!this.socket) return;
+ let data = [];
+ if(statusCode) {
+ data = new Buffer(2);
+ data.writeUInt16BE(statusCode);
+ if(reason) data = Buffer.concat([data, new TextEncoder().encode(reason.toString())]);
+ }
+ this.send(data, SimpleSocket.opcode.CLOSE);
+ this.status = SimpleSocket.states.CLOSING;
+ this.socket.end();
+ }
+ closed(data) {
+ try {
+ if(this.status === SimpleSocket.states.CLOSED) return;
+ this.status = SimpleSocket.states.CLOSED;
+ this.socket.destroy();
+ if(!this.onclose) return;
+ if(data) {
+ const statusCode = data.readUInt16BE();
+ const reason = data.toString('utf-8', 2);
+ this.onclose(statusCode, reason);
+ } else this.onclose();
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ maskData(data, key) {
+ const masked = [];
+ for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
+ masked.push(data[i] ^ key[i % 4]);
+ return Buffer.from(masked);
+ }
+ ping() {
+ this.send([], SimpleSocket.opcode.PING);
+ }
+ pong() {
+ this.send([], SimpleSocket.opcode.PONG);
+ }
+ static opcode = {
+ CONT: 0,
+ TEXT: 1, BIN: 2,
+ CLOSE: 8,
+ PING: 9, PONG: 10
+ }
+ static states = {
+ READY: 1,
+ }
+// SimpleSocket todo:
+// list of websockets to destroy
+// support continuation frames
+// support close codes
+// support http status codes other than 101
+const sockets = {}; let socket_index = 0;
+// const closeSocket = (index, {destroy, destroyTimeout});
+const CPP_preload = {
+ https: {
+ fetch: (url, options={}) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const req = https.request(url, {
+ method: options.method || "GET",
+ headers: options.headers || {}
+ }, resp => {
+ const res = {
+ statusCode: resp.statusCode,
+ headers: resp.headers
+ };
+ let chunks = [];
+ resp.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk));
+ resp.on('end', () => {
+ res.body = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(options.encoding || "utf8");
+ resolve(res);
+ });
+ })
+ req.write(options.body || "");
+ req.end();
+ });
+ },
+ simpleSocket: (url, options, onconnect, onmessage, onclose) => {
+ const socket = new SimpleSocket(url, options);
+ socket.onconnect = onconnect;
+ socket.onmessage = onmessage;
+ socket.onclose = onclose;
+ const index = socket_index++;
+ sockets[index] = socket;
+ return index;
+ },
+ sendToSocket: (index, data) => {
+ if(!sockets[index]) throw Error("SimpleSocket not found");
+ sockets[index].send(data);
+ },
+ closeSocket: (index, statusCode, reason) => {
+ if(!sockets[index]) throw Error("SimpleSocket not found");
+ sockets[index].close(statusCode, reason);
+ delete sockets[index];
+ }
+ },
+ net: {
+ createSocket: (host, port, onconnect, ondata, onerror, onclose) => {
+ const socket = net.createConnection(port, host, onconnect);
+ if(ondata) socket.on("data", ondata);
+ if(onerror) socket.on("error", onerror);
+ if(onclose) socket.on("close", onclose);
+ const index = socket_index++;
+ sockets[index] = socket;
+ return index;
+ },
+ sendToSocket: (index, data) => {
+ if(!sockets[index]) throw Error("Net Socket not found");
+ sockets[index].write(data);
+ },
+ closeSocket: (index, destroy=false) => {
+ if(!sockets[index]) throw Error("Net Socket not found");
+ if(destroy) sockets[index].destroy();
+ else sockets[index].end();
+ delete sockets[index];
+ }
+ },
+ tls: {
+ createSocket: (host, port, options, onconnect, ondata, onerror, onclose) => {
+ const socket = tls.connect(port, host, options, onconnect);
+ if(ondata) socket.on("data", ondata);
+ if(onerror) socket.on("error", onerror);
+ if(onclose) socket.on("close", onclose);
+ const index = socket_index++;
+ sockets[index] = socket;
+ return index;
+ },
+ sendToSocket: (index, data, encoding, callback) => {
+ if(!sockets[index]) throw Error("TLS Socket not found");
+ sockets[index].write(data, encoding, callback);
+ },
+ closeSocket: (index, destroy=false) => {
+ if(!sockets[index]) throw Error("TLS Socket not found");
+ if(destroy) sockets[index].destroy();
+ else sockets[index].end();
+ delete sockets[index];
+ }
+ }
+electron.contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("CPP_preload", CPP_preload);
diff --git a/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js b/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
index e12cd64..1421704 100644
--- a/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
+++ b/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
@@ -36,4711 +36,4485 @@
** HELPER **
-const https = require("https")
-const tls = require("tls");
-const fs = require("fs");
-const net = require("net");
-const crypto = require("crypto");
-// send an HTTP request to a URL, bypassing CORS policy
-const fetch = (url, options={}) => {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- const req = https.request(url, {
- method: options.method || "GET",
- headers: options.headers || {}
- }, resp => {
- const res = {
- statusCode: resp.statusCode,
- headers: resp.headers
- };
- let chunks = [];
- resp.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk));
- resp.on('end', () => {
- res.body = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(options.encoding || "utf8");
- resolve(res);
- });
- })
- req.write(options.body || "");
- req.end();
- });
-// basic error handling
-const err = e => {
- console.error(e);
- if(e.code === errCode || e.errno === errCode) return; // steam & hypixel sometimes time out for no reason
- }
- debugger;
- BdApi.alert("Error happened!\n" + e);
-const pluginName = "CrossPlatformPlaying";
-const customRpcAppId = "883483733875892264";
-const config = {
- "info": {
- "name": pluginName,
- "authors": [{
- "name": "Giorgio",
- "discord_id": "316978243716775947",
- "github_username": "giorgi-o"
- }],
- "version": "0.2.8",
- "description": "Lets you see what your friends are playing even if they turned off game activity",
- "github": "",
- "github_raw": ""
- },
- "changelog": [ // added: green, improved: blurple, fixed: red, progress: yellow
- {
- "title": "League of Legends",
- "type": "added",
- "items": [
- "Added TFT Double Up",
- "Added AFK in the lobby detection",
- ]
- },
- {
- "title": "Valorant",
- "type": "improved",
- "items": [
- "Added Pearl map",
- ]
- },
- ]
-// the discord id of the current user (once the plugin loads)
-let discord_id = 0;
-// update the user's status in the guild member list
-// call this when the user changes game (not just the game state)
-let updateUser = (id) => {};
-// to implement a new platform, create a subclass of Platform
-// and override constructor(), start(), serializeData(), deserializeData(), getPresence(), destroy() and getSettings()
-class Platform {
- // all platforms should call super() with their platformId
- constructor(platformId) {
- this.platformId = platformId; // used when storing the platform settings
- }
- // should be called in constructor if the platform is enabled
- start() {}
- // loads the plugin settings and calls deserializeData(). Should be called in constructor before start()
- loadData() {
- const data = BdApi.loadData(pluginName, this.platformId);
- this.deserializeData(data || {});
- this.saveData();
- }
- // save the data from serializeData() on disk
- saveData() {
- BdApi.saveData(pluginName, this.platformId, this.serializeData());
- }
- // returns a JSON serializable object containing the data to be saved on disk
- serializeData() {};
- // takes the JSON stored on disk and deserializes it to be used by the platform
- deserializeData(data) {};
- // helper method that can be used for simple platforms
- // platforms should implement getPresence with only one argument, discord_id
- getPresence(discord_id, discordToPlatformId, presenceCache) {
- if(!discord_id || !presenceCache || !discordToPlatformId || !discordToPlatformId[discord_id]) return;
- const presences = [];
- for (const platform_id of discordToPlatformId[discord_id]) {
- if(presenceCache[platform_id])
- presences.push(presenceCache[platform_id]);
- }
- if(presences.length) return presences;
- }
- // helper method to call updateUser() on a user using their user id
- // because typically the processPresence() functions only have the platform id, not discord id
- updateUser(platformId, discordToPlatformId) {
- const discordIds = [];
- for(const [discordId, platformIds] of Object.entries(discordToPlatformId)) {
- let matches;
- if(Array.isArray(platformIds)) matches = platformIds.includes(platformId);
- else matches = platformIds === platformId;
- if(matches) discordIds.push(discordId);
- }
- for(const discordId of discordIds)
- updateUser(discordId);
- }
- // called when the plugin is stopped or the platform is disabled
- // pluginShutdown is true if the whole plugin is being disabled
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {};
- // helper function to restart the platform, for example to re-authenticate.
- restart() {
- this.destroy(false);
- this.enabled = true;
- this.saveData();
- this.start();
- }
- // should return an HTML element containing the settings panel
- // takes as argument an object containing a map of discord IDs to and from usernames
- getSettings() {
- const div = document.createElement("div");
- div.innerText = "No settings panel for " + this.platformId;
- return div;
- }
- log(s) {
- if(!this.debug) return;
- if(typeof s === "object") console.log(`[${this.platformId.toUpperCase()}]`, s);
- else console.log(`[${this.platformId.toUpperCase()}] ${s}`);
- }
-const removeFromList = (list, value) => {
- const index = list.indexOf(value);
- if(index !== -1) list.splice(index, 1);
-const timeouts = [];
-const intervals = [];
-const setTimeout = (fn, delay) => {
- const id = window.setTimeout(() => {
- removeFromList(timeouts, id);
- try {fn()}
- catch(e) {err(e)}
- }, delay);
- timeouts.push(id);
- return id;
-const setInterval = (fn, delay) => {
- const id = window.setInterval(() => {
- try {fn()}
- catch(e) {err(e)}
- }, delay);
- intervals.push(id);
- return id;
-// custom websocket client adding support for HTTP headers and cookies
-class SimpleSocket extends EventTarget {
- constructor(url, options={}) {
- super();
- this.on = this.addEventListener;
- this.emit = (e, d) => this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(e, d));
- this.url = new URL(url);
- if(this.url.protocol !== "wss:") return console.error("Only wss WebSockets are supported!");
- this.key = options.key || crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64');
- this.status = SimpleSocket.states.CONNECTING;
- const reqOptions = {
- hostname: this.url.hostname,
- host:,
- port: this.url.port || 443,
- path: this.url.pathname +,
- rejectUnauthorized: false,
- headers: {
- "Connection": "Upgrade",
- "Upgrade": "websocket",
- "Sec-WebSocket-Key": this.key,
- "Sec-WebSocket-Version": options.version || 13,
- ...options.headers
- },
- ...options.requestOptions
- }
- if(options.protocol) reqOptions.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = options.protocol;
- if(options.extensions) reqOptions.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = options.extensions;
- this.req = https.request(reqOptions);
- this.req.on('upgrade', (res, socket, head) => {
- try { // check accept header
- const expected = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(this.key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11").digest('base64');
- if(res.headers["sec-websocket-accept"] !== expected) return console.error("Something fishy is going on... sec-websocket-accept expected vs recieved:", expected, res.headers["sec-websocket-accept"]);
- this.socket = socket;
- socket.on('data', data => this.receive(data));
- socket.on('close', () => this.closed());
- socket.on('error', console.error);
- this.status = SimpleSocket.states.READY;
- if(this.onconnect) this.onconnect(socket, res);
- if(head && head.length) this.receive(head);
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- });
- this.req.on("error", console.error);
- this.req.end();
- }
- send(data, opcode) {
- try {
- if(!this.socket) return;
- if(this.status !== SimpleSocket.states.READY) return console.error("Tried to send data on a closed WebSocket!");
- let header;
- if(Buffer.isBuffer(data)) header = 0x82;
- else {
- header = 0x81;
- data = Buffer.from(new TextEncoder().encode(data.toString()));
- }
- if(opcode) header = 0x80 + opcode;
- let lengthByte = 0x80; // mask set to 1
- let extendedLength;
- if(data.length > 65535) {
- lengthByte += 127;
- (extendedLength = Buffer.alloc(8)).writeBigUInt64BE(BigInt(data.length));
- } else if(data.length > 125) {
- lengthByte += 126;
- (extendedLength = Buffer.alloc(2)).writeUInt16BE(data.length);
- } else {
- lengthByte += data.length;
- extendedLength = Buffer.alloc(0);
- }
- const maskKey = crypto.randomBytes(4);
- const maskedData = this.maskData(data, maskKey);
- const buf = Buffer.concat([
- Buffer.from([header, lengthByte]),
- extendedLength, maskKey, maskedData
- ]);
- this.socket.write(buf);
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- receive(buf) {
- try {
- if(!this.onmessage) return;
- const fin = buf[0] >> 7; // bit 0 is FIN
- const opcode = buf[0] & 0x0F; // bits 4-7 is opcode
- const mask = buf[1] >> 7; // bit 8 is mask
- if(opcode === SimpleSocket.opcode.PING) {
- return this.pong();
- }
- let length = buf[1] & 0x7F;
- let lengthEnd = 2;
- if(length === 126) {
- length = buf.readUInt16BE(2);
- lengthEnd = 4;
- } else if(length === 127) {
- length = buf.readBigUInt64BE(2);
- lengthEnd = 10;
- }
- let data;
- if(mask) {
- const key = buf.readUInt32BE(lengthEnd);
- lengthEnd += 4;
- const masked = buf.subarray(lengthEnd, lengthEnd + length);
- data = this.maskData(masked, key);
- } else {
- data = buf.subarray(lengthEnd, lengthEnd + length);
- }
- if(opcode === SimpleSocket.opcode.CLOSE) {
- return this.closed(data);
- } else if(this.status !== SimpleSocket.states.READY) {
- return console.error("Data received on closed WebSocket!");
- }
- if(opcode === SimpleSocket.opcode.TEXT) data = data.toString('utf8');
- this.onmessage(data, buf);
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- close(statusCode, reason) {
- if(!this.socket) return;
- let data = [];
- if(statusCode) {
- data = new Buffer(2);
- data.writeUInt16BE(statusCode);
- if(reason) data = Buffer.concat([data, new TextEncoder().encode(reason.toString())]);
- }
- this.send(data, SimpleSocket.opcode.CLOSE);
- this.status = SimpleSocket.states.CLOSING;
- this.socket.end();
- }
- closed(data) {
- try {
- if(this.status === SimpleSocket.states.CLOSED) return;
- this.status = SimpleSocket.states.CLOSED;
- this.socket.destroy();
- if(!this.onclose) return;
- if(data) {
- const statusCode = data.readUInt16BE();
- const reason = data.toString('utf-8', 2);
- this.onclose(statusCode, reason);
- } else this.onclose();
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- maskData(data, key) {
- const masked = [];
- for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
- masked.push(data[i] ^ key[i % 4]);
- return Buffer.from(masked);
- }
- ping() {
- this.send([], SimpleSocket.opcode.PING);
- }
- pong() {
- this.send([], SimpleSocket.opcode.PONG);
- }
- static opcode = {
- CONT: 0,
- TEXT: 1, BIN: 2,
- CLOSE: 8,
- PING: 9, PONG: 10
- }
- static states = {
- READY: 1,
- }
-// SimpleSocket todo:
-// list of websockets to destroy
-// support continuation frames
-// support close codes
-// support http status codes other than 101
-const Priorities = {
- PLAYING: 7, // user has game open & actively playing
- IN_LOBBY: 6, // user has game open and is about to launch (in lobby)
- DISCORD_RICH_PRESENCE: 5, // discord presence, with rich presence
- IN_LOBBY_AFK: 4, // user has game open but is afk
- NONPRIMARY_PLAYING: 3, // user has their game open, but this is not the primary presence (e.g. Steam)
- DISCORD_NORMAL: 2, // discord presence, without rich presence
- SECONDARY: 1 // secondary activity (e.g. Spotify/Twitch)
-// helper functions for building the settings panel
-const SettingsBuilder = {
- enabledSwitch: (platform) => {
- const onChange = (value) => {
- const wasEnabled = platform.enabled;
- platform.enabled = value;
- if(!wasEnabled && value) platform.start();
- if(wasEnabled && !value) platform.destroy();
- platform.saveData();
- }
- return new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Switch("Enabled", "Whether this platform is enabled", platform.enabled, onChange);
- },
- toggleEnabledSwitch: (enabledSwitch) => {
- enabledSwitch.getElement().children[0].children[0].children[1].children[0].children[1].click();
- },
- debugSwitch: (platform) => {
- const onChange = (value) => {
- platform.debug = value;
- if(value) platform.log("Debug enabled!");
- }
- return new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Switch("Debug", "Whether to print debug info to the console", platform.debug, onChange);
- },
- getTextboxInput: (textbox) => {
- return textbox.children[0].children[1].children[0];
- },
- textboxWithButton: (name, note, value, onChange, textboxOptions, buttonText, onClick, timeout=50) => {
- if(!name) name = ""; // if name is null, button formatting doesn't work for some reason
- const textbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox(name, note, value, onChange, textboxOptions).getElement();
- setTimeout(() => {
- const button = document.createElement("button");
- button.innerText = buttonText;
- button.onclick = onClick;
- button.classList.add("bd-button");
- = "16px";
- = "10px";
- = "nowrap";
- const div = textbox.children[0].children[1];
- = "row";
- div.append(button);
- }, timeout);
- return textbox;
- },
- settingsPanel: (platform, ...nodes) => {
- const panel = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.SettingPanel(() => platform.saveData(), ...nodes);
- return panel.getElement();
- },
- createDatalist: (id, values) => {
- const datalist = document.createElement("datalist");
- = id;
- for(const value of values) {
- const option = document.createElement("option");
- option.value = value;
- datalist.append(option);
- }
- return datalist;
- },
- userMapInterface: (platform, platformDatalist, discordDatalist, platformUserList, discordUserList, usersMap, description, platformHeaderValue, platformIdRegex=/./, discordIdRegex=/^\d{15,}$/) => {
- /** userList format: {
- * idToName: {
- * 1234: "gary"
- * },
- * nameToId: {
- * "gary": 1234
- * }
- * }
- */
- // get a few class names from discord (can't find them in ZLibrary)
- if(!SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames) SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps("input", "inputMini", "inputWrapper");
- if(!SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames) SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps('labelBold', 'labelDescriptor', 'labelSelected');
- const userMapDiv = document.createElement("div");
- userMapDiv.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.container);
- if(platformDatalist) userMapDiv.append(platformDatalist);
- if(description) {
- const descriptionDiv = document.createElement("div");
- descriptionDiv.className = (SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames.description);
- descriptionDiv.innerHTML = description;
- = "6px";
- userMapDiv.append(descriptionDiv);
- }
- const table = document.createElement("table");
- = "100%";
- userMapDiv.append(table);
- // top row with + button and labels
- const topRow = document.createElement("tr");
- = platform.platformId + "-row-top";
- const addRowButton = document.createElement("button");
- addRowButton.innerText = "+";
- addRowButton.className = "bd-button";
- const addRowButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
- addRowButtonColumn.append(addRowButton);
- topRow.append(addRowButtonColumn);
- const platformColumnTitle = document.createElement("th");
- platformColumnTitle.innerText = platformHeaderValue || "Platform user";
- = "var(--header-primary)";
- topRow.append(platformColumnTitle);
- const discordColumnTitle = document.createElement("th");
- discordColumnTitle.innerText = "Discord user";
- = "var(--header-primary)";
- topRow.append(discordColumnTitle);
- table.append(topRow);
- // handle saving data to json
- let saveTimeout;
- const saveData = () => {
- clearTimeout(saveTimeout);
- // delete all entries in old usersMap
- for(const user of Object.keys(usersMap)) delete usersMap[user];
- for(const row of table.children) {
- if( === platform.platformId + "-row-top") continue;
- const [, platformColumn, discordColumn] = row.children;
- const platformInput = platformColumn.children[0];
- const discordInput = discordColumn.children[0];
- let platformValue = platformInput.value;
- let discordValue = discordInput.value;
- if(platformUserList && platformUserList.nameToId[platformValue]) {
- platformValue = platformUserList.nameToId[platformValue];
- } else if(platformIdRegex && !platformIdRegex.test(platformValue)) {
- = "red";
- continue;
- }
- = null;
- if(discordUserList && discordUserList.nameToId[discordValue]) {
- discordValue = discordUserList.nameToId[discordValue];
- } else if(discordIdRegex && !discordIdRegex.test(discordValue)) {
- = "red";
- continue;
- }
- = null;
- if(!platformValue || !discordValue) continue;
- if(Array.isArray(usersMap[discordValue])) {
- usersMap[discordValue].push(platformValue);
- } else {
- usersMap[discordValue] = [platformValue];
- }
- }
- saveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- platform.saveData();
- }, 500);
- }
- let id = 0;
- const addRow = (platformValue, discordValue, insertAtEnd=false) => {
- const row = document.createElement("tr");
- = "100%";
- = platform.platformId + "-row-" + id.toString();
- // X button
- const removeButton = document.createElement("button");
- removeButton.className = "bd-button";
- removeButton.innerText = "X";
- removeButton.onclick = () => removeRow(;
- const removeButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
- removeButtonColumn.append(removeButton);
- row.append(removeButtonColumn);
- // platform dropdown
- const platformInput = document.createElement("input");
- platformInput.className = SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames.input;
- = "100%";
- platformInput.oninput = saveData;
- if(platformValue) platformInput.value = platformValue;
- if(platformDatalist) platformInput.setAttribute("list",;
- const platformInputColumn = document.createElement("th");
- = "50%";
- platformInputColumn.append(platformInput);
- row.append(platformInputColumn);
- // discord dropdown
- const discordInput = document.createElement("input");
- discordInput.className = SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames.input;
- = "100%";
- discordInput.oninput = saveData;
- if(discordValue) discordInput.value = discordValue;
- if(discordDatalist) discordInput.setAttribute("list",;
- const discordInputColumn = document.createElement("th");
- = "50%";
- discordInputColumn.append(discordInput);
- row.append(discordInputColumn);
- if(insertAtEnd) table.append(row);
- else table.insertBefore(row, table.children[1]);
- id++;
- }
- addRowButton.onclick = () => addRow();
- const removeRow = (id) => {
- table.removeChild(document.getElementById(id));
- if(table.children.length === 1) addRow();
- saveData();
- }
- const userCount = Object.values(usersMap).flat().length;
- if(userCount === 0) {
- addRow("", "");
- }
- else if(userCount === 1) {
- const [[discord_id, platform_ids]] = Object.entries(usersMap);
- addRow(platform_ids[0], discord_id);
- }
- else {
- for(const [discord_id, platform_ids] of Object.entries(usersMap)) {
- for(const platform_id of platform_ids) {
- addRow(platformUserList && platformUserList.idToName[platform_id] || platform_id,
- discordUserList && discordUserList.idToName[discord_id] || discord_id, true);
- }
- }
- }
- // add divider
- const divider = document.createElement("div");
- divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.divider);
- divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.dividerDefault);
- userMapDiv.append(divider);
- return userMapDiv;
- },
- list: (platform, theList, description, header, regex=/./) => {
- // get a few class names from discord (can't find them in ZLibrary)
- if(!SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames) SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps("input", "inputMini", "inputWrapper");
- if(!SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames) SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps('labelBold', 'labelDescriptor', 'labelSelected');
- const listDiv = document.createElement("div");
- listDiv.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.container);
- if(description) {
- const descriptionDiv = document.createElement("div");
- descriptionDiv.className = (SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames.description);
- descriptionDiv.innerHTML = description;
- = "6px";
- listDiv.append(descriptionDiv);
- }
- const table = document.createElement("table");
- = "100%";
- listDiv.append(table);
- // top row with + button and labels
- const topRow = document.createElement("tr");
- = platform.platformId + "-list-row-top";
- const addRowButton = document.createElement("button");
- addRowButton.innerText = "+";
- addRowButton.className = "bd-button";
- const addRowButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
- addRowButtonColumn.append(addRowButton);
- topRow.append(addRowButtonColumn);
- const inputColumnTitle = document.createElement("th");
- inputColumnTitle.innerText = header || "Value";
- = "var(--header-primary)";
- topRow.append(inputColumnTitle);
- table.append(topRow);
- // handle saving data to json
- let saveTimeout;
- const saveData = () => {
- clearTimeout(saveTimeout);
- // delete all entries in old list
- theList.length = 0;
- for(const row of table.children) {
- if( === platform.platformId + "-list-row-top") continue;
- const inputElement = row.children[1].children[0];
- const inputValue = inputElement.value;
- if(regex && !regex.test(inputValue)) {
- = "red";
- continue;
- }
- = null;
- if(!inputValue) continue;
- theList.push(inputValue);
- }
- saveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- platform.saveData();
- }, 500);
- }
- let id = 0;
- const addRow = (value, insertAtEnd=false) => {
- const row = document.createElement("tr");
- = "100%";
- = platform.platformId + "-list-row-" + id.toString();
- // X button
- const removeButton = document.createElement("button");
- removeButton.className = "bd-button";
- removeButton.innerText = "X";
- removeButton.onclick = () => removeRow(;
- const removeButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
- removeButtonColumn.append(removeButton);
- row.append(removeButtonColumn);
- // input
- const platformInput = document.createElement("input");
- platformInput.className = SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames.input;
- = "100%";
- platformInput.oninput = saveData;
- if(value) platformInput.value = value;
- const platformInputColumn = document.createElement("th");
- = "100%";
- platformInputColumn.append(platformInput);
- row.append(platformInputColumn);
- if(insertAtEnd) table.append(row);
- else table.insertBefore(row, table.children[1]);
- id++;
- }
- addRowButton.onclick = () => addRow();
- const removeRow = (id) => {
- table.removeChild(document.getElementById(id));
- if(table.children.length === 1) addRow();
- saveData();
- }
- if(theList.length <= 1) {
- addRow(theList[0]);
- } else {
- for(const item of theList) {
- addRow(item, true);
- }
- }
- // add divider
- const divider = document.createElement("div");
- divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.divider);
- divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.dividerDefault);
- listDiv.append(divider);
- return listDiv;
- }
- ** STEAM **
- *************/
-class Steam extends Platform {
- constructor() {
- super("steam");
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.loadData();
- if(this.enabled) {
- this.start();
- }
- }
- start() {
- if(this.apiKey) {
- this.updateCache();
- // we are allowed 100000 requests/day = 64/minute
- this.cacheUpdateinterval = setInterval(this.updateCache.bind(this), 10_000);
- }
- }
- serializeData() {
- return {
- enabled: this.enabled || false,
- apiKey: this.apiKey || "",
- usersMap: this.discordToSteamIDs || {},
- debug: this.debug || false
- }
- }
- deserializeData(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.apiKey = data.apiKey || "";
- this.discordToSteamIDs = data.usersMap || {};
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- async getPlayerSummaries(ids) {
- const url = `${this.apiKey}&steamids=${ids.join(',')}`;
- const req = await fetch(url);
- if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
- console.error(req);
- if(req.statusCode === 403) {
- console.error(req);
- if(this.apiKey) BdApi.alert("Your Steam API key is invalid! Steam has been disabled, reenable it in settings.");
- else BdApi.alert("You haven't provided a Steam API key!");
- this.destroy();
- return;
- }
- console.error("HTTP error " + req.statusCode + " when fetching steam data");
- return;
- }
- try {
- const json_data = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if (!json_data.response || !json_data.response.players) return;
- this.log(json_data);
- for (const playerSummary of json_data.response.players) {
- this.processPlayerSummary(playerSummary);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- console.error(req);
- err("Couldn't JSON Parse Steam response!");
- }
- }
- processPlayerSummary(summary) {
- // format:
- if(summary.gameextrainfo) {
- const statuses = ["Offline", "Playing", "Busy", "Away", "Snoozed", "Looking to trade", "Looking to play"];
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[summary.steamid];
- const playingSameGame = previousPresence && summary.gameextrainfo ===;
- const presence = {
- application_id: customRpcAppId,
- name: summary.gameextrainfo,
- details: `${statuses[summary.personastate]} on Steam`,
- type: 0,
- timestamps: {start: playingSameGame ? previousPresence.timestamps.start : +new Date()},
- assets: {
- large_image: "883490890377756682",
- large_text: "Playing as " + summary.personaname
- },
- username: summary.personaname,
- priority: Priorities.NONPRIMARY_PLAYING
- };
- this.presenceCache[summary.steamid] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- if(!playingSameGame) this.updateUser(summary.steamid, this.discordToSteamIDs);
- } else {
- this.deletePresence(summary.steamid);
- }
- }
- deletePresence(id) {
- if(this.presenceCache[id]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[id];
- this.updateUser(id, this.discordToSteamIDs);
- }
- }
- updateCache() {
- if(!this.enabled) return clearInterval(this.cacheUpdateinterval);
- try {
- const steam_ids = Object.values(this.discordToSteamIDs).flat();
- // can only request 100 steam profiles at a time
- for (let i = 0; i < steam_ids.length; i += 100) {
- this.getPlayerSummaries(steam_ids.slice(i, i + 100));
- }
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- getPresence(discord_id) {
- return super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToSteamIDs, this.presenceCache);
- }
- getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
- // enabled switch
- const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
- // api key textbox
- const textboxChange = (value) => {
- this.apiKey = value;
- if(this.enabled) {
- SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
- }
- }
- const apiKeyTextbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox("API Key", "Your Steam API key. Get one at", this.apiKey, textboxChange);
- setTimeout(() => {
- apiKeyTextbox.getElement().children[0].children[2].innerHTML = `Your Steam API key. Get one at`
- }, 50);
- const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, null, discordUsersDatalist, null, discordUserList, this.discordToSteamIDs,
- "To get IDs, use a site such as Steam ID Finder and copy the SteamID64 (Dec).", "Steam ID", /^\d+$/);
- const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
- return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, apiKeyTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
- }
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {
- this.enabled = false;
- for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
- clearInterval(this.cacheUpdateinterval);
- if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
- }
- *****************/
-class Minecraft extends Platform {
- constructor() {
- super("minecraft");
- this.mcUUIDToUsername = {};
- this.loadData();
- this.UUIDs = [ Set(Object.values(this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs).flat())] // remove duplicates
- this.log = this.log.bind(this);
- this.updateUser = uuid => super.updateUser(uuid, this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs);
- this.hypixel = new Hypixel(this.UUIDs, this.hypixelApiKey, this);
- this.private = new MCPrivate(this.UUIDs, this.servers, this);
- if(this.enabled) {
- this.start();
- }
- }
- start() {
- this.fetchUsernames().then(() => {
- this.hypixel.start();
- });
- this.private.start();
- }
- loadData() {
- const data = BdApi.loadData(pluginName, "minecraft");
- if(data) super.loadData();
- else {
- // fetch data from old version of CrossPlatformPlaying
- const data = BdApi.loadData(pluginName, "hypixel");
- if(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.hypixelApiKey = data.apiKey || "";
- this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs = data.usersMap || {};
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- this.saveData();
- this.loadData();
- }
- }
- serializeData() {
- return {
- enabled: this.enabled || false,
- hypixelApiKey: this.hypixelApiKey || "",
- usersMap: this.removeDashesFromUUIDs(this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs || {}),
- servers: this.servers || [],
- debug: this.debug || false
- }
- }
- deserializeData(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.hypixelApiKey = data.hypixelApiKey || "";
- this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs = data.usersMap || {};
- this.servers = data.servers || [];
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- removeDashesFromUUIDs(discordToMinecraftUUIDs) {
- for(const UUIDs of Object.values(discordToMinecraftUUIDs)) {
- for(const [index, UUID] of Object.entries(UUIDs)) {
- UUIDs[index] = UUID.replaceAll(/-/g, "");
- }
- }
- return discordToMinecraftUUIDs;
- }
- getPresence(discord_id) {
- const uuids = this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs[discord_id];
- if (!uuids) return;
- const presences = [];
- for (const uuid of uuids) {
- const hypixelPresence = this.hypixel.getPresence(uuid);
- if(hypixelPresence) presences.push(hypixelPresence);
- const privatePresences = this.private.getPresence(uuid);
- if(privatePresences) presences.push(...privatePresences);
- }
- if(presences.length) return presences;
- }
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {
- this.enabled = false;
- this.hypixel.destroy();
- this.private.destroy();
- if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
- }
- async fetchUsernames() {
- await Promise.all(;
- }
- async fetchUsername(UUID) {
- //
- const req = await fetch(`${UUID}`);
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- this.mcUUIDToUsername[UUID] =;
- }
- getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
- // enabled switch
- const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
- // api key textbox
- const textboxChange = (value) => {
- this.apiKey = value;
- if(this.enabled) {
- SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
- }
- }
- const apiKeyTextbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox("Hypixel API Key", "Your Hypixel API key. Use the /api command in-game to get it.", this.hypixelApiKey, textboxChange);
- // uuid regex from
- const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, null, discordUsersDatalist, null, discordUserList, this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs,
- "To get UUIDs, use NameMC.", "Minecraft UUID", /^([0-9a-f]{8})(?:-|)([0-9a-f]{4})(?:-|)(4[0-9a-f]{3})(?:-|)([89ab][0-9a-f]{3})(?:-|)([0-9a-f]{12})$/);
- // todo make them username instead of UUID
- // todo make it work when adding/removing users (changing hypixel timeout, etc.)
- const serverListDiv = SettingsBuilder.list(this, this.servers,
- "A list of Minecraft servers to regularly query. Only works for small private servers, and only when there are less than ~12 players online.", "Server URL");
- const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
- return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, apiKeyTextbox, userMapDiv, serverListDiv, debugSwitch);
- }
- ** HYPIXEL **
- ***************/
-class Hypixel {
- constructor(UUIDs, apiKey, mc) {
- this.UUIDs = UUIDs;
- this.apiKey = apiKey;
- this.log = mc.log;
- this.updateUser = mc.updateUser;
- this.timeouts = [];
- this.presenceCache = {};
- = {
- MAIN: {name: "Main Lobby", modes: []}
- };
- }
- start() {
- if(this.apiKey) {
- this.fetchGames().then(() => {
- this.updateCache();
- this.cacheInterval = setInterval(this.updateCache.bind(this), this.calculateRefreshInterval());
- });
- }
- }
- getPresence(uuid) {
- return this.presenceCache[uuid];
- }
- destroy() {
- for(const uuid in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(uuid);
- clearInterval(this.cacheInterval);
- for(const timeout of this.timeouts)
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- }
- async fetchGames() {
- const modes_req = await fetch("");
- const modes = JSON.parse(modes_req.body);
- const extract_modes = game => {
- if(!game.modes) return [];
- let modes = {};
- for(const mode of game.modes) {
- if(mode.modes) modes = {...modes, ...extract_modes(mode)}
- else modes[mode.key] =;
- }
- return modes;
- }
- for(const game of modes) {
-[game.key] = {
- name: game.check ||,
- modes: extract_modes(game)
- }
- }
- // slothpixel is slow to update when new games come out (e.g. seasonal minigames)
- const hypixel_req = await fetch("");
- const hypixel_modes = JSON.parse(hypixel_req.body);
- if(!hypixel_modes.success) return;
- for(const game_id of Object.keys( {
- const game =[game_id];
- const game_data =[game_id] || {name:, modes: {}};
- game_data.modes = {
- ...game_data.modes
- }
-[game_id] = game_data;
- }
- }
- calculateRefreshInterval() {
- // hypixel allows 2 requests per second
- // each player takes 1 request if offline, 2 if online
- // to be safe, I do max 1 request / 2 sec -> 1 player / 4 sec
- // aka if there are 3 players, we request all players every 12 seconds
- // return this.UUIDs.length * 4000;
- return this.UUIDs.length * 4000;
- }
- async getPlayerStatus(uuid) {
- const url = `${this.apiKey}&uuid=${uuid}`;
- const req = await fetch(url);
- if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
- console.error(req);
- if(req.statusCode === 403) {
- if(this.apiKey) BdApi.alert("Your Hypixel API key is invalid! The Hypixel plugin has been disabled, reenable it in settings.");
- else BdApi.alert("You haven't provided a Hypixel API key!");
- this.destroy();
- }
- else console.error("HTTP error " + req.statusCode + " when fetching hypixel player status data");
- return;
- }
- try {
- const json_data = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if(json_data.success && {
- this.log(json_data);
- this.getPlayerInfo(uuid, json_data.session);
- } else {
- this.deletePresence(uuid);
- if(!json_data.success) {
- console.error(json_data);
- err("Could not fetch player status for player with UUID " + uuid + "!");
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(req);
- console.error(e);
- err("Couldn't JSON Parse Hypixel status response!");
- }
- }
- async getPlayerInfo(uuid, session) {
- const url = `${this.apiKey}&uuid=${uuid}`;
- const req = await fetch(url);
- if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
- console.error("HTTP error " + req.statusCode + " when fetching hypixel player info", req);
- return;
- }
- try {
- const json_data = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if (json_data.success) {
- this.log(json_data);
- this.processPlayerData(uuid, json_data.player, session);
- } else {
- console.error(json_data);
- err("Could not fetch player info for player with UUID " + uuid + "!");
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- console.error(req);
- err("Couldn't JSON Parse Hypixel player response!");
- }
- }
- processPlayerData(uuid, player, session) {
- try {
- const format = s => {
- const capitalize = s => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
- return "(?) " + s.split(/[ _]/).map(capitalize).join(' ');
- }
- const game =[session.gameType] || {};
- const mode = session.mode === "LOBBY" ? "In the Lobby" :
- game.modes ? game.modes[session.mode] :
- format(session.mode);
- const presence = {
- application_id: customRpcAppId,
- name: "Hypixel",
- details: "Playing " + || format(session.gameType),
- state: mode,
- type: 0,
- timestamps: {start: player.lastLogin},
- assets: {
- large_image: "883490391964385352",
- large_text: "Playing as " + player.displayname,
- },
- username: player.displayname
- };
- if( {
- presence.assets.small_image = "883498326580920403";
- presence.assets.small_text =;
- }
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[uuid];
- if(!previousPresence) this.updateUser(uuid);
- this.presenceCache[uuid] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(e);
- console.error(player, session);
- err("Error while processing Hypixel data!");
- }
- }
- deletePresence(uuid) {
- if(this.presenceCache[uuid]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[uuid];
- this.updateUser(uuid);
- }
- }
- updateCache() {
- try {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.UUIDs.length; i++) {
- this.timeouts.push(setTimeout(() => {
- this.getPlayerStatus(this.UUIDs[i]);
- this.timeouts.shift();
- }, 4000 * i));
- }
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- ** MC PRIVATE **
- ******************/
-class MCPrivate {
- constructor(UUIDs, servers, mc) {
- this.UUIDs = UUIDs;
- this.servers = servers;
- this.log = mc.log;
- this.updateUser = mc.updateUser;
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.pingTimeouts = [];
- this.bufferedMessages = {};
- }
- start() {
- this.pingServers();
- this.interval = setInterval(this.pingServers.bind(this), 30_000);
- }
- pingServers() {
- for(const url of this.servers) {
- this.pingServer(url);
- }
- }
- parseServerAddress(url) {
- const colonIndex = url.indexOf(':');
- if(colonIndex === -1) return [url, 25565];
- return[url.substring(0, colonIndex), parseInt(url.substring(colonIndex + 1))];
- }
- pingServer(url) {
- const [address, port] = this.parseServerAddress(url);
- const socket = net.createConnection(port, address);
- socket.on("data", (data) => {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- removeFromList(this.pingTimeouts, timeout);
- const roundTrip = - sentAt;
- this.log(`Ping to ${url} took ${roundTrip}ms`);
- this.parseData(data, url);
- socket.end();
- });
- // handshake
- const handshake = [];
- handshake.push(this.varInt(47)) // protocol version (1.8)
- handshake.push(this.utfString(address));
- handshake.push(this.shortInt(port));
- handshake.push(this.varInt(1)); // status query (as opposed to login)
- this.sendPayload(socket, 0, Buffer.concat(handshake));
- // request
- this.sendPayload(socket, 0, Buffer.from([]));
- // in case of no response
- const sentAt =;
- let timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- removeFromList(this.pingTimeouts, timeout);
- this.log(`Server ${url} didn't respond within 5 seconds! Assuming the server is down`);
- this.clearServerPresences(url);
- }, 5000);
- this.pingTimeouts.push(timeout);
- }
- varInt(int) {
- //
- const bytes = [];
- while (true) {
- if ((int & ~0x7F) === 0) {
- bytes.push(int);
- return Buffer.from(bytes);
- }
- bytes.push((int & 0x7F) | 0x80);
- int >>>= 7;
- }
- }
- utfString(str) {
- return Buffer.concat([this.varInt(str.length), Buffer.from(str, 'utf-8')]);
- }
- shortInt(int) {
- const buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
- buf.writeUInt16BE(int);
- return buf;
- }
- sendPayload(socket, packetId, payload) {
- packetId = this.varInt(packetId);
- const packetLength = this.varInt(packetId.length + payload.length);
- const packet = Buffer.concat([packetLength, packetId, payload]);
- socket.write(packet);
- }
- readVarInt (buf, start=0) {
- //
- let value = 0;
- let i = start;
- let currentByte;
- do {
- currentByte = buf[i];
- value |= ((currentByte & 0x7F) << (7 * (i - start)));
- i++;
- } while ((currentByte & 0x80) !== 0);
- return [value, i];
- }
- parseData(buf, url) {
- try {
- if(this.bufferedMessages[url]) {
- buf = Buffer.concat([this.bufferedMessages[url], buf]);
- delete this.bufferedMessages[url];
- }
- const [packetLength, i] = this.readVarInt(buf);
- if(buf.length < packetLength) {
- this.log(`Received chunk of data from ${url}, waiting for the rest...`);
- this.bufferedMessages[url] = buf;
- return;
- }
- const [packetID, j] = this.readVarInt(buf, i);
- const [JSONLength, k] = this.readVarInt(buf, j);
- const unparsed = buf.slice(k, k + JSONLength).toString();
- const data = JSON.parse(unparsed);
- this.log(data);
- this.processData(data, url);
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(buf);
- console.error(e);
- err("Failed to parse server data for " + url);
- }
- }
- processData(data, url) {
- const players = data.players.sample || [];
- for(const player of players) {
- const uuid ='-', "");
- let previousPresence;
- if(this.presenceCache[uuid] === undefined) this.presenceCache[uuid] = {};
- else previousPresence = this.presenceCache[uuid][url];
- const presence = {
- application_id: customRpcAppId,
- name: "Minecraft",
- details: "Playing on " + url,
- state: "In Game",
- party: {
- id: url,
- size: [, data.players.max]
- },
- type: 0,
- timestamps: {
- start: previousPresence ? previousPresence.timestamps.start :
- },
- assets: {
- large_image: `url:${uuid}?overlay=true`,
- large_text:,
- small_image: data.favicon ? "url:" + data.favicon : null,
- small_text: (data.description.text || data.description.toString() || "").replaceAll(/( {2})|\n/g, ' ').replaceAll(/ยง./g, '')
- },
- username:
- };
- if(previousPresence) presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- else this.updateUser(uuid);
- this.presenceCache[uuid][url] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- }
- // clear players not on server anymore
- const UUIDs = =>'-', ""));
- for(const uuid in this.presenceCache) {
- if(!UUIDs.includes(uuid)) {
- this.deletePresence(uuid);
- }
- }
- }
- deletePresence(uuid) {
- if(this.presenceCache[uuid]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[uuid];
- this.updateUser(uuid);
- }
- }
- clearServerPresences(url) {
- for(const presences of Object.values(this.presenceCache))
- delete presences[url];
- }
- getPresence(uuid) {
- if(this.presenceCache[uuid]) return Object.values(this.presenceCache[uuid]);
- }
- destroy() {
- clearInterval(this.interval);
- for(const uuid in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(uuid);
- }
- ** TWITCH **
- **************/
-class Twitch extends Platform {
- constructor() {
- super("twitch");
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.usersList = {
- idToName: {},
- nameToId: {}
- }
- this.loadData();
- if(this.enabled) {
- this.start();
- }
- }
- start() {
- if(this.oauthKey) {
- this.getOnlineFriends();
- this.interval = setInterval(this.getOnlineFriends.bind(this), 60_000);
- }
- }
- serializeData() {
- return {
- enabled: this.enabled || false,
- oauthKey: this.oauthKey || "",
- usersMap: this.discordToTwitchID || {},
- debug: this.debug || false
- }
- }
- deserializeData(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.oauthKey = data.oauthKey || "";
- this.discordToTwitchID = data.usersMap || {};
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {
- this.enabled = false;
- for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
- clearInterval(this.interval);
- if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
- }
- async getOnlineFriends() {
- if(!this.enabled || !this.oauthKey) return this.destroy();
- const data = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- "Client-Id": "kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko",
- "Authorization": `OAuth ${this.oauthKey}`
- },
- body: JSON.stringify([{operationName: "OnlineFriends", variables: {}, extensions: {persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "4fecfced6ce413ffa2eee3c6ce09cddd8fb251763c594c26fba5108cf2b92e69"}}}])
- });
- try {
- if(data.body.length <= 2) return;
- const json_data = JSON.parse(data.body);
- if (json_data.status === 401) {
- this.destroy();
- console.error(json_data);
- return err("Error 401 when fetching twitch friends!");
- }
- if(json_data.status === 502) {
- console.error(json_data);
- return console.error("Error 502 when fetching twitch friends!");
- }
- if(json_data[0].errors) {
- console.error(json_data);
- if(["service timeout", "service error", "service unavailable"].includes(json_data[0].errors[0].message)) return;
- console.error(data);
- return err("Twitch friends request returned error!");
- }
- if(!json_data[0].data.currentUser) {
- this.destroy();
- console.error(json_data);
- return err("Twitch friends request returned no currentUser! Is your account active?");
- }
- this.log(json_data);
- const streamerList = this.extractStreamerList(json_data[0].data.currentUser.friends.edges);
- const streamsMetadata = await this.fetchStreamsMetadata(streamerList);
- if(!streamerList || !streamsMetadata) return;
- this.usersList = {
- idToName: {},
- nameToId: {}
- }
- for (const friend of json_data[0].data.currentUser.friends.edges) {
- this.processFriend(friend.node, streamsMetadata);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- console.error(data);
- err("Couldn't JSON Parse Twitch response!", data);
- }
- }
- extractStreamerList(friend_edges) {
- const streamerLogins = [];
- for(const edge of friend_edges) {
- if(edge.node.activity &&
- edge.node.activity.type === "WATCHING" &&
- &&
- edge.node.activity.user.login &&
- !streamerLogins.includes(edge.node.activity.user.login))
- streamerLogins.push(edge.node.activity.user.login)
- }
- return streamerLogins;
- }
- async fetchStreamsMetadata(streamerLogins) {
- const requestBody = [];
- for(const streamerLogin of streamerLogins) {
- requestBody.push({
- "operationName": "StreamMetadata",
- "variables": {"channelLogin": streamerLogin},
- "extensions": {
- "persistedQuery": {
- "version": 1,
- "sha256Hash": "059c4653b788f5bdb2f5a2d2a24b0ddc3831a15079001a3d927556a96fb0517f"
- }
- }
- });
- }
- const data = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- "Client-Id": "kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko",
- "Authorization": "OAuth " + this.oauthKey
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestBody)
- });
- const body = JSON.parse(data.body);
- try {
- const streamsMetadata = {};
- for(let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
- const stream = body[i].data.user;
- streamsMetadata[streamerLogins[i]] = {
- title: stream.lastBroadcast.title,
- viewers:,
- start: +new Date(,
- profilePicture: stream.profileImageURL//.replace("70x70", "300x300") // 600x600 also works
- }
- }
- return streamsMetadata;
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(e);
- console.error(data);
- console.error(body);
- err("Error while trying to fetch twitch metadata!");
- }
- }
- processFriend(friend, streamsMetadata) {
- try { // add friend to usersList
- this.usersList.idToName[] = friend.login;
- this.usersList.nameToId[friend.login] =;
- if(friend.activity) {
- let previousPresence = this.presenceCache[];
- if(previousPresence) previousPresence = previousPresence();
- if(friend.activity.type === "WATCHING") {
- if(! || ! // they are watching someone that is no longer streaming (their presence hasn't updated yet)
- return delete this.presenceCache[];
- const isWatchingSamePerson = previousPresence && previousPresence.details.substr(9) === friend.activity.user.displayName;
- const away = friend.availability === "AWAY";
- const metadata = streamsMetadata[friend.activity.user.login];
- // the way type 3 (watching) presences are rendered is weird
- // the large_text is shown both when hovering the image but also underneath the details (this is because that's how spotify Listening activities are rendered)
- // in the "Active Now" tab in the friends list it only says "watching a stream" instead of rendering the whole activity like type 0 (playing) does
- // the only reason type 3 exists in the first place is for YouTube Together as far as I can tell, so not much thought has been put into it
- // also timestamps (01:23:45 elapsed) aren't rendered, so the presences are stored as functions
- // when the presence is requested, the function is called and parses the current time into the large_text
- this.presenceCache[] = () => {
- return {
- application_id: away ? customRpcAppId : null,
- name: "Twitch",
- details: `Watching ${friend.activity.user.displayName}`,
- state: metadata.title,
- type: 3,
- party: {id: friend.activity.user.login},
- timestamps: {start: isWatchingSamePerson ? previousPresence.timestamps.start : +new Date()},
- assets: {
- large_image: away ? "899072297216913449" : "twitch:" + friend.activity.user.login,
- large_text: `${} | ๐ค ${metadata.viewers} | ๐ ${this.parseStartTime(metadata.start)}`,
- small_image: "url:" + metadata.profilePicture,
- small_text: friend.activity.user.displayName
- },
- username: friend.displayName,
- priority: Priorities.SECONDARY
- }
- }
- } else if(friend.activity.type === "STREAMING") this.presenceCache[] = () => {
- return {
- name: "Twitch",
- state:,
- type: 1,
- assets: {
- large_image: "twitch:" + friend.login,
- large_text: "As " + friend.displayName
- },
- url: "" + friend.login,
- id: "",
- username: friend.displayName,
- priority: Priorities.NONPRIMARY_PLAYING // should this be above the actual game presence?
- }
- }
- this.log(this.presenceCache[]());
- if(!previousPresence) this.updateUser(, this.discordToTwitchID);
- } else {
- this.deletePresence(;
- }
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(friend, streamsMetadata);
- console.error(e);
- err("Error while processing Twitch friend data! " + e);
- }
- }
- deletePresence(id) {
- if(this.presenceCache[id]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[id];
- this.updateUser(id, this.discordToTwitchID);
- }
- }
- parseStartTime(start) {
- let streamingFor = - start;
- streamingFor -= streamingFor % 5000; // to mitigate discord's weird polling/rendering frequency
- const sec = Math.floor(streamingFor / 1000 % 60),
- min = Math.floor(streamingFor / 1000 / 60 % 60),
- hour = Math.floor(streamingFor / 1000 / 60 / 60);
- const p = n => n.toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 5:3 -> 05:03
- if(hour) return `${hour}:${p(min)}:${p(sec)}`;
- return `${p(min)}:${p(sec)}`;
- }
- getPresence(discord_id) {
- const presenceFunctions = super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToTwitchID, this.presenceCache);
- if(presenceFunctions && presenceFunctions.length) return => presenceFunction());
- }
- getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
- // enabled switch
- const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
- // api key textbox
- const textboxChange = (value) => {
- this.oauthKey = value;
- if(this.enabled) {
- SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
- }
- }
- const apiKeyTextbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox("OAuth Key", "How to get your Twitch OAuth key", this.oauthKey, textboxChange);
- setTimeout(() => {
- apiKeyTextbox.getElement().children[0].children[2].innerHTML = `How to get your Twitch OAuth key`
- }, 50);
- const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("twitch", Object.keys(this.usersList.nameToId));
- const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, this.usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToTwitchID, null, "Twitch username", /^\d+$/);
- const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
- return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, apiKeyTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
- }
- ** RIOT **
- ************/
-class Riot extends Platform {
- constructor() {
- super("riot");
- this.riotPUUIDToUsername = {};
- this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName = {};
- const log = this.log.bind(this);
- const updateUser = puuid => super.updateUser(puuid, this.discordToRiotPUUIDs);
- this.valorant = new Valorant(this.riotPUUIDToUsername, log, updateUser);
- = new Lol(this.riotPUUIDToUsername, this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser);
- this.wildRift = new WildRift(this.riotPUUIDToUsername, this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser);
- this.loadData();
- if (this.enabled) {
- this.start();
- }
- }
- start() {
- if(this.cookies) {
- this.valorant.fetchRpcAssets()
- this.startXMPPConnection();
- }
- }
- serializeData() {
- return {
- enabled: this.enabled || false,
- cookies: this.cookies || "",
- usersMap: this.discordToRiotPUUIDs || {},
- debug: this.debug || false
- }
- }
- deserializeData(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.cookies = data.cookies || "";
- this.discordToRiotPUUIDs = data.usersMap || {};
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- getPresence(discord_id) {
- const puuids = this.discordToRiotPUUIDs[discord_id];
- if (!puuids) return;
- const presences = [];
- for (const puuid of puuids) {
- const valPresence = this.valorant.getPresence(puuid);
- if(valPresence) presences.push(valPresence);
- const lolPresence =;
- if(lolPresence) presences.push(lolPresence);
- const wrPresence = this.wildRift.getPresence(puuid);
- if(wrPresence) presences.push(wrPresence);
- }
- if(presences.length) return presences;
- }
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {
- this.enabled = false;
- clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
- clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
- if(this.socket) {
- this.socket.write("");
- this.socket.destroy();
- }
- this.valorant.deleteAllPresences();
- this.wildRift.deleteAllPresences();
- if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
- }
- async refreshToken(cookies) {
- const res = await fetch("" +
- "" +
- "client_id=play-valorant-web-prod&" +
- "response_type=token%20id_token&" +
- "scope=account%20ban%20link%20lol%20offline_access%20openid&" +
- "nonce=123", {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- // "cloudflare bitches at us without a user-agent" - molenzwiebel
- "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36",
- "cookie": cookies
- },
- });
- this.updateCookies(res.headers['set-cookie']);
- const uri = res.headers.location;
- return uri.split(/[=&]/, 2)[1];
- }
- updateCookies(newCookies) {
- const cookies = {};
- // parse old cookies
- for(const cookie of this.cookies.split("; ")) {
- const split = cookie.split('=');
- cookies[split.shift()] = split.join("=");
- }
- // replace with new cookies
- for(const cookie of newCookies) {
- const sep = cookie.indexOf("=");
- cookies[cookie.slice(0, sep)] = cookie.slice(sep + 1, cookie.indexOf(';'));
- }
- const cookieList = [];
- for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(cookies)) {
- cookieList.push(key + "=" + value);
- }
- this.cookies = cookieList.join("; ");
- this.saveData();
- }
- getCookiesFromLauncher() {
- // I doubt this works on Mac
- const filepath = process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + "/Riot Games/Riot Client/Data/RiotGamesPrivateSettings.yaml";
- let fileContents;
- try {
- fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString();
- } catch(e) {
- return [false, e];
- }
- const parsedContents = this.parseYaml(fileContents);
- if(parsedContents) {
- const cookies = [];
- for(const cookie of parsedContents["riot-login"].persist.session.cookies) {
- cookies.push( + '=' + cookie.value);
- }
- return [true, cookies.join("; ")];
- }
- return [false, "Could not parse file! Is it corrupt?"];
- }
- parseYaml(yaml) {
- const result = {};
- const path = [];
- let depth = 0;
- let currentObject = result;
- let currentObjectName = "";
- for(const line of yaml.split('\n')) {
- if(!line) continue;
- const array_matches = line.match(/^( {4})*(- {3})(.+):( (.+))?/);
- if(array_matches) {
- let array = path[path.length - 1];
- currentObject = {};
- if(Array.isArray(array)) {
- array.push(currentObject);
- } else {
- array = [currentObject];
- path[path.length - 1][currentObjectName] = array;
- path.push(array);
- }
- currentObject[array_matches[3]] = JSON.parse(array_matches[5]);
- continue;
- }
- const matches = line.match(/^(( {4})*)(.+):( (.+))?/);
- if(matches) {
- while((matches[1] && matches[1].length || 0) / 4 < depth) {
- currentObject = path.pop();
- depth--;
- }
- if(matches[4]) {
- currentObject[matches[3]] = JSON.parse(matches[5]);
- } else {
- let newObject = {};
- currentObjectName = matches[3];
- currentObject[currentObjectName] = newObject;
- path.push(currentObject);
- currentObject = newObject;
- depth++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- console.error("no matches for line: " + line);
- return false;
- }
- return result;
- }
- async getPAS(token) {
- const res3 = await fetch("", {
- method: "GET",
- headers: {
- "Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
- },
- });
- return res3.body
- }
- decodeToken(token) {
- return JSON.parse(atob(token.split('.')[1]));
- }
- // xmpp stuff
- establishXMPPConnection(RSO, PAS) {
- try {
- this.presenceCache = {};
- const region = this.decodeToken(PAS).affinity;
- const address = this.XMPPRegionURLs[region];
- const port = 5223;
- const XMPPRegion = this.XMPPRegions[region];
- const messages = [
- ``, "",
- `${RSO}${PAS}`,
- ``, "",
- "",
- "",
- "", // get friends list
- ""
- ]
- const sock = tls.connect(port, address, {}, () => {
- try {
- this.log("Connected!");
- clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
- this.reconnectInterval = null;
- sendNext();
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- });
- this.socket = sock;
- const send = data => {
- try {
- if(sock.readyState === "open") sock.write(data, "utf8", () => {
- if(data !== " ") this.log("-> " + data)
- });
- clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
- this.heartbeat = setTimeout(() => send(" "), 150_000);
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- const sendNext = () => send(messages.shift());
- let bufferedMessage = "";
- sock.on("data", data => {
- try {
- data = data.toString();
- this.log("<- " + data);
- if(messages.length > 0) sendNext();
- // handle riot splitting messages into multiple parts
- if(data.startsWith("')).split(' ', 1)[0];
- // check for self closing tag eg
- if(<[^<>]+\/>/) === 0) data = data.replace("/>", `>${firstTagName}>`);
- let closingTagIndex = data.indexOf(`${firstTagName}>`);
- if(closingTagIndex === -1) {
- // message is split, we need to wait for the end
- bufferedMessage = data;
- break;
- }
- // check for tag inside itself eg
- // this happens when you send a message to someone
- let containedTags = 0;
- let nextTagIndex = data.indexOf(`<${firstTagName}`, 1);
- while(nextTagIndex !== -1 && nextTagIndex < closingTagIndex) {
- containedTags++;
- nextTagIndex = data.indexOf(`<${firstTagName}`, nextTagIndex + 1);
- }
- while(containedTags > 0) {
- closingTagIndex = data.indexOf(`${firstTagName}>`, closingTagIndex + 1);
- containedTags--;
- }
- const firstTagEnd = closingTagIndex + `${firstTagName}>`.length;
- bufferedMessage = data.substr(firstTagEnd); // will be empty string if only one tag
- data = data.substr(0, firstTagEnd);
- if(firstTagName === "presence") {
- this.valorant.processXMLData(data);
- this.wildRift.processXMLData(data);
- } else if(firstTagName === "iq") {
- if(data.includes("jabber:iq:riotgames:roster")) {
- this.processFriendsList(data);
- } else if(data.includes("_xmpp_session") && data.includes("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session")) {
- this.processOwnUsername(data, this.decodeToken(PAS).sub);
- }
- } else if(firstTagName === "failure") {
- const errorStartIndex = data.indexOf('>') + 1;
- const error = data.substring(errorStartIndex, closingTagIndex);
- if(data.includes("token-expired")) {
- // BdApi.alert("token expired!")
- this.log(error);
- this.restart();
- } else {
- console.error(data);
- err("Riot XMPP Connection failed! " + data);
- this.destroy();
- }
- }
- data = "";
- }
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- });
- sock.on("error", console.error);
- sock.on("close", () => {
- if(!this.enabled) return this.log("Socket disconnected!");
- console.error("Riot Connection Closed! Retrying in 5 seconds...");
- if(this.reconnectInterval) return;
- this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(() => {
- this.log("Reconnecting...");
- this.establishXMPPConnection(RSO, PAS);
- }, 5000);
- clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
- });
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- async startXMPPConnection() {
- // todo do not hardcode these, get these from clientconfig endpoint
- this.XMPPRegions = {"as2":"as2","asia":"jp1","br1":"br1","eu":"ru1","eu3":"eu3","eun1":"eu2","euw1":"eu1","jp1":"jp1","kr1":"kr1","la1":"la1","la2":"la2","na1":"na1","oc1":"oc1","pbe1":"pb1","ru1":"ru1","sea1":"sa1","sea2":"sa2","sea3":"sa3","sea4":"sa4","tr1":"tr1","us":"la1","us-br1":"br1","us-la2":"la2","us2":"us2"};
- this.XMPPRegionURLs = {"as2":"","asia":"","br1":"","eu":"","eu3":"","eun1":"","euw1":"","jp1":"","kr1":"","la1":"","la2":"","na1":"","oc1":"","pbe1":"","ru1":"","sea1":"","sea2":"","sea3":"","sea4":"","tr1":"","us":"","us-br1":"","us-la2":"","us2":""};
- const access_token = await this.refreshToken(this.cookies);
- if(!access_token.startsWith('e')) {
- this.log("Riot Access Token: " + access_token);
- err("Invalid Riot access token! Most likely your cookies are either invalid or expired.");
- return this.destroy();
- }
- const pas_token = await this.getPAS(access_token);
- if(!access_token.startsWith('e')) {
- this.log("Invalid Riot PAS: " + pas_token);
- // riot sometimes returns error 520 when fetching PAS
- // note: this is a very dangerous workaround
- return setTimeout(this.startXMPPConnection.bind(this), 1000);
- }
- if(!this.discordToRiotPUUIDs[discord_id])
- this.discordToRiotPUUIDs[discord_id] = [this.decodeToken(pas_token).sub];
- this.establishXMPPConnection(access_token, pas_token);
- }
- static extractDataFromXML(xml, tagName, startIndex, endIndex) {
- const dataStartIndex = xml.indexOf(`<${tagName}>`, startIndex, endIndex);
- const dataEndIndex = xml.indexOf(`${tagName}>`, dataStartIndex, endIndex);
- if(dataStartIndex >= 0 && dataEndIndex > dataStartIndex) {
- const data = xml.substring(dataStartIndex + tagName.length + 2, dataEndIndex)
- if(data) return data;
- }
- }
- processOwnUsername(data, puuid) {
- const usernameIndex = data.indexOf("name=") + 6;
- const username = data.substring(usernameIndex, data.indexOf("' ", usernameIndex));
- const taglineIndex = data.indexOf("tagline=") + 9;
- const tagline = data.substring(taglineIndex, data.indexOf("'/>", taglineIndex));
- this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid] = `${username}#${tagline}`;
- this.log("My username is " + this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid]);
- const lolTagIndex = data.indexOf(" -1) {
- const lolNameIndex = data.indexOf("name=", lolTagIndex) + 6;
- const lolName = data.substring(lolNameIndex, data.indexOf("'", lolNameIndex));
- this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] = lolName
- this.log("My summoner name is " + lolName);
- }
- }
- processFriendsList(data) {
- const queryTag = data.substring(data.indexOf("") + 42, data.indexOf(""));
- const items = queryTag.split("");
- for(const item of items) {
- if(!item) continue;
- const puuid = item.substr(11, 36);
- // riot ID
- const idTagIndex = item.indexOf("", taglineIndex));
- this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid] = `${username}#${tagline}`;
- // lol summoner name
- const lolTagIndex = item.indexOf(" -1) {
- const lolNameIndex = item.indexOf("name=", lolTagIndex) + 6;
- const lolName = item.substring(lolNameIndex, item.indexOf("'", lolNameIndex));
- this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] = lolName;
- }
- }
- this.log(this.riotPUUIDToUsername);
- this.log(this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName);
- }
- getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
- // enabled switch
- const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
- // cookies textbox
- const textboxChange = (value) => {
- this.cookies = value;
- if(this.enabled) {
- SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
- }
- }
- const buttonClick = () => {
- const [success, cookies] = this.getCookiesFromLauncher();
- if(success) {
- this.cookies = cookies;
- cookiesTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[0].value = cookies;
- } else {
- err(cookies);
- }
- }
- const cookiesTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton("Auth Cookies", "Your cookies. Will only work if you're currently logged in with 'Remember me', and until you log out. Otherwise, use this guide.",
- this.cookies, textboxChange, {}, "Fetch cookies from launcher", buttonClick);
- setTimeout(() => {
- cookiesTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[0].removeAttribute("maxlength");
- cookiesTextbox.children[0].children[2].innerHTML = "Your cookies. Will only work if you're currently logged in with 'Remember me', and until you log out. Otherwise, use this guide."
- }, 50);
- const usersList = {
- idToName: this.riotPUUIDToUsername,
- nameToId: {}
- }
- for(const [puuid, username] of Object.entries(this.riotPUUIDToUsername)) {
- usersList.nameToId[username] = puuid;
- }
- const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("riot", Object.keys(usersList.nameToId));
- const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToRiotPUUIDs,
- "If you see numbers instead of names, it's either because the friends list hasn't loaded, or you are no longer friends with them.", "Riot ID", /^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/);
- const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
- return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, cookiesTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
- }
- ** VALORANT **
- ****************/
-const valRpcAppID = "811469787657928704"; //
-class Valorant {
- constructor(riotPUUIDToUsername, log, updateUser) {
- this.riotPUUIDToUsername = riotPUUIDToUsername;
- this.log = log;
- this.updateUser = updateUser;
- // constants
- // todo get these from valorant-api
- this.gamemodes = {
- "newmap": "New Map",
- "competitive": "Competitive",
- "unrated": "Unrated",
- "spikerush": "Spike Rush",
- "deathmatch": "Deathmatch",
- "ggteam": "Escalation",
- "onefa": "Replication",
- "snowball": "Snowball Fight",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "": "Custom"
- }
- this.maps = {
- "Triad": "Haven",
- "Duality": "Bind",
- "Bonsai": "Split",
- "Port": "Icebox",
- "Ascent": "Ascent",
- "Foxtrot": "Breeze",
- "Canyon": "Fracture",
- "Pitt": "Pearl",
- "Range": "The Range"
- }
- this.ranks = [
- 'UNRANKED', 'Unused1', 'Unused2',
- 'IRON 1', 'IRON 2', 'IRON 3',
- 'BRONZE 1', 'BRONZE 2', 'BRONZE 3',
- 'SILVER 1', 'SILVER 2', 'SILVER 3',
- 'GOLD 1', 'GOLD 2', 'GOLD 3',
- 'RADIANT', 'Better than Radiant'
- ]
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.assets = {};
- }
- async fetchRpcAssets() {
- const assetsReq = await fetch(`${valRpcAppID}/assets`);
- const assetList = JSON.parse(assetsReq.body);
- for(const asset of assetList) {
- // format: {"id": "821415501942882324", "type": 2, "name": "splash_icebox_square"}
- this.assets[] =;
- }
- }
- processXMLData(data) {
- try {
- const puuid = data.substr(16, 36);
- // extract valorant presence
- const valorantData = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "valorant");
- if(valorantData) {
- const base64Data = Riot.extractDataFromXML(valorantData, "p");
- const timestamp = parseInt(Riot.extractDataFromXML(valorantData, "s.t"));
- try {
- const presenceData = JSON.parse(atob(base64Data));
- this.processPresenceData(puuid, presenceData, timestamp);
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(data);
- err("Could not JSON parse Valorant presence data! " + e);
- }
- } else {
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
- delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
- if(previousPresence) this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(data);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- processPresenceData(puuid, presenceData, timestamp) {
- this.log(presenceData);
- try {
- const parseDate = s => {
- const year = parseInt(s.substr(0, 4)),
- month = parseInt(s.substr(5, 2)) - 1,
- day = parseInt(s.substr(8, 2)),
- hour = parseInt(s.substr(11, 2)),
- minute = parseInt(s.substr(14, 2)),
- second = parseInt(s.substr(17, 2));
- if (year === 1) return timestamp;
- return +Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
- }
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
- const map = presenceData.provisioningFlow === "ShootingRange" ? "Range" : presenceData.matchMap.split('/').pop();
- const username = this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid];
- const getGamemode = () => {
- if(presenceData.queueId === "") {
- if(previousPresence && previousPresence.details.startsWith("In Queue - ")) return previousPresence.details.substr(11);
- return "Custom";
- }
- const modeName = this.gamemodes[presenceData.queueId];
- return modeName || presenceData.queueId;
- }
- /* A bit of backstory:
- * On 21/09/2021 Riot removed map data from the presence, so you could no longer
- * know which map your friend was playing on.
- * Except they forgot to remove it during agent select. So the plugin would store
- * the map data when they were in agent select, and "remember" it during the
- * actual match, even though Riot didn't send it anymore.
- * (This wouldn't work if the plugin was started mid-match or for deathmatch).
- * Then on 20/10/2021, they mysteriously put it back. No idea if it's here to stay,
- * but having the extra code doesn't hurt :)
- */
- const getMapName = () => {
- const mapName = this.maps[map] || map;
- if(mapName) return mapName;
- else {
- // no map data, get map name from previous presence
- if(previousPresence) {
- const previousMapName = previousPresence.assets.large_text.split(" | ")[0];
- if(previousMapName !== "No map data" && previousMapName !== "Lobby")
- return previousMapName;
- }
- }
- return "No map data";
- }
- const getMapIcon = () => {
- if(map === "" && presenceData.sessionLoopState === "INGAME") {
- // no map data, get map icon from previous presence
- if(previousPresence && previousPresence.assets.large_image !== this.assets["game_icon"] && previousPresence.assets.large_image !== this.assets["game_icon_yellow"])
- return previousPresence.assets.large_image;
- }
- const mapCodename = this.maps[map];
- if(!mapCodename) return this.assets["game_icon_white"];
- return this.assets[`splash_${map === "Range" ? "range" : mapCodename.toLowerCase()}_square`];
- }
- const getPartyText = () => `${presenceData.partyAccessibility === "OPEN" ? "Open" : "Closed"} Party${presenceData.isPartyOwner && presenceData.partySize > 1 ? " Leader" : ""}`;
- const getStartTimestamp = () => {
- if(presenceData.sessionLoopState === "MENUS") {
- if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMAKING")
- return parseDate(presenceData.queueEntryTime); // in queue, return start queue time
- if(previousPresence && (previousPresence.details.startsWith("Lobby - ") || previousPresence.details === "Setting Up Custom Game"))
- return previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- return timestamp;
- } else if(presenceData.sessionLoopState === "INGAME") {
- if(previousPresence && previousPresence.details.startsWith("Custom"))
- return previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "ShootingRange") {
- if(previousPresence && previousPresence.provisioningFlow === "ShootingRange")
- return previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- return timestamp;
- }
- }
- return parseDate(presenceData.queueEntryTime) || timestamp;
- }
- const presenceBoilerplate = {
- application_id: valRpcAppID,
- name: "VALORANT",
- type: 0,
- state: getPartyText(),
- party: {
- id: presenceData.partyId,
- size: [presenceData.partySize, presenceData.maxPartySize || (previousPresence ?[1]: 69)]
- },
- timestamps: {
- start: getStartTimestamp()
- },
- assets: {
- small_image: this.assets["rank_" + presenceData.competitiveTier] || this.assets["rank_0"],
- small_text: `${this.ranks[presenceData.competitiveTier]}${presenceData.leaderboardPosition > 0 ? ` #${presenceData.leaderboardPosition}` : ""} | LVL ${presenceData.accountLevel}`
- },
- username: username,
- priority: Priorities.PLAYING
- };
- let presence = {};
- switch (presenceData.sessionLoopState) {
- case "MENUS":
- // in lobby or in queue
- const menusGetDetails = () => {
- if(presenceData.partyState === "DEFAULT") return `Lobby - ${getGamemode()}`;
- if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMAKING") return `In Queue - ${getGamemode()}`;
- if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMADE_GAME_STARTING") return `Match Found - ${getGamemode()}`;
- if(presenceData.partyState === "CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP") return `Setting Up Custom Game`;
- return `${presenceData.partyState} (?) - ${getGamemode()}`;
- }
- const menusGetLargeImage = () => {
- if(presenceData.isIdle) return this.assets["game_icon_yellow"];
- if(presenceData.partyState === "CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP") return getMapIcon(presenceData.matchMap);
- if(presenceData.playerCardId) return `url:${presenceData.playerCardId}/smallart.png`;
- return this.assets["game_icon"];
- }
- const menusGetLargeText = () => (presenceData.isIdle ? "Away" : "Lobby");
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- details: menusGetDetails(),
- assets: {
- ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
- large_image: menusGetLargeImage(),
- large_text: menusGetLargeText(),
- },
- priority: presenceData.isIdle ? Priorities.IN_LOBBY_AFK : Priorities.IN_LOBBY
- }
- break;
- case "PREGAME":
- // in agent select
- const pregameGetDetails = () => {
- if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "Invalid") return `${getGamemode()} - Match Found`;
- if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "CustomGame") return `Custom Game - Agent Select`;
- if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "Matchmaking") return `${getGamemode()} - Agent Select`;
- return `${getGamemode()} - ${presenceData.provisioningFlow} (?)`;
- }
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- details: pregameGetDetails(),
- assets: {
- ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
- large_image: getMapIcon(),
- large_text: (presenceData.isIdle ? "Away" : getMapName())
- }
- }
- if(pregameGetDetails().endsWith("Match Found")) // match found 5sec timer
- presence.timestamps.end = timestamp + 5000;
- else if(pregameGetDetails().endsWith("Agent Select")) // start 75sec countdown once agent select has loaded (~79sec including loading time)
- presence.timestamps.end = timestamp + 79000;
- break;
- case "INGAME":
- const ingameGetDetails = () => {
- const gamemode = getGamemode();
- if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMADE_GAME_STARTING") { // deathmatch skips pregame
- presenceBoilerplate.timestamps.end = timestamp + 5000;
- return `Match Found - ${gamemode}`;
- }
- let s = "";
- if(gamemode === "Custom" && presenceData.customGameTeam === "TeamSpectate")
- s += "Spectating ";
- if(map === "Range")
- s += presenceData.provisioningFlow === "NewPlayerExperience" ? "Tutorial" : "The Range";
- else
- s += gamemode;
- if(presence.partyOwnerMatchCurrentTeam === "")
- s += " - Loading";
- else if(map !== "Range")
- s += ` ${presenceData.partyOwnerMatchScoreAllyTeam}-${presenceData.partyOwnerMatchScoreEnemyTeam}`;
- return s;
- }
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- details: ingameGetDetails(),
- assets: {
- ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
- large_image: getMapIcon(),
- large_text: (presenceData.isIdle ? "Away" : getMapName()) // + (username ? " | " + username : ""),
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- this.presenceCache[puuid] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- if(!previousPresence || presence.priority !== previousPresence.priority) {
- this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(puuid, presenceData, timestamp);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- getPresence(puuid) {
- return this.presenceCache[puuid];
- }
- deleteAllPresences() {
- for(const puuid in this.presenceCache) {
- if(this.presenceCache[puuid]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
- this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- }
- }
- ** LOL **
- ***********/
-const lolShowSkinName = true;
-const lolRpcAppId = "899030985855860756";
-class Lol {
- constructor(riotPUUIDToUsername, riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser) {
- this.riotPUUIDToUsername = riotPUUIDToUsername;
- this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName = riotPUUIDToSummonerName;
- this.gameVersion = ""; // will be overridden by lolGetLatestVersion()
- this.champions = {};
- this.skins = {};
- this.assets = { // to be filled in by fetchRpcAssets()
- logo_lol: "899053983879008266",
- logo_tft: "899054046294462494",
- champions: {},
- ranks: {}
- }
- this.queues = { // manually adding in gamemodes not in riot json
- 1130: {
- "queueId": 1130,
- "map": "Convergence",
- "description": "Teamfight Tactics Hyper Roll",
- "notes": "Added in manually"
- },
- 1150: {
- "queueId": 1150,
- "map": "Convergence",
- "description": "Teamfight Tactics Double Up",
- "notes": "Added in manually"
- },
- 1160: {
- "queueId": 1160,
- "map": "Convergence",
- "description": "Teamfight Tactics Double Up (Workshop)",
- "notes": "Added in manually"
- }
- }
- this.maps = {};
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.log = log;
- this.updateUser = updateUser;
- }
- processXMLData(data) {
- try {
- const puuid = data.substr(16, 36);
- // extract lol presence
- const lolData = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "league_of_legends");
- if(lolData) {
- const presenceUnparsed = Riot.extractDataFromXML(lolData, "p");
- if (presenceUnparsed) {
- // regalia is an object within the object, causes issues with parser
- const presenceHalfParsed = presenceUnparsed.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/"regalia":.+}",/, "");
- try {
- const presenceData = JSON.parse(presenceHalfParsed);
- const timestamp = Riot.extractDataFromXML(lolData, "s.t");
- const status = Riot.extractDataFromXML(lolData, "st");
- this.log(presenceData);
- this.processPresenceData(puuid, presenceData, status, timestamp);
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(data);
- err("Could not JSON parse Lol presence data!" + e);
- }
- }
- } else {
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
- delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
- if(previousPresence) this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(data);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- async fetchGameVersion() {
- const versionsReq = await fetch("");
- this.gameVersion = JSON.parse(versionsReq.body)[0];
- }
- async fetchChampionData() {
- const championsReq = await fetch(`${this.gameVersion}/data/en_US/champion.json`);
- const champsData = JSON.parse(championsReq.body);
- for(const champ of Object.values( {
- this.champions[champ.key] = {name:, id:};
- }
- }
- async fetchRpcAssets() {
- const assetsReq = await fetch(`${lolRpcAppId}/assets`);
- const assetList = JSON.parse(assetsReq.body);
- for(const asset of assetList) {
- // format: {"id": "403244850960662538", "type": 2, "name": "aatrox"}
- if( === "logo") this.assets.logo_lol =;
- else if( === "tft_logo") this.assets.logo_tft =;
- else if("rank_")) this.assets.ranks[] =;
- else this.assets.champions[] =;
- }
- }
- async fetchQueueTypes() {
- const queueTypesReq = await fetch("");
- const queueTypes = JSON.parse(queueTypesReq.body);
- for(const queue of queueTypes) {
- if(queue.description) queue.description = queue.description.replace(" games", "");
- this.queues[queue.queueId] = queue;
- }
- }
- async fetchMapsData() {
- const mapsReq = await fetch("");
- const maps = JSON.parse(mapsReq.body);
- for(const map of maps) {
- this.maps[map.mapId.toString()] = {
- name: map.mapName,
- notes: map.notes
- };
- }
- }
- fetchData() {
- this.fetchGameVersion().then(() => {
- this.fetchRpcAssets();
- this.fetchMapsData();
- this.fetchChampionData();
- this.fetchQueueTypes();
- });
- }
- async getSkinName(champ_id, skin_id) {
- // doesn't work with chromas atm
- if(!lolShowSkinName) return null;
- if(!this.skins[champ_id]) {
- const req = await fetch(`${this.gameVersion}/data/en_US/champion/${champ_id}.json`);
- this.skins[champ_id] = JSON.parse(req.body).data[champ_id].skins;
- }
- const skins = this.skins[champ_id];
- for(const skin of Object.values(skins)) {
- if( === skin_id) {
- if( === "default") return null;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- async processPresenceData(puuid, data, status, timestamp) {
- try {
- const username = this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] || this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid];
- timestamp = Math.max(data.timeStamp, timestamp) || data.timeStamp || timestamp;
- let gamemode, map;
- if(data.mapId in this.maps) map = this.maps[data.mapId].name;
- if(data.gameQueueType === "PRACTICETOOL") [gamemode, map] = ["Practice Tool", "Summoner's Rift"];
- else if (data.queueId && this.queues[data.queueId]) {
- const gamemodeData = this.queues[data.queueId];
- [gamemode, map] = [gamemodeData.description,];
- } else if (data.queueId === "-1") gamemode = "Custom";
- else if (data.gameStatus === "outOfGame") gamemode = "In the Lobby"
- else gamemode = `(?) ${data.queueId} ${data.gameQueueType} ${data.gameStatus}`;
- const isAway = status === "away";
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
- let presenceBoilerplate = {
- application_id: lolRpcAppId,
- name: data.gameMode === "TFT" ? "Teamfight Tactics" : "League of Legends",
- type: 0,
- details: gamemode,
- assets: {
- large_image: data.gameMode === "TFT" ? this.assets.logo_tft : this.assets.logo_lol, //`url:${this.gameVersion}/img/profileicon/${data.profileIcon}.png`,
- large_text: `Level ${data.level} | Mastery ${data.masteryScore}`,
- small_image: data.rankedLeagueTier ? this.assets.ranks[data.rankedLeagueTier.toLowerCase()] : null,
- small_text: data.rankedLeagueTier ? `${data.rankedLeagueTier} ${data.rankedLeagueDivision}` : null
- },
- timestamps: {
- start: timestamp
- },
- username: username,
- priority: Priorities.PLAYING
- };
- let presence;
- // if open party, process party data
- if (data.pty) {
- const partyData = JSON.parse(data.pty);
- = {
- id: partyData.partyId,
- size: [partyData.summoners.length, 5]
- }
- presenceBoilerplate.state = "Open Party"
- } else if(data.gameId) {
- = {
- id: data.gameId,
- }
- }
- if (data.gameStatus !== "inGame" && ["SCOUTING", "LOCKED_IN"].includes(data.clashTournamentState)) {
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- details: "Clash",
- state: data.clashTournamentState === "SCOUTING" ? "Scouting" : "Locked In"
- }
- } else if (data.gameStatus === "outOfGame") {
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- details: isAway ? "Main Menu (away)" : "In the Main Menu",
- priority: isAway ? Priorities.IN_LOBBY_AFK : Priorities.IN_LOBBY,
- inLobby: true
- }
- if(previousPresence && previousPresence.inLobby)
- presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- } else if (data.gameStatus.startsWith("hosting_")) {
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- state: isAway ? "In the Lobby (away)" : "In the Lobby",
- priority: isAway ? Priorities.IN_LOBBY_AFK : Priorities.IN_LOBBY,
- inLobby: true
- }
- if(data.gameStatus === "hosting_Custom")
- presence.details = "Custom";
- if(previousPresence && previousPresence.inLobby)
- presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- } else if (data.gameStatus === "inQueue") {
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- state: "In Queue",
- timestamps: {
- start: data.timeStamp
- }
- }
- } else if (data.gameStatus === "championSelect") {
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- state: "In Champion Select"
- }
- } else if (data.gameStatus === "inGame") {
- const champion = this.champions[data.championId];
- const inGameGetLargeImage = () => {
- if(champion && this.assets.champions[])
- return this.assets.champions[];
- return presenceBoilerplate.assets.large_image;
- }
- const inGameGetLargeText = async () => {
- return await this.getSkinName(, data.skinVariant) ||;
- }
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- state: "In Game" + (map ? ` (${map})` : ""),
- timestamps: {
- start: data.timeStamp
- },
- assets: {
- ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
- large_image: champion ? inGameGetLargeImage() : presenceBoilerplate.assets.large_image,
- large_text: champion ? await inGameGetLargeText() : presenceBoilerplate.assets.large_text
- }
- }
- } else {
- console.error(data);
- console.error("Unknown LoL gameStatus! " + data.gameStatus);
- }
- if (presence) {
- this.presenceCache[puuid] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- if(!previousPresence || presence.priority !== previousPresence.priority) {
- this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(puuid, data, timestamp)
- err(e);
- }
- }
- getPresence(puuid) {
- return this.presenceCache[puuid];
- }
- deleteAllPresences() {
- for(const puuid in this.presenceCache) {
- if(this.presenceCache[puuid]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
- this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- }
- }
- ** WILD RIFT **
- *****************/
-class WildRift {
- constructor(riotPUUIDToUsername, riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser) {
- this.riotPUUIDToUsername = riotPUUIDToUsername;
- this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName = riotPUUIDToSummonerName;
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.log = log;
- this.updateUser = updateUser;
- }
- processXMLData(data) {
- try {
- const puuid = data.substr(16, 36);
- // extract wild rift presence
- const wrData = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "wildrift");
- if(wrData) {
- this.log(wrData);
- try {
- const timestamp = parseInt(Riot.extractDataFromXML(wrData, "s.t"));
- const username = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "m");
- this.processPresenceData(puuid, timestamp, username);
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(wrData);
- err("Could not parse Wild Rift presence data!" + e);
- }
- } else {
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
- delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
- if(previousPresence) this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(data);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- processPresenceData(puuid, timestamp, username) {
- username = username || this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] || this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid];
- let presence = {
- application_id: customRpcAppId,
- name: "League of Legends: Wild Rift",
- type: 0,
- assets: {
- large_image: "889119952911630386",
- large_text: "Playing as " + username
- },
- timestamps: {
- start: timestamp
- },
- username: username,
- priority: Priorities.PLAYING
- };
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
- this.presenceCache[puuid] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- if(!previousPresence) {
- this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- }
- getPresence(puuid) {
- return this.presenceCache[puuid];
- }
- deleteAllPresences() {
- for(const puuid in this.presenceCache) {
- if(this.presenceCache[puuid]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
- this.updateUser(puuid);
- }
- }
- }
- ** EPIC **
- ************/
-class Epic extends Platform {
- constructor() {
- super("epic");
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.statusCache = {};
- this.epicIdToDisplayName = {};
- this.fortniteGamemodes = {};
- this.fortniteRpcAppId = "432980957394370572";
- this.loadData();
- if(this.enabled) {
- this.start();
- }
- }
- async start() {
- if(!this.authData.refresh) {
- return this.destroy();
- }
- const success = await this.authenticate();
- if(success) {
- await Promise.all([this.fetchFortniteGamemodes(), this.fetchFortniteAssets()]);
- this.establishXMPPConnection(this.authData.token);
- } else {
- this.destroy();
- }
- }
- serializeData() {
- return {
- enabled: this.enabled || false,
- authData: this.authData || {},
- usersMap: this.discordToEpicID || {},
- debug: this.debug || false
- }
- }
- deserializeData(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.authData = data.authData || {};
- this.discordToEpicID = data.usersMap || {};
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- getPresence(discord_id) {
- return super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToEpicID, this.presenceCache);
- }
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {
- this.enabled = false;
- for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
- clearTimeout(this.refreshTimeout);
- clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
- clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
- if(this.socket) {
- try {
- this.socket.send("");
- } catch(e) {console.error("Error while sending epic disconnect signal!", e)}
- this.socket.close(1000);
- }
- if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
- }
- restart() {
- this.destroy();
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.enabled = true;
- this.saveData();
- this.start();
- }, 500); // sockets take a while to close
- }
- async fetchFortniteGamemodes() {
- const req = await fetch(""); // big thanks to Officer and his excellent API
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- for(const gamemode of {
- this.fortniteGamemodes[] = {
- name: === "CREATIVE MATCHMAKING" ? "Creative (Fill)" : ||, // oh epic...
- subName: gamemode.subName,
- maxSquadSize: gamemode.maxSquadSize,
- maxPlayers: gamemode.maxPlayers,
- smallIcon: gamemode.images.missionIcon
- }
- }
- // arena duos has null name/subname for some reason
- this.fortniteGamemodes["playlist_showdownalt_duos"] = {
- name: "Arena",
- subName: "Duos",
- maxSquadSize: 2,
- maxPlayers: 100,
- smallIcon: ""
- }
- }
- async fetchFortniteAssets() {
- const req = await fetch(`${this.fortniteRpcAppId}/assets`);
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- for(const asset of json) {
- if( === "fortnite") this.fortniteLogoAssetId =;
- }
- }
- decodeJWT(token) {
- return JSON.parse(atob(token.split("~", 2)[1].split(".", 2)[1]));
- }
- getID(token) {
- return this.decodeJWT(token).sub;
- }
- getDisplayName(token) {
- return this.decodeJWT(token).dn;
- }
- getTokenExpiry(token) {
- return this.decodeJWT(token).exp * 1000;
- }
- async authenticate() {
- // returns true or false based on success
- if(this.authData.refresh) {
- if(this.authData.token) {
- const expiry = this.getTokenExpiry(this.authData.token);
- this.log("Token expiring at " + expiry);
- if(expiry - new Date() > 300_000) {
- // fetch friends list to see if token is valid
- const success = await this.fetchFriendsList();
- if(success) {
- // use the token
- this.setupRefreshTimeout();
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- const refreshSuccess = await this.refreshToken();
- if(!refreshSuccess) return false;
- this.setupRefreshTimeout();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- async refreshToken() {
- this.log("Refreshing token...");
- // check refresh token is still valid
- const refreshExpiry = this.decodeJWT(this.authData.refresh).exp * 1000;
- if(refreshExpiry - new Date() < 5000) return false;
- const req = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- Authorization: "basic MzRhMDJjZjhmNDQxNGUyOWIxNTkyMTg3NmRhMzZmOWE6ZGFhZmJjY2M3Mzc3NDUwMzlkZmZlNTNkOTRmYzc2Y2Y=",
- "Accept-Language": "en-EN",
- "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- },
- body: `grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=${this.authData.refresh}&token_type=eg1&includePerms=false`
- });
- const authData = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if(authData.error) {
- console.error(authData);
- const r = this.authData.refresh;
- const errorMessage = r.length > 20 ? authData.errorMessage.replace(r, r.substr(0, 10) + "..." + r.substr(r.length - 10)) : r;
- err("EPIC: Could not refresh token! You may need to login again. " + errorMessage);
- return false;
- }
- this.authData = {
- token: authData.access_token,
- refresh: authData.refresh_token
- }
- this.saveData();
- this.log("Refreshed token as " + authData.displayName);
- return true;
- }
- async redeemExchangeCode(exchangeCode) {
- // returns true or false based on success
- const req = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- Authorization: "basic MzRhMDJjZjhmNDQxNGUyOWIxNTkyMTg3NmRhMzZmOWE6ZGFhZmJjY2M3Mzc3NDUwMzlkZmZlNTNkOTRmYzc2Y2Y=",
- "Accept-Language": "en-EN",
- "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- },
- body: `grant_type=exchange_code&exchange_code=${exchangeCode}&token_type=eg1&includePerms=false`
- });
- const authData = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if(authData.error) {
- err("EPIC: Could not redeem exchange code! " + authData.errorMessage);
- return false;
- }
- this.log("Redeemed exchange code as " + authData.displayName);
- this.authData = {
- token: authData.access_token,
- refresh: authData.refresh_token
- }
- return true;
- }
- async redeemAuthCode(authCode) {
- // get auth code ->
- // returns true or false based on success
- const req = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- Authorization: "basic MzRhMDJjZjhmNDQxNGUyOWIxNTkyMTg3NmRhMzZmOWE6ZGFhZmJjY2M3Mzc3NDUwMzlkZmZlNTNkOTRmYzc2Y2Y=",
- "Accept-Language": "en-EN",
- "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- },
- body: `grant_type=authorization_code&code=${authCode}&token_type=eg1&includePerms=false`
- });
- const authData = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if(authData.error) {
- err("Could not redeem auth code! " + authData.errorMessage);
- return false;
- }
- this.log("Redeemed auth code as " + authData.displayName);
- this.authData = {
- token: authData.access_token,
- refresh: authData.refresh_token
- }
- this.restart();
- return true;
- }
- setupRefreshTimeout() {
- const tokenExpiry = this.decodeJWT(this.authData.token).exp * 1000;
- this.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(this.refreshToken.bind(this), tokenExpiry - new Date() - 300_000);
- }
- async fetchFriendsList() {
- this.epicIdToDisplayName[this.getID(this.authData.token)] = this.getDisplayName(this.authData.token);
- // get friends list
- const req = await fetch(`${this.getID(this.authData.token)}/summary?displayNames=true`, {
- headers: {
- Authorization: "Bearer " + this.authData.token
- }
- });
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
- console.error(req);
- console.error(this.authData);
- if(req.statusCode.toString().startsWith('5')) {
- console.error(`Error ${req.statusCode} when trying to fetch friends list! Retrying in 5 seconds...`);
- await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000));
- return await this.fetchFriendsList()
- } else if(req.statusCode !== 401) {
- err("Error while fetching Epic friends!");
- }
- return false;
- }
- // get username of friends
- // we can request in batches of 100, partition the list of IDs
- const friendIDs = => friend.accountId);
- const reqs = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < friendIDs.length; i += 100) {
- const partition = friendIDs.slice(i, i + 100);
- const req = fetch("" + partition.join("&accountId="), {
- headers: {
- Authorization: "Bearer " + this.authData.token
- }
- });
- reqs.push(req);
- }
- for(const req of reqs) {
- const reqResult = await req;
- if(reqResult.statusCode !== 200) {
- console.error(reqResult);
- err("Error while fetching Epic friends partition!");
- continue;
- }
- const json = JSON.parse(reqResult.body);
- for(const friend of json) {
- this.epicIdToDisplayName[] = friend.displayName;
- }
- }
- this.log(this.epicIdToDisplayName);
- return true;
- }
- // xmpp stuff
- establishXMPPConnection(token) {
- try {
- this.presenceCache = {};
- const address = "";
- const accountId = this.getID(token);
- const messages = [
- ``, '',
- `${btoa("\0" + accountId + "\0" + token)}`,
- ``, '',
- `V2:launcher:WIN::`,
- ``
- ]
- const sock = new WebSocket(`wss://${address}`, "xmpp");
- sock.onopen = () => {
- try {
- this.log("Connected!");
- clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
- this.reconnectInterval = null;
- sendNext();
- this.heartbeat = setInterval(sendPing, 60_000);
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- };
- this.socket = sock;
- const send = (data, log=true) => {
- if(!data || !this.enabled) return;
- try {
- if(sock.readyState === 1) {
- sock.send(data);
- if(log) this.log("-> " + data);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- const sendNext = () => send(messages.shift());
- let lastPing = 0;
- const sendPing = () => {
- if(lastPing > 0 && - lastPing > 150_000) {
- this.log("Haven't received a ping back in 150sec, reconnecting...");
- return this.restart();
- }
- send("", false);
- }
- sock.onmessage = event => {
- try {
- // const timestamp = performance.timeOrigin + event.timeStamp
- const data =;
- if(data.includes("acbeabf8-b04b-4e94-a044-6d6b8f04514e"))
- lastPing =;
- else
- this.log("<- " + data);
- if(data.startsWith(" 0) sendNext();
- // process data
- if(data.startsWith(" {
- if(!this.enabled || sock !== this.socket) return this.log("Websocket disconnected!");
- console.error("Epic disconnected! Retrying in 5 seconds...");
- if(this.reconnectInterval) return;
- this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(() => {
- this.log("Reconnecting...");
- this.establishXMPPConnection(token);
- }, 5000);
- clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
- };
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(token);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- processPresence(presence) {
- const idStart = presence.indexOf("from=\"") + 6;
- const idEnd = presence.indexOf("@", idStart);
- const id = presence.substring(idStart, idEnd);
- const fullIdEnd = presence.indexOf("\"", idStart);
- const fullId = presence.substring(idStart, fullIdEnd);
- const presenceSource = fullId.split(":")[1];
- let show;
- const showStart = presence.indexOf("") + 6;
- if(showStart > 5) {
- const showEnd = presence.indexOf("", showStart);
- show = presence.substring(showStart, showEnd);
- }
- const statusStart = presence.indexOf("") + 8;
- if(statusStart === 7) return;
- const statusEnd = presence.indexOf("", statusStart);
- const status_raw = presence.substring(statusStart, statusEnd);
- const status = JSON.parse(status_raw);
- this.log(status);
- let presenceType;
- if(presence.includes("type=")) {
- const presenceTypeStart = presence.indexOf("type=") + 6;
- const presenceTypeEnd = presence.indexOf("\"", presenceTypeStart);
- presenceType = presence.substring(presenceTypeStart, presenceTypeEnd);
- }
- let timestamp;
- if(presence.includes(" in game
- if(previousPresence.details !== currentStatus) presence.timestamps.start = + new Date();
- }
- break;
- case "Fortnite":
- try {
- const gamemode = this.fortniteGamemodes[(status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s || "").toLowerCase()] || {name: status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s || "", maxSquadSize: 0, maxPlayers: 100};
- const partyData = Object.keys(status.Properties).filter(s => s.startsWith("party.joininfodata"))[0];
- const detailsTemplate = (name, subName) => name + (subName ? ` (${subName})` : "");
- const stateTemplate = (kills, players, maxPlayers=100) => `๐ ${kills} โ๐ค ${players}/${maxPlayers}`; // thin space because discord removes double spaces
- let details, state;
- if(status.bIsPlaying) {
- const kills = parseInt(status.Properties.FortGameplayStats_j.numKills);
- if(status.bIsJoinable) { // creative
- details = detailsTemplate( || "Creative", gamemode.subName);
- if(status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i) state = stateTemplate(kills, status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i, gamemode.maxPlayers || 16);
- else state = "Loading";
- } else if(status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s) { // battle royale
- details = detailsTemplate( || status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s, gamemode.subName);
- if(status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i) state = stateTemplate(kills, status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i);
- else state = `Loading`;
- }
- if(status.Properties.FortGameplayStats_j.bFellToDeath) state += " - Died of fall damage";
- } else if (status.Properties.FortGameplayStats_j) { // in the lobby, hasn't launched a gamemode yet
- if( details = detailsTemplate( || status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s, gamemode.subName);
- if(show === "xa" || show === "away") state = "Away - In the Lobby";
- else state = "In the Lobby";
- } else { // game loading
- details = "Loading";
- }
- const partySize = status.Properties.FortPartySize_i || status.Properties.Event_PartySize_s;
- const maxPartySize = gamemode.maxSquadSize || (partySize <= 4 ? 4 : 16);
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- application_id: this.fortniteRpcAppId,
- name: "Fortnite",
- details: details,
- state: state,
- assets: {
- large_image: this.fortniteLogoAssetId,
- small_image: gamemode.smallIcon && `url:${gamemode.smallIcon}`,
- small_text: gamemode.subName
- },
- party: {
- id: status.SessionId,
- size: [partySize, maxPartySize]
- },
- timestamps: {
- start: timestamp
- },
- priority: Priorities.PLAYING,
- gameId: status.SessionId
- }
- if(previousPresence.gameId === presence.gameId)
- presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
- if(partyData) {
- const partyInfo = status.Properties[partyData];
- if(partyInfo.sourceDisplayName) presence.username = partyInfo.sourceDisplayName;
- if(partyInfo.partyId) = partyInfo.partyId;
- }
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(presence);
- console.error(status);
- err(e);
- }
- break;
- default: // misc
- if(presenceType === "unavailable") return this.deletePresence(id);
- let name;
- switch(presenceSource) {
- case "fghi4567eJdrrwo5Dgu1RiO2R0vM1XVK":
- name = "Satisfactory";
- break;
- case "fcb692f0fdf14526b1ffbb77cf1ef288":
- name = "Paladins";
- break;
- case "f71b1231985f48d1af3de723e0a6acdd":
- name = "Smite";
- break;
- case "fghi4567gDK32qevrArU3uezn7r9kY8Y":
- name = "Rocket League Sideswipe";
- break;
- case "68d2cc08f9a94b8fb51af4f5cfa6d41b":
- name = "Grand Theft Auto V";
- break;
- default:
- if(this.debug) err("Unknown game ID! " + presenceSource);
- else console.error("Unknown game ID! " + presenceSource);
- return;
- }
- presence = {
- ...presenceBoilerplate,
- name: name,
- details: this.statusCache[id],
- assets: {
- large_image: epicLogoID
- },
- timestamps: {
- start: timestamp
- }
- }
- }
- this.presenceCache[id] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- if(!previousPresence || !== {
- this.updateUser(id, this.discordToEpicID);
- }
- }
- async getAppName(appID) {
- // uses store search. definitely not the best way since it won't work on hidden/unlisted games.
- if(appID === "fn") return "Fortnite";
- const req = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
- body: JSON.stringify({
- query: "query searchStoreQuery($count: Int = 5, $keywords: String, $namespace: String, $category: String) {\n Catalog {\n searchStore(\n count: $count\n keywords: $keywords\n namespace: $namespace\n category: $category\n ) {\n elements {\n title\n namespace\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
- variables: {
- "namespace": appID,
- "category": "games/edition/base|bundles/games|editors|software/edition/base"
- }
- })
- });
- try {
- return JSON.parse(req.body).data.Catalog.searchStore.elements[0].title;
- } catch(e) {
- err("Could not fetch app name from id!", req.body);
- }
- }
- getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
- // enabled switch
- const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
- // cookies textbox
- const deleteButtonClick = () => {
- this.authData = {};
- SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(tokenTextbox).value = "";
- if(this.enabled) SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
- this.saveData();
- }
- const tokenTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton("Refresh Token", null, this.authData.refresh, null, {placeholder: "Refresh token", disabled: true}, "Delete", deleteButtonClick);
- const codeButtonClick = async (textbox, redeemFunction) => {
- const code = SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(textbox).value;
- if(!code) return;
- const button = textbox.children[0].children[1].children[1];
- button.classList.remove("bd-button-danger");
- button.innerHTML = "Redeeming...";
- const success = await redeemFunction(code);
- if(success) {
- button.innerHTML = "Success!";
- SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(tokenTextbox).value = this.authData.refresh;
- SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(textbox).value = "";
- this.saveData();
- } else {
- button.innerHTML = "Retry";
- button.classList.add("bd-button-danger");
- }
- }
- const authCodeButtonClick = () => codeButtonClick(authCodeTextbox, this.redeemAuthCode.bind(this));
- const authCodeTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton(null, null, null, null, {placeholder: "Auth code"}, "Redeem auth code", authCodeButtonClick);
- const exchangeCodeButtonClick = () => codeButtonClick(exchangeCodeTextbox, this.redeemExchangeCode.bind(this));
- const exchangeCodeTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton(null, "If you're signed in in your browser, get your auth code here. Otherwise, generate an exchange code.", null, null, {placeholder: "Exchange code"}, "Redeem exchange code", exchangeCodeButtonClick);
- setTimeout(() => {
- exchangeCodeTextbox.children[0].children[2].innerHTML = `If you're signed in in your browser, get your auth code here. Otherwise, generate an exchange code.`
- }, 50);
- // remove spacing between textboxes
- setTimeout(() => {
- tokenTextbox.children[0].children[3].classList.remove("divider-1Jfi9s");
- authCodeTextbox.children[0].children[3].classList.remove("divider-1Jfi9s");
- exchangeCodeTextbox.children[0].children[3].classList.remove("divider-1Jfi9s");
- }, 50);
- const usersList = {
- idToName: this.epicIdToDisplayName,
- nameToId: {}
- }
- for(const [id, username] of Object.entries(this.epicIdToDisplayName)) {
- usersList.nameToId[username] = id;
- }
- const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("epic", Object.keys(usersList.nameToId));
- const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToEpicID,
- "If you see numbers instead of names, it's either because the friends list hasn't loaded, or you are no longer friends with them.","Epic username", /^.+$/);
- const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
- return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, tokenTextbox, authCodeTextbox, exchangeCodeTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
- }
- ** EA **
- **********/
-class EA extends Platform {
- constructor() {
- super("ea");
- this.eaLogoAssetId = "950210006509289492";
- this.apexRpcAppId = "893911040713191444"; //
- this.apexAssetNames = {
- "Logo": "apex-legends",
- "Training": "firing-range",
- "World's Edge": "world-edge",
- "King's Canyon": "king-canyon",
- "Olympus": "olympus",
- "Stormpoint": "stormpoint",
- "Encore": "encore"
- }
- this.presenceCache = {};
- this.friendIdToDisplayName = {};
- this.assetCache = {};
- this.apexAssets = {};
- this.loadData();
- if(this.enabled) {
- this.start();
- }
- }
- async start() {
- if(!this.remid) return this.destroy();
- this.fetchApexAssets();
- const accessToken = await this.authenticate(this.remid);
- await Promise.all([this.getOwnUsername(), this.getFriendsList()]);
- if(accessToken) await this.connectWebsocket(accessToken);
- }
- serializeData() {
- return {
- enabled: this.enabled || false,
- remid: this.remid || "",
- usersMap: this.discordToEaIDs || {},
- debug: this.debug || false
- }
- }
- deserializeData(data) {
- this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
- this.remid = (data.remid || "").trim();
- this.discordToEaIDs = data.usersMap || {};
- this.debug = data.debug || false;
- }
- async fetchApexAssets() {
- const req = await fetch(`${this.apexRpcAppId}/assets`);
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- for(const asset of json) {
- this.apexAssets[] =;
- }
- }
- async authenticate(remid) {
- try { // step 1
- const req1 = await fetch("" +
- "client_id=JUNO_PC_CLIENT&" +
- "response_type=code&" +
- "nonce=1&" +
- "pc_sign=eyJhdiI6InYxIiwiYnNuIjoiRzJDN002MyIsImdpZCI6Mzk4NzYsImhzbiI6IkFSUkFZMCIsIm1hYyI6IiQwMGZmOWJiNGMyYTAiLCJtaWQiOiI3NTc3MTg0MDY1MDM5NjIzNTkxIiwibXNuIjoiLkcyQzdNNjMuQ05DTUswMDA5NDAwMjYuIiwic3YiOiJ2MSIsInRzIjoiMjAyMi0yLTI3IDEzOjM1OjQyOjI0NiJ9.XPSVI2ksrbveN_FcG2ep_1QpqLphs-cWZRgcsSnIfsI&" +
- "", {
- headers: {
- "Cookie": `remid=${remid}`,
- }
- });
- this.log(req1);
- if(!req1.headers['set-cookie']) {
- BdApi.alert("Could not login to EA! Most likely your RemID is invalid.");
- this.destroy();
- return;
- }
- const remidHeader = req1.headers['set-cookie'][0];
- remid = remidHeader.split('=')[1].split(';')[0];
- this.log("New RemID: " + remid);
- this.remid = remid;
- this.saveData();
- const redirectUrl = req1.headers.location;
- const code = redirectUrl.match(/code=(.+)&?/)[1];
- this.log("Auth Code: " + code);
- // step 2
- const req2 = await fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- },
- body:
- "grant_type=authorization_code" +
- `&code=${code}&` +
- "client_id=JUNO_PC_CLIENT&" +
- "client_secret=4mRLtYMb6vq9qglomWEaT4ChxsXWcyqbQpuBNfMPOYOiDmYYQmjuaBsF2Zp0RyVeWkfqhE9TuGgAw7te&" +
- ""
- });
- this.log(req2);
- const authResponse = JSON.parse(req2.body)
- this.log(authResponse);
- authResponse.accessTokenExpires = + authResponse.expires_in * 1000;
- this.auth = authResponse;
- return authResponse.access_token;
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(remid);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- getRemIDFromEaApp() {
- // I doubt this works on Mac
- const filepath = process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + "/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/cookie.ini";
- let fileContents;
- try {
- fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString();
- } catch(e) {
- return [false, e.toString() || "Could not read file!"];
- }
- for(const line of fileContents.split('\n')) {
- if(line.startsWith("remid=")) {
- return [true, line.substring(26).trim()];
- }
- }
- return [false, "Could not parse file! Is it corrupt? (Note: EA have started encrypting the cookie.ini file, so this plugin won't work until I find a way to bypass the encryption)"];
- }
- async getOwnUsername() {
- this.log("Fetching own username...");
- const req = await fetch("" +
- "operationName=GetPersonas&" +
- `variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({overrideCountryCode: ""}))}&` +
- `extensions=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "b81297d11a35ee6e21f5c5582452121dccf7ef54fd60e66218ee7dd199fb310d"}}))}`, {
- headers: {
- "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.auth.access_token}`,
- }
- });
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- this.log(json);
- this.ownId =;
- this.log("My id is " + this.ownId);
- for(const persona of {
- if(persona.namespaceName === "cem_ea_id")
- this.ownUsername = persona.displayName;
- else if(persona.namespaceName === "discord" && persona.displayName) {
- this.log(`My linked discord account is ${persona.displayName}`);
- const [username, discriminator] = persona.displayName.split("#");
- if(username && discriminator) {
- const user = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.findByTag(username, discriminator);
- if(user && !( in this.discordToEaIDs))
- this.discordToEaIDs[] = [this.ownId];
- }
- }
- }
- if(this.ownUsername) {
- this.log("My username is " + this.ownUsername);
- this.friendIdToDisplayName[this.ownId] = this.ownUsername;
- } else {
- console.error("[EA] Couldn't find my username!");
- }
- }
- async getFriendsList() {
- this.log("Fetching friends list...");
- const req = await fetch("" +
- "operationName=GetMyFriends&" +
- `variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({offset: 0, limit: 99}))}&` +
- `extensions=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "f8856d3ce53eac1d88ee1780851888a25575fad4f142e7b6142c0ace28797baa"}}))}`, {
- headers: {
- "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.auth.access_token}`,
- }
- });
- const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
- this.log(json);
- for(const friendData of {
- if(!friendData.player.uniqueName) continue; // ghost friend
- this.friendIdToDisplayName[] = friendData.player.displayName;
- }
- this.log(this.friendIdToDisplayName);
- }
- async connectWebsocket(accessToken) {
- if(!this.enabled) return;
- const sock = new SimpleSocket("wss://", {
- headers: {
- "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.15.2 Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Safari/537.36 Origin/ EAApp/"
- }
- });
- this.socket = sock;
- sock.onconnect = () => {
- this.log("Connected to WebSocket!");
- clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
- this.reconnectInterval = null;
- this.messageNumber = 0;
- this.login(accessToken);
- this.heartbeat = setInterval(this.sendHeartbeat.bind(this), 10000);
- }
- sock.onmessage = this.messageReceived.bind(this);
- sock.onclose = () => {
- if(!this.enabled || sock !== this.socket) return this.log("Websocket disconnected!");
- console.error("EA disconnected! Retrying in 5 seconds...");
- if(this.reconnectInterval) return;
- this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(async () => {
- if(this.auth.accessTokenExpires - < 10_000) {
- accessToken = await this.authenticate(this.remid);
- }
- this.log("Reconnecting...");
- this.connectWebsocket(accessToken);
- }, 5000);
- clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
- }
- }
- varInt(int) {
- const bytes = [];
- while (true) {
- if ((int & ~0x7F) === 0) {
- bytes.push(int);
- return Buffer.from(bytes);
- }
- bytes.push((int & 0x7F) | 0x80);
- int >>>= 7;
- }
- }
- readVarInt (buf, start=0) {
- let value = 0;
- let i = start;
- let currentByte;
- do {
- currentByte = buf[i];
- value |= ((currentByte & 0x7F) << (7 * (i - start)));
- i++;
- } while ((currentByte & 0x80) !== 0);
- return [value, i];
- }
- readString(buf, start) {
- // start is the index of the string length, not the string itself
- const [length, lengthEnd] = this.readVarInt(buf, start);
- const subarray = buf.subarray(lengthEnd, lengthEnd + length);
- return [subarray.toString(), lengthEnd + length];
- }
- stringifyBuffer = (buf, step=25) => {
- const lines = [];
- for(let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += step) {
- let line = [...buf.slice(i, i + step)];
- let s = "";
- s += ( => n.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, '0')).join(' ')).padEnd(step * 3 - 1, ' ');
- s += " | ";
- s += => 32 <= n && n <= 126 ? String.fromCharCode(n) : '.').join('');
- lines.push(s);
- }
- return lines.join('\n');
- }
- messageReceived(buf) {
- this.log(" <-\n" + this.stringifyBuffer(buf));
- try { // check if buffer has timestamp
- const [bufferLength, bufferLengthEnd] = this.readVarInt(buf, 5);
- if(buf[bufferLengthEnd] === 0x0A) {
- // there is a timestamp
- const [timestampString, timestampStringEnd] = this.readString(buf, bufferLengthEnd + 1);
- const timestamp = timestampString.split('-')[2];
- const packetTypeIndex = timestampStringEnd;
- const packetType = buf[packetTypeIndex];
- switch (packetType) {
- case 0x7A:
- // Auth response
- this.log("Got auth response!");
- const [messageLength1, messageLength1End] = this.readVarInt(buf, packetTypeIndex + 1);
- const [messageLength2, messageLength2End] = this.readVarInt(buf, messageLength1End + 1);
- const [ownIdString, ownIdEnd] = this.readString(buf, messageLength2End + 1);
- this.ownId = ownIdString.split(':')[1];
- this.log("My id is " + this.ownId);
- this.requestOwnPresence();
- this.requestFriendPresences();
- break;
- case 0x92:
- // friends list
- this.log("Got friends list!");
- break;
- case 0x62:
- // friend name
- this.log("Got friend name!");
- break;
- }
- } else if(buf[bufferLengthEnd] === 0x3A) {
- // there is no timestamp
- const [bufferLengthAgain, bufferLengthAgainEnd] = this.readVarInt(buf, bufferLengthEnd + 1);
- const [userId, userIdEnd] = this.readString(buf, bufferLengthAgainEnd + 1);
- const packetTypeIndex = userIdEnd;
- const packetType = buf[packetTypeIndex];
- switch (packetType) {
- case 0x12:
- // presence
- if(userId === this.ownId) this.log("Received my own presence");
- else this.log("Received presence for user " + userId);
- const [presenceJson, presenceJsonEnd] = this.readString(buf, packetTypeIndex + 1);
- const presence = JSON.parse(presenceJson);
- this.log(presence);
- if(presence.gameActivity_richPresence) this.log(JSON.parse(presence.gameActivity_richPresence));
- const [timestamp, timestampEnd] = this.readString(buf, presenceJsonEnd + 1);
- this.processPresence(userId, presence, +new Date(timestamp)); // does this work with timezones?
- break;
- case 0x28:
- // no presence for user
- this.log(`User ${userId} is offline`);
- delete this.presenceCache[userId];
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if(
- buf[bufferLengthEnd] !== 0xC2 && // "session changed"
- buf[bufferLengthEnd] !== 0x82 && // game invite
- buf[bufferLengthEnd] !== 0x72 // unknown, short buffer e.g. "00 00 00 04 0A 02 72 00"
- ) {
- if(this.debug) err("Neither 0A or 3A after message! " + buf[bufferLengthEnd].toString(16));
- }
- }
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- send(buf, log=true) {
- if(log) this.log(" ->\n" + this.stringifyBuffer(buf));
- this.socket.send(buf);
- }
- encodeString(s) {
- const stringLength = this.varInt(s.length);
- const stringEncoded = Buffer.from(s, 'utf-8');
- return Buffer.concat([stringLength, stringEncoded]);
- }
- createTimestampBuffer() {
- const timestamp =;
- const timestampString = `c-${this.messageNumber++}-${timestamp}-${timestamp}`;
- return this.encodeString(timestampString);
- }
- formatAndSendBuffer(buf, log=true) {
- try {
- const timestampBuffer = this.createTimestampBuffer();
- const totalLength = timestampBuffer.length + buf.length;
- const totalLengthVarInt = this.varInt(totalLength + 1);
- const totalLength32Bit = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- totalLength32Bit.writeUint32BE(totalLength + totalLengthVarInt.length + 2);
- const newline = Buffer.from([0x0A]);
- const header = Buffer.concat([totalLength32Bit, newline, totalLengthVarInt, newline]);
- this.send(Buffer.concat([header, timestampBuffer, buf]), log);
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- login(accessToken) {
- try {
- const packetType = Buffer.from([0xF2, 0x02]);
- const newline = Buffer.from([0x0A]);
- const accessTokenBuffer = this.encodeString(accessToken);
- const middleData = Buffer.from([0x10, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x06, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x69, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x30, 0x04, 0x3A]);
- const platformJson = this.encodeString('{"clientType":"ClientWeb","version":"juno-spa-0.0.1-15146-80d8a20","integrations":"LoginV3"}');
- const restOfPacketLengthBuffer = this.varInt(newline.length + accessTokenBuffer.length + middleData.length + platformJson.length);
- const handshakeBuffer = Buffer.concat([packetType, restOfPacketLengthBuffer, newline, accessTokenBuffer, middleData, platformJson]);
- this.formatAndSendBuffer(handshakeBuffer);
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- sendHeartbeat() {
- try { // the function is called in setInterval, so any unhandled error will crash the whole discord
- this.formatAndSendBuffer(Buffer.from([0xA2, 0x01, 0x00]), false);
- } catch(e) {
- err(e);
- }
- }
- requestOwnPresence() {
- const header = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x19, 0x12, 0x17, 0x0A]);
- const ownIdBuffer = this.encodeString(this.ownId);
- const middleNumber = Buffer.from([0x12]);
- const originString = this.encodeString("origin");
- this.formatAndSendBuffer(Buffer.concat([header, ownIdBuffer, middleNumber, originString]));
- }
- requestFriendPresences() {
- this.formatAndSendBuffer(Buffer.from([0x9A, 0x03, 0x00]));
- }
- async processPresence(id, data, timestamp) {
- try {
- if(data.gameActivity_isNull) return this.deletePresence(id);
- if(data.presence_null === undefined) return; // is own status (not presence, just online/away/invisible)
- const presenceData = JSON.parse(data.gameActivity_gamePresence);
- const richPresenceData = data.gameActivity_richPresence ? JSON.parse(data.gameActivity_richPresence) : {};
- const gameArtUrl = await this.getGameArt(data.gameActivity_productId)
- const presence = {
- application_id: customRpcAppId,
- name: data.gameActivity_gameTitle,
- details:,
- type: 0,
- timestamps: {start: timestamp},
- assets: {
- large_image: gameArtUrl ? `url:${gameArtUrl}` : this.eaLogoAssetId,
- large_text: data.gameActivity_gameTitle
- },
- username: this.friendIdToDisplayName[id],
- priority: Priorities.PLAYING,
- session:
- };
- const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[id];
- const wasPlayingSameGame = previousPresence && ===;
- const status =;
- switch (data.gameActivity_productId) {
- case "Origin.OFR.50.0002694": { // Apex Legends
- presence.application_id = this.apexRpcAppId;
- presence.assets.large_image = this.apexAssets[this.apexAssetNames["Logo"]];
- let match = status.match(/(.+) - (.+)/);
- if(match) {
- const map = match[1];
- presence.assets.large_image = this.apexAssets[this.apexAssetNames[map]] || `url:${gameArtUrl}`;
- presence.details = "Playing " + match[2]; // gamemode
- match = status.match(/(.+) - (.+) \((.+)\)/);
- if(match) {
- presence.state = match[3]; // "10 Squads Left"
- }
- }
- if(wasPlayingSameGame && presence.session === previousPresence.session) {
- presence.timestamps = previousPresence.timestamps;
- }
- break;
- }
- case "Origin.OFR.50.0004567": { // FIFA 22
- let match = status.match(/^\((.+)\)$/);
- if(match) presence.details = match[1];
- match = status.match(/^(.+) (\d+-\d+ [A-Za-z]{1,3} [V\-] [A-Za-z]{1,3}.+$)/);
- if(match) {
- presence.details = "Playing " + match[1];
- presence.state = match[2];
- if(wasPlayingSameGame && previousPresence.state) {
- presence.timestamps = previousPresence.timestamps;
- }
- }
- match = status.match(/^(.+) \((.+)\)$/);
- if(match) {
- presence.details = match[1];
- presence.state = match[2];
- presence.priority = Priorities.IN_LOBBY;
- }
- break;
- }
- default: {
- if(previousPresence && status === previousPresence.details) {
- presence.timestamps = previousPresence.timestamps;
- }
- }
- }
- this.presenceCache[id] = presence;
- this.log(presence);
- if(!previousPresence || !== {
- this.updateUser(id, this.discordToEaIDs);
- }
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(id, data, timestamp);
- err(e);
- }
- }
- deletePresence(id) {
- if(this.presenceCache[id]) {
- delete this.presenceCache[id];
- this.updateUser(id, this.discordToEaIDs);
- }
- }
- async getGameArt(productId) {
- try {
- if(this.assetCache[productId]) return this.assetCache[productId];
- const req = await fetch("" +
- "operationName=inGamePresenceData&" +
- `variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({locale: "en", offerIds: [productId]}))}&` +
- `extensions=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "6d7316368c350bbf3de50676add3d1d00d73021270f9d365e5a5e388fd9741c8"}}))}`);
- const json = await JSON.parse(req.body);
- if(![0].baseItem) return null;
- this.assetCache[productId] =[0].baseItem.keyArt.aspect1x1Image.path;
- return[0].baseItem.keyArt.aspect1x1Image.path;
- } catch(e) {
- console.error(e);
- err("Could not get game art for game " + productId);
- }
- }
- getPresence(discord_id) {
- return super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToEaIDs, this.presenceCache);
- }
- getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
- // enabled switch
- const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
- // cookies textbox
- const textboxChange = (value) => {
- this.cookies = value;
- if(this.enabled) {
- SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
- }
- }
- const buttonClick = () => {
- BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Warning", "Fetching your RemID will log you out of the EA App. Are you sure?", {
- danger: true,
- confirmText: "Yes, I'm sure",
- onConfirm: getRemID
- });
- }
- const getRemID = () => {
- const button = remidTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[1];
- button.classList.remove("bd-button-danger");
- button.innerHTML = "Fetching...";
- const [success, remid] = this.getRemIDFromEaApp();
- if(success) {
- this.remid = remid;
- remidTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[0].value = remid;
- button.innerHTML = "Success!";
- this.saveData();
- } else {
- const error = remid;
- button.classList.add("bd-button-danger");
- if(error.message && error.message.includes("no such file")) {
- button.innerHTML = "File not found";
- } else {
- button.innerHTML = "Failed";
- console.error(error);
- BdApi.alert(error);
- }
- }
- }
- const remidTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton("RemID Cookie", "Your EA RemID cookie. Fetching it only works on the new 'EA App', not Origin.",
- this.remid, textboxChange, {}, "Fetch RemID from EA App", buttonClick);
- const usersList = {
- idToName: this.friendIdToDisplayName,
- nameToId: {}
- }
- for(const [id, username] of Object.entries(this.friendIdToDisplayName)) {
- usersList.nameToId[username] = id;
- }
- const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("ea", Object.keys(usersList.nameToId));
- const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToEaIDs, null, "EA Username", /^\d+$/);
- const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
- return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, remidTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
- }
- destroy(pluginShutdown) {
- this.enabled = false;
- for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
- clearInterval(this.heartbeat);
- clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
- if(this.socket) this.socket.close(1001);
- if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
- }
- ** PLUGIN **
- **************/
-const platforms = [Riot, Epic, Steam, EA, Minecraft, Twitch];
-const CrossPlatformPlaying = (() => {
- return !global.ZeresPluginLibrary ? class {
- constructor() {this._config = config;}
- getName() {return;}
- getAuthor() {return =>", ");}
- getDescription() {return;}
- getVersion() {return;}
- load() {
- BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The library plugin needed for ${} is missing. Please click Download Now to install it.`, {
- confirmText: "Download Now",
- cancelText: "Cancel",
- onConfirm: () => {
- require("request").get("", async (error, response, body) => {
- if (error) return require("electron").shell.openExternal("");
- await new Promise(r => fs.writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0PluginLibrary.plugin.js"), body, () => {
- BdApi.alert("Successfully installed CrossPlatformPlaying! Press Ctrl+R to reload Discord, then go to Settings > Plugins to enable and configure the plugin.");
- r();
- }));
- });
- }
- });
- }
- start() {}
- stop() {}
- } : (([Plugin, Api]) => {
- const plugin = (Plugin, Library) => {
- return class CrossPlatformPlaying extends Plugin {
- constructor() {
- super();
- }
- onStart() {
- // Required function. Called when the plugin is activated (including after reloads)
- console.log("[CrossPlatformPlaying] Starting...");
- const loadStart =;
- // for debugging
- global.CPP = {
- plugin: this, platforms, config,
- fetch, setTimeout, setInterval, updateUser, removeFromList,
- Platform, SimpleSocket, SettingsBuilder, Priorities,
- timeouts, intervals
- };
- // check if config json is valid
- try {
- BdApi.loadData(pluginName, "");
- } catch(e) {
- return console.error("[CrossPlatformPlaying] Could not load config JSON! Is it corrupt?");
- }
- discord_id = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserInfoStore.getId();
- this.loadPatches();
- this.patchGetActivity();
- this.patchActivityHeader();
- this.patchGetAssetImage();
- this.reloadActivityRenderModule();
- this.patchRenderHeader();
- this.setUpdateUser();
- // initialise platforms
- this.instances = [];
- for(const platform of platforms) {
- this.instances.push(new platform());
- }
- console.log(`[CrossPlatformPlaying] Started in ${ - loadStart}ms`);
- }
- onStop() {
- // Required function. Called when the plugin is deactivated
- BdApi.Patcher.unpatchAll(pluginName);
- for(const platform of this.instances) platform.destroy(true);
- this.instances.length = 0; // clear array for next time plugin is launched
- for(const timeout of timeouts) clearTimeout(timeout);
- for(const interval of intervals) clearInterval(interval);
- timeouts.length = 0; intervals.length = 0;
- }
- getSettingsPanel() {
- if(!this.buttonClassNames) this.buttonClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps("button", "lookFilled", "grow");
- const body = document.createElement("div");
- // to check if settings panel is still open
- const bodyId = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("base64");
- = bodyId;
- const theInterval = setInterval(() => {
- if(document.getElementById(bodyId)) {
- for(let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
- const platform = this.instances[i];
- const button = buttons[i];
- if(platform.enabled) {
- button.classList.remove(this.buttonClassNames.colorTransparent);
- button.classList.add(this.buttonClassNames.colorBrand);
- } else {
- button.classList.remove(this.buttonClassNames.colorBrand);
- button.classList.add(this.buttonClassNames.colorTransparent);
- }
- }
- } else { // settings panel closed
- clearInterval(theInterval);
- }
- }, 100);
- const buttons = [];
- const panels = [];
- let activePanel;
- // insert formatted list of all discord users
- const discordUserList = {
- idToName: {},
- nameToId: {}
- }
- ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.forEach(user => {
- const name = user.username + '#' + user.discriminator;
- discordUserList.idToName[] = name;
- discordUserList.nameToId[name] =;
- });
- const discordUsersDatalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("discordUserList", Object.keys(discordUserList.nameToId));
- body.append(discordUsersDatalist);
- // create a panel and button for each platform
- for(const platform of this.instances) {
- let platformIndex = buttons.length;
- // the different panels for different platforms
- const panel = document.createElement("div");
- = "panel-" + platform.platformId;
- panel.loaded = false;
- = "none"; // hide the panel initially
- panels.push(panel);
- // the buttons clicked to show the different platforms
- const button = document.createElement("button");
- button.classList.add(this.buttonClassNames.button, this.buttonClassNames.lookFilled, this.buttonClassNames.colorBrand, this.buttonClassNames.sizeMedium, this.buttonClassNames.grow);
- = "5px";
- = "inline"; // to make the buttons appear side by side
- button.innerText =;
- button.onclick = () => {
- if(activePanel) = "none";
- if(this.activePanelIndex !== undefined) {
- buttons[this.activePanelIndex].disabled = false;
- buttons[this.activePanelIndex].classList.remove("bd-button-disabled");
- }
- activePanel = panel;
- this.activePanelIndex = platformIndex;
- if(!panel.loaded) {
- panel.append(platform.getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist));
- panel.loaded = true;
- }
- = "block";
- button.disabled = true;
- button.classList.add("bd-button-disabled");
- }
- buttons.push(button);
- }
- // start inserting the elements
- const buttonsDiv = document.createElement("div");
- = "platform-buttons";
- = "10px";
- body.append(buttonsDiv);
- for(const button of buttons) {
- buttonsDiv.append(button);
- }
- const panelsDiv = document.createElement("div");
- = "platform-panels";
- = "10px";
- body.append(panelsDiv);
- for(const panel of panels) {
- panelsDiv.append(panel);
- }
- buttons[this.activePanelIndex || 0].click();
- return body;
- }
- loadPatches() {
- // discord webpack module helper functions
- const moduleList = Object.values(ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getAllModules());
- const stringsModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.default && m.exports.default.Messages && m.exports.default.Messages.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING);
- const activityRenderModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.default && m.exports.default.prototype && m.exports.default.prototype.renderImage && m.exports.default.prototype.renderHeader);
- const activityAssetModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.getAssetImage);
- const activityHeaderModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.default && m.exports.default.toString().includes("default.Messages.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING"));
- const ActivityStore = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore;
- this.patchGetActivity = () => {
- BdApi.Patcher.after(pluginName, ActivityStore, "getActivities", (_this, args, ret) => {
- const start =;
- try {
- const id = args[0];
- let newActivities = [];
- for(const platform of this.instances) {
- const presences = platform.getPresence(id);
- if(presences && presences.length) newActivities.push(...presences);
- }
- if(newActivities.length === 0) return ret;
- const activityPriority = (act) => {
- if(act.priority) return act.priority;
- if(act.type === 2) return Priorities.SECONDARY; // Spotify
- if(act.application_id === "307998818547531777") return Priorities.SECONDARY; //
- if(act.details || act.state) return Priorities.DISCORD_RICH_PRESENCE;
- return Priorities.DISCORD_NORMAL;
- }
- const sortFunction = (a, b) => {
- return activityPriority(b) - activityPriority(a);
- }
- return newActivities.concat(ret).sort(sortFunction);
- } finally {
- const time = - start;
- if(time > 5) console.warn(`[${pluginName}] getActivities took ${time}ms`);
- }
- });
- global.CPP.getActivities = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore.getActivities;
- }
- this.setUpdateUser = () => {
- const dispatchFunction = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore._dispatcher.dispatch.bind(ZLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore._dispatcher);
- updateUser = (id) => {
- const user = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getUser(id);
- /*if(user) console.log(`Updating user ${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`);
- else console.log(`Updating user with id ${id}...`);*/
- if(user) dispatchFunction({
- guildId: null, // update in all guilds
- user: user
- });
- }
- global.CPP.updateUser = updateUser;
- }
- this.patchActivityHeader = () => {
- // only works with "playing ..." headers
- BdApi.Patcher.after(pluginName, activityHeaderModule.exports, "default", (_this, args, ret) => {
- if(!args[0].username) return ret;
- const presence = args[0];
- if(ret === stringsModule.exports.default.Messages.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING)
- return "Playing as " + presence.username;
- // playing on xbox -> playing on xbox as urmom420
- return ret + " as " + presence.username;
- });
- }
- this.patchGetAssetImage = () => {
- // setup getAssetImage patch
- BdApi.Patcher.instead(pluginName, activityAssetModule.exports, "getAssetImage", (_this, args, func) => {
- if(args[1] && args[1].startsWith("url:")) return args[1].substr(4);
- return func(...args);
- });
- }
- this.patchRenderHeader = () => {
- BdApi.Patcher.after(pluginName, activityRenderModule.exports.default.prototype, "renderHeader", (_this, args, ret) => {
- if(!ret || !_this.activity || !_this.activity.username) return ret;
- if(!ret.props.children[1].props.children.props.children.startsWith("Playing as"))
- ret.props.children[1].props.children.props.children += " as " + _this.activity.username;
- return ret;
- });
- }
- this.reloadActivityRenderModule = () => {
- // the activityRenderModule.renderImage function stores a reference to the unpatched getAssetImage function
- // we need to reload the webpack to update the reference
- const reloadedModule = {exports: {}};
- ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.require.m[](reloadedModule, reloadedModule.exports, ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.require);
- BdApi.Patcher.instead(pluginName, activityRenderModule.exports.default.prototype, "renderImage", (_this, args) =>, ...args));
- BdApi.Patcher.instead(pluginName, activityRenderModule.exports.default.prototype, "renderHeader", (_this, args) =>, ...args));
- }
- }
- };
- };
- return plugin(Plugin, Api);
- })(global.ZeresPluginLibrary.buildPlugin(config));
+ const fs = require("fs");
+ const crypto = require("crypto");
+ const preload = global.CPP_preload;
+ // send an HTTP request to a URL, bypassing CORS policy
+ const fetch = preload.https.fetch;
+ // basic error handling
+ const err = e => {
+ console.error(e);
+ if(e.code === errCode || e.errno === errCode) return; // steam & hypixel sometimes time out for no reason
+ }
+ debugger;
+ BdApi.alert("Error happened!\n" + e);
+ }
+ // convert a Buffer (UInt8Array) to a utf-8 string
+ const textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
+ const bufToString = (buffer) => textDecoder.decode(buffer);
+ // format an application asset URL to properly render, without needing to patch getAssetImage
+ // this takes advantage of the fact you can pass a discord media proxy url as an asset image using "mp:"
+ // as well as properties of the URL() constructor to tell it not to prepend the media proxy hostname
+ // while bypassing the split at the : character that discord does
+ const formatAsset = (url) => {
+ if(!url) return null;
+ const urlObject = new URL(url);
+ return `mp:${urlObject.toString().substring(urlObject.protocol.length)}`;
+ }
+ const pluginName = "CrossPlatformPlaying";
+ const customRpcAppId = "883483733875892264";
+ const config = {
+ "info": {
+ "name": pluginName,
+ "authors": [{
+ "name": "Giorgio",
+ "discord_id": "316978243716775947",
+ "github_username": "giorgi-o"
+ }],
+ "version": "0.2.8",
+ "description": "Lets you see what your friends are playing even if they turned off game activity",
+ "github": "",
+ "github_raw": ""
+ },
+ "changelog": [ // added: green, improved: blurple, fixed: red, progress: yellow
+ {
+ "title": "Beta testing",
+ "type": "added",
+ "items": [
+ "If you see this, it's because you installed the beta version of the plugin. Welcome :)",
+ "This version is probably very buggy, but at least it's better than nothing'.",
+ "If you encounter any bugs, don't hesitate to tell me! I'm not going to fix a bug if no one tells me about it."
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ };
+ // the discord id of the current user (once the plugin loads)
+ let discord_id = 0;
+ // update the user's status in the guild member list
+ // call this when the user changes game (not just the game state)
+ let updateUser = (id) => {};
+ // to implement a new platform, create a subclass of Platform
+ // and override constructor(), start(), serializeData(), deserializeData(), getPresence(), destroy() and getSettings()
+ class Platform {
+ // all platforms should call super() with their platformId
+ constructor(platformId) {
+ this.platformId = platformId; // used when storing the platform settings
+ }
+ // should be called in constructor if the platform is enabled
+ start() {}
+ // loads the plugin settings and calls deserializeData(). Should be called in constructor before start()
+ loadData() {
+ const data = BdApi.loadData(pluginName, this.platformId);
+ this.deserializeData(data || {});
+ this.saveData();
+ }
+ // save the data from serializeData() on disk
+ saveData() {
+ BdApi.saveData(pluginName, this.platformId, this.serializeData());
+ }
+ // returns a JSON serializable object containing the data to be saved on disk
+ serializeData() {};
+ // takes the JSON stored on disk and deserializes it to be used by the platform
+ deserializeData(data) {};
+ // helper method that can be used for simple platforms
+ // platforms should implement getPresence with only one argument, discord_id
+ getPresence(discord_id, discordToPlatformId, presenceCache) {
+ if(!discord_id || !presenceCache || !discordToPlatformId || !discordToPlatformId[discord_id]) return;
+ const presences = [];
+ for (const platform_id of discordToPlatformId[discord_id]) {
+ if(presenceCache[platform_id])
+ presences.push(presenceCache[platform_id]);
+ }
+ if(presences.length) return presences;
+ }
+ // helper method to call updateUser() on a user using their user id
+ // because typically the processPresence() functions only have the platform id, not discord id
+ updateUser(platformId, discordToPlatformId) {
+ const discordIds = [];
+ for(const [discordId, platformIds] of Object.entries(discordToPlatformId)) {
+ let matches;
+ if(Array.isArray(platformIds)) matches = platformIds.includes(platformId);
+ else matches = platformIds === platformId;
+ if(matches) discordIds.push(discordId);
+ }
+ for(const discordId of discordIds)
+ updateUser(discordId);
+ }
+ // called when the plugin is stopped or the platform is disabled
+ // pluginShutdown is true if the whole plugin is being disabled
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {};
+ // helper function to restart the platform, for example to re-authenticate.
+ restart() {
+ this.destroy(false);
+ this.enabled = true;
+ this.saveData();
+ this.start();
+ }
+ // should return an HTML element containing the settings panel
+ // takes as argument an object containing a map of discord IDs to and from usernames
+ getSettings() {
+ const div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerText = "No settings panel for " + this.platformId;
+ return div;
+ }
+ log(s) {
+ if(!this.debug) return;
+ if(typeof s === "object") console.log(`[${this.platformId.toUpperCase()}]`, s);
+ else console.log(`[${this.platformId.toUpperCase()}] ${s}`);
+ }
+ }
+ const removeFromList = (list, value) => {
+ const index = list.indexOf(value);
+ if(index !== -1) list.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ const timeouts = [];
+ const intervals = [];
+ const setTimeout = (fn, delay) => {
+ const id = window.setTimeout(() => {
+ removeFromList(timeouts, id);
+ try {fn()}
+ catch(e) {err(e)}
+ }, delay);
+ timeouts.push(id);
+ return id;
+ }
+ const setInterval = (fn, delay) => {
+ const id = window.setInterval(() => {
+ try {fn()}
+ catch(e) {err(e)}
+ }, delay);
+ intervals.push(id);
+ return id;
+ }
+ // custom websocket client adding support for HTTP headers and cookies
+ const SimpleSocket = {
+ create: preload.https.simpleSocket,
+ send: preload.https.sendToSocket,
+ close: preload.https.closeSocket
+ }
+ const Priorities = {
+ PLAYING: 7, // user has game open & actively playing
+ IN_LOBBY: 6, // user has game open and is about to launch (in lobby)
+ DISCORD_RICH_PRESENCE: 5, // discord presence, with rich presence
+ IN_LOBBY_AFK: 4, // user has game open but is afk
+ NONPRIMARY_PLAYING: 3, // user has their game open, but this is not the primary presence (e.g. Steam)
+ DISCORD_NORMAL: 2, // discord presence, without rich presence
+ SECONDARY: 1 // secondary activity (e.g. Spotify/Twitch)
+ }
+ // helper functions for building the settings panel
+ const SettingsBuilder = {
+ enabledSwitch: (platform) => {
+ const onChange = (value) => {
+ const wasEnabled = platform.enabled;
+ platform.enabled = value;
+ if(!wasEnabled && value) platform.start();
+ if(wasEnabled && !value) platform.destroy();
+ platform.saveData();
+ }
+ return new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Switch("Enabled", "Whether this platform is enabled", platform.enabled, onChange);
+ },
+ toggleEnabledSwitch: (enabledSwitch) => {
+ enabledSwitch.getElement().children[0].children[0].children[1].children[0].children[1].click();
+ },
+ debugSwitch: (platform) => {
+ const onChange = (value) => {
+ platform.debug = value;
+ if(value) platform.log("Debug enabled!");
+ }
+ return new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Switch("Debug", "Whether to print debug info to the console", platform.debug, onChange);
+ },
+ getTextboxInput: (textbox) => {
+ return textbox.children[0].children[1].children[0];
+ },
+ textboxWithButton: (name, note, value, onChange, textboxOptions, buttonText, onClick, timeout=50) => {
+ if(!name) name = ""; // if name is null, button formatting doesn't work for some reason
+ const textbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox(name, note, value, onChange, textboxOptions).getElement();
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ const button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.innerText = buttonText;
+ button.onclick = onClick;
+ button.classList.add("bd-button");
+ = "16px";
+ = "10px";
+ = "nowrap";
+ const div = textbox.children[0].children[1];
+ = "row";
+ div.append(button);
+ }, timeout);
+ return textbox;
+ },
+ settingsPanel: (platform, ...nodes) => {
+ const panel = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.SettingPanel(() => platform.saveData(), ...nodes);
+ return panel.getElement();
+ },
+ createDatalist: (id, values) => {
+ const datalist = document.createElement("datalist");
+ = id;
+ for(const value of values) {
+ const option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.value = value;
+ datalist.append(option);
+ }
+ return datalist;
+ },
+ userMapInterface: (platform, platformDatalist, discordDatalist, platformUserList, discordUserList, usersMap, description, platformHeaderValue, platformIdRegex=/./, discordIdRegex=/^\d{15,}$/) => {
+ /** userList format: {
+ * idToName: {
+ * 1234: "gary"
+ * },
+ * nameToId: {
+ * "gary": 1234
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ // get a few class names from discord (can't find them in ZLibrary)
+ if(!SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames) SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps("input", "inputMini", "inputWrapper");
+ if(!SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames) SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps('labelBold', 'labelDescriptor', 'labelSelected');
+ const userMapDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ userMapDiv.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.container);
+ if(platformDatalist) userMapDiv.append(platformDatalist);
+ if(description) {
+ const descriptionDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ descriptionDiv.className = (SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames.description);
+ descriptionDiv.innerHTML = description;
+ = "6px";
+ userMapDiv.append(descriptionDiv);
+ }
+ const table = document.createElement("table");
+ = "100%";
+ userMapDiv.append(table);
+ // top row with + button and labels
+ const topRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ = platform.platformId + "-row-top";
+ const addRowButton = document.createElement("button");
+ addRowButton.innerText = "+";
+ addRowButton.className = "bd-button";
+ const addRowButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ addRowButtonColumn.append(addRowButton);
+ topRow.append(addRowButtonColumn);
+ const platformColumnTitle = document.createElement("th");
+ platformColumnTitle.innerText = platformHeaderValue || "Platform user";
+ = "var(--header-primary)";
+ topRow.append(platformColumnTitle);
+ const discordColumnTitle = document.createElement("th");
+ discordColumnTitle.innerText = "Discord user";
+ = "var(--header-primary)";
+ topRow.append(discordColumnTitle);
+ table.append(topRow);
+ // handle saving data to json
+ let saveTimeout;
+ const saveData = () => {
+ clearTimeout(saveTimeout);
+ // delete all entries in old usersMap
+ for(const user of Object.keys(usersMap)) delete usersMap[user];
+ for(const row of table.children) {
+ if( === platform.platformId + "-row-top") continue;
+ const [, platformColumn, discordColumn] = row.children;
+ const platformInput = platformColumn.children[0];
+ const discordInput = discordColumn.children[0];
+ let platformValue = platformInput.value;
+ let discordValue = discordInput.value;
+ if(platformUserList && platformUserList.nameToId[platformValue]) {
+ platformValue = platformUserList.nameToId[platformValue];
+ } else if(platformIdRegex && !platformIdRegex.test(platformValue)) {
+ = "red";
+ continue;
+ }
+ = null;
+ if(discordUserList && discordUserList.nameToId[discordValue]) {
+ discordValue = discordUserList.nameToId[discordValue];
+ } else if(discordIdRegex && !discordIdRegex.test(discordValue)) {
+ = "red";
+ continue;
+ }
+ = null;
+ if(!platformValue || !discordValue) continue;
+ if(Array.isArray(usersMap[discordValue])) {
+ usersMap[discordValue].push(platformValue);
+ } else {
+ usersMap[discordValue] = [platformValue];
+ }
+ }
+ saveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ platform.saveData();
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ let id = 0;
+ const addRow = (platformValue, discordValue, insertAtEnd=false) => {
+ const row = document.createElement("tr");
+ = "100%";
+ = platform.platformId + "-row-" + id.toString();
+ // X button
+ const removeButton = document.createElement("button");
+ removeButton.className = "bd-button";
+ removeButton.innerText = "X";
+ removeButton.onclick = () => removeRow(;
+ const removeButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ removeButtonColumn.append(removeButton);
+ row.append(removeButtonColumn);
+ // platform dropdown
+ const platformInput = document.createElement("input");
+ platformInput.className = SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames.input;
+ = "100%";
+ platformInput.oninput = saveData;
+ if(platformValue) platformInput.value = platformValue;
+ if(platformDatalist) platformInput.setAttribute("list",;
+ const platformInputColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ = "50%";
+ platformInputColumn.append(platformInput);
+ row.append(platformInputColumn);
+ // discord dropdown
+ const discordInput = document.createElement("input");
+ discordInput.className = SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames.input;
+ = "100%";
+ discordInput.oninput = saveData;
+ if(discordValue) discordInput.value = discordValue;
+ if(discordDatalist) discordInput.setAttribute("list",;
+ const discordInputColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ = "50%";
+ discordInputColumn.append(discordInput);
+ row.append(discordInputColumn);
+ if(insertAtEnd) table.append(row);
+ else table.insertBefore(row, table.children[1]);
+ id++;
+ }
+ addRowButton.onclick = () => addRow();
+ const removeRow = (id) => {
+ table.removeChild(document.getElementById(id));
+ if(table.children.length === 1) addRow();
+ saveData();
+ }
+ const userCount = Object.values(usersMap).flat().length;
+ if(userCount === 0) {
+ addRow("", "");
+ }
+ else if(userCount === 1) {
+ const [[discord_id, platform_ids]] = Object.entries(usersMap);
+ addRow(platform_ids[0], discord_id);
+ }
+ else {
+ for(const [discord_id, platform_ids] of Object.entries(usersMap)) {
+ for(const platform_id of platform_ids) {
+ addRow(platformUserList && platformUserList.idToName[platform_id] || platform_id,
+ discordUserList && discordUserList.idToName[discord_id] || discord_id, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // add divider
+ const divider = document.createElement("div");
+ divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.divider);
+ divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.dividerDefault);
+ userMapDiv.append(divider);
+ return userMapDiv;
+ },
+ list: (platform, theList, description, header, regex=/./) => {
+ // get a few class names from discord (can't find them in ZLibrary)
+ if(!SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames) SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps("input", "inputMini", "inputWrapper");
+ if(!SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames) SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps('labelBold', 'labelDescriptor', 'labelSelected');
+ const listDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ listDiv.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.container);
+ if(description) {
+ const descriptionDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ descriptionDiv.className = (SettingsBuilder.descriptionClassNames.description);
+ descriptionDiv.innerHTML = description;
+ = "6px";
+ listDiv.append(descriptionDiv);
+ }
+ const table = document.createElement("table");
+ = "100%";
+ listDiv.append(table);
+ // top row with + button and labels
+ const topRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ = platform.platformId + "-list-row-top";
+ const addRowButton = document.createElement("button");
+ addRowButton.innerText = "+";
+ addRowButton.className = "bd-button";
+ const addRowButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ addRowButtonColumn.append(addRowButton);
+ topRow.append(addRowButtonColumn);
+ const inputColumnTitle = document.createElement("th");
+ inputColumnTitle.innerText = header || "Value";
+ = "var(--header-primary)";
+ topRow.append(inputColumnTitle);
+ table.append(topRow);
+ // handle saving data to json
+ let saveTimeout;
+ const saveData = () => {
+ clearTimeout(saveTimeout);
+ // delete all entries in old list
+ theList.length = 0;
+ for(const row of table.children) {
+ if( === platform.platformId + "-list-row-top") continue;
+ const inputElement = row.children[1].children[0];
+ const inputValue = inputElement.value;
+ if(regex && !regex.test(inputValue)) {
+ = "red";
+ continue;
+ }
+ = null;
+ if(!inputValue) continue;
+ theList.push(inputValue);
+ }
+ saveTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ platform.saveData();
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ let id = 0;
+ const addRow = (value, insertAtEnd=false) => {
+ const row = document.createElement("tr");
+ = "100%";
+ = platform.platformId + "-list-row-" + id.toString();
+ // X button
+ const removeButton = document.createElement("button");
+ removeButton.className = "bd-button";
+ removeButton.innerText = "X";
+ removeButton.onclick = () => removeRow(;
+ const removeButtonColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ removeButtonColumn.append(removeButton);
+ row.append(removeButtonColumn);
+ // input
+ const platformInput = document.createElement("input");
+ platformInput.className = SettingsBuilder.inputClassNames.input;
+ = "100%";
+ platformInput.oninput = saveData;
+ if(value) platformInput.value = value;
+ const platformInputColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ = "100%";
+ platformInputColumn.append(platformInput);
+ row.append(platformInputColumn);
+ if(insertAtEnd) table.append(row);
+ else table.insertBefore(row, table.children[1]);
+ id++;
+ }
+ addRowButton.onclick = () => addRow();
+ const removeRow = (id) => {
+ table.removeChild(document.getElementById(id));
+ if(table.children.length === 1) addRow();
+ saveData();
+ }
+ if(theList.length <= 1) {
+ addRow(theList[0]);
+ } else {
+ for(const item of theList) {
+ addRow(item, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // add divider
+ const divider = document.createElement("div");
+ divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.divider);
+ divider.classList.add(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.Dividers.dividerDefault);
+ listDiv.append(divider);
+ return listDiv;
+ }
+ }
+ /*************
+ ** STEAM **
+ *************/
+ class Steam extends Platform {
+ constructor() {
+ super("steam");
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.loadData();
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ }
+ start() {
+ if(this.apiKey) {
+ this.updateCache();
+ // we are allowed 100000 requests/day = 64/minute
+ this.cacheUpdateinterval = setInterval(this.updateCache.bind(this), 10_000);
+ }
+ }
+ serializeData() {
+ return {
+ enabled: this.enabled || false,
+ apiKey: this.apiKey || "",
+ usersMap: this.discordToSteamIDs || {},
+ debug: this.debug || false
+ }
+ }
+ deserializeData(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.apiKey = data.apiKey || "";
+ this.discordToSteamIDs = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ async getPlayerSummaries(ids) {
+ const url = `${this.apiKey}&steamids=${ids.join(',')}`;
+ const req = await fetch(url);
+ if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
+ console.error(req);
+ if(req.statusCode === 403) {
+ console.error(req);
+ if(this.apiKey) BdApi.alert("Your Steam API key is invalid! Steam has been disabled, reenable it in settings.");
+ else BdApi.alert("You haven't provided a Steam API key!");
+ this.destroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ console.error("HTTP error " + req.statusCode + " when fetching steam data");
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ const json_data = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if (!json_data.response || !json_data.response.players) return;
+ this.log(json_data);
+ for (const playerSummary of json_data.response.players) {
+ this.processPlayerSummary(playerSummary);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ console.error(req);
+ err("Couldn't JSON Parse Steam response!");
+ }
+ }
+ processPlayerSummary(summary) {
+ // format:
+ if(summary.gameextrainfo) {
+ const statuses = ["Offline", "Playing", "Busy", "Away", "Snoozed", "Looking to trade", "Looking to play"];
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[summary.steamid];
+ const playingSameGame = previousPresence && summary.gameextrainfo ===;
+ const presence = {
+ application_id: customRpcAppId,
+ name: summary.gameextrainfo,
+ details: `${statuses[summary.personastate]} on Steam`,
+ type: 0,
+ timestamps: {start: playingSameGame ? previousPresence.timestamps.start : +new Date()},
+ assets: {
+ large_image: "883490890377756682",
+ large_text: "Playing as " + summary.personaname
+ },
+ username: summary.personaname,
+ priority: Priorities.NONPRIMARY_PLAYING
+ };
+ this.presenceCache[summary.steamid] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(!playingSameGame) this.updateUser(summary.steamid, this.discordToSteamIDs);
+ } else {
+ this.deletePresence(summary.steamid);
+ }
+ }
+ deletePresence(id) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[id]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[id];
+ this.updateUser(id, this.discordToSteamIDs);
+ }
+ }
+ updateCache() {
+ if(!this.enabled) return clearInterval(this.cacheUpdateinterval);
+ try {
+ const steam_ids = Object.values(this.discordToSteamIDs).flat();
+ // can only request 100 steam profiles at a time
+ for (let i = 0; i < steam_ids.length; i += 100) {
+ this.getPlayerSummaries(steam_ids.slice(i, i + 100));
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ getPresence(discord_id) {
+ return super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToSteamIDs, this.presenceCache);
+ }
+ getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
+ // enabled switch
+ const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
+ // api key textbox
+ const textboxChange = (value) => {
+ this.apiKey = value;
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ const apiKeyTextbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox("API Key", "Your Steam API key. Get one at", this.apiKey, textboxChange);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ apiKeyTextbox.getElement().children[0].children[2].innerHTML = `Your Steam API key. Get one at`
+ }, 50);
+ const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, null, discordUsersDatalist, null, discordUserList, this.discordToSteamIDs,
+ "To get IDs, use a site such as Steam ID Finder and copy the SteamID64 (Dec).", "Steam ID", /^\d+$/);
+ const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
+ return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, apiKeyTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
+ }
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
+ clearInterval(this.cacheUpdateinterval);
+ if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************
+ *****************/
+ class Minecraft extends Platform {
+ constructor() {
+ super("minecraft");
+ this.mcUUIDToUsername = {};
+ this.loadData();
+ this.UUIDs = [ Set(Object.values(this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs).flat())] // remove duplicates
+ this.log = this.log.bind(this);
+ this.updateUser = uuid => super.updateUser(uuid, this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs);
+ this.hypixel = new Hypixel(this.UUIDs, this.hypixelApiKey, this);
+ this.private = new MCPrivate(this.UUIDs, this.servers, this);
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ }
+ start() {
+ this.fetchUsernames().then(() => {
+ this.hypixel.start();
+ });
+ this.private.start();
+ }
+ loadData() {
+ const data = BdApi.loadData(pluginName, "minecraft");
+ if(data) super.loadData();
+ else {
+ // fetch data from old version of CrossPlatformPlaying
+ const data = BdApi.loadData(pluginName, "hypixel");
+ if(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.hypixelApiKey = data.apiKey || "";
+ this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ this.saveData();
+ this.loadData();
+ }
+ }
+ serializeData() {
+ return {
+ enabled: this.enabled || false,
+ hypixelApiKey: this.hypixelApiKey || "",
+ usersMap: this.removeDashesFromUUIDs(this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs || {}),
+ servers: this.servers || [],
+ debug: this.debug || false
+ }
+ }
+ deserializeData(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.hypixelApiKey = data.hypixelApiKey || "";
+ this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.servers = data.servers || [];
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ removeDashesFromUUIDs(discordToMinecraftUUIDs) {
+ for(const UUIDs of Object.values(discordToMinecraftUUIDs)) {
+ for(const [index, UUID] of Object.entries(UUIDs)) {
+ UUIDs[index] = UUID.replaceAll(/-/g, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return discordToMinecraftUUIDs;
+ }
+ getPresence(discord_id) {
+ const uuids = this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs[discord_id];
+ if (!uuids) return;
+ const presences = [];
+ for (const uuid of uuids) {
+ const hypixelPresence = this.hypixel.getPresence(uuid);
+ if(hypixelPresence) presences.push(hypixelPresence);
+ const privatePresences = this.private.getPresence(uuid);
+ if(privatePresences) presences.push(...privatePresences);
+ }
+ if(presences.length) return presences;
+ }
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ this.hypixel.destroy();
+ this.private.destroy();
+ if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
+ }
+ async fetchUsernames() {
+ await Promise.all(;
+ }
+ async fetchUsername(UUID) {
+ //
+ const req = await fetch(`${UUID}`);
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ this.mcUUIDToUsername[UUID] =;
+ }
+ getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
+ // enabled switch
+ const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
+ // api key textbox
+ const textboxChange = (value) => {
+ this.apiKey = value;
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ const apiKeyTextbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox("Hypixel API Key", "Your Hypixel API key. Use the /api command in-game to get it.", this.hypixelApiKey, textboxChange);
+ // uuid regex from
+ const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, null, discordUsersDatalist, null, discordUserList, this.discordToMinecraftUUIDs,
+ "To get UUIDs, use NameMC.", "Minecraft UUID", /^([0-9a-f]{8})(?:-|)([0-9a-f]{4})(?:-|)(4[0-9a-f]{3})(?:-|)([89ab][0-9a-f]{3})(?:-|)([0-9a-f]{12})$/);
+ // todo make them username instead of UUID
+ // todo make it work when adding/removing users (changing hypixel timeout, etc.)
+ const serverListDiv = SettingsBuilder.list(this, this.servers,
+ "A list of Minecraft servers to regularly query. Only works for small private servers, and only when there are less than ~12 players online.", "Server URL");
+ const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
+ return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, apiKeyTextbox, userMapDiv, serverListDiv, debugSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ /***************
+ ** HYPIXEL **
+ ***************/
+ class Hypixel {
+ constructor(UUIDs, apiKey, mc) {
+ this.UUIDs = UUIDs;
+ this.apiKey = apiKey;
+ this.log = mc.log;
+ this.updateUser = mc.updateUser;
+ this.timeouts = [];
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ = {
+ MAIN: {name: "Main Lobby", modes: []}
+ };
+ }
+ start() {
+ if(this.apiKey) {
+ this.fetchGames().then(() => {
+ this.updateCache();
+ this.cacheInterval = setInterval(this.updateCache.bind(this), this.calculateRefreshInterval());
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ getPresence(uuid) {
+ return this.presenceCache[uuid];
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ for(const uuid in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(uuid);
+ clearInterval(this.cacheInterval);
+ for(const timeout of this.timeouts)
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ }
+ async fetchGames() {
+ const modes_req = await fetch("");
+ const modes = JSON.parse(modes_req.body);
+ const extract_modes = game => {
+ if(!game.modes) return [];
+ let modes = {};
+ for(const mode of game.modes) {
+ if(mode.modes) modes = {...modes, ...extract_modes(mode)}
+ else modes[mode.key] =;
+ }
+ return modes;
+ }
+ for(const game of modes) {
+[game.key] = {
+ name: game.check ||,
+ modes: extract_modes(game)
+ }
+ }
+ // slothpixel is slow to update when new games come out (e.g. seasonal minigames)
+ const hypixel_req = await fetch("");
+ const hypixel_modes = JSON.parse(hypixel_req.body);
+ if(!hypixel_modes.success) return;
+ for(const game_id of Object.keys( {
+ const game =[game_id];
+ const game_data =[game_id] || {name:, modes: {}};
+ game_data.modes = {
+ ...game_data.modes
+ }
+[game_id] = game_data;
+ }
+ }
+ calculateRefreshInterval() {
+ // hypixel allows 2 requests per second
+ // each player takes 1 request if offline, 2 if online
+ // to be safe, I do max 1 request / 2 sec -> 1 player / 4 sec
+ // aka if there are 3 players, we request all players every 12 seconds
+ return this.UUIDs.length * 4000;
+ }
+ async getPlayerStatus(uuid) {
+ const url = `${this.apiKey}&uuid=${uuid}`;
+ const req = await fetch(url);
+ if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
+ console.error(req);
+ if(req.statusCode === 403) {
+ if(this.apiKey) BdApi.alert("Your Hypixel API key is invalid! The Hypixel plugin has been disabled, reenable it in settings.");
+ else BdApi.alert("You haven't provided a Hypixel API key!");
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ else console.error("HTTP error " + req.statusCode + " when fetching hypixel player status data");
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ const json_data = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if(json_data.success && {
+ this.log(json_data);
+ this.getPlayerInfo(uuid, json_data.session);
+ } else {
+ this.deletePresence(uuid);
+ if(!json_data.success) {
+ console.error(json_data);
+ err("Could not fetch player status for player with UUID " + uuid + "!");
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(req);
+ console.error(e);
+ err("Couldn't JSON Parse Hypixel status response!");
+ }
+ }
+ async getPlayerInfo(uuid, session) {
+ const url = `${this.apiKey}&uuid=${uuid}`;
+ const req = await fetch(url);
+ if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
+ console.error("HTTP error " + req.statusCode + " when fetching hypixel player info", req);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ const json_data = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if (json_data.success) {
+ this.log(json_data);
+ this.processPlayerData(uuid, json_data.player, session);
+ } else {
+ console.error(json_data);
+ err("Could not fetch player info for player with UUID " + uuid + "!");
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ console.error(req);
+ err("Couldn't JSON Parse Hypixel player response!");
+ }
+ }
+ processPlayerData(uuid, player, session) {
+ try {
+ const format = s => {
+ const capitalize = s => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
+ return "(?) " + s.split(/[ _]/).map(capitalize).join(' ');
+ }
+ const game =[session.gameType] || {};
+ const mode = session.mode === "LOBBY" ? "In the Lobby" :
+ game.modes ? game.modes[session.mode] :
+ format(session.mode);
+ const presence = {
+ application_id: customRpcAppId,
+ name: "Hypixel",
+ details: "Playing " + || format(session.gameType),
+ state: mode,
+ type: 0,
+ timestamps: {start: player.lastLogin},
+ assets: {
+ large_image: "883490391964385352",
+ large_text: "Playing as " + player.displayname,
+ },
+ username: player.displayname
+ };
+ if( {
+ presence.assets.small_image = "883498326580920403";
+ presence.assets.small_text =;
+ }
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[uuid];
+ if(!previousPresence) this.updateUser(uuid);
+ this.presenceCache[uuid] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ console.error(player, session);
+ err("Error while processing Hypixel data!");
+ }
+ }
+ deletePresence(uuid) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[uuid]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[uuid];
+ this.updateUser(uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ updateCache() {
+ try {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.UUIDs.length; i++) {
+ this.timeouts.push(setTimeout(() => {
+ this.getPlayerStatus(this.UUIDs[i]);
+ this.timeouts.shift();
+ }, 4000 * i));
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /******************
+ ** MC PRIVATE **
+ ******************/
+ class MCPrivate {
+ constructor(UUIDs, servers, mc) {
+ this.UUIDs = UUIDs;
+ this.servers = servers;
+ this.log = mc.log;
+ this.updateUser = mc.updateUser;
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.pingTimeouts = [];
+ this.bufferedMessages = {};
+ }
+ start() {
+ this.pingServers();
+ this.interval = setInterval(this.pingServers.bind(this), 30_000);
+ }
+ pingServers() {
+ for(const url of this.servers) {
+ this.pingServer(url);
+ }
+ }
+ parseServerAddress(url) {
+ const colonIndex = url.indexOf(':');
+ if(colonIndex === -1) return [url, 25565];
+ return[url.substring(0, colonIndex), parseInt(url.substring(colonIndex + 1))];
+ }
+ pingServer(url) {
+ const [address, port] = this.parseServerAddress(url);
+ const ondata = (data) => {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ removeFromList(this.pingTimeouts, timeout);
+ const roundTrip = - sentAt;
+ this.log(`Ping to ${url} took ${roundTrip}ms`);
+ this.parseData(data, url);
+ }
+ const onerror = (e) => {
+ if(e.message.includes("ETIMEDOUT")) return;
+ console.error("Error connecting to Minecraft server", e);
+ }
+ const socketId =, port, null, ondata, onerror);
+ // handshake
+ const handshake = [];
+ handshake.push(this.varInt(47)) // protocol version (1.8)
+ handshake.push(this.utfString(address));
+ handshake.push(this.shortInt(port));
+ handshake.push(this.varInt(1)); // status query (as opposed to login)
+ this.sendPayload(socketId, 0, Buffer.concat(handshake));
+ // request
+ this.sendPayload(socketId, 0, Buffer.from([]));
+ // in case of no response
+ const sentAt =;
+ let timeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ removeFromList(this.pingTimeouts, timeout);
+ this.log(`Server ${url} didn't respond within 5 seconds! Assuming the server is down`);
+ this.clearServerPresences(url);
+ }, 5000);
+ this.pingTimeouts.push(timeout);
+ }
+ varInt(int) {
+ //
+ const bytes = [];
+ while (true) {
+ if ((int & ~0x7F) === 0) {
+ bytes.push(int);
+ return Buffer.from(bytes);
+ }
+ bytes.push((int & 0x7F) | 0x80);
+ int >>>= 7;
+ }
+ }
+ utfString(str) {
+ return Buffer.concat([this.varInt(str.length), Buffer.from(str, 'utf-8')]);
+ }
+ shortInt(int) {
+ const buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
+ buf.writeUInt16BE(int);
+ return buf;
+ }
+ sendPayload(socketId, packetId, payload) {
+ packetId = this.varInt(packetId);
+ const packetLength = this.varInt(packetId.length + payload.length);
+ const packet = Buffer.concat([packetLength, packetId, payload]);
+, packet);
+ }
+ readVarInt (buf, start=0) {
+ //
+ let value = 0;
+ let i = start;
+ let currentByte;
+ do {
+ currentByte = buf[i];
+ value |= ((currentByte & 0x7F) << (7 * (i - start)));
+ i++;
+ } while ((currentByte & 0x80) !== 0);
+ return [value, i];
+ }
+ parseData(buf, url) {
+ try {
+ if(this.bufferedMessages[url]) {
+ buf = Buffer.concat([this.bufferedMessages[url], buf]);
+ delete this.bufferedMessages[url];
+ }
+ const [packetLength, i] = this.readVarInt(buf);
+ if(buf.length < packetLength) {
+ this.log(`Received chunk of data from ${url}, waiting for the rest...`);
+ this.bufferedMessages[url] = buf;
+ return;
+ }
+ const [packetID, j] = this.readVarInt(buf, i);
+ const [JSONLength, k] = this.readVarInt(buf, j);
+ const unparsed = buf.slice(k, k + JSONLength).toString();
+ const data = JSON.parse(unparsed);
+ this.log(data);
+ this.processData(data, url);
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(buf);
+ console.error(e);
+ err("Failed to parse server data for " + url);
+ }
+ }
+ processData(data, url) {
+ const players = data.players.sample || [];
+ for(const player of players) {
+ const uuid ='-', "");
+ let previousPresence;
+ if(this.presenceCache[uuid] === undefined) this.presenceCache[uuid] = {};
+ else previousPresence = this.presenceCache[uuid][url];
+ const presence = {
+ application_id: customRpcAppId,
+ name: "Minecraft",
+ details: "Playing on " + url,
+ state: "In Game",
+ party: {
+ id: url,
+ size: [, data.players.max]
+ },
+ type: 0,
+ timestamps: {
+ start: previousPresence ? previousPresence.timestamps.start :
+ },
+ assets: {
+ large_image: formatAsset(`${uuid}?overlay=true`),
+ large_text:,
+ small_image: formatAsset(data.favicon),
+ small_text: (data.description.text || data.description.toString() || "").replaceAll(/( {2})|\n/g, ' ').replaceAll(/ยง./g, '')
+ },
+ username:
+ };
+ if(previousPresence) presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ else this.updateUser(uuid);
+ this.presenceCache[uuid][url] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ }
+ // clear players not on server anymore
+ const UUIDs = =>'-', ""));
+ for(const uuid in this.presenceCache) {
+ if(!UUIDs.includes(uuid)) {
+ this.deletePresence(uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ deletePresence(uuid) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[uuid]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[uuid];
+ this.updateUser(uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ clearServerPresences(url) {
+ for(const presences of Object.values(this.presenceCache))
+ delete presences[url];
+ }
+ getPresence(uuid) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[uuid]) return Object.values(this.presenceCache[uuid]);
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ clearInterval(this.interval);
+ for(const uuid in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ /**************
+ ** TWITCH **
+ **************/
+ class Twitch extends Platform {
+ constructor() {
+ super("twitch");
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.usersList = {
+ idToName: {},
+ nameToId: {}
+ }
+ this.loadData();
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ }
+ start() {
+ if(this.oauthKey) {
+ this.getOnlineFriends();
+ this.interval = setInterval(this.getOnlineFriends.bind(this), 60_000);
+ }
+ }
+ serializeData() {
+ return {
+ enabled: this.enabled || false,
+ oauthKey: this.oauthKey || "",
+ usersMap: this.discordToTwitchID || {},
+ debug: this.debug || false
+ }
+ }
+ deserializeData(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.oauthKey = data.oauthKey || "";
+ this.discordToTwitchID = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
+ clearInterval(this.interval);
+ if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
+ }
+ async getOnlineFriends() {
+ if(!this.enabled || !this.oauthKey) return this.destroy();
+ const data = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "Client-Id": "kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko",
+ "Authorization": `OAuth ${this.oauthKey}`
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify([{operationName: "OnlineFriends", variables: {}, extensions: {persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "4fecfced6ce413ffa2eee3c6ce09cddd8fb251763c594c26fba5108cf2b92e69"}}}])
+ });
+ try {
+ if(data.body.length <= 2) return;
+ const json_data = JSON.parse(data.body);
+ if (json_data.status === 401) {
+ this.destroy();
+ console.error(json_data);
+ return err("Error 401 when fetching twitch friends!");
+ }
+ if(json_data.status === 502) {
+ console.error(json_data);
+ return console.error("Error 502 when fetching twitch friends!");
+ }
+ if(json_data[0].errors) {
+ console.error(json_data);
+ if(["service timeout", "service error", "service unavailable"].includes(json_data[0].errors[0].message)) return;
+ console.error(data);
+ return err("Twitch friends request returned error!");
+ }
+ if(!json_data[0].data.currentUser) {
+ this.destroy();
+ console.error(json_data);
+ return err("Twitch friends request returned no currentUser! Is your account active?");
+ }
+ this.log(json_data);
+ const streamerList = this.extractStreamerList(json_data[0].data.currentUser.friends.edges);
+ const streamsMetadata = await this.fetchStreamsMetadata(streamerList);
+ if(!streamerList || !streamsMetadata) return;
+ this.usersList = {
+ idToName: {},
+ nameToId: {}
+ }
+ for (const friend of json_data[0].data.currentUser.friends.edges) {
+ this.processFriend(friend.node, streamsMetadata);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ console.error(data);
+ err("Couldn't JSON Parse Twitch response!", data);
+ }
+ }
+ extractStreamerList(friend_edges) {
+ const streamerLogins = [];
+ for(const edge of friend_edges) {
+ if(edge.node.activity &&
+ edge.node.activity.type === "WATCHING" &&
+ &&
+ edge.node.activity.user.login &&
+ !streamerLogins.includes(edge.node.activity.user.login))
+ streamerLogins.push(edge.node.activity.user.login)
+ }
+ return streamerLogins;
+ }
+ async fetchStreamsMetadata(streamerLogins) {
+ const requestBody = [];
+ for(const streamerLogin of streamerLogins) {
+ requestBody.push({
+ "operationName": "StreamMetadata",
+ "variables": {"channelLogin": streamerLogin},
+ "extensions": {
+ "persistedQuery": {
+ "version": 1,
+ "sha256Hash": "059c4653b788f5bdb2f5a2d2a24b0ddc3831a15079001a3d927556a96fb0517f"
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ const data = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "Client-Id": "kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko",
+ "Authorization": "OAuth " + this.oauthKey
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestBody)
+ });
+ const body = JSON.parse(data.body);
+ try {
+ const streamsMetadata = {};
+ for(let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
+ const stream = body[i].data.user;
+ streamsMetadata[streamerLogins[i]] = {
+ title: stream.lastBroadcast.title,
+ viewers:,
+ start: +new Date(,
+ profilePicture: stream.profileImageURL//.replace("70x70", "300x300") // 600x600 also works
+ }
+ }
+ return streamsMetadata;
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ console.error(data);
+ console.error(body);
+ err("Error while trying to fetch twitch metadata!");
+ }
+ }
+ processFriend(friend, streamsMetadata) {
+ try { // add friend to usersList
+ this.usersList.idToName[] = friend.login;
+ this.usersList.nameToId[friend.login] =;
+ if(friend.activity) {
+ let previousPresence = this.presenceCache[];
+ if(previousPresence) previousPresence = previousPresence();
+ if(friend.activity.type === "WATCHING") {
+ if(! || ! // they are watching someone that is no longer streaming (their presence hasn't updated yet)
+ return delete this.presenceCache[];
+ const isWatchingSamePerson = previousPresence && previousPresence.details.substr(9) === friend.activity.user.displayName;
+ const away = friend.availability === "AWAY";
+ const metadata = streamsMetadata[friend.activity.user.login];
+ // the way type 3 (watching) presences are rendered is weird
+ // the large_text is shown both when hovering the image but also underneath the details (this is because that's how spotify Listening activities are rendered)
+ // in the "Active Now" tab in the friends list it only says "watching a stream" instead of rendering the whole activity like type 0 (playing) does
+ // the only reason type 3 exists in the first place is for YouTube Together as far as I can tell, so not much thought has been put into it
+ // also timestamps (01:23:45 elapsed) aren't rendered, so the presences are stored as functions
+ // when the presence is requested, the function is called and parses the current time into the large_text
+ this.presenceCache[] = () => {
+ return {
+ application_id: away ? customRpcAppId : null,
+ name: "Twitch",
+ details: `Watching ${friend.activity.user.displayName}`,
+ state: metadata.title,
+ type: 3,
+ party: {id: friend.activity.user.login},
+ timestamps: {start: isWatchingSamePerson ? previousPresence.timestamps.start : +new Date()},
+ assets: {
+ large_image: away ? "899072297216913449" : "twitch:" + friend.activity.user.login,
+ large_text: `${} | ๐ค ${metadata.viewers} | ๐ ${this.parseStartTime(metadata.start)}`,
+ small_image: formatAsset(metadata.profilePicture),
+ small_text: friend.activity.user.displayName
+ },
+ username: friend.displayName,
+ priority: Priorities.SECONDARY
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(friend.activity.type === "STREAMING") this.presenceCache[] = () => {
+ return {
+ name: "Twitch",
+ state:,
+ type: 1,
+ assets: {
+ large_image: "twitch:" + friend.login,
+ large_text: "As " + friend.displayName
+ },
+ url: "" + friend.login,
+ id: "",
+ username: friend.displayName,
+ priority: Priorities.NONPRIMARY_PLAYING // should this be above the actual game presence?
+ }
+ }
+ this.log(this.presenceCache[]());
+ if(!previousPresence) this.updateUser(, this.discordToTwitchID);
+ } else {
+ this.deletePresence(;
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(friend, streamsMetadata);
+ console.error(e);
+ err("Error while processing Twitch friend data! " + e);
+ }
+ }
+ deletePresence(id) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[id]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[id];
+ this.updateUser(id, this.discordToTwitchID);
+ }
+ }
+ parseStartTime(start) {
+ let streamingFor = - start;
+ streamingFor -= streamingFor % 5000; // to mitigate discord's weird polling/rendering frequency
+ const sec = Math.floor(streamingFor / 1000 % 60),
+ min = Math.floor(streamingFor / 1000 / 60 % 60),
+ hour = Math.floor(streamingFor / 1000 / 60 / 60);
+ const p = n => n.toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 5:3 -> 05:03
+ if(hour) return `${hour}:${p(min)}:${p(sec)}`;
+ return `${p(min)}:${p(sec)}`;
+ }
+ getPresence(discord_id) {
+ const presenceFunctions = super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToTwitchID, this.presenceCache);
+ if(presenceFunctions && presenceFunctions.length) return => presenceFunction());
+ }
+ getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
+ // enabled switch
+ const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
+ // api key textbox
+ const textboxChange = (value) => {
+ this.oauthKey = value;
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ const apiKeyTextbox = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox("OAuth Key", "How to get your Twitch OAuth key", this.oauthKey, textboxChange);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ apiKeyTextbox.getElement().children[0].children[2].innerHTML = `How to get your Twitch OAuth key`
+ }, 50);
+ const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("twitch", Object.keys(this.usersList.nameToId));
+ const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, this.usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToTwitchID, null, "Twitch username", /^\d+$/);
+ const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
+ return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, apiKeyTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ /************
+ ** RIOT **
+ ************/
+ class Riot extends Platform {
+ constructor() {
+ super("riot");
+ this.riotPUUIDToUsername = {};
+ this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName = {};
+ const log = this.log.bind(this);
+ const updateUser = puuid => super.updateUser(puuid, this.discordToRiotPUUIDs);
+ this.valorant = new Valorant(this.riotPUUIDToUsername, log, updateUser);
+ = new Lol(this.riotPUUIDToUsername, this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser);
+ this.wildRift = new WildRift(this.riotPUUIDToUsername, this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser);
+ this.loadData();
+ if (this.enabled) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ }
+ start() {
+ if(this.cookies) {
+ this.valorant.fetchRpcAssets()
+ this.startXMPPConnection();
+ }
+ }
+ serializeData() {
+ return {
+ enabled: this.enabled || false,
+ cookies: this.cookies || "",
+ usersMap: this.discordToRiotPUUIDs || {},
+ debug: this.debug || false
+ }
+ }
+ deserializeData(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.cookies = data.cookies || "";
+ this.discordToRiotPUUIDs = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ getPresence(discord_id) {
+ const puuids = this.discordToRiotPUUIDs[discord_id];
+ if (!puuids) return;
+ const presences = [];
+ for (const puuid of puuids) {
+ const valPresence = this.valorant.getPresence(puuid);
+ if(valPresence) presences.push(valPresence);
+ const lolPresence =;
+ if(lolPresence) presences.push(lolPresence);
+ const wrPresence = this.wildRift.getPresence(puuid);
+ if(wrPresence) presences.push(wrPresence);
+ }
+ if(presences.length) return presences;
+ }
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
+ clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
+ if(this.socket) {
+ preload.tls.sendToSocket(this.sock_id, "");
+ preload.tls.closeSocket(this.sock_id, true);
+ }
+ this.valorant.deleteAllPresences();
+ this.wildRift.deleteAllPresences();
+ if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
+ }
+ async refreshToken(cookies) {
+ const res = await fetch("" +
+ "" +
+ "client_id=play-valorant-web-prod&" +
+ "response_type=token%20id_token&" +
+ "scope=account%20ban%20link%20lol%20offline_access%20openid&" +
+ "nonce=123", {
+ method: "GET",
+ headers: {
+ // "cloudflare bitches at us without a user-agent" - molenzwiebel
+ "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36",
+ "cookie": cookies
+ },
+ });
+ this.updateCookies(res.headers['set-cookie']);
+ const uri = res.headers.location;
+ return uri.split(/[=&]/, 2)[1];
+ }
+ updateCookies(newCookies) {
+ const cookies = {};
+ // parse old cookies
+ for(const cookie of this.cookies.split("; ")) {
+ const split = cookie.split('=');
+ cookies[split.shift()] = split.join("=");
+ }
+ // replace with new cookies
+ for(const cookie of newCookies) {
+ const sep = cookie.indexOf("=");
+ cookies[cookie.slice(0, sep)] = cookie.slice(sep + 1, cookie.indexOf(';'));
+ }
+ const cookieList = [];
+ for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(cookies)) {
+ cookieList.push(key + "=" + value);
+ }
+ this.cookies = cookieList.join("; ");
+ this.saveData();
+ }
+ getCookiesFromLauncher() {
+ // I doubt this works on Mac
+ const filepath = process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + "/Riot Games/Riot Client/Data/RiotGamesPrivateSettings.yaml";
+ let fileContents;
+ try {
+ fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString();
+ } catch(e) {
+ return [false, e];
+ }
+ const parsedContents = this.parseYaml(fileContents);
+ if(parsedContents) {
+ const cookies = [];
+ for(const cookie of parsedContents["riot-login"].persist.session.cookies) {
+ cookies.push( + '=' + cookie.value);
+ }
+ return [true, cookies.join("; ")];
+ }
+ return [false, "Could not parse file! Is it corrupt?"];
+ }
+ parseYaml(yaml) {
+ const result = {};
+ const path = [];
+ let depth = 0;
+ let currentObject = result;
+ let currentObjectName = "";
+ for(const line of yaml.split('\n')) {
+ if(!line) continue;
+ const array_matches = line.match(/^( {4})*(- {3})(.+):( (.+))?/);
+ if(array_matches) {
+ let array = path[path.length - 1];
+ currentObject = {};
+ if(Array.isArray(array)) {
+ array.push(currentObject);
+ } else {
+ array = [currentObject];
+ path[path.length - 1][currentObjectName] = array;
+ path.push(array);
+ }
+ currentObject[array_matches[3]] = JSON.parse(array_matches[5]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const matches = line.match(/^(( {4})*)(.+):( (.+))?/);
+ if(matches) {
+ while((matches[1] && matches[1].length || 0) / 4 < depth) {
+ currentObject = path.pop();
+ depth--;
+ }
+ if(matches[4]) {
+ currentObject[matches[3]] = JSON.parse(matches[5]);
+ } else {
+ let newObject = {};
+ currentObjectName = matches[3];
+ currentObject[currentObjectName] = newObject;
+ path.push(currentObject);
+ currentObject = newObject;
+ depth++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ console.error("no matches for line: " + line);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ async getPAS(token) {
+ const res3 = await fetch("", {
+ method: "GET",
+ headers: {
+ "Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
+ },
+ });
+ return res3.body
+ }
+ decodeToken(token) {
+ return JSON.parse(atob(token.split('.')[1]));
+ }
+ // xmpp stuff
+ establishXMPPConnection(RSO, PAS) {
+ try {
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ const region = this.decodeToken(PAS).affinity;
+ const address = this.XMPPRegionURLs[region];
+ const port = 5223;
+ const XMPPRegion = this.XMPPRegions[region];
+ const messages = [
+ ``, "",
+ `${RSO}${PAS}`,
+ ``, "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "", // get friends list
+ ""
+ ]
+ const onconnect = () => {
+ try {
+ this.socketReady = true;
+ this.log("Connected!");
+ clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
+ this.reconnectInterval = null;
+ sendNext();
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ let bufferedMessage = "";
+ const ondata = (data) => {
+ try {
+ data = bufToString(data);
+ this.log("<- " + data);
+ if(messages.length > 0) sendNext();
+ // handle riot splitting messages into multiple parts
+ if(data.startsWith("')).split(' ', 1)[0];
+ // check for self closing tag eg
+ if(<[^<>]+\/>/) === 0) data = data.replace("/>", `>${firstTagName}>`);
+ let closingTagIndex = data.indexOf(`${firstTagName}>`);
+ if(closingTagIndex === -1) {
+ // message is split, we need to wait for the end
+ bufferedMessage = data;
+ break;
+ }
+ // check for tag inside itself eg
+ // this happens when you send a message to someone
+ let containedTags = 0;
+ let nextTagIndex = data.indexOf(`<${firstTagName}`, 1);
+ while(nextTagIndex !== -1 && nextTagIndex < closingTagIndex) {
+ containedTags++;
+ nextTagIndex = data.indexOf(`<${firstTagName}`, nextTagIndex + 1);
+ }
+ while(containedTags > 0) {
+ closingTagIndex = data.indexOf(`${firstTagName}>`, closingTagIndex + 1);
+ containedTags--;
+ }
+ const firstTagEnd = closingTagIndex + `${firstTagName}>`.length;
+ bufferedMessage = data.substr(firstTagEnd); // will be empty string if only one tag
+ data = data.substr(0, firstTagEnd);
+ if(firstTagName === "presence") {
+ this.valorant.processXMLData(data);
+ this.wildRift.processXMLData(data);
+ } else if(firstTagName === "iq") {
+ if(data.includes("jabber:iq:riotgames:roster")) {
+ this.processFriendsList(data);
+ } else if(data.includes("_xmpp_session") && data.includes("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session")) {
+ this.processOwnUsername(data, this.decodeToken(PAS).sub);
+ }
+ } else if(firstTagName === "failure") {
+ const errorStartIndex = data.indexOf('>') + 1;
+ const error = data.substring(errorStartIndex, closingTagIndex);
+ if(data.includes("token-expired")) {
+ // BdApi.alert("token expired!")
+ this.log(error);
+ this.restart();
+ } else {
+ console.error(data);
+ err("Riot XMPP Connection failed! " + data);
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ data = "";
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ const onerror = console.error;
+ const onclose = () => {
+ if(!this.enabled) return this.log("Socket disconnected!");
+ console.error("Riot Connection Closed! Retrying in 5 seconds...");
+ if(this.reconnectInterval) return;
+ this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ this.log("Reconnecting...");
+ this.establishXMPPConnection(RSO, PAS);
+ }, 5000);
+ clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
+ }
+ this.socketReady = false;
+ this.sock_id = preload.tls.createSocket(address, port, {}, onconnect, ondata, onerror, onclose);
+ const send = data => {
+ try {
+ if(this.socketReady) preload.tls.sendToSocket(this.sock_id, data, "utf8", () => {
+ if(data !== " ") this.log("-> " + data)
+ });
+ clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
+ this.heartbeat = setTimeout(() => send(" "), 150_000);
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ const sendNext = () => send(messages.shift());
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ async startXMPPConnection() {
+ // todo do not hardcode these, get these from clientconfig endpoint
+ this.XMPPRegions = {"as2":"as2","asia":"jp1","br1":"br1","eu":"ru1","eu3":"eu3","eun1":"eu2","euw1":"eu1","jp1":"jp1","kr1":"kr1","la1":"la1","la2":"la2","na1":"na1","oc1":"oc1","pbe1":"pb1","ru1":"ru1","sea1":"sa1","sea2":"sa2","sea3":"sa3","sea4":"sa4","tr1":"tr1","us":"la1","us-br1":"br1","us-la2":"la2","us2":"us2"};
+ this.XMPPRegionURLs = {"as2":"","asia":"","br1":"","eu":"","eu3":"","eun1":"","euw1":"","jp1":"","kr1":"","la1":"","la2":"","na1":"","oc1":"","pbe1":"","ru1":"","sea1":"","sea2":"","sea3":"","sea4":"","tr1":"","us":"","us-br1":"","us-la2":"","us2":""};
+ const access_token = await this.refreshToken(this.cookies);
+ if(!access_token.startsWith('e')) {
+ this.log("Riot Access Token: " + access_token);
+ err("Invalid Riot access token! Most likely your cookies are either invalid or expired.");
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ const pas_token = await this.getPAS(access_token);
+ if(!access_token.startsWith('e')) {
+ this.log("Invalid Riot PAS: " + pas_token);
+ // riot sometimes returns error 520 when fetching PAS
+ // note: this is a very dangerous workaround
+ return setTimeout(this.startXMPPConnection.bind(this), 1000);
+ }
+ if(!this.discordToRiotPUUIDs[discord_id])
+ this.discordToRiotPUUIDs[discord_id] = [this.decodeToken(pas_token).sub];
+ this.establishXMPPConnection(access_token, pas_token);
+ }
+ static extractDataFromXML(xml, tagName, startIndex, endIndex) {
+ const dataStartIndex = xml.indexOf(`<${tagName}>`, startIndex, endIndex);
+ const dataEndIndex = xml.indexOf(`${tagName}>`, dataStartIndex, endIndex);
+ if(dataStartIndex >= 0 && dataEndIndex > dataStartIndex) {
+ const data = xml.substring(dataStartIndex + tagName.length + 2, dataEndIndex)
+ if(data) return data;
+ }
+ }
+ processOwnUsername(data, puuid) {
+ const usernameIndex = data.indexOf("name=") + 6;
+ const username = data.substring(usernameIndex, data.indexOf("' ", usernameIndex));
+ const taglineIndex = data.indexOf("tagline=") + 9;
+ const tagline = data.substring(taglineIndex, data.indexOf("'/>", taglineIndex));
+ this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid] = `${username}#${tagline}`;
+ this.log("My username is " + this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid]);
+ const lolTagIndex = data.indexOf(" -1) {
+ const lolNameIndex = data.indexOf("name=", lolTagIndex) + 6;
+ const lolName = data.substring(lolNameIndex, data.indexOf("'", lolNameIndex));
+ this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] = lolName
+ this.log("My summoner name is " + lolName);
+ }
+ }
+ processFriendsList(data) {
+ const queryTag = data.substring(data.indexOf("") + 42, data.indexOf(""));
+ const items = queryTag.split("");
+ for(const item of items) {
+ if(!item) continue;
+ const puuid = item.substr(11, 36);
+ // riot ID
+ const idTagIndex = item.indexOf("", taglineIndex));
+ this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid] = `${username}#${tagline}`;
+ // lol summoner name
+ const lolTagIndex = item.indexOf(" -1) {
+ const lolNameIndex = item.indexOf("name=", lolTagIndex) + 6;
+ const lolName = item.substring(lolNameIndex, item.indexOf("'", lolNameIndex));
+ this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] = lolName;
+ }
+ }
+ this.log(this.riotPUUIDToUsername);
+ this.log(this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName);
+ }
+ getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
+ // enabled switch
+ const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
+ // cookies textbox
+ const textboxChange = (value) => {
+ this.cookies = value;
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ const buttonClick = () => {
+ const [success, cookies] = this.getCookiesFromLauncher();
+ if(success) {
+ this.cookies = cookies;
+ cookiesTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[0].value = cookies;
+ } else {
+ err(cookies);
+ }
+ }
+ const cookiesTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton("Auth Cookies", "Your cookies. Will only work if you're currently logged in with 'Remember me', and until you log out. Otherwise, use this guide.",
+ this.cookies, textboxChange, {}, "Fetch cookies from launcher", buttonClick);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ cookiesTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[0].removeAttribute("maxlength");
+ cookiesTextbox.children[0].children[2].innerHTML = "Your cookies. Will only work if you're currently logged in with 'Remember me', and until you log out. Otherwise, use this guide."
+ }, 50);
+ const usersList = {
+ idToName: this.riotPUUIDToUsername,
+ nameToId: {}
+ }
+ for(const [puuid, username] of Object.entries(this.riotPUUIDToUsername)) {
+ usersList.nameToId[username] = puuid;
+ }
+ const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("riot", Object.keys(usersList.nameToId));
+ const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToRiotPUUIDs,
+ "If you see numbers instead of names, it's either because the friends list hasn't loaded, or you are no longer friends with them.", "Riot ID", /^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/);
+ const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
+ return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, cookiesTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ /****************
+ ** VALORANT **
+ ****************/
+ const valRpcAppID = "811469787657928704"; //
+ class Valorant {
+ constructor(riotPUUIDToUsername, log, updateUser) {
+ this.riotPUUIDToUsername = riotPUUIDToUsername;
+ this.log = log;
+ this.updateUser = updateUser;
+ // constants
+ // todo get these from valorant-api
+ this.gamemodes = {
+ "newmap": "New Map",
+ "competitive": "Competitive",
+ "unrated": "Unrated",
+ "spikerush": "Spike Rush",
+ "deathmatch": "Deathmatch",
+ "ggteam": "Escalation",
+ "onefa": "Replication",
+ "snowball": "Snowball Fight",
+ "custom": "Custom",
+ "": "Custom"
+ }
+ this.maps = {
+ "Triad": "Haven",
+ "Duality": "Bind",
+ "Bonsai": "Split",
+ "Port": "Icebox",
+ "Ascent": "Ascent",
+ "Foxtrot": "Breeze",
+ "Canyon": "Fracture",
+ "Pitt": "Pearl",
+ "Range": "The Range"
+ }
+ this.ranks = [
+ 'UNRANKED', 'Unused1', 'Unused2',
+ 'IRON 1', 'IRON 2', 'IRON 3',
+ 'BRONZE 1', 'BRONZE 2', 'BRONZE 3',
+ 'SILVER 1', 'SILVER 2', 'SILVER 3',
+ 'GOLD 1', 'GOLD 2', 'GOLD 3',
+ 'RADIANT', 'Better than Radiant'
+ ]
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.assets = {};
+ }
+ async fetchRpcAssets() {
+ const assetsReq = await fetch(`${valRpcAppID}/assets`);
+ const assetList = JSON.parse(assetsReq.body);
+ for(const asset of assetList) {
+ // format: {"id": "821415501942882324", "type": 2, "name": "splash_icebox_square"}
+ this.assets[] =;
+ }
+ }
+ processXMLData(data) {
+ try {
+ const puuid = data.substr(16, 36);
+ // extract valorant presence
+ const valorantData = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "valorant");
+ if(valorantData) {
+ const base64Data = Riot.extractDataFromXML(valorantData, "p");
+ const timestamp = parseInt(Riot.extractDataFromXML(valorantData, "s.t"));
+ try {
+ const presenceData = JSON.parse(atob(base64Data));
+ this.processPresenceData(puuid, presenceData, timestamp);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(data);
+ err("Could not JSON parse Valorant presence data! " + e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ if(previousPresence) this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(data);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ processPresenceData(puuid, presenceData, timestamp) {
+ this.log(presenceData);
+ try {
+ const parseDate = s => {
+ const year = parseInt(s.substr(0, 4)),
+ month = parseInt(s.substr(5, 2)) - 1,
+ day = parseInt(s.substr(8, 2)),
+ hour = parseInt(s.substr(11, 2)),
+ minute = parseInt(s.substr(14, 2)),
+ second = parseInt(s.substr(17, 2));
+ if (year === 1) return timestamp;
+ return +Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
+ }
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ const map = presenceData.provisioningFlow === "ShootingRange" ? "Range" : presenceData.matchMap.split('/').pop();
+ const username = this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid];
+ const getGamemode = () => {
+ if(presenceData.queueId === "") {
+ if(previousPresence && previousPresence.details.startsWith("In Queue - ")) return previousPresence.details.substr(11);
+ return "Custom";
+ }
+ const modeName = this.gamemodes[presenceData.queueId];
+ return modeName || presenceData.queueId;
+ }
+ /* A bit of backstory:
+ * On 21/09/2021 Riot removed map data from the presence, so you could no longer
+ * know which map your friend was playing on.
+ * Except they forgot to remove it during agent select. So the plugin would store
+ * the map data when they were in agent select, and "remember" it during the
+ * actual match, even though Riot didn't send it anymore.
+ * (This wouldn't work if the plugin was started mid-match or for deathmatch).
+ * Then on 20/10/2021, they mysteriously put it back. No idea if it's here to stay,
+ * but having the extra code doesn't hurt :)
+ */
+ const getMapName = () => {
+ const mapName = this.maps[map] || map;
+ if(mapName) return mapName;
+ else {
+ // no map data, get map name from previous presence
+ if(previousPresence) {
+ const previousMapName = previousPresence.assets.large_text.split(" | ")[0];
+ if(previousMapName !== "No map data" && previousMapName !== "Lobby")
+ return previousMapName;
+ }
+ }
+ return "No map data";
+ }
+ const getMapIcon = () => {
+ if(map === "" && presenceData.sessionLoopState === "INGAME") {
+ // no map data, get map icon from previous presence
+ if(previousPresence && previousPresence.assets.large_image !== this.assets["game_icon"] && previousPresence.assets.large_image !== this.assets["game_icon_yellow"])
+ return previousPresence.assets.large_image;
+ }
+ const mapCodename = this.maps[map];
+ if(!mapCodename) return this.assets["game_icon_white"];
+ return this.assets[`splash_${map === "Range" ? "range" : mapCodename.toLowerCase()}_square`];
+ }
+ const getPartyText = () => `${presenceData.partyAccessibility === "OPEN" ? "Open" : "Closed"} Party${presenceData.isPartyOwner && presenceData.partySize > 1 ? " Leader" : ""}`;
+ const getStartTimestamp = () => {
+ if(presenceData.sessionLoopState === "MENUS") {
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMAKING")
+ return parseDate(presenceData.queueEntryTime); // in queue, return start queue time
+ if(previousPresence && (previousPresence.details.startsWith("Lobby - ") || previousPresence.details === "Setting Up Custom Game"))
+ return previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ return timestamp;
+ } else if(presenceData.sessionLoopState === "INGAME") {
+ if(previousPresence && previousPresence.details.startsWith("Custom"))
+ return previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "ShootingRange") {
+ if(previousPresence && previousPresence.provisioningFlow === "ShootingRange")
+ return previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ return timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ return parseDate(presenceData.queueEntryTime) || timestamp;
+ }
+ const presenceBoilerplate = {
+ application_id: valRpcAppID,
+ name: "VALORANT",
+ type: 0,
+ state: getPartyText(),
+ party: {
+ id: presenceData.partyId,
+ size: [presenceData.partySize, presenceData.maxPartySize || (previousPresence ?[1]: 69)]
+ },
+ timestamps: {
+ start: getStartTimestamp()
+ },
+ assets: {
+ small_image: this.assets["rank_" + presenceData.competitiveTier] || this.assets["rank_0"],
+ small_text: `${this.ranks[presenceData.competitiveTier]}${presenceData.leaderboardPosition > 0 ? ` #${presenceData.leaderboardPosition}` : ""} | LVL ${presenceData.accountLevel}`
+ },
+ username: username,
+ priority: Priorities.PLAYING
+ };
+ let presence = {};
+ switch (presenceData.sessionLoopState) {
+ case "MENUS":
+ // in lobby or in queue
+ const menusGetDetails = () => {
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "DEFAULT") return `Lobby - ${getGamemode()}`;
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMAKING") return `In Queue - ${getGamemode()}`;
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMADE_GAME_STARTING") return `Match Found - ${getGamemode()}`;
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP") return `Setting Up Custom Game`;
+ return `${presenceData.partyState} (?) - ${getGamemode()}`;
+ }
+ const menusGetLargeImage = () => {
+ if(presenceData.isIdle) return this.assets["game_icon_yellow"];
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP") return getMapIcon(presenceData.matchMap);
+ if(presenceData.playerCardId) return formatAsset(`${presenceData.playerCardId}/smallart.png`);
+ return this.assets["game_icon"];
+ }
+ const menusGetLargeText = () => (presenceData.isIdle ? "Away" : "Lobby");
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ details: menusGetDetails(),
+ assets: {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
+ large_image: menusGetLargeImage(),
+ large_text: menusGetLargeText(),
+ },
+ priority: presenceData.isIdle ? Priorities.IN_LOBBY_AFK : Priorities.IN_LOBBY
+ }
+ break;
+ case "PREGAME":
+ // in agent select
+ const pregameGetDetails = () => {
+ if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "Invalid") return `${getGamemode()} - Match Found`;
+ if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "CustomGame") return `Custom Game - Agent Select`;
+ if(presenceData.provisioningFlow === "Matchmaking") return `${getGamemode()} - Agent Select`;
+ return `${getGamemode()} - ${presenceData.provisioningFlow} (?)`;
+ }
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ details: pregameGetDetails(),
+ assets: {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
+ large_image: getMapIcon(),
+ large_text: (presenceData.isIdle ? "Away" : getMapName())
+ }
+ }
+ if(pregameGetDetails().endsWith("Match Found")) // match found 5sec timer
+ presence.timestamps.end = timestamp + 5000;
+ else if(pregameGetDetails().endsWith("Agent Select")) // start 75sec countdown once agent select has loaded (~79sec including loading time)
+ presence.timestamps.end = timestamp + 79000;
+ break;
+ case "INGAME":
+ const ingameGetDetails = () => {
+ const gamemode = getGamemode();
+ if(presenceData.partyState === "MATCHMADE_GAME_STARTING") { // deathmatch skips pregame
+ presenceBoilerplate.timestamps.end = timestamp + 5000;
+ return `Match Found - ${gamemode}`;
+ }
+ let s = "";
+ if(gamemode === "Custom" && presenceData.customGameTeam === "TeamSpectate")
+ s += "Spectating ";
+ if(map === "Range")
+ s += presenceData.provisioningFlow === "NewPlayerExperience" ? "Tutorial" : "The Range";
+ else
+ s += gamemode;
+ if(presence.partyOwnerMatchCurrentTeam === "")
+ s += " - Loading";
+ else if(map !== "Range")
+ s += ` ${presenceData.partyOwnerMatchScoreAllyTeam}-${presenceData.partyOwnerMatchScoreEnemyTeam}`;
+ return s;
+ }
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ details: ingameGetDetails(),
+ assets: {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
+ large_image: getMapIcon(),
+ large_text: (presenceData.isIdle ? "Away" : getMapName()) // + (username ? " | " + username : ""),
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ this.presenceCache[puuid] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(!previousPresence || presence.priority !== previousPresence.priority) {
+ this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(puuid, presenceData, timestamp);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ getPresence(puuid) {
+ return this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ }
+ deleteAllPresences() {
+ for(const puuid in this.presenceCache) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[puuid]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***********
+ ** LOL **
+ ***********/
+ const lolShowSkinName = true;
+ const lolRpcAppId = "899030985855860756";
+ class Lol {
+ constructor(riotPUUIDToUsername, riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser) {
+ this.riotPUUIDToUsername = riotPUUIDToUsername;
+ this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName = riotPUUIDToSummonerName;
+ this.gameVersion = ""; // will be overridden by lolGetLatestVersion()
+ this.champions = {};
+ this.skins = {};
+ this.assets = { // to be filled in by fetchRpcAssets()
+ logo_lol: "899053983879008266",
+ logo_tft: "899054046294462494",
+ champions: {},
+ ranks: {}
+ }
+ this.queues = { // manually adding in gamemodes not in riot json
+ 1130: {
+ "queueId": 1130,
+ "map": "Convergence",
+ "description": "Teamfight Tactics Hyper Roll",
+ "notes": "Added in manually"
+ },
+ 1150: {
+ "queueId": 1150,
+ "map": "Convergence",
+ "description": "Teamfight Tactics Double Up",
+ "notes": "Added in manually"
+ },
+ 1160: {
+ "queueId": 1160,
+ "map": "Convergence",
+ "description": "Teamfight Tactics Double Up (Workshop)",
+ "notes": "Added in manually"
+ }
+ }
+ this.maps = {};
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.log = log;
+ this.updateUser = updateUser;
+ }
+ processXMLData(data) {
+ try {
+ const puuid = data.substr(16, 36);
+ // extract lol presence
+ const lolData = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "league_of_legends");
+ if(lolData) {
+ const presenceUnparsed = Riot.extractDataFromXML(lolData, "p");
+ if (presenceUnparsed) {
+ // regalia is an object within the object, causes issues with parser
+ const presenceHalfParsed = presenceUnparsed.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/"regalia":.+}",/, "");
+ try {
+ const presenceData = JSON.parse(presenceHalfParsed);
+ const timestamp = Riot.extractDataFromXML(lolData, "s.t");
+ const status = Riot.extractDataFromXML(lolData, "st");
+ this.log(presenceData);
+ this.processPresenceData(puuid, presenceData, status, timestamp);
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(data);
+ err("Could not JSON parse Lol presence data!" + e);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ if(previousPresence) this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(data);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ async fetchGameVersion() {
+ const versionsReq = await fetch("");
+ this.gameVersion = JSON.parse(versionsReq.body)[0];
+ }
+ async fetchChampionData() {
+ const championsReq = await fetch(`${this.gameVersion}/data/en_US/champion.json`);
+ const champsData = JSON.parse(championsReq.body);
+ for(const champ of Object.values( {
+ this.champions[champ.key] = {name:, id:};
+ }
+ }
+ async fetchRpcAssets() {
+ const assetsReq = await fetch(`${lolRpcAppId}/assets`);
+ const assetList = JSON.parse(assetsReq.body);
+ for(const asset of assetList) {
+ // format: {"id": "403244850960662538", "type": 2, "name": "aatrox"}
+ if( === "logo") this.assets.logo_lol =;
+ else if( === "tft_logo") this.assets.logo_tft =;
+ else if("rank_")) this.assets.ranks[] =;
+ else this.assets.champions[] =;
+ }
+ }
+ async fetchQueueTypes() {
+ const queueTypesReq = await fetch("");
+ const queueTypes = JSON.parse(queueTypesReq.body);
+ for(const queue of queueTypes) {
+ if(queue.description) queue.description = queue.description.replace(" games", "");
+ this.queues[queue.queueId] = queue;
+ }
+ }
+ async fetchMapsData() {
+ const mapsReq = await fetch("");
+ const maps = JSON.parse(mapsReq.body);
+ for(const map of maps) {
+ this.maps[map.mapId.toString()] = {
+ name: map.mapName,
+ notes: map.notes
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ fetchData() {
+ this.fetchGameVersion().then(() => {
+ this.fetchRpcAssets();
+ this.fetchMapsData();
+ this.fetchChampionData();
+ this.fetchQueueTypes();
+ });
+ }
+ async getSkinName(champ_id, skin_id) {
+ // doesn't work with chromas atm
+ if(!lolShowSkinName) return null;
+ if(!this.skins[champ_id]) {
+ const req = await fetch(`${this.gameVersion}/data/en_US/champion/${champ_id}.json`);
+ this.skins[champ_id] = JSON.parse(req.body).data[champ_id].skins;
+ }
+ const skins = this.skins[champ_id];
+ for(const skin of Object.values(skins)) {
+ if( === skin_id) {
+ if( === "default") return null;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async processPresenceData(puuid, data, status, timestamp) {
+ try {
+ const username = this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] || this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid];
+ timestamp = Math.max(data.timeStamp, timestamp) || data.timeStamp || timestamp;
+ let gamemode, map;
+ if(data.mapId in this.maps) map = this.maps[data.mapId].name;
+ if(data.gameQueueType === "PRACTICETOOL") [gamemode, map] = ["Practice Tool", "Summoner's Rift"];
+ else if (data.queueId && this.queues[data.queueId]) {
+ const gamemodeData = this.queues[data.queueId];
+ [gamemode, map] = [gamemodeData.description,];
+ } else if (data.queueId === "-1") gamemode = "Custom";
+ else if (data.gameStatus === "outOfGame") gamemode = "In the Lobby"
+ else gamemode = `(?) ${data.queueId} ${data.gameQueueType} ${data.gameStatus}`;
+ const isAway = status === "away";
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ let presenceBoilerplate = {
+ application_id: lolRpcAppId,
+ name: data.gameMode === "TFT" ? "Teamfight Tactics" : "League of Legends",
+ type: 0,
+ details: gamemode,
+ assets: {
+ large_image: data.gameMode === "TFT" ? this.assets.logo_tft : this.assets.logo_lol, //`url:${this.gameVersion}/img/profileicon/${data.profileIcon}.png`,
+ large_text: `Level ${data.level} | Mastery ${data.masteryScore}`,
+ small_image: data.rankedLeagueTier ? this.assets.ranks[data.rankedLeagueTier.toLowerCase()] : null,
+ small_text: data.rankedLeagueTier ? `${data.rankedLeagueTier} ${data.rankedLeagueDivision}` : null
+ },
+ timestamps: {
+ start: timestamp
+ },
+ username: username,
+ priority: Priorities.PLAYING
+ };
+ let presence;
+ // if open party, process party data
+ if (data.pty) {
+ const partyData = JSON.parse(data.pty);
+ = {
+ id: partyData.partyId,
+ size: [partyData.summoners.length, 5]
+ }
+ presenceBoilerplate.state = "Open Party"
+ } else if(data.gameId) {
+ = {
+ id: data.gameId,
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.gameStatus !== "inGame" && ["SCOUTING", "LOCKED_IN"].includes(data.clashTournamentState)) {
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ details: "Clash",
+ state: data.clashTournamentState === "SCOUTING" ? "Scouting" : "Locked In"
+ }
+ } else if (data.gameStatus === "outOfGame") {
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ details: isAway ? "Main Menu (away)" : "In the Main Menu",
+ priority: isAway ? Priorities.IN_LOBBY_AFK : Priorities.IN_LOBBY,
+ inLobby: true
+ }
+ if(previousPresence && previousPresence.inLobby)
+ presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ } else if (data.gameStatus.startsWith("hosting_")) {
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ state: isAway ? "In the Lobby (away)" : "In the Lobby",
+ priority: isAway ? Priorities.IN_LOBBY_AFK : Priorities.IN_LOBBY,
+ inLobby: true
+ }
+ if(data.gameStatus === "hosting_Custom")
+ presence.details = "Custom";
+ if(previousPresence && previousPresence.inLobby)
+ presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ } else if (data.gameStatus === "inQueue") {
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ state: "In Queue",
+ timestamps: {
+ start: data.timeStamp
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (data.gameStatus === "championSelect") {
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ state: "In Champion Select"
+ }
+ } else if (data.gameStatus === "inGame") {
+ const champion = this.champions[data.championId];
+ const inGameGetLargeImage = () => {
+ if(champion && this.assets.champions[])
+ return this.assets.champions[];
+ return presenceBoilerplate.assets.large_image;
+ }
+ const inGameGetLargeText = async () => {
+ return await this.getSkinName(, data.skinVariant) ||;
+ }
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ state: "In Game" + (map ? ` (${map})` : ""),
+ timestamps: {
+ start: data.timeStamp
+ },
+ assets: {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate.assets,
+ large_image: champion ? inGameGetLargeImage() : presenceBoilerplate.assets.large_image,
+ large_text: champion ? await inGameGetLargeText() : presenceBoilerplate.assets.large_text
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.error(data);
+ console.error("Unknown LoL gameStatus! " + data.gameStatus);
+ }
+ if (presence) {
+ this.presenceCache[puuid] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(!previousPresence || presence.priority !== previousPresence.priority) {
+ this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(puuid, data, timestamp)
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ getPresence(puuid) {
+ return this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ }
+ deleteAllPresences() {
+ for(const puuid in this.presenceCache) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[puuid]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************
+ ** WILD RIFT **
+ *****************/
+ class WildRift {
+ constructor(riotPUUIDToUsername, riotPUUIDToSummonerName, log, updateUser) {
+ this.riotPUUIDToUsername = riotPUUIDToUsername;
+ this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName = riotPUUIDToSummonerName;
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.log = log;
+ this.updateUser = updateUser;
+ }
+ processXMLData(data) {
+ try {
+ const puuid = data.substr(16, 36);
+ // extract wild rift presence
+ const wrData = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "wildrift");
+ if(wrData) {
+ this.log(wrData);
+ try {
+ const timestamp = parseInt(Riot.extractDataFromXML(wrData, "s.t"));
+ const username = Riot.extractDataFromXML(data, "m");
+ this.processPresenceData(puuid, timestamp, username);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(wrData);
+ err("Could not parse Wild Rift presence data!" + e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ if(previousPresence) this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(data);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ processPresenceData(puuid, timestamp, username) {
+ username = username || this.riotPUUIDToSummonerName[puuid] || this.riotPUUIDToUsername[puuid];
+ let presence = {
+ application_id: customRpcAppId,
+ name: "League of Legends: Wild Rift",
+ type: 0,
+ assets: {
+ large_image: "889119952911630386",
+ large_text: "Playing as " + username
+ },
+ timestamps: {
+ start: timestamp
+ },
+ username: username,
+ priority: Priorities.PLAYING
+ };
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ this.presenceCache[puuid] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(!previousPresence) {
+ this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ }
+ getPresence(puuid) {
+ return this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ }
+ deleteAllPresences() {
+ for(const puuid in this.presenceCache) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[puuid]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[puuid];
+ this.updateUser(puuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /************
+ ** EPIC **
+ ************/
+ class Epic extends Platform {
+ constructor() {
+ super("epic");
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.statusCache = {};
+ this.epicIdToDisplayName = {};
+ this.fortniteGamemodes = {};
+ this.fortniteRpcAppId = "432980957394370572";
+ this.loadData();
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ }
+ async start() {
+ if(!this.authData.refresh) {
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ const success = await this.authenticate();
+ if(success) {
+ await Promise.all([this.fetchFortniteGamemodes(), this.fetchFortniteAssets()]);
+ this.establishXMPPConnection(this.authData.token);
+ } else {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ serializeData() {
+ return {
+ enabled: this.enabled || false,
+ authData: this.authData || {},
+ usersMap: this.discordToEpicID || {},
+ debug: this.debug || false
+ }
+ }
+ deserializeData(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.authData = data.authData || {};
+ this.discordToEpicID = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ getPresence(discord_id) {
+ return super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToEpicID, this.presenceCache);
+ }
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
+ clearTimeout(this.refreshTimeout);
+ clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
+ clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
+ if(this.socket) {
+ try {
+ this.socket.send("");
+ } catch(e) {console.error("Error while sending epic disconnect signal!", e)}
+ this.socket.close(1000);
+ }
+ if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
+ }
+ restart() {
+ this.destroy();
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.enabled = true;
+ this.saveData();
+ this.start();
+ }, 500); // sockets take a while to close
+ }
+ async fetchFortniteGamemodes() {
+ const req = await fetch(""); // big thanks to Officer and his excellent API
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ for(const gamemode of {
+ this.fortniteGamemodes[] = {
+ name: === "CREATIVE MATCHMAKING" ? "Creative (Fill)" : ||, // oh epic...
+ subName: gamemode.subName,
+ maxSquadSize: gamemode.maxSquadSize,
+ maxPlayers: gamemode.maxPlayers,
+ smallIcon: gamemode.images.missionIcon
+ }
+ }
+ // arena duos has null name/subname for some reason
+ this.fortniteGamemodes["playlist_showdownalt_duos"] = {
+ name: "Arena",
+ subName: "Duos",
+ maxSquadSize: 2,
+ maxPlayers: 100,
+ smallIcon: ""
+ }
+ }
+ async fetchFortniteAssets() {
+ const req = await fetch(`${this.fortniteRpcAppId}/assets`);
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ for(const asset of json) {
+ if( === "fortnite") this.fortniteLogoAssetId =;
+ }
+ }
+ decodeJWT(token) {
+ return JSON.parse(atob(token.split("~", 2)[1].split(".", 2)[1]));
+ }
+ getID(token) {
+ return this.decodeJWT(token).sub;
+ }
+ getDisplayName(token) {
+ return this.decodeJWT(token).dn;
+ }
+ getTokenExpiry(token) {
+ return this.decodeJWT(token).exp * 1000;
+ }
+ async authenticate() {
+ // returns true or false based on success
+ if(this.authData.refresh) {
+ if(this.authData.token) {
+ const expiry = this.getTokenExpiry(this.authData.token);
+ this.log("Token expiring at " + expiry);
+ if(expiry - new Date() > 300_000) {
+ // fetch friends list to see if token is valid
+ const success = await this.fetchFriendsList();
+ if(success) {
+ // use the token
+ this.setupRefreshTimeout();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const refreshSuccess = await this.refreshToken();
+ if(!refreshSuccess) return false;
+ this.setupRefreshTimeout();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ async refreshToken() {
+ this.log("Refreshing token...");
+ // check refresh token is still valid
+ const refreshExpiry = this.decodeJWT(this.authData.refresh).exp * 1000;
+ if(refreshExpiry - new Date() < 5000) {
+ this.authData.refresh = null;
+ BdApi.alert("Your refresh token has expired! Please generate a new one.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const req = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: "basic MzRhMDJjZjhmNDQxNGUyOWIxNTkyMTg3NmRhMzZmOWE6ZGFhZmJjY2M3Mzc3NDUwMzlkZmZlNTNkOTRmYzc2Y2Y=",
+ "Accept-Language": "en-EN",
+ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ },
+ body: `grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=${this.authData.refresh}&token_type=eg1&includePerms=false`
+ });
+ const authData = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if(authData.error) {
+ console.error(authData);
+ const r = this.authData.refresh;
+ const errorMessage = r.length > 20 ? authData.errorMessage.replace(r, r.substr(0, 10) + "..." + r.substr(r.length - 10)) : r;
+ err("EPIC: Could not refresh token! You may need to login again. " + errorMessage);
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.authData = {
+ token: authData.access_token,
+ refresh: authData.refresh_token
+ }
+ this.saveData();
+ this.log("Refreshed token as " + authData.displayName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ async redeemExchangeCode(exchangeCode) {
+ // returns true or false based on success
+ const req = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: "basic MzRhMDJjZjhmNDQxNGUyOWIxNTkyMTg3NmRhMzZmOWE6ZGFhZmJjY2M3Mzc3NDUwMzlkZmZlNTNkOTRmYzc2Y2Y=",
+ "Accept-Language": "en-EN",
+ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ },
+ body: `grant_type=exchange_code&exchange_code=${exchangeCode}&token_type=eg1&includePerms=false`
+ });
+ const authData = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if(authData.error) {
+ err("EPIC: Could not redeem exchange code! " + authData.errorMessage);
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.log("Redeemed exchange code as " + authData.displayName);
+ this.authData = {
+ token: authData.access_token,
+ refresh: authData.refresh_token
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ async redeemAuthCode(authCode) {
+ // get auth code ->
+ // returns true or false based on success
+ const req = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: "basic MzRhMDJjZjhmNDQxNGUyOWIxNTkyMTg3NmRhMzZmOWE6ZGFhZmJjY2M3Mzc3NDUwMzlkZmZlNTNkOTRmYzc2Y2Y=",
+ "Accept-Language": "en-EN",
+ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ },
+ body: `grant_type=authorization_code&code=${authCode}&token_type=eg1&includePerms=false`
+ });
+ const authData = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if(authData.error) {
+ err("Could not redeem auth code! " + authData.errorMessage);
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.log("Redeemed auth code as " + authData.displayName);
+ this.authData = {
+ token: authData.access_token,
+ refresh: authData.refresh_token
+ }
+ this.restart();
+ return true;
+ }
+ setupRefreshTimeout() {
+ const tokenExpiry = this.decodeJWT(this.authData.token).exp * 1000;
+ this.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(this.refreshToken.bind(this), tokenExpiry - new Date() - 300_000);
+ }
+ async fetchFriendsList() {
+ this.epicIdToDisplayName[this.getID(this.authData.token)] = this.getDisplayName(this.authData.token);
+ // get friends list
+ const req = await fetch(`${this.getID(this.authData.token)}/summary?displayNames=true`, {
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: "Bearer " + this.authData.token
+ }
+ });
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if(req.statusCode !== 200) {
+ console.error(req);
+ console.error(this.authData);
+ if(req.statusCode.toString().startsWith('5')) {
+ console.error(`Error ${req.statusCode} when trying to fetch friends list! Retrying in 5 seconds...`);
+ await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000));
+ return await this.fetchFriendsList()
+ } else if(req.statusCode !== 401) {
+ err("Error while fetching Epic friends!");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // get username of friends
+ // we can request in batches of 100, partition the list of IDs
+ const friendIDs = => friend.accountId);
+ const reqs = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < friendIDs.length; i += 100) {
+ const partition = friendIDs.slice(i, i + 100);
+ const req = fetch("" + partition.join("&accountId="), {
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: "Bearer " + this.authData.token
+ }
+ });
+ reqs.push(req);
+ }
+ for(const req of reqs) {
+ const reqResult = await req;
+ if(reqResult.statusCode !== 200) {
+ console.error(reqResult);
+ err("Error while fetching Epic friends partition!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ const json = JSON.parse(reqResult.body);
+ for(const friend of json) {
+ this.epicIdToDisplayName[] = friend.displayName;
+ }
+ }
+ this.log(this.epicIdToDisplayName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // xmpp stuff
+ establishXMPPConnection(token) {
+ try {
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ const address = "";
+ const accountId = this.getID(token);
+ const messages = [
+ ``, '',
+ `${btoa("\0" + accountId + "\0" + token)}`,
+ ``, '',
+ `V2:launcher:WIN::`,
+ ``
+ ]
+ const sock = new WebSocket(`wss://${address}`, "xmpp");
+ sock.onopen = () => {
+ try {
+ this.log("Connected!");
+ clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
+ this.reconnectInterval = null;
+ sendNext();
+ this.heartbeat = setInterval(sendPing, 60_000);
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ };
+ this.socket = sock;
+ const send = (data, log=true) => {
+ if(!data || !this.enabled) return;
+ try {
+ if(sock.readyState === 1) {
+ sock.send(data);
+ if(log) this.log("-> " + data);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ const sendNext = () => send(messages.shift());
+ let lastPing = 0;
+ const sendPing = () => {
+ if(lastPing > 0 && - lastPing > 150_000) {
+ this.log("Haven't received a ping back in 150sec, reconnecting...");
+ return this.restart();
+ }
+ send("", false);
+ }
+ sock.onmessage = event => {
+ try {
+ // const timestamp = performance.timeOrigin + event.timeStamp
+ const data =;
+ if(data.includes("acbeabf8-b04b-4e94-a044-6d6b8f04514e"))
+ lastPing =;
+ else
+ this.log("<- " + data);
+ if(data.startsWith(" 0) sendNext();
+ // process data
+ if(data.startsWith(" {
+ if(!this.enabled || sock !== this.socket) return this.log("Websocket disconnected!");
+ console.error("Epic disconnected! Retrying in 5 seconds...");
+ if(this.reconnectInterval) return;
+ this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ this.log("Reconnecting...");
+ this.establishXMPPConnection(token);
+ }, 5000);
+ clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(token);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ processPresence(presence) {
+ const idStart = presence.indexOf("from=\"") + 6;
+ const idEnd = presence.indexOf("@", idStart);
+ const id = presence.substring(idStart, idEnd);
+ const fullIdEnd = presence.indexOf("\"", idStart);
+ const fullId = presence.substring(idStart, fullIdEnd);
+ const presenceSource = fullId.split(":")[1];
+ let show;
+ const showStart = presence.indexOf("") + 6;
+ if(showStart > 5) {
+ const showEnd = presence.indexOf("", showStart);
+ show = presence.substring(showStart, showEnd);
+ }
+ const statusStart = presence.indexOf("") + 8;
+ if(statusStart === 7) return;
+ const statusEnd = presence.indexOf("", statusStart);
+ const status_raw = presence.substring(statusStart, statusEnd);
+ const status = JSON.parse(status_raw);
+ this.log(status);
+ let presenceType;
+ if(presence.includes("type=")) {
+ const presenceTypeStart = presence.indexOf("type=") + 6;
+ const presenceTypeEnd = presence.indexOf("\"", presenceTypeStart);
+ presenceType = presence.substring(presenceTypeStart, presenceTypeEnd);
+ }
+ let timestamp;
+ if(presence.includes(" in game
+ if(previousPresence.details !== currentStatus) presence.timestamps.start = + new Date();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Fortnite":
+ try {
+ const gamemode = this.fortniteGamemodes[(status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s || "").toLowerCase()] || {name: status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s || "", maxSquadSize: 0, maxPlayers: 100};
+ const partyData = Object.keys(status.Properties).filter(s => s.startsWith("party.joininfodata"))[0];
+ const detailsTemplate = (name, subName) => name + (subName ? ` (${subName})` : "");
+ const stateTemplate = (kills, players, maxPlayers=100) => `๐ ${kills} โ๐ค ${players}/${maxPlayers}`; // thin space because discord removes double spaces
+ let details, state;
+ if(status.bIsPlaying) {
+ const kills = parseInt(status.Properties.FortGameplayStats_j.numKills);
+ if(status.bIsJoinable) { // creative
+ details = detailsTemplate( || "Creative", gamemode.subName);
+ if(status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i) state = stateTemplate(kills, status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i, gamemode.maxPlayers || 16);
+ else state = "Loading";
+ } else if(status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s) { // battle royale
+ details = detailsTemplate( || status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s, gamemode.subName);
+ if(status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i) state = stateTemplate(kills, status.Properties.ServerPlayerCount_i);
+ else state = `Loading`;
+ }
+ if(status.Properties.FortGameplayStats_j.bFellToDeath) state += " - Died of fall damage";
+ } else if (status.Properties.FortGameplayStats_j) { // in the lobby, hasn't launched a gamemode yet
+ if( details = detailsTemplate( || status.Properties.GamePlaylistName_s, gamemode.subName);
+ if(show === "xa" || show === "away") state = "Away - In the Lobby";
+ else state = "In the Lobby";
+ } else { // game loading
+ details = "Loading";
+ }
+ const partySize = status.Properties.FortPartySize_i || status.Properties.Event_PartySize_s;
+ const maxPartySize = gamemode.maxSquadSize || (partySize <= 4 ? 4 : 16);
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ application_id: this.fortniteRpcAppId,
+ name: "Fortnite",
+ details: details,
+ state: state,
+ assets: {
+ large_image: this.fortniteLogoAssetId,
+ small_image: formatAsset(gamemode.smallIcon),
+ small_text: gamemode.subName
+ },
+ party: {
+ id: status.SessionId,
+ size: [partySize, maxPartySize]
+ },
+ timestamps: {
+ start: timestamp
+ },
+ priority: Priorities.PLAYING,
+ gameId: status.SessionId
+ }
+ if(previousPresence.gameId === presence.gameId)
+ presence.timestamps.start = previousPresence.timestamps.start;
+ if(partyData) {
+ const partyInfo = status.Properties[partyData];
+ if(partyInfo.sourceDisplayName) presence.username = partyInfo.sourceDisplayName;
+ if(partyInfo.partyId) = partyInfo.partyId;
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(presence);
+ console.error(status);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: // misc
+ if(presenceType === "unavailable") return this.deletePresence(id);
+ let name;
+ switch(presenceSource) {
+ case "fghi4567eJdrrwo5Dgu1RiO2R0vM1XVK":
+ name = "Satisfactory";
+ break;
+ case "fcb692f0fdf14526b1ffbb77cf1ef288":
+ name = "Paladins";
+ break;
+ case "f71b1231985f48d1af3de723e0a6acdd":
+ name = "Smite";
+ break;
+ case "fghi4567gDK32qevrArU3uezn7r9kY8Y":
+ name = "Rocket League Sideswipe";
+ break;
+ case "68d2cc08f9a94b8fb51af4f5cfa6d41b":
+ name = "Grand Theft Auto V";
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(this.debug) err("Unknown game ID! " + presenceSource);
+ else console.error("Unknown game ID! " + presenceSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ presence = {
+ ...presenceBoilerplate,
+ name: name,
+ details: this.statusCache[id],
+ assets: {
+ large_image: epicLogoID
+ },
+ timestamps: {
+ start: timestamp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.presenceCache[id] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(!previousPresence || !== {
+ this.updateUser(id, this.discordToEpicID);
+ }
+ }
+ async getAppName(appID) {
+ // uses store search. definitely not the best way since it won't work on hidden/unlisted games.
+ if(appID === "fn") return "Fortnite";
+ if(appID === "ue") return "Unreal Engine";
+ const req = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ query: "query searchStoreQuery($count: Int = 5, $keywords: String, $namespace: String, $category: String) {\n Catalog {\n searchStore(\n count: $count\n keywords: $keywords\n namespace: $namespace\n category: $category\n ) {\n elements {\n title\n namespace\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
+ variables: {
+ "namespace": appID,
+ "category": "games/edition/base|bundles/games|editors|software/edition/base"
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(req.body).data.Catalog.searchStore.elements[0].title;
+ } catch(e) {
+ err("Could not fetch app name from id!", req.body);
+ }
+ }
+ getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
+ // enabled switch
+ const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
+ // cookies textbox
+ const deleteButtonClick = () => {
+ this.authData = {};
+ SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(tokenTextbox).value = "";
+ if(this.enabled) SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
+ this.saveData();
+ }
+ const tokenTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton("Refresh Token", null, this.authData.refresh, null, {placeholder: "Refresh token", disabled: true}, "Delete", deleteButtonClick);
+ const codeButtonClick = async (textbox, redeemFunction) => {
+ const code = SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(textbox).value;
+ if(!code) return;
+ const button = textbox.children[0].children[1].children[1];
+ button.classList.remove("bd-button-danger");
+ button.innerHTML = "Redeeming...";
+ const success = await redeemFunction(code);
+ if(success) {
+ button.innerHTML = "Success!";
+ SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(tokenTextbox).value = this.authData.refresh;
+ SettingsBuilder.getTextboxInput(textbox).value = "";
+ this.saveData();
+ } else {
+ button.innerHTML = "Retry";
+ button.classList.add("bd-button-danger");
+ }
+ }
+ const authCodeButtonClick = () => codeButtonClick(authCodeTextbox, this.redeemAuthCode.bind(this));
+ const authCodeTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton(null, null, null, null, {placeholder: "Auth code"}, "Redeem auth code", authCodeButtonClick);
+ const exchangeCodeButtonClick = () => codeButtonClick(exchangeCodeTextbox, this.redeemExchangeCode.bind(this));
+ const exchangeCodeTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton(null, "If you're signed in in your browser, get your auth code here. Otherwise, generate an exchange code.", null, null, {placeholder: "Exchange code"}, "Redeem exchange code", exchangeCodeButtonClick);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ exchangeCodeTextbox.children[0].children[2].innerHTML = `If you're signed in in your browser, get your auth code here. Otherwise, generate an exchange code.`
+ }, 50);
+ // remove spacing between textboxes
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ tokenTextbox.children[0].children[3].classList.remove("divider-1Jfi9s");
+ authCodeTextbox.children[0].children[3].classList.remove("divider-1Jfi9s");
+ exchangeCodeTextbox.children[0].children[3].classList.remove("divider-1Jfi9s");
+ }, 50);
+ const usersList = {
+ idToName: this.epicIdToDisplayName,
+ nameToId: {}
+ }
+ for(const [id, username] of Object.entries(this.epicIdToDisplayName)) {
+ usersList.nameToId[username] = id;
+ }
+ const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("epic", Object.keys(usersList.nameToId));
+ const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToEpicID,
+ "If you see numbers instead of names, it's either because the friends list hasn't loaded, or you are no longer friends with them.","Epic username", /^.+$/);
+ const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
+ return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, tokenTextbox, authCodeTextbox, exchangeCodeTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ /**********
+ ** EA **
+ **********/
+ class EA extends Platform {
+ constructor() {
+ super("ea");
+ this.eaLogoAssetId = "950210006509289492";
+ this.apexRpcAppId = "893911040713191444"; //
+ this.apexAssetNames = {
+ "Logo": "apex-legends",
+ "Training": "firing-range",
+ "World's Edge": "world-edge",
+ "King's Canyon": "king-canyon",
+ "Olympus": "olympus",
+ "Stormpoint": "stormpoint",
+ "Encore": "encore"
+ }
+ this.presenceCache = {};
+ this.friendIdToDisplayName = {};
+ this.assetCache = {};
+ this.apexAssets = {};
+ this.loadData();
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ }
+ async start() {
+ if(!this.remid) return this.destroy();
+ this.fetchApexAssets();
+ const accessToken = await this.authenticate(this.remid);
+ if(!accessToken) return;
+ await Promise.all([this.getOwnUsername(), this.getFriendsList()]);
+ if(accessToken) await this.connectWebsocket(accessToken);
+ }
+ serializeData() {
+ return {
+ enabled: this.enabled || false,
+ remid: this.remid || "",
+ usersMap: this.discordToEaIDs || {},
+ debug: this.debug || false
+ }
+ }
+ deserializeData(data) {
+ this.enabled = data.enabled || false;
+ this.remid = (data.remid || "").trim();
+ this.discordToEaIDs = data.usersMap || {};
+ this.debug = data.debug || false;
+ }
+ async fetchApexAssets() {
+ const req = await fetch(`${this.apexRpcAppId}/assets`);
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ for(const asset of json) {
+ this.apexAssets[] =;
+ }
+ }
+ async authenticate(remid) {
+ try { // step 1
+ const req1 = await fetch("" +
+ "client_id=JUNO_PC_CLIENT&" +
+ "response_type=code&" +
+ "nonce=1&" +
+ "pc_sign=eyJhdiI6InYxIiwiYnNuIjoiRzJDN002MyIsImdpZCI6Mzk4NzYsImhzbiI6IkFSUkFZMCIsIm1hYyI6IiQwMGZmOWJiNGMyYTAiLCJtaWQiOiI3NTc3MTg0MDY1MDM5NjIzNTkxIiwibXNuIjoiLkcyQzdNNjMuQ05DTUswMDA5NDAwMjYuIiwic3YiOiJ2MSIsInRzIjoiMjAyMi0yLTI3IDEzOjM1OjQyOjI0NiJ9.XPSVI2ksrbveN_FcG2ep_1QpqLphs-cWZRgcsSnIfsI&" +
+ "", {
+ headers: {
+ "Cookie": `remid=${remid}`,
+ }
+ });
+ this.log(req1);
+ if(!req1.headers['set-cookie']) {
+ BdApi.alert("Could not login to EA! Most likely your RemID is invalid.");
+ this.destroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ const remidHeader = req1.headers['set-cookie'][0];
+ remid = remidHeader.split('=')[1].split(';')[0];
+ this.log("New RemID: " + remid);
+ this.remid = remid;
+ this.saveData();
+ const redirectUrl = req1.headers.location;
+ const code = redirectUrl.match(/code=(.+)&?/)[1];
+ this.log("Auth Code: " + code);
+ // step 2
+ const req2 = await fetch("", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ },
+ body:
+ "grant_type=authorization_code" +
+ `&code=${code}&` +
+ "client_id=JUNO_PC_CLIENT&" +
+ "client_secret=4mRLtYMb6vq9qglomWEaT4ChxsXWcyqbQpuBNfMPOYOiDmYYQmjuaBsF2Zp0RyVeWkfqhE9TuGgAw7te&" +
+ ""
+ });
+ this.log(req2);
+ const authResponse = JSON.parse(req2.body)
+ this.log(authResponse);
+ authResponse.accessTokenExpires = + authResponse.expires_in * 1000;
+ this.auth = authResponse;
+ return authResponse.access_token;
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(remid);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ getRemIDFromEaApp() {
+ // I doubt this works on Mac
+ const filepath = process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + "/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/cookie.ini";
+ let fileContents;
+ try {
+ fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString();
+ } catch(e) {
+ return [false, e.toString() || "Could not read file!"];
+ }
+ for(const line of fileContents.split('\n')) {
+ if(line.startsWith("remid=")) {
+ return [true, line.substring(26).trim()];
+ }
+ }
+ return [false, "Could not parse file! Is it corrupt? (Note: EA have started encrypting the cookie.ini file, so this plugin won't work until I find a way to bypass the encryption)"];
+ }
+ async getOwnUsername() {
+ this.log("Fetching own username...");
+ const req = await fetch("" +
+ "operationName=GetPersonas&" +
+ `variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({overrideCountryCode: ""}))}&` +
+ `extensions=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "b81297d11a35ee6e21f5c5582452121dccf7ef54fd60e66218ee7dd199fb310d"}}))}`, {
+ headers: {
+ "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.auth.access_token}`,
+ }
+ });
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ this.log(json);
+ this.ownId =;
+ this.log("My id is " + this.ownId);
+ for(const persona of {
+ if(persona.namespaceName === "cem_ea_id")
+ this.ownUsername = persona.displayName;
+ else if(persona.namespaceName === "discord" && persona.displayName) {
+ this.log(`My linked discord account is ${persona.displayName}`);
+ const [username, discriminator] = persona.displayName.split("#");
+ if(username && discriminator) {
+ const user = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.findByTag(username, discriminator);
+ if(user && !( in this.discordToEaIDs))
+ this.discordToEaIDs[] = [this.ownId];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.ownUsername) {
+ this.log("My username is " + this.ownUsername);
+ this.friendIdToDisplayName[this.ownId] = this.ownUsername;
+ } else {
+ console.error("[EA] Couldn't find my username!");
+ }
+ }
+ async getFriendsList() {
+ this.log("Fetching friends list...");
+ const req = await fetch("" +
+ "operationName=GetMyFriends&" +
+ `variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({offset: 0, limit: 99}))}&` +
+ `extensions=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "f8856d3ce53eac1d88ee1780851888a25575fad4f142e7b6142c0ace28797baa"}}))}`, {
+ headers: {
+ "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.auth.access_token}`,
+ }
+ });
+ const json = JSON.parse(req.body);
+ this.log(json);
+ for(const friendData of {
+ if(!friendData.player.uniqueName) continue; // ghost friend
+ this.friendIdToDisplayName[] = friendData.player.displayName;
+ }
+ this.log(this.friendIdToDisplayName);
+ }
+ async connectWebsocket(accessToken) {
+ if(!this.enabled) return;
+ const onconnect = () => {
+ this.log("Connected to WebSocket!");
+ clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
+ this.reconnectInterval = null;
+ this.messageNumber = 0;
+ this.login(accessToken);
+ this.heartbeat = setInterval(this.sendHeartbeat.bind(this), 10000);
+ }
+ const onmessage = this.messageReceived.bind(this);
+ const onclose = () => {
+ if(!this.enabled || sock !== this.socket) return this.log("Websocket disconnected!");
+ console.error("EA disconnected! Retrying in 5 seconds...");
+ if(this.reconnectInterval) return;
+ this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(async () => {
+ if(this.auth.accessTokenExpires - < 10_000) {
+ accessToken = await this.authenticate(this.remid);
+ }
+ this.log("Reconnecting...");
+ this.connectWebsocket(accessToken);
+ }, 5000);
+ clearTimeout(this.heartbeat);
+ }
+ this.socket_id = SimpleSocket.create("wss://", {
+ headers: {
+ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.15.2 Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Safari/537.36 Origin/ EAApp/"
+ }
+ }, onconnect, onmessage, onclose);
+ this.sendToSocket = (data) => SimpleSocket.send(this.socket_id, data);
+ }
+ varInt(int) {
+ const bytes = [];
+ while (true) {
+ if ((int & ~0x7F) === 0) {
+ bytes.push(int);
+ return Buffer.from(bytes);
+ }
+ bytes.push((int & 0x7F) | 0x80);
+ int >>>= 7;
+ }
+ }
+ readVarInt (buf, start=0) {
+ let value = 0;
+ let i = start;
+ let currentByte;
+ do {
+ currentByte = buf[i];
+ value |= ((currentByte & 0x7F) << (7 * (i - start)));
+ i++;
+ } while ((currentByte & 0x80) !== 0);
+ return [value, i];
+ }
+ readString(buf, start) {
+ // start is the index of the string length, not the string itself
+ const [length, lengthEnd] = this.readVarInt(buf, start);
+ const subarray = buf.subarray(lengthEnd, lengthEnd + length);
+ return [subarray.toString(), lengthEnd + length];
+ }
+ stringifyBuffer = (buf, step=25) => {
+ const lines = [];
+ for(let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += step) {
+ let line = [...buf.slice(i, i + step)];
+ let s = "";
+ s += ( => n.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, '0')).join(' ')).padEnd(step * 3 - 1, ' ');
+ s += " | ";
+ s += => 32 <= n && n <= 126 ? String.fromCharCode(n) : '.').join('');
+ lines.push(s);
+ }
+ return lines.join('\n');
+ }
+ messageReceived(buf) {
+ this.log(" <-\n" + this.stringifyBuffer(buf));
+ try { // check if buffer has timestamp
+ const [bufferLength, bufferLengthEnd] = this.readVarInt(buf, 5);
+ if(buf[bufferLengthEnd] === 0x0A) {
+ // there is a timestamp
+ const [timestampString, timestampStringEnd] = this.readString(buf, bufferLengthEnd + 1);
+ const timestamp = timestampString.split('-')[2];
+ const packetTypeIndex = timestampStringEnd;
+ const packetType = buf[packetTypeIndex];
+ switch (packetType) {
+ case 0x7A:
+ // Auth response
+ this.log("Got auth response!");
+ const [messageLength1, messageLength1End] = this.readVarInt(buf, packetTypeIndex + 1);
+ const [messageLength2, messageLength2End] = this.readVarInt(buf, messageLength1End + 1);
+ const [ownIdString, ownIdEnd] = this.readString(buf, messageLength2End + 1);
+ this.ownId = ownIdString.split(':')[1];
+ this.log("My id is " + this.ownId);
+ this.requestOwnPresence();
+ this.requestFriendPresences();
+ break;
+ case 0x92:
+ // friends list
+ this.log("Got friends list!");
+ break;
+ case 0x62:
+ // friend name
+ this.log("Got friend name!");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if(buf[bufferLengthEnd] === 0x3A) {
+ // there is no timestamp
+ const [bufferLengthAgain, bufferLengthAgainEnd] = this.readVarInt(buf, bufferLengthEnd + 1);
+ const [userId, userIdEnd] = this.readString(buf, bufferLengthAgainEnd + 1);
+ const packetTypeIndex = userIdEnd;
+ const packetType = buf[packetTypeIndex];
+ switch (packetType) {
+ case 0x12:
+ // presence
+ if(userId === this.ownId) this.log("Received my own presence");
+ else this.log("Received presence for user " + userId);
+ const [presenceJson, presenceJsonEnd] = this.readString(buf, packetTypeIndex + 1);
+ const presence = JSON.parse(presenceJson);
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(presence.gameActivity_richPresence) this.log(JSON.parse(presence.gameActivity_richPresence));
+ const [timestamp, timestampEnd] = this.readString(buf, presenceJsonEnd + 1);
+ this.processPresence(userId, presence, +new Date(timestamp)); // does this work with timezones?
+ break;
+ case 0x28:
+ // no presence for user
+ this.log(`User ${userId} is offline`);
+ delete this.presenceCache[userId];
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(
+ buf[bufferLengthEnd] !== 0xC2 && // "session changed"
+ buf[bufferLengthEnd] !== 0x82 && // game invite
+ buf[bufferLengthEnd] !== 0x72 // unknown, short buffer e.g. "00 00 00 04 0A 02 72 00"
+ ) {
+ if(this.debug) err("Neither 0A or 3A after message! " + buf[bufferLengthEnd].toString(16));
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ send(buf, log=true) {
+ if(log) this.log(" ->\n" + this.stringifyBuffer(buf));
+ this.sendToSocket(buf);
+ }
+ encodeString(s) {
+ const stringLength = this.varInt(s.length);
+ const stringEncoded = Buffer.from(s, 'utf-8');
+ return Buffer.concat([stringLength, stringEncoded]);
+ }
+ createTimestampBuffer() {
+ const timestamp =;
+ const timestampString = `c-${this.messageNumber++}-${timestamp}-${timestamp}`;
+ return this.encodeString(timestampString);
+ }
+ formatAndSendBuffer(buf, log=true) {
+ try {
+ const timestampBuffer = this.createTimestampBuffer();
+ const totalLength = timestampBuffer.length + buf.length;
+ const totalLengthVarInt = this.varInt(totalLength + 1);
+ const totalLength32Bit = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
+ totalLength32Bit.writeUint32BE(totalLength + totalLengthVarInt.length + 2);
+ const newline = Buffer.from([0x0A]);
+ const header = Buffer.concat([totalLength32Bit, newline, totalLengthVarInt, newline]);
+ this.send(Buffer.concat([header, timestampBuffer, buf]), log);
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ login(accessToken) {
+ try {
+ const packetType = Buffer.from([0xF2, 0x02]);
+ const newline = Buffer.from([0x0A]);
+ const accessTokenBuffer = this.encodeString(accessToken);
+ const middleData = Buffer.from([0x10, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x06, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x69, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x30, 0x04, 0x3A]);
+ const platformJson = this.encodeString('{"clientType":"ClientWeb","version":"juno-spa-0.0.1-15146-80d8a20","integrations":"LoginV3"}');
+ const restOfPacketLengthBuffer = this.varInt(newline.length + accessTokenBuffer.length + middleData.length + platformJson.length);
+ const handshakeBuffer = Buffer.concat([packetType, restOfPacketLengthBuffer, newline, accessTokenBuffer, middleData, platformJson]);
+ this.formatAndSendBuffer(handshakeBuffer);
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ sendHeartbeat() {
+ try { // the function is called in setInterval, so any unhandled error will crash the whole discord
+ this.formatAndSendBuffer(Buffer.from([0xA2, 0x01, 0x00]), false);
+ } catch(e) {
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ requestOwnPresence() {
+ const header = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x19, 0x12, 0x17, 0x0A]);
+ const ownIdBuffer = this.encodeString(this.ownId);
+ const middleNumber = Buffer.from([0x12]);
+ const originString = this.encodeString("origin");
+ this.formatAndSendBuffer(Buffer.concat([header, ownIdBuffer, middleNumber, originString]));
+ }
+ requestFriendPresences() {
+ this.formatAndSendBuffer(Buffer.from([0x9A, 0x03, 0x00]));
+ }
+ async processPresence(id, data, timestamp) {
+ try {
+ if(data.gameActivity_isNull) return this.deletePresence(id);
+ if(data.presence_null === undefined) return; // is own status (not presence, just online/away/invisible)
+ const presenceData = JSON.parse(data.gameActivity_gamePresence);
+ const richPresenceData = data.gameActivity_richPresence ? JSON.parse(data.gameActivity_richPresence) : {};
+ const gameArtUrl = await this.getGameArt(data.gameActivity_productId)
+ const presence = {
+ application_id: customRpcAppId,
+ name: data.gameActivity_gameTitle,
+ details:,
+ type: 0,
+ timestamps: {start: timestamp},
+ assets: {
+ large_image: formatAsset(gameArtUrl) || this.eaLogoAssetId,
+ large_text: data.gameActivity_gameTitle
+ },
+ username: this.friendIdToDisplayName[id],
+ priority: Priorities.PLAYING,
+ session:
+ };
+ const previousPresence = this.presenceCache[id];
+ const wasPlayingSameGame = previousPresence && ===;
+ const status =;
+ switch (data.gameActivity_productId) {
+ case "Origin.OFR.50.0002694": { // Apex Legends
+ presence.application_id = this.apexRpcAppId;
+ presence.assets.large_image = this.apexAssets[this.apexAssetNames["Logo"]];
+ let match = status.match(/(.+) - (.+)/);
+ if(match) {
+ const map = match[1];
+ presence.assets.large_image = this.apexAssets[this.apexAssetNames[map]] || formatAsset(gameArtUrl);
+ presence.details = "Playing " + match[2]; // gamemode
+ match = status.match(/(.+) - (.+) \((.+)\)/);
+ if(match) {
+ presence.state = match[3]; // "10 Squads Left"
+ }
+ }
+ if(wasPlayingSameGame && presence.session === previousPresence.session) {
+ presence.timestamps = previousPresence.timestamps;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case "Origin.OFR.50.0004567": { // FIFA 22
+ let match = status.match(/^\((.+)\)$/);
+ if(match) presence.details = match[1];
+ match = status.match(/^(.+) (\d+-\d+ [A-Za-z]{1,3} [V\-] [A-Za-z]{1,3}.+$)/);
+ if(match) {
+ presence.details = "Playing " + match[1];
+ presence.state = match[2];
+ if(wasPlayingSameGame && previousPresence.state) {
+ presence.timestamps = previousPresence.timestamps;
+ }
+ }
+ match = status.match(/^(.+) \((.+)\)$/);
+ if(match) {
+ presence.details = match[1];
+ presence.state = match[2];
+ presence.priority = Priorities.IN_LOBBY;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if(previousPresence && status === previousPresence.details) {
+ presence.timestamps = previousPresence.timestamps;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.presenceCache[id] = presence;
+ this.log(presence);
+ if(!previousPresence || !== {
+ this.updateUser(id, this.discordToEaIDs);
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(id, data, timestamp);
+ err(e);
+ }
+ }
+ deletePresence(id) {
+ if(this.presenceCache[id]) {
+ delete this.presenceCache[id];
+ this.updateUser(id, this.discordToEaIDs);
+ }
+ }
+ async getGameArt(productId) {
+ try {
+ if(this.assetCache[productId]) return this.assetCache[productId];
+ const req = await fetch("" +
+ "operationName=inGamePresenceData&" +
+ `variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({locale: "en", offerIds: [productId]}))}&` +
+ `extensions=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({persistedQuery: {version: 1, sha256Hash: "6d7316368c350bbf3de50676add3d1d00d73021270f9d365e5a5e388fd9741c8"}}))}`);
+ const json = await JSON.parse(req.body);
+ if(![0].baseItem) return null;
+ this.assetCache[productId] =[0].baseItem.keyArt.aspect1x1Image.path;
+ return[0].baseItem.keyArt.aspect1x1Image.path;
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ err("Could not get game art for game " + productId);
+ }
+ }
+ getPresence(discord_id) {
+ return super.getPresence(discord_id, this.discordToEaIDs, this.presenceCache);
+ }
+ getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist) {
+ // enabled switch
+ const enabledSwitch = SettingsBuilder.enabledSwitch(this);
+ // cookies textbox
+ const textboxChange = (value) => {
+ this.cookies = value;
+ if(this.enabled) {
+ SettingsBuilder.toggleEnabledSwitch(enabledSwitch);
+ }
+ }
+ const buttonClick = () => {
+ BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Warning", "Fetching your RemID will log you out of the EA App. Are you sure?", {
+ danger: true,
+ confirmText: "Yes, I'm sure",
+ onConfirm: getRemID
+ });
+ }
+ const getRemID = () => {
+ const button = remidTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[1];
+ button.classList.remove("bd-button-danger");
+ button.innerHTML = "Fetching...";
+ const [success, remid] = this.getRemIDFromEaApp();
+ if(success) {
+ this.remid = remid;
+ remidTextbox.children[0].children[1].children[0].value = remid;
+ button.innerHTML = "Success!";
+ this.saveData();
+ } else {
+ const error = remid;
+ button.classList.add("bd-button-danger");
+ if(error.message && error.message.includes("no such file")) {
+ button.innerHTML = "File not found";
+ } else {
+ button.innerHTML = "Failed";
+ console.error(error);
+ BdApi.alert(error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const remidTextbox = SettingsBuilder.textboxWithButton("RemID Cookie", "Your EA RemID cookie. Fetching it only works on the new 'EA App', not Origin.",
+ this.remid, textboxChange, {}, "Fetch RemID from EA App", buttonClick);
+ const usersList = {
+ idToName: this.friendIdToDisplayName,
+ nameToId: {}
+ }
+ for(const [id, username] of Object.entries(this.friendIdToDisplayName)) {
+ usersList.nameToId[username] = id;
+ }
+ const datalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("ea", Object.keys(usersList.nameToId));
+ const userMapDiv = SettingsBuilder.userMapInterface(this, datalist, discordUsersDatalist, usersList, discordUserList, this.discordToEaIDs, null, "EA Username", /^\d+$/);
+ const debugSwitch = SettingsBuilder.debugSwitch(this);
+ return SettingsBuilder.settingsPanel(this, enabledSwitch, remidTextbox, userMapDiv, debugSwitch);
+ }
+ destroy(pluginShutdown) {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ for(const id in this.presenceCache) this.deletePresence(id);
+ clearInterval(this.heartbeat);
+ clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval);
+ if(this.socket_id) SimpleSocket.close(this.socket_id, 1001);
+ if(!pluginShutdown) this.saveData();
+ }
+ }
+ /**************
+ ** PLUGIN **
+ **************/
+ const platforms = [Riot, Epic, Steam, EA, Minecraft, Twitch];
+ const CrossPlatformPlaying = (() => {
+ return !global.ZeresPluginLibrary ? class {
+ constructor() {this._config = config;}
+ getName() {return;}
+ getAuthor() {return =>", ");}
+ getDescription() {return;}
+ getVersion() {return;}
+ load() {
+ BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The library plugin needed for ${} is missing. Please click Download Now to install it.`, {
+ confirmText: "Download Now",
+ cancelText: "Cancel",
+ onConfirm: () => {
+ require("request").get("", async (error, response, body) => {
+ if (error) return require("electron").shell.openExternal("");
+ await new Promise(r => fs.writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0PluginLibrary.plugin.js"), body, () => {
+ BdApi.alert("Successfully installed CrossPlatformPlaying! Press Ctrl+R to reload Discord, then go to Settings > Plugins to enable and configure the plugin.");
+ r();
+ }));
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ start() {}
+ stop() {}
+ } : (([Plugin, Api]) => {
+ const plugin = (Plugin, Library) => {
+ return class CrossPlatformPlaying extends Plugin {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ }
+ onStart() {
+ // Required function. Called when the plugin is activated (including after reloads)
+ console.log("[CrossPlatformPlaying] Starting...");
+ const loadStart =;
+ // for debugging
+ global.CPP = {
+ plugin: this, platforms, config, preload,
+ fetch, setTimeout, setInterval, updateUser, removeFromList,
+ Platform, SimpleSocket, SettingsBuilder, Priorities,
+ timeouts, intervals
+ };
+ // check if config json is valid
+ try {
+ BdApi.loadData(pluginName, "");
+ } catch(e) {
+ return console.error("[CrossPlatformPlaying] Could not load config JSON! Is it corrupt?");
+ }
+ discord_id = BdApi.findModuleByProps("getUser", "getCurrentUser").getCurrentUser().id;
+ this.loadPatches();
+ this.patchGetActivity();
+ this.patchRenderHeader();
+ this.setUpdateUser();
+ // initialise platforms
+ this.instances = [];
+ for(const platform of platforms) {
+ this.instances.push(new platform());
+ }
+ console.log(`[CrossPlatformPlaying] Started in ${ - loadStart}ms`);
+ }
+ onStop() {
+ // Required function. Called when the plugin is deactivated
+ BdApi.Patcher.unpatchAll(pluginName);
+ for(const platform of this.instances) platform.destroy(true);
+ this.instances.length = 0; // clear array for next time plugin is launched
+ for(const timeout of timeouts) clearTimeout(timeout);
+ for(const interval of intervals) clearInterval(interval);
+ timeouts.length = 0; intervals.length = 0;
+ }
+ getSettingsPanel() {
+ if(!this.buttonClassNames) this.buttonClassNames = BdApi.findModuleByProps("button", "lookFilled", "grow");
+ const body = document.createElement("div");
+ // to check if settings panel is still open
+ const bodyId = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("base64");
+ = bodyId;
+ const theInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ if(document.getElementById(bodyId)) {
+ for(let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
+ const platform = this.instances[i];
+ const button = buttons[i];
+ if(platform.enabled) {
+ button.classList.remove(this.buttonClassNames.colorTransparent);
+ button.classList.add(this.buttonClassNames.colorBrand);
+ } else {
+ button.classList.remove(this.buttonClassNames.colorBrand);
+ button.classList.add(this.buttonClassNames.colorTransparent);
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // settings panel closed
+ clearInterval(theInterval);
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ const buttons = [];
+ const panels = [];
+ let activePanel;
+ // insert formatted list of all discord users
+ const discordUserList = {
+ idToName: {},
+ nameToId: {}
+ }
+ ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.forEach(user => {
+ const name = user.username + '#' + user.discriminator;
+ discordUserList.idToName[] = name;
+ discordUserList.nameToId[name] =;
+ });
+ const discordUsersDatalist = SettingsBuilder.createDatalist("discordUserList", Object.keys(discordUserList.nameToId));
+ body.append(discordUsersDatalist);
+ // create a panel and button for each platform
+ for(const platform of this.instances) {
+ let platformIndex = buttons.length;
+ // the different panels for different platforms
+ const panel = document.createElement("div");
+ = "panel-" + platform.platformId;
+ panel.loaded = false;
+ = "none"; // hide the panel initially
+ panels.push(panel);
+ // the buttons clicked to show the different platforms
+ const button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.classList.add(this.buttonClassNames.button, this.buttonClassNames.lookFilled, this.buttonClassNames.colorBrand, this.buttonClassNames.sizeMedium, this.buttonClassNames.grow);
+ = "5px";
+ = "inline"; // to make the buttons appear side by side
+ button.innerText =;
+ button.onclick = () => {
+ if(activePanel) = "none";
+ if(this.activePanelIndex !== undefined) {
+ buttons[this.activePanelIndex].disabled = false;
+ buttons[this.activePanelIndex].classList.remove("bd-button-disabled");
+ }
+ activePanel = panel;
+ this.activePanelIndex = platformIndex;
+ if(!panel.loaded) {
+ panel.append(platform.getSettings(discordUserList, discordUsersDatalist));
+ panel.loaded = true;
+ }
+ = "block";
+ button.disabled = true;
+ button.classList.add("bd-button-disabled");
+ }
+ buttons.push(button);
+ }
+ // start inserting the elements
+ const buttonsDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ = "platform-buttons";
+ = "10px";
+ body.append(buttonsDiv);
+ for(const button of buttons) {
+ buttonsDiv.append(button);
+ }
+ const panelsDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ = "platform-panels";
+ = "10px";
+ body.append(panelsDiv);
+ for(const panel of panels) {
+ panelsDiv.append(panel);
+ }
+ buttons[this.activePanelIndex || 0].click();
+ return body;
+ }
+ loadPatches() {
+ // discord webpack module helper functions
+ const moduleList = Object.values(ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getAllModules());
+ const activityRenderModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports?.Z?.prototype?.renderImage);
+ // module that returns "Playing a game" header
+ // fetching it is slow though, so I opted to compare the final header name to the one in the strings module
+ // const gameHeaderModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.Z?.toString().includes("USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING"))
+ const stringsModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.Z?.Messages?.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING);
+ const ActivityStore = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore;
+ this.patchGetActivity = () => {
+ BdApi.Patcher.after(pluginName, ActivityStore, "getActivities", (_this, args, ret) => {
+ const start =;
+ try {
+ const id = args[0];
+ let newActivities = [];
+ for(const platform of this.instances) {
+ const presences = platform.getPresence(id);
+ if(presences && presences.length) newActivities.push(...presences);
+ }
+ if(newActivities.length === 0) return ret;
+ const activityPriority = (act) => {
+ if(act.priority) return act.priority;
+ if(act.type === 2) return Priorities.SECONDARY; // Spotify
+ if(act.application_id === "307998818547531777") return Priorities.SECONDARY; //
+ if(act.details || act.state) return Priorities.DISCORD_RICH_PRESENCE;
+ return Priorities.DISCORD_NORMAL;
+ }
+ const sortFunction = (a, b) => {
+ return activityPriority(b) - activityPriority(a);
+ }
+ return newActivities.concat(ret).sort(sortFunction);
+ } finally {
+ const time = - start;
+ if(time > 5) console.warn(`[${pluginName}] getActivities took ${time}ms`);
+ }
+ });
+ global.CPP.getActivities = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore.getActivities;
+ }
+ this.setUpdateUser = () => {
+ const dispatchFunction = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore._dispatcher.dispatch.bind(ZLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore._dispatcher);
+ updateUser = (id) => {
+ const user = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getUser(id);
+ /*if(user) console.log(`Updating user ${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`);
+ else console.log(`Updating user with id ${id}...`);*/
+ if(user) dispatchFunction({
+ guildId: null, // update in all guilds
+ user: user
+ });
+ }
+ global.CPP.updateUser = updateUser;
+ }
+ this.patchRenderHeader = () => {
+ BdApi.Patcher.after(pluginName, activityRenderModule.exports.Z.prototype, "renderHeader", (_this, args, ret) => {
+ if(!ret) return ret;
+ const activity = _this.activity;
+ if(!activity?.username) return ret;
+ const prop = ret.props.children[1].props.children.props;
+ const playingAGame = stringsModule.exports.Z.Messages.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING;
+ if(prop.children === playingAGame) prop.children = `Playing as ${activity.username}`;
+ else prop.children += ` as ${activity.username}`;
+ return ret;
+ });
+ }
+ /*this.reloadActivityRenderModule = () => {
+ // the activityRenderModule.renderImage function stores a reference to the unpatched getAssetImage function
+ // we need to reload the webpack to update the reference
+ const reloadedModule = {exports: {}};
+ ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.require.m[](reloadedModule, reloadedModule.exports, ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.require);
+ BdApi.Patcher.instead(pluginName, activityRenderModule.exports.default.prototype, "renderImage", (_this, args) =>, ...args));
+ BdApi.Patcher.instead(pluginName, activityRenderModule.exports.default.prototype, "renderHeader", (_this, args) =>, ...args));
+ }*/
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return plugin(Plugin, Api);
+ })(global.ZeresPluginLibrary.buildPlugin(config));
+ })();
+ /*@end@*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/add_this_to_index.js b/add_this_to_index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292655e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/add_this_to_index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// credit for this code goes to retr0!
+const electron = require("electron"), electronPath = require.resolve("electron"), path = require('path');
+class BrowserWindow extends electron.BrowserWindow {
+ constructor(options) {
+ let _preload = options.webPreferences.preload;;
+ options.webPreferences.preload = path.join(__dirname, "preload.js");
+ const window = new electron.BrowserWindow(options);
+ window.webContents._original_preload = _preload;
+ return window;
+ }
+const newElectron = Object.assign({}, electron, { BrowserWindow });
+delete require.cache[electronPath].exports;
+require.cache[electronPath].exports = newElectron;
+electron.ipcMain.on("_original_preload", function waitForPreload(e) {
+ if (typeof e.sender._original_preload !== "undefined") e.returnValue = e.sender._original_preload;
+ else setTimeout(waitForPreload, 50, e);
\ No newline at end of file
From e12279ca520c921b3ff09e45f1a47f03eef5a6a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giorgio <>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 00:45:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Fix preload filename
Thx Shades on Discord
add_this_to_index.js | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/add_this_to_index.js b/add_this_to_index.js
index 292655e..68e7893 100644
--- a/add_this_to_index.js
+++ b/add_this_to_index.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const electron = require("electron"), electronPath = require.resolve("electron")
class BrowserWindow extends electron.BrowserWindow {
constructor(options) {
let _preload = options.webPreferences.preload;;
- options.webPreferences.preload = path.join(__dirname, "preload.js");
+ options.webPreferences.preload = path.join(__dirname, "CPP_preload.js");
const window = new electron.BrowserWindow(options);
window.webContents._original_preload = _preload;
return window;
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ electron.ipcMain.on("_original_preload", function waitForPreload(e) {
if (typeof e.sender._original_preload !== "undefined") e.returnValue = e.sender._original_preload;
else setTimeout(waitForPreload, 50, e);
\ No newline at end of file
From 755ead782e95c6826c7db5dcd2387da1af488662 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giorgio <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2022 17:42:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js b/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
index 1421704..eb3f1ac 100644
--- a/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
+++ b/CrossPlatformPlaying.plugin.js
@@ -4427,7 +4427,7 @@
// fetching it is slow though, so I opted to compare the final header name to the one in the strings module
// const gameHeaderModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.Z?.toString().includes("USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING"))
- const stringsModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports.Z?.Messages?.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING);
+ const stringsModule = moduleList.find(m => m.exports?.Z?.Messages?.USER_ACTIVITY_HEADER_PLAYING);
const ActivityStore = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStatusStore;
@@ -4517,4 +4517,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file