diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e66b9b3..793971e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ Add the following code to your web page:
-Then add a script somewhere to your page that actually calls and sets up the facetview on a particular page element:
+Then add a script somewhere to your page that actually calls and sets up the facetview on a particular page element:
diff --git a/jquery.facetview2.js b/jquery.facetview2.js
index 0221d27..55420d5 100644
--- a/jquery.facetview2.js
+++ b/jquery.facetview2.js
@@ -83,6 +83,23 @@ function safeId(s) {
return s.replace(/\./gi,'_').replace(/\:/gi,'_')
+// get the right facet element from the page
+function facetElement(prefix, name, context) {
+ return $(prefix + safeId(name), context)
+// get the right facet from the options, based on the name
+function selectFacet(options, name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < options.facets.length; i++) {
+ var item = options.facets[i];
+ if ('field' in item) {
+ if (item['field'] === name) {
+ return item
+ }
+ }
+ }
function endsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
@@ -113,7 +130,7 @@ function ie8compat(o) {
// first see if this clean up is necessary at all
- var test = ["a", "b", "c", ] // note trailing comma, will produce ["a", "b", "c", undefined] in IE8 and ["a", "b", "c"] in every sane browser
+ var test = ["a", "b", "c", ]; // note trailing comma, will produce ["a", "b", "c", undefined] in IE8 and ["a", "b", "c"] in every sane browser
if ($.type(test[test.length - 1]) == 'undefined') {
// ok, cleanup is necessary, go
for (var key in o) {
@@ -126,912 +143,7 @@ function ie8compat(o) {
- *****************************************************************/
-function theFacetview(options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * id: facetview - main div in which the facetview functionality goes
- * id: facetview_filters - div where the facet filters will be displayed
- * id: facetview_rightcol - the main window for result display (doesn't have to be on the right)
- * class: facetview_search_options_container - where the search bar and main controls will go
- * id : facetview_selectedfilters - where we summarise the filters which have been selected
- * class: facetview_metadata - where we want paging to go
- * id: facetview_results - the table id for where the results actually go
- * id: facetview_searching - where the loading notification can go
- *
- * Should respect the following configs
- *
- * options.debug - is this a debug enabled facetview. If so, put a debug textarea somewhere
- */
- // the facet view object to be appended to the page
- var thefacetview = '
- // if there are facets, give them span3 to exist, otherwise, take up all the space
- var showfacets = false
- for (var i = 0; i < options.facets.length; i++) {
- var f = options.facets[i]
- if (!f.hidden) {
- showfacets = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (showfacets) {
- thefacetview += '
- thefacetview += '
- } else {
- thefacetview += '
- }
- // make space for the search options container at the top
- thefacetview += '';
- // make space for the selected filters
- thefacetview += '';
- // make space at the top for the pager
- thefacetview += '';
- // insert loading notification
- thefacetview += ''
- // insert the table within which the results actually will go
- thefacetview += '
- // make space at the bottom for the pager
- thefacetview += '';
- // debug window near the bottom
- if (options.debug) {
- thefacetview += ''
- }
- // close off all the big containers and return
- thefacetview += '
- return thefacetview
-function searchOptions(options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_startagain - reset the search parameters
- * class: facetview_pagesize - size of each result page
- * class: facetview_order - ordering direction of results
- * class: facetview_orderby - list of fields which can be ordered by
- * class: facetview_searchfield - list of fields which can be searched on
- * class: facetview_freetext - input field for freetext search
- * class: facetview_force_search - button which triggers a search on the current page status
- *
- * should (not must) respect the following configs
- *
- * options.search_sortby - list of sort fields and directions
- * options.searchbox_fieldselect - list of fields search can be focussed on
- * options.sharesave_link - whether to provide a copy of a link which can be saved
- * options.search_button - whether to provide a button to force a search
- */
- // initial button group of search controls
- var thefacetview = '
- // selection for search ordering
- if (options.search_sortby.length > 0) {
- thefacetview += '';
- }
- // select box for fields to search on
- if ( options.searchbox_fieldselect.length > 0 ) {
- thefacetview += '';
- };
- // text search box
- var corners = "border-radius:0px 5px 5px 0px; -moz-border-radius:0px 5px 5px 0px; -webkit-border-radius:0px 5px 5px 0px;"
- if (options.search_button) {
- corners = "border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; -moz-border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; -webkit-border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px;"
- }
- thefacetview += '';
- // search button
- if (options.search_button) {
- thefacetview += ""
- }
- // share and save link
- if (options.sharesave_link) {
- thefacetview += '';
- thefacetview += '
- \
Share or save this search:
- \
- }
- return thefacetview
-function facetList(options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * none - no requirements for specific classes and ids
- *
- * should (not must) respect the following config
- *
- * options.facet[x].hidden - whether the facet should be displayed in the UI or not
- * options.render_terms_facet - renders a term facet into the list
- * options.render_range_facet - renders a range facet into the list
- * options.render_geo_facet - renders a geo distance facet into the list
- */
- if (options.facets.length > 0) {
- var filters = options.facets;
- var thefilters = '';
- for (var idx = 0; idx < filters.length; idx++) {
- var facet = filters[idx]
- // if the facet is hidden do not include it in this list
- if (facet.hidden) {
- continue;
- }
- var type = facet.type ? facet.type : "terms"
- if (type === "terms") {
- thefilters += options.render_terms_facet(facet, options)
- } else if (type === "range") {
- thefilters += options.render_range_facet(facet, options)
- } else if (type === "geo_distance") {
- thefilters += options.render_geo_facet(facet, options)
- }
- // FIXME: statistical facet and terms_stats facet?
- };
- return thefilters
- };
- return ""
-function renderTermsFacet(facet, options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * id: facetview_filter_ - table for the specific filter
- * class: facetview_morefacetvals - for increasing the size of the facet
- * id: facetview_facetvals_ - id of anchor for changing facet vals
- * class: facetview_sort - for changing the facet ordering
- * id: facetview_sort_ - id of anchor for changing sorting
- * class: facetview_or - for changing the default operator
- * id: facetview_or_ - id of anchor for changing AND/OR operator
- *
- * each anchor must also have href=""
- */
- // full template for the facet - we'll then go on and do some find and replace
- var filterTmpl = '
- // put the name of the field into FILTER_NAME and FILTER_EXACT
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_NAME}}/g, safeId(facet['field'])).replace(/{{FILTER_EXACT}}/g, facet['field']);
- // set the display name of the facet in FILTER_DISPLAY
- if ('display' in facet) {
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_DISPLAY}}/g, facet['display']);
- } else {
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_DISPLAY}}/g, facet['field']);
- };
- return filterTmpl
-function renderRangeFacet(facet, options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * id: facetview_filter_ - table for the specific filter
- *
- * each anchor must also have href=""
- */
- // full template for the facet - we'll then go on and do some find and replace
- var filterTmpl = '
- // put the name of the field into FILTER_NAME and FILTER_EXACT
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_NAME}}/g, safeId(facet['field'])).replace(/{{FILTER_EXACT}}/g, facet['field']);
- // set the display name of the facet in FILTER_DISPLAY
- if ('display' in facet) {
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_DISPLAY}}/g, facet['display']);
- } else {
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_DISPLAY}}/g, facet['field']);
- };
- return filterTmpl
-function renderGeoFacet(facet, options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * id: facetview_filter_ - table for the specific filter
- *
- * each anchor must also have href=""
- */
- // full template for the facet - we'll then go on and do some find and replace
- var filterTmpl = '
- // put the name of the field into FILTER_NAME and FILTER_EXACT
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_NAME}}/g, safeId(facet['field'])).replace(/{{FILTER_EXACT}}/g, facet['field']);
- // set the display name of the facet in FILTER_DISPLAY
- if ('display' in facet) {
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_DISPLAY}}/g, facet['display']);
- } else {
- filterTmpl = filterTmpl.replace(/{{FILTER_DISPLAY}}/g, facet['field']);
- };
- return filterTmpl
-function renderTermsFacetValues(options, facet) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filtervalue - wrapper element for any value included in the list
- * class: facetview_filterselected - for any anchors around selected filters
- * class: facetview_clear - for any link which should remove a filter (must also provide data-field and data-value)
- * class: facetview_filterchoice - tags the anchor wrapped around the name of the (unselected) field
- *
- * should (not must) respect the following config
- *
- * options.selected_filters_in_facet - whether to show selected filters in the facet pull-down (if that's your idiom)
- * options.render_facet_result - function which renders the individual facets
- * facet.value_function - the value function to be applied to all displayed values
- */
- var selected_filters = options.active_filters[facet.field]
- var frag = ""
- // first render the active filters
- if (options.selected_filters_in_facet) {
- if (selected_filters) {
- for (var i=0; i < selected_filters.length; i=i+1) {
- var value = selected_filters[i]
- if (facet.value_function) {
- value = facet.value_function(value)
- }
- var sf = '
- sf += "" + value + " "
- sf += ''
- sf += "
- frag += sf
- }
- }
- }
- // is there a pre-defined filter on this facet?
- var predefined = facet.field in options.predefined_filters ? options.predefined_filters[facet.field] : []
- // then render the remaining selectable facets
- for (var i=0; i < facet["values"].length; i=i+1) {
- var f = facet["values"][i]
- if (options.exclude_predefined_filters_from_facets && $.inArray(f.term, predefined) > -1) { // note that the datatypes have to match
- continue
- }
- if ($.inArray(f.term.toString(), selected_filters) === -1) { // the toString helps us with non-string filters (e.g integers)
- var append = options.render_terms_facet_result(options, facet, f, selected_filters)
- frag += append
- }
- }
- return frag
-function renderRangeFacetValues(options, facet) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filtervalue - wrapper element for any value included in the list
- * class: facetview_filterselected - for any anchors around selected filters
- * class: facetview_clear - for any link which should remove a filter (must also provide data-field and data-value)
- * class: facetview_filterchoice - tags the anchor wrapped around the name of the (unselected) field
- *
- * should (not must) respect the following config
- *
- * options.selected_filters_in_facet - whether to show selected filters in the facet pull-down (if that's your idiom)
- * options.render_facet_result - function which renders the individual facets
- */
- function getValueForRange(range, values) {
- for (var i=0; i < values.length; i=i+1) {
- var value = values[i]
- // the "to"s match if they both value and range have a "to" and they are the same, or if neither have a "to"
- var match_to = (value.to && range.to && value.to === range.to) || (!value.to && !range.to)
- // the "from"s match if they both value and range have a "from" and they are the same, or if neither have a "from"
- var match_from = (value.from && range.from && value.from === range.from) || (!value.from && !range.from)
- if (match_to && match_from) {
- return value
- }
- }
- }
- function getRangeForValue(value, facet) {
- for (var i=0; i < facet.range.length; i=i+1) {
- var range = facet.range[i]
- // the "to"s match if they both value and range have a "to" and they are the same, or if neither have a "to"
- var match_to = (value.to && range.to && value.to === range.to.toString()) || (!value.to && !range.to)
- // the "from"s match if they both value and range have a "from" and they are the same, or if neither have a "from"
- var match_from = (value.from && range.from && value.from === range.from.toString()) || (!value.from && !range.from)
- if (match_to && match_from) {
- return range
- }
- }
- }
- var selected_range = options.active_filters[facet.field]
- var frag = ""
- // render the active filter if there is one
- if (options.selected_filters_in_facet && selected_range) {
- var range = getRangeForValue(selected_range, facet)
- already_selected = true
- var data_to = range.to ? " data-to='" + range.to + "' " : ""
- var data_from = range.from ? " data-from='" + range.from + "' " : ""
- var sf = '
- sf += "" + range.display + " "
- sf += ''
- sf += "
- frag += sf
- // if a range is already selected, we don't render any more
- return frag
- }
- // then render the remaining selectable facets if necessary
- for (var i=0; i < facet["range"].length; i=i+1) {
- var r = facet["range"][i]
- var f = getValueForRange(r, facet["values"])
- if (f) {
- if (f.count === 0 && facet.hide_empty_range) {
- continue
- }
- var append = options.render_range_facet_result(options, facet, f, r)
- frag += append
- }
- }
- return frag
-function renderGeoFacetValues(options, facet) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filtervalue - wrapper element for any value included in the list
- * class: facetview_filterselected - for any anchors around selected filters
- * class: facetview_clear - for any link which should remove a filter (must also provide data-field and data-value)
- * class: facetview_filterchoice - tags the anchor wrapped around the name of the (unselected) field
- *
- * should (not must) respect the following config
- *
- * options.selected_filters_in_facet - whether to show selected filters in the facet pull-down (if that's your idiom)
- * options.render_facet_result - function which renders the individual facets
- */
- function getValueForRange(range, values) {
- for (var i=0; i < values.length; i=i+1) {
- var value = values[i]
- // the "to"s match if they both value and range have a "to" and they are the same, or if neither have a "to"
- var match_to = (value.to && range.to && value.to === range.to) || (!value.to && !range.to)
- // the "from"s match if they both value and range have a "from" and they are the same, or if neither have a "from"
- var match_from = (value.from && range.from && value.from === range.from) || (!value.from && !range.from)
- if (match_to && match_from) {
- return value
- }
- }
- }
- function getRangeForValue(value, facet) {
- for (var i=0; i < facet.distance.length; i=i+1) {
- var range = facet.distance[i]
- // the "to"s match if they both value and range have a "to" and they are the same, or if neither have a "to"
- var match_to = (value.to && range.to && value.to === range.to.toString()) || (!value.to && !range.to)
- // the "from"s match if they both value and range have a "from" and they are the same, or if neither have a "from"
- var match_from = (value.from && range.from && value.from === range.from.toString()) || (!value.from && !range.from)
- if (match_to && match_from) {
- return range
- }
- }
- }
- var selected_geo = options.active_filters[facet.field]
- var frag = ""
- // render the active filter if there is one
- if (options.selected_filters_in_facet && selected_geo) {
- var range = getRangeForValue(selected_geo, facet)
- already_selected = true
- var data_to = range.to ? " data-to='" + range.to + "' " : ""
- var data_from = range.from ? " data-from='" + range.from + "' " : ""
- var sf = '
- sf += "" + range.display + " "
- sf += ''
- sf += "
- frag += sf
- // if a range is already selected, we don't render any more
- return frag
- }
- // then render the remaining selectable facets if necessary
- for (var i=0; i < facet["distance"].length; i=i+1) {
- var r = facet["distance"][i]
- var f = getValueForRange(r, facet["values"])
- if (f) {
- if (f.count === 0 && facet.hide_empty_distance) {
- continue
- }
- var append = options.render_geo_facet_result(options, facet, f, r)
- frag += append
- }
- }
- return frag
-function renderTermsFacetResult(options, facet, result, selected_filters) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filtervalue - tags the top level element as being a facet result
- * class: facetview_filterchoice - tags the anchor wrapped around the name of the field
- *
- * should (not must) respect the following configuration:
- *
- * facet.value_function - the value function to be applied to all displayed values
- */
- var display = result.term
- if (facet.value_function) {
- display = facet.value_function(display)
- }
- var append = '
- return append
-function renderRangeFacetResult(options, facet, result, range) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filtervalue - tags the top level element as being a facet result
- * class: facetview_filterchoice - tags the anchor wrapped around the name of the field
- */
- var data_to = range.to ? " data-to='" + range.to + "' " : ""
- var data_from = range.from ? " data-from='" + range.from + "' " : ""
- var append = '
- return append
-function renderGeoFacetResult(options, facet, result, range) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filtervalue - tags the top level element as being a facet result
- * class: facetview_filterchoice - tags the anchor wrapped around the name of the field
- */
- var data_to = range.to ? " data-to='" + range.to + "' " : ""
- var data_from = range.from ? " data-from='" + range.from + "' " : ""
- var append = '
- return append
-function searchingNotification(options) {
- return "SEARCHING..."
-function basicPager(options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_decrement - anchor to move the page back
- * class: facetview_increment - anchor to move the page forward
- * class: facetview_inactive_link - for links which should not have any effect (helpful for styling bootstrap lists without adding click features)
- *
- * should (not must) respect the config
- *
- * options.from - record number results start from (may be a string)
- * options.page_size - number of results per page
- * options.data.found - the total number of records in the search result set
- */
- // ensure our starting points are integers, then we can do maths on them
- var from = parseInt(options.from)
- var size = parseInt(options.page_size)
- // calculate the human readable values we want
- var to = from + size
- from = from + 1 // zero indexed
- if (options.data.found < to) { to = options.data.found }
- var total = options.data.found
- // forward and back-links, taking into account start and end boundaries
- var backlink = '« back'
- if (from < size) { backlink = ".." }
- var nextlink = 'next »'
- if (options.data.found <= to) { nextlink = ".." }
- var meta = '
- return meta
-function pageSlider(options) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_decrement - anchor to move the page back
- * class: facetview_increment - anchor to move the page forward
- * class: facetview_inactive_link - for links which should not have any effect (helpful for styling bootstrap lists without adding click features)
- *
- * should (not must) respect the config
- *
- * options.from - record number results start from (may be a string)
- * options.page_size - number of results per page
- * options.data.found - the total number of records in the search result set
- */
- // ensure our starting points are integers, then we can do maths on them
- var from = parseInt(options.from)
- var size = parseInt(options.page_size)
- // calculate the human readable values we want
- var to = from + size
- from = from + 1 // zero indexed
- if (options.data.found < to) { to = options.data.found }
- var total = options.data.found
- // forward and back-links, taking into account start and end boundaries
- var backlink = '<'
- if (from < size) {
- backlink = '..'
- }
- var nextlink = '>'
- if (options.data.found <= to) {
- nextlink = '..'
- }
- var meta = '
- meta += backlink
- meta += '' + from + ' – ' + to + ' of ' + total + ''
- meta += nextlink
- meta += '
- return meta
-function renderNotFound() {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_not_found - the id of the top level element containing the not found message
- */
- return "
No results found
-function renderResultRecord(options, record) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * none - no specific requirements
- *
- * should (not must) use the config
- *
- * options.resultwrap_start - starting elements for any result object
- * options.resultwrap_end - closing elements for any result object
- * options.result_display - line-by-line display commands for the result object
- */
- // get our custom configuration out of the options
- var result = options.resultwrap_start;
- var display = options.result_display;
- // build up a full string representing the object
- var lines = '';
- for (var lineitem = 0; lineitem < display.length; lineitem++) {
- line = "";
- for (var object = 0; object < display[lineitem].length; object++) {
- var thekey = display[lineitem][object]['field'];
- var thevalue = ""
- if (typeof options.results_render_callbacks[thekey] == 'function') {
- // a callback is defined for this field so just call it
- thevalue = options.results_render_callbacks[thekey].call(this, record);
- } else {
- // split the key up into its parts, and work our way through the
- // tree until we get to the node to display. Note that this will only
- // work with a string hierarchy of dicts - it can't have lists in it
- parts = thekey.split('.');
- var res = record
- for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
- res = res[parts[i]]
- }
- // just get a string representation of the object
- if (res) {
- thevalue = res.toString()
- }
- }
- // if we have a value to display, sort out the pre-and post- stuff and build the new line
- if (thevalue && thevalue.toString().length) {
- if (display[lineitem][object]['pre']) {
- line += display[lineitem][object]['pre']
- }
- line += thevalue;
- if (display[lineitem][object]['post']) {
- line += display[lineitem][object]['post'];
- } else if(!display[lineitem][object]['notrailingspace']) {
- line += ' ';
- }
- }
- }
- // if we have a line, append it to the full lines and add a line break
- if (line) {
- lines += line.replace(/^\s/,'').replace(/\s$/,'').replace(/\,$/,'') + " ";
- }
- }
- // if we have the lines, append them to the result wrap start
- if (lines) {
- result += lines
- }
- // close off the result with the ending strings, and then return
- result += options.resultwrap_end;
- return result;
-function renderActiveTermsFilter(options, facet, field, filter_list) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filterselected - anchor tag for any clickable filter selection
- * class: facetview_clear - anchor tag for any link which will remove the filter (should also provide data-value and data-field)
- * class: facetview_inactive_link - any link combined with facetview_filterselected which should not execute when clicked
- *
- * should (not must) respect the config
- *
- * options.show_filter_field - whether to include the name of the field the filter is active on
- * options.show_filter_logic - whether to include AND/OR along with filters
- * facet.value_function - the value function to be applied to all displayed values
- */
- var clean = safeId(field)
- var display = facet.display ? facet.display : facet.field
- var logic = facet.logic ? facet.logic : options.default_facet_operator
- var frag = "
- return frag
-function renderActiveRangeFilter(options, facet, field, value) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filterselected - anchor tag for any clickable filter selection
- * class: facetview_clear - anchor tag for any link which will remove the filter (should also provide data-value and data-field)
- * class: facetview_inactive_link - any link combined with facetview_filterselected which should not execute when clicked
- *
- * should (not must) respect the config
- *
- * options.show_filter_field - whether to include the name of the field the filter is active on
- */
- function getRangeForValue(value, facet) {
- for (var i=0; i < facet.range.length; i=i+1) {
- var range = facet.range[i]
- // the "to"s match if they both value and range have a "to" and they are the same, or if neither have a "to"
- var match_to = (value.to && range.to && value.to === range.to.toString()) || (!value.to && !range.to)
- // the "from"s match if they both value and range have a "from" and they are the same, or if neither have a "from"
- var match_from = (value.from && range.from && value.from === range.from.toString()) || (!value.from && !range.from)
- if (match_to && match_from) {
- return range
- }
- }
- }
- var clean = safeId(field)
- var display = facet.display ? facet.display : facet.field
- var frag = "
- return frag
-function renderActiveGeoFilter(options, facet, field, value) {
- /*****************************************
- * overrides must provide the following classes and ids
- *
- * class: facetview_filterselected - anchor tag for any clickable filter selection
- * class: facetview_clear - anchor tag for any link which will remove the filter (should also provide data-value and data-field)
- * class: facetview_inactive_link - any link combined with facetview_filterselected which should not execute when clicked
- *
- * should (not must) respect the config
- *
- * options.show_filter_field - whether to include the name of the field the filter is active on
- */
- function getRangeForValue(value, facet) {
- for (var i=0; i < facet.distance.length; i=i+1) {
- var range = facet.distance[i]
- // the "to"s match if they both value and range have a "to" and they are the same, or if neither have a "to"
- var match_to = (value.to && range.to && value.to === range.to.toString()) || (!value.to && !range.to)
- // the "from"s match if they both value and range have a "from" and they are the same, or if neither have a "from"
- var match_from = (value.from && range.from && value.from === range.from.toString()) || (!value.from && !range.from)
- if (match_to && match_from) {
- return range
- }
- }
- }
- var clean = safeId(field)
- var display = facet.display ? facet.display : facet.field
- var frag = "
- return frag
///// the lifecycle callbacks ///////////////////////
@@ -1041,65 +153,6 @@ function postSearch(options, context) {}
function preRender(options, context) {}
function postRender(options, context) {}
-///// behaviour functions //////////////////////////
-// called when searching begins. Use it to show the loading bar, or something
-function showSearchingNotification(options, context) {
- $(".facetview_searching", context).show()
-// called when searching completes. Use it to hide the loading bar
-function hideSearchingNotification(options, context) {
- $(".facetview_searching", context).hide()
-// called once facet has been populated. Visibility is calculated for you
-// so just need to disable/hide the facet depending on the facet.hide_inactive
-// configuration
-function setFacetVisibility(options, context, facet, visible) {
- var el = context.find("#facetview_filter_" + safeId(facet.field))
- el.find('.facetview_filtershow').css({'color':'#333','font-weight':'bold'}).children('i').show();
- if (visible) {
- el.show();
- } else {
- if (facet.hide_inactive) {
- el.hide();
- }
- el.find('.facetview_filtershow').css({'color':'#ccc','font-weight':'normal'}).children('i').hide();
- };
-// called when a request to open or close the facet is received
-// this should move the facet to the state dictated by facet.open
-function setFacetOpenness(options, context, facet) {
- var el = context.find("#facetview_filter_" + safeId(facet.field))
- var open = facet["open"]
- if (open) {
- el.find(".facetview_filtershow").find("i").removeClass("icon-plus")
- el.find(".facetview_filtershow").find("i").addClass("icon-minus")
- el.find(".facetview_filteroptions").show()
- el.find(".facetview_filtervalue").show()
- } else {
- el.find(".facetview_filtershow").find("i").removeClass("icon-minus")
- el.find(".facetview_filtershow").find("i").addClass("icon-plus")
- el.find(".facetview_filteroptions").hide()
- el.find(".facetview_filtervalue").hide()
- }
-// set the UI to present the given ordering
-function setResultsOrder(options, context, order) {
- if (order === 'asc') {
- $('.facetview_order', context).html('');
- $('.facetview_order', context).attr('href','asc');
- $('.facetview_order', context).attr('title','current order ascending. Click to change to descending');
- } else {
- $('.facetview_order', context).html('');
- $('.facetview_order', context).attr('href','desc');
- $('.facetview_order', context).attr('title','current order descending. Click to change to ascending');
- };
@@ -1109,7 +162,7 @@ function shareableUrl(options, query_part_only, include_fragment) {
var querypart = "?source=" + encodeURIComponent(serialiseQueryObject(source))
include_fragment = include_fragment === undefined ? true : include_fragment
if (include_fragment) {
- var fragment_identifier = options.url_fragment_identifier ? options.url_fragment_identifier : ""
+ var fragment_identifier = options.url_fragment_identifier ? options.url_fragment_identifier : "";
querypart += fragment_identifier
if (query_part_only) {
@@ -1420,6 +473,33 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// called after changing the result set order to update the search bar
"behaviour_results_ordering" : setResultsOrder,
+ // called when the page size is changed
+ "behaviour_set_page_size" : setUIPageSize,
+ // called when the page order is changed
+ "behaviour_set_order" : setUIOrder,
+ // called when the field we order by is changed
+ "behaviour_set_order_by" : setUIOrderBy,
+ // called when the search field is changed
+ "behaviour_set_search_field" : setUISearchField,
+ // called when the search string is set or updated
+ "behaviour_set_search_string" : setUISearchString,
+ // called when the facet size has been changed
+ "behaviour_set_facet_size" : setUIFacetSize,
+ // called when the facet sort order has changed
+ "behaviour_set_facet_sort" : setUIFacetSort,
+ // called when the facet And/Or setting has been changed
+ "behaviour_set_facet_and_or" : setUIFacetAndOr,
+ // called when the selected filters have changed
+ "behaviour_set_selected_filters" : setUISelectedFilters,
///// lifecycle callbacks /////////////////////////////
@@ -1447,19 +527,19 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// the parsed data from elasticsearch
"data" : false
- }
+ };
function deriveOptions() {
// cleanup for ie8 purposes
- ie8compat(options)
- ie8compat(defaults)
+ ie8compat(options);
+ ie8compat(defaults);
// extend the defaults with the provided options
var provided_options = $.extend(defaults, options);
// deal with the options that come from the url, which require some special treatment
var url_params = getUrlVars();
- var url_options = {}
+ var url_options = {};
if ("source" in url_params) {
url_options = optionsFromQuery(url_params["source"])
@@ -1470,12 +550,12 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// copy the _selected_operators data into the relevant facets
// for each pre-selected operator, find the related facet and set its "logic" property
- var so = provided_options._selected_operators ? provided_options._selected_operators : {}
+ var so = provided_options._selected_operators ? provided_options._selected_operators : {};
for (var field in so) {
if (so.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
- var operator = so[field]
+ var operator = so[field];
for (var i=0; i < provided_options.facets.length; i=i+1) {
- var facet = provided_options.facets[i]
+ var facet = provided_options.facets[i];
if (facet.field === field) {
facet["logic"] = operator
@@ -1491,18 +571,18 @@ function getUrlVars() {
provided_options["active_filters"] = provided_options._active_filters
delete provided_options._active_filters
} else {
- provided_options["active_filters"] = {}
+ provided_options["active_filters"] = {};
for (var field in provided_options._active_filters) {
if (provided_options._active_filters.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
- var filter_list = provided_options._active_filters[field]
- provided_options["active_filters"][field] = []
+ var filter_list = provided_options._active_filters[field];
+ provided_options["active_filters"][field] = [];
if (!(field in provided_options.predefined_filters)) {
provided_options["active_filters"][field] = filter_list
} else {
// FIXME: this does not support pre-defined range queries
- var predefined_values = provided_options.predefined_filters[field]
+ var predefined_values = provided_options.predefined_filters[field];
for (var i=0; i < filter_list.length; i=i+1) {
- var value = filter_list[i]
+ var value = filter_list[i];
if ($.inArray(value, predefined_values) === -1) {
@@ -1517,7 +597,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// copy in the defaults to the individual facets when they are needed
for (var i=0; i < provided_options.facets.length; i=i+1) {
- var facet = provided_options.facets[i]
+ var facet = provided_options.facets[i];
if (!("type" in facet)) { facet["type"] = provided_options.default_facet_type }
if (!("open" in facet)) { facet["open"] = provided_options.default_facet_open }
if (!("hidden" in facet)) { facet["hiddel"] = provided_options.default_facet_hidden }
@@ -1543,53 +623,53 @@ function getUrlVars() {
function uiFromOptions() {
// set the current page size
- setUIPageSize({size: options.page_size})
+ options.behaviour_set_page_size(options, obj, {size: options.page_size});
// set the search order
// NOTE: that this interface only supports single field ordering
sorting = options.sort
for (var i=0; i < sorting.length; i=i+1) {
- var so = sorting[i]
+ var so = sorting[i];
for (var field=0; field < so.length; field=field+1) {
- var dir = so[field]["order"]
- setUIOrder({order: dir})
- setUIOrderBy({orderby: field})
+ var dir = so[field]["order"];
+ options.behaviour_set_order(options, obj, {order: dir});
+ options.behaviour_set_order_by(options, obj, {orderby: field});
// set the search field
- setUISearchField({field : options.searchfield})
+ options.behaviour_set_search_field(options, obj, {field : options.searchfield});
// set the search string
- setUISearchString({q: options.q})
+ options.behaviour_set_search_string(options, obj, {q: options.q});
// for each facet, set the facet size, order and and/or status
for (var i=0; i < options.facets.length; i=i+1) {
- var f = options.facets[i]
+ var f = options.facets[i];
if (f.hidden) {
- setUIFacetSize({facet : f})
- setUIFacetSort({facet : f})
- setUIFacetAndOr({facet : f})
+ options.behaviour_set_facet_size(options, obj, {facet : f});
+ options.behaviour_set_facet_sort(options, obj, {facet : f});
+ options.behaviour_set_facet_and_or(options, obj, {facet : f});
// for any existing filters, render them
- setUISelectedFilters()
+ options.behaviour_set_selected_filters(options, obj);
function urlFromOptions() {
if (options.pushstate && 'pushState' in window.history) {
- var querypart = shareableUrl(options, true, true)
+ var querypart = shareableUrl(options, true, true);
window.history.pushState("", "search", querypart);
// also do the share save url
- var shareable = shareableUrl(options)
+ var shareable = shareableUrl(options);
if (options.sharesave_link) { $('.facetview_sharesaveurl', obj).val(shareable); }
@@ -1615,23 +695,17 @@ function getUrlVars() {
if (newhowmany) {
options.page_size = parseInt(newhowmany);
options.from = 0;
- setUIPageSize({size: options.page_size});
+ options.behaviour_set_page_size(options, obj, {size: options.page_size});
- };
- // set the UI to present the given page size
- function setUIPageSize(params) {
- var size = params.size
- $('.facetview_pagesize', obj).html(size);
/////// start again /////////////////////////////////
// erase the current search and reload the window
function clickStartAgain(event) {
- var base = window.location.href.split("?")[0]
+ var base = window.location.href.split("?")[0];
@@ -1642,9 +716,9 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// switch the sort options around
if ($(this).attr('href') == 'desc') {
- setUIOrder({order: "asc"})
+ options.behaviour_set_order(options, obj, {order: "asc"})
} else {
- setUIOrder({order: "desc"})
+ options.behaviour_set_order(options, obj, {order: "desc"})
// synchronise the new sort with the options
@@ -1656,7 +730,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
function changeOrderBy(event) {
- event.preventDefault()
+ event.preventDefault();
// synchronise the new sort with the options
@@ -1665,19 +739,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
options.from = 0;
- // set the UI to present the given ordering
- function setUIOrder(params) {
- var order = params.order
- options.behaviour_results_ordering(options, obj, order)
- }
- // set the UI to present the order by field
- function setUIOrderBy(params) {
- var orderby = params.orderby
- $(".facetview_orderby", obj).val(orderby)
- }
// save the sort options from the current UI
function saveSortOption() {
var sortchoice = $('.facetview_orderby', obj).val();
@@ -1687,21 +749,21 @@ function getUrlVars() {
sort_fields = JSON.parse(sortchoice.replace(/'/g, '"'));
for ( var each = 0; each < sort_fields.length; each++ ) {
sf = sort_fields[each];
- sortobj = {}
+ sortobj = {};
sortobj[sf] = {'order': $('.facetview_order', obj).attr('href')};
} else {
- sortobj = {}
+ sortobj = {};
sortobj[sortchoice] = {'order': $('.facetview_order', obj).attr('href')};
options.sort = sorting;
} else {
- sortobj = {}
+ sortobj = {};
sortobj["_score"] = {'order': $('.facetview_order', obj).attr('href')};
- sorting = [sortobj]
+ sorting = [sortobj];
options.sort = sorting
@@ -1713,36 +775,26 @@ function getUrlVars() {
var field = $(this).val();
options.from = 0;
- options.searchfield = field
+ options.searchfield = field;
// keyup in search box
function keyupSearchText(event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- var q = $(this).val()
- options.q = q
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var q = $(this).val();
+ options.q = q;
// click of the search button
function clickSearch() {
- event.preventDefault()
- var q = $(".facetview_freetext", obj).val()
- options.q = q
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var q = $(".facetview_freetext", obj).val();
+ options.q = q;
- function setUISearchField(params) {
- var field = params.field
- $(".facetview_searchfield", obj).val(field)
- }
- function setUISearchString(params) {
- var q = params.q
- $(".facetview_freetext", obj).val(q)
- }
/////// share save link /////////////////////////////////
// show the current url with the result set as the source param
@@ -1754,39 +806,18 @@ function getUrlVars() {
* functions for handling facet events
- // get the right facet from the options, based on the name
- function selectFacet(name) {
- for (var i = 0; i < options.facets.length; i++) {
- var item = options.facets[i];
- if ('field' in item) {
- if (item['field'] === name) {
- return item
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // get the right facet element from the page
- function facetElement(prefix, name) {
- return $(prefix + safeId(name), obj)
- }
/////// show/hide filter values /////////////////////////////////
// show the filter values
function clickFilterShow(event) {
- var name = $(this).attr("href")
- var facet = selectFacet(name)
- var el = facetElement("#facetview_filter_", name)
+ var name = $(this).attr("href");
+ var facet = selectFacet(options, name);
+ var el = facetElement("#facetview_filter_", name, obj);
- facet.open = !facet.open
- setUIFacetOpen(facet)
- };
- function setUIFacetOpen(facet) {
+ facet.open = !facet.open;
options.behaviour_toggle_facet_open(options, obj, facet)
@@ -1795,7 +826,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// adjust how many results are shown
function clickMoreFacetVals(event) {
- var morewhat = selectFacet($(this).attr("href"));
+ var morewhat = selectFacet(options, $(this).attr("href"));
if ('size' in morewhat ) {
var currentval = morewhat['size'];
} else {
@@ -1804,47 +835,26 @@ function getUrlVars() {
var newmore = prompt('Currently showing ' + currentval + '. How many would you like instead?');
if (newmore) {
morewhat['size'] = parseInt(newmore);
- setUIFacetSize({facet: morewhat})
+ options.behaviour_set_facet_size(options, obj, {facet: morewhat})
- };
- function setUIFacetSize(params) {
- var facet = params.facet
- var el = facetElement("#facetview_facetvals_", facet["field"])
- el.html(facet.size)
/////// sorting facets /////////////////////////////////
function clickSort(event) {
- var sortwhat = selectFacet($(this).attr('href'));
+ var sortwhat = selectFacet(options, $(this).attr('href'));
var cycle = {
"term" : "reverse_term",
"reverse_term" : "count",
"count" : "reverse_count",
"reverse_count": "term"
- }
- sortwhat["order"] = cycle[sortwhat["order"]]
- setUIFacetSort({facet: sortwhat})
+ };
+ sortwhat["order"] = cycle[sortwhat["order"]];
+ options.behaviour_set_facet_sort(options, obj, {facet: sortwhat});
- };
- function setUIFacetSort(params) {
- // FIXME: should be a behaviour plugin
- var facet = params.facet
- var el = facetElement("#facetview_sort_", facet["field"])
- if (facet.order === "reverse_term") {
- el.html('a-z ');
- } else if (facet.order === "count") {
- el.html('count ');
- } else if (facet.order === "reverse_count") {
- el.html('count ');
- } else if (facet.order === "term") {
- el.html('a-z ');
- }
/////// AND vs OR on facet selection /////////////////////////////////
@@ -1852,45 +862,29 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// function to switch filters to OR instead of AND
function clickOr(event) {
- var orwhat = selectFacet($(this).attr('href'));
+ var orwhat = selectFacet(options, $(this).attr('href'));
var cycle = {
"OR" : "AND",
"AND" : "OR"
- orwhat["logic"] = cycle[orwhat["logic"]]
- setUIFacetAndOr({facet: orwhat})
- setUISelectedFilters()
+ orwhat["logic"] = cycle[orwhat["logic"]];
+ options.behaviour_set_facet_and_or(options, obj, {facet: orwhat});
+ options.behaviour_set_selected_filters(options, obj);
- function setUIFacetAndOr(params) {
- var facet = params.facet
- var el = facetElement("#facetview_or_", facet["field"])
- if (facet.logic === "OR") {
- el.css({'color':'#333'});
- // FIXME: resolve this when we get to the filter display
- $('.facetview_filterselected[rel="' + $(this).attr('href') + '"]', obj).addClass('facetview_logic_or');
- } else {
- el.css({'color':'#aaa'});
- // FIXME: resolve this when we got to the filter display
- $('.facetview_filterselected[rel="' + $(this).attr('href') + '"]', obj).removeClass('facetview_logic_or');
- }
- }
/////// facet values /////////////////////////////////
function setUIFacetResults(facet) {
- var el = facetElement("#facetview_filter_", facet["field"])
+ var el = facetElement("#facetview_filter_", facet["field"], obj);
if (!("values" in facet)) {
- var frag = undefined
+ var frag = undefined;
if (facet.type === "terms") {
frag = options.render_terms_facet_values(options, facet)
} else if (facet.type === "range") {
@@ -1903,7 +897,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
- setUIFacetOpen(facet)
+ options.behaviour_toggle_facet_open(options, obj, facet);
// FIXME: probably all bindings should come with an unbind first
// enable filter selection
@@ -1921,8 +915,8 @@ function getUrlVars() {
var field = $(this).attr("data-field");
- var facet = selectFacet(field)
- var value = {}
+ var facet = selectFacet(options, field);
+ var value = {};
if (facet.type === "terms") {
value = $(this).attr("data-value");
} else if (facet.type === "range") {
@@ -1942,7 +936,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// the facet, as we'll issue a search straight away and it will
// get updated automatically
selectFilter(field, value);
- setUISelectedFilters()
+ options.behaviour_set_selected_filters(options, obj);
// reset the result set to the beginning and search again
options.from = 0;
@@ -1955,11 +949,11 @@ function getUrlVars() {
options.active_filters[field] = []
- var facet = selectFacet(field)
+ var facet = selectFacet(options, field)
if (facet.type === "terms") {
// get the current values for that filter
- var filter = options.active_filters[field]
+ var filter = options.active_filters[field];
if ($.inArray(value, filter) === -1 ) {
@@ -1975,10 +969,10 @@ function getUrlVars() {
function deSelectFilter(facet, field, value) {
if (field in options.active_filters) {
- var filter = options.active_filters[field]
+ var filter = options.active_filters[field];
if (facet.type === "terms") {
- var index = $.inArray(value, filter)
- filter.splice(index, 1)
+ var index = $.inArray(value, filter);
+ filter.splice(index, 1);
if (filter.length === 0) {
delete options.active_filters[field]
@@ -1990,38 +984,16 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// FIXME: statistical facet support?
- function setUISelectedFilters() {
- var frag = ""
- for (var field in options.active_filters) {
- if (options.active_filters.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
- var filter_list = options.active_filters[field]
- var facet = selectFacet(field)
- if (facet.type === "terms") {
- frag += options.render_active_terms_filter(options, facet, field, filter_list)
- } else if (facet.type === "range") {
- frag += options.render_active_range_filter(options, facet, field, filter_list)
- } else if (facet.type === "geo_distance") {
- frag += options.render_active_geo_filter(options, facet, field, filter_list)
- }
- // FIXME: statistical facet?
- }
- }
- $('#facetview_selectedfilters', obj).html(frag);
- $('.facetview_filterselected', obj).unbind('click', clickClearFilter);
- $('.facetview_filterselected', obj).bind('click', clickClearFilter);
- }
function clickClearFilter(event) {
- event.preventDefault()
+ event.preventDefault();
if ($(this).hasClass("facetview_inactive_link")) {
var field = $(this).attr("data-field");
- var facet = selectFacet(field)
- var value = {}
+ var facet = selectFacet(options, field);
+ var value = {};
if (facet.type === "terms") {
value = $(this).attr("data-value");
} else if (facet.type === "range") {
@@ -2037,40 +1009,47 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// FIXMe: statistical facet
- deSelectFilter(facet, field, value)
- setUISelectedFilters()
+ deSelectFilter(facet, field, value);
+ publishSelectedFilters();
// reset the result set to the beginning and search again
options.from = 0;
+ function publishSelectedFilters() {
+ options.behaviour_set_selected_filters(options, obj);
+ $('.facetview_filterselected', obj).unbind('click', clickClearFilter);
+ $('.facetview_filterselected', obj).bind('click', clickClearFilter);
+ }
function facetVisibility() {
$('.facetview_filters', obj).each(function() {
- var facet = selectFacet($(this).attr('data-href'));
- var values = "values" in facet ? facet["values"] : []
- var visible = true
+ var facet = selectFacet(options, $(this).attr('data-href'));
+ var values = "values" in facet ? facet["values"] : [];
+ var visible = true;
if (facet.type === "terms") {
// terms facet becomes deactivated if the number of results is less than the deactivate threshold defined
visible = facet.deactivate_threshold <= values.length
} else if (facet.type === "range") {
// range facet becomes deactivated if there is a count of 0 in every value
- var view = false
+ var view = false;
for (var i=0; i < facet.values.length; i=i+1) {
- var val = facet.values[i]
+ var val = facet.values[i];
if (val.count > 0) {
- view = true
+ view = true;
visible = view
} else if (facet.type === "geo_distance") {
// distance facet becomes deactivated if there is a count of 0 in every value
- var view = false
+ var view = false;
for (var i=0; i < facet.values.length; i=i+1) {
- var val = facet.values[i]
+ var val = facet.values[i];
if (val.count > 0) {
- view = true
+ view = true;
@@ -2114,7 +1093,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
$('.facetview_metadata', obj).html("");
- frag = options.render_results_metadata(options)
+ frag = options.render_results_metadata(options);
$('.facetview_metadata', obj).html(frag);
$('.facetview_decrement', obj).bind('click', decrementPage);
$('.facetview_increment', obj).bind('click', incrementPage);
@@ -2125,14 +1104,14 @@ function getUrlVars() {
function setUINotFound() {
- frag = options.render_not_found()
+ frag = options.render_not_found();
$('#facetview_results', obj).html(frag);
function setUISearchResults() {
var frag = ""
for (var i = 0; i < options.data.records.length; i++) {
- var record = options.data.records[i]
+ var record = options.data.records[i];
frag += options.render_result_record(options, record)
$('#facetview_results', obj).html(frag);
@@ -2147,7 +1126,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
function querySuccess(rawdata, results) {
if (options.debug) {
- addDebug(JSON.stringify(rawdata))
+ addDebug(JSON.stringify(rawdata));
@@ -2168,7 +1147,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// for each facet, get the results and add them to the page
for (var each = 0; each < options.facets.length; each++) {
// get the facet, the field name and the size
- var facet = options.facets[each]
+ var facet = options.facets[each];
var field = facet['field'];
var size = facet["size"] ? facet["size"] : options.default_facet_size
@@ -2190,10 +1169,10 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// set the facet visibility
- facetVisibility()
+ facetVisibility();
// add the results metadata (paging, etc)
- setUIResultsMetadata()
+ setUIResultsMetadata();
// show the not found notification if necessary, otherwise render the results
if (!options.data.found) {
@@ -2209,7 +1188,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
function queryComplete(jqXHR, textStatus) {
- options.behaviour_finished_searching(options, obj)
+ options.behaviour_finished_searching(options, obj);
options.searching = false;
@@ -2228,13 +1207,13 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// trigger any searching notification behaviour
- options.behaviour_show_searching(options, obj)
+ options.behaviour_show_searching(options, obj);
// make the search query
var queryobj = elasticSearchQuery({"options" : options});
options.queryobj = queryobj
if (options.debug) {
- var querystring = serialiseQueryObject(queryobj)
+ var querystring = serialiseQueryObject(queryobj);
@@ -2256,14 +1235,14 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// set the externally facing facetview options
- $.fn.facetview.options = deriveOptions()
+ $.fn.facetview.options = deriveOptions();
var options = $.fn.facetview.options;
// render the facetview frame which will then be populated
- thefacetview = options.render_the_facetview(options)
- thesearchopts = options.render_search_options(options)
- thefacets = options.render_facet_list(options)
- searching = options.render_searching_notification(options)
+ thefacetview = options.render_the_facetview(options);
+ thesearchopts = options.render_search_options(options);
+ thefacets = options.render_facet_list(options);
+ searching = options.render_searching_notification(options);
// now create the plugin on the page for each div
var obj = undefined;
@@ -2277,7 +1256,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// add the search controls
- $(".facetview_search_options_container", obj).html(thesearchopts)
+ $(".facetview_search_options_container", obj).html(thesearchopts);
// add the facets (empty at this stage)
if (thefacets != "") {
@@ -2293,7 +1272,7 @@ function getUrlVars() {
// bind the search control triggers
- $(".facetview_startagain", obj).bind("click", clickStartAgain)
+ $(".facetview_startagain", obj).bind("click", clickStartAgain);
$('.facetview_pagesize', obj).bind('click', clickPageSize);
$('.facetview_order', obj).bind('click', clickOrder);
$('.facetview_orderby', obj).bind('change', changeOrderBy);