Repository containing talk material and sample code used during PyCon Colombia 2022 talk titled "Architecting and Running Distributed Python Applications with Ray on Kubernetes".
Anmol Krishan Sachdeva
Hybrid Cloud Architect, Google
LinkedIn@greatdevaks | Twitter@greatdevaks
Architecting and Running Distributed Python Applications with Ray on Kubernetes
Sample Implementation Files:
How to run:
- Have a Kubernetes Cluster created with 2-3 worker nodes of min. capacity 2 cores and 2 GIB each.
- Clone the upstream Ray GitHub Repository
- Helm install the Ray chart:
helm -n ray install pycon-ray-cluster-00 --create-namespace ./ray/deploy/charts/ray
Check the Kubernetes workloads:
- Check the Ray Operator pod:
kubectl get pods
- Check Ray Cluster CRD and the pods in
kubectl get crd
kubectl -n ray get rayclusters
- Get Ray Cluster Head Node, Worker Nodes, and Service exposing Head Node:
kubectl -n ray get pods,services
- Get Ray Autoscaler logs:
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods -l -o
- Get access to Ray Dashboard by port forwarding the Head Service:
kubectl -n ray port-forward service/pycon-ray-cluster-00-ray-head 8265:8265
Note: Open localhost:8265 to open the Ray Dashboard
Run PI Estimation Kubernetes Job:
# Run a sample Ray program using Kubernetes Job
kubectl -n ray create -f
# View localhost:8265 Ray Dashboard
# Delete RayCluster Custom Resource
kubectl -n ray delete raycluster pycon-ray-cluster-00
# Delete the Ray Helm Release - doesn't delete the RayCluster CRD
helm -n ray uninstall pycon-ray-cluster-00
# Delete the Ray Kubernetes Namespace
kubectl delete namespace ray
# Delete teh RayCluster CRD
kubectl delete crd
- Writing Your First Distributed Python Application with Ray
- Scaling Applications with Kubernetes on Ray by Vishnu Deva
- Official Ray Anyscale Docs
- Autoscaling Clusters with Ray
The content and the views presented during the talk/session are the author’s own and not of the organizations/companies they are associated with.