diff --git a/app/__init__.py b/app/__init__.py
index 7a18aa4da..c394dab83 100644
--- a/app/__init__.py
+++ b/app/__init__.py
@@ -218,7 +218,9 @@ def showvminfo():
flash("Error retrieving VM info: \n" + response.text, 'error')
app.logger.debug("VM Info: %s" % response.text)
- vminfo = utils.format_json_radl(response.json()["radl"])
+ radl_json = response.json()["radl"]
+ outports = utils.get_out_ports(radl_json)
+ vminfo = utils.format_json_radl(radl_json)
if "cpu.arch" in vminfo:
del vminfo["cpu.arch"]
if "state" in vminfo:
@@ -280,7 +282,21 @@ def showvminfo():
cont += 1
- return render_template('vminfo.html', infid=infid, vmid=vmid, vminfo=vminfo,
+ str_outports = ""
+ for port in outports:
+ str_outports += Markup(' %s' % port.get_remote_port())
+ if not port.is_range():
+ if port.get_remote_port() != port.get_local_port():
+ str_outports += Markup(' '
+ ' %s' %
+ port.get_local_port())
+ else:
+ str_outports += Markup(' : %s' %
+ port.get_local_port())
+ str_outports += Markup('
+ return render_template('vminfo.html', infid=infid, vmid=vmid, vminfo=vminfo, outports=str_outports,
state=state, nets=nets, deployment=deployment, disks=disks)
@app.route('/managevm///', methods=['POST'])
@@ -529,6 +545,15 @@ def add_auth_to_template(template, auth_data):
return template
+ def add_record_name_to_template(template):
+ # Add a random name in the DNS record name
+ for node in list(template['topology_template']['node_templates'].values()):
+ if node["type"] == "tosca.nodes.ec3.DNSRegistry":
+ node["properties"]["record_name"] = utils.generate_random_name()
+ return template
def set_inputs_to_template(template, inputs):
# Add the image to all compute nodes
@@ -600,6 +625,9 @@ def createdep():
template = add_auth_to_template(template, auth_data)
+ # Specially added for OSCAR clusters
+ template = add_record_name_to_template(template)
inputs = {k: v for (k, v) in form_data.items() if not k.startswith("extra_opts.")}
app.logger.debug("Parameters: " + json.dumps(inputs))
@@ -787,6 +815,10 @@ def manage_inf(infid=None, op=None):
force = False
if 'force' in form_data and form_data['force'] != "0":
force = True
+ # Specially added for OSCAR clusters
+ success, msg = utils.delete_dns_record(infid, im, auth_data)
+ if not success:
+ app.logger.error('Error deleting DNS record: %s', (msg))
response = im.delete_inf(infid, force, auth_data)
if not response.ok:
raise Exception(response.text)
diff --git a/app/templates/vminfo.html b/app/templates/vminfo.html
index 0ecf95cac..9e477d34c 100644
--- a/app/templates/vminfo.html
+++ b/app/templates/vminfo.html
@@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ VM ID {{ vmid }}:
{{ nets }}
+ {% if outports %}
+ Ports:
+ |
+ {{ outports }}
+ |
+ {% endif %}
HW Features:
diff --git a/app/utils.py b/app/utils.py
index 5b783aa54..31461b1af 100644
--- a/app/utils.py
+++ b/app/utils.py
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@
import ast
import time
import sys
+from radl.radl import outport
from flask import flash, g
from app import appdb
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from hashlib import md5
+from random import randint
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
@@ -196,6 +198,16 @@ def format_json_radl(vminfo):
return res
+def get_out_ports(vminfo):
+ outports = []
+ for elem in vminfo:
+ # Search outports of public nets
+ if elem["class"] == "network" and "outports" in elem and "outbound" in elem and elem["outbound"] == "yes":
+ outports = outport.parseOutPorts(elem["outports"])
+ return outports
def to_pretty_json(value):
return json.dumps(value, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
@@ -289,3 +301,416 @@ def exchange_token_with_audience(oidc_url, client_id, client_secret, oidc_token,
deserialized_oidc_response = json.loads(oidc_response.text)
return deserialized_oidc_response['access_token']
+def delete_dns_record(infid, im, auth_data):
+ """Helper function to delete DNS registry created with the tosca.nodes.ec3.DNSRegistry node type."""
+ template = ""
+ try:
+ response = im.get_inf_property(infid, 'tosca', auth_data)
+ if not response.ok:
+ raise Exception(response.text)
+ template = response.text
+ except Exception as ex:
+ return False, "Error getting infrastructure template: %s" % ex
+ try:
+ yaml_template = yaml.safe_load(template)
+ for node in list(yaml_template['topology_template']['node_templates'].values()):
+ if node["type"] == "tosca.nodes.ec3.DNSRegistry":
+ record = node["properties"]["record_name"]
+ domain = node["properties"]["domain_name"]
+ credentials = node["properties"]["dns_service_credentials"]["token"].strip()
+ delete_route53_record(record, domain, credentials)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ return False, "Error deleting DNS record: %s" % ex
+ return True, ""
+def delete_route53_record(record, domain, credentials):
+ if not (record and domain and credentials):
+ return
+ import boto3
+ if credentials.find(":") != -1:
+ parts = credentials.split(":")
+ route53 = boto3.client(
+ 'route53',
+ aws_access_key_id=parts[0],
+ aws_secret_access_key=parts[1]
+ )
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid credentials")
+ zone = route53.list_hosted_zones_by_name(DNSName=domain)["HostedZones"][0]
+ record = route53.list_resource_record_sets(HostedZoneId=zone['Id'],
+ StartRecordType='A',
+ StartRecordName='%s.%s.' % (record, domain),
+ MaxItems='1')["ResourceRecordSets"][0]
+ route53.change_resource_record_sets(
+ HostedZoneId=zone['Id'],
+ ChangeBatch={
+ 'Changes': [
+ {
+ 'Action': 'DELETE',
+ 'ResourceRecordSet': record
+ }
+ ]
+ })
+def generate_random_name():
+ left = [
+ "admiring",
+ "adoring",
+ "affectionate",
+ "agitated",
+ "amazing",
+ "angry",
+ "awesome",
+ "beautiful",
+ "blissful",
+ "bold",
+ "boring",
+ "brave",
+ "busy",
+ "charming",
+ "clever",
+ "cool",
+ "compassionate",
+ "competent",
+ "condescending",
+ "confident",
+ "cranky",
+ "crazy",
+ "dazzling",
+ "determined",
+ "distracted",
+ "dreamy",
+ "eager",
+ "ecstatic",
+ "elastic",
+ "elated",
+ "elegant",
+ "eloquent",
+ "epic",
+ "exciting",
+ "fervent",
+ "festive",
+ "flamboyant",
+ "focused",
+ "friendly",
+ "frosty",
+ "funny",
+ "gallant",
+ "gifted",
+ "goofy",
+ "gracious",
+ "great",
+ "happy",
+ "hardcore",
+ "heuristic",
+ "hopeful",
+ "hungry",
+ "infallible",
+ "inspiring",
+ "interesting",
+ "intelligent",
+ "jolly",
+ "jovial",
+ "keen",
+ "kind",
+ "laughing",
+ "loving",
+ "lucid",
+ "magical",
+ "mystifying",
+ "modest",
+ "musing",
+ "naughty",
+ "nervous",
+ "nice",
+ "nifty",
+ "nostalgic",
+ "objective",
+ "optimistic",
+ "peaceful",
+ "pedantic",
+ "pensive",
+ "practical",
+ "priceless",
+ "quirky",
+ "quizzical",
+ "recursing",
+ "relaxed",
+ "reverent",
+ "romantic",
+ "sad",
+ "serene",
+ "sharp",
+ "silly",
+ "sleepy",
+ "stoic",
+ "strange",
+ "stupefied",
+ "suspicious",
+ "sweet",
+ "tender",
+ "thirsty",
+ "trusting",
+ "unruffled",
+ "upbeat",
+ "vibrant",
+ "vigilant",
+ "vigorous",
+ "wizardly",
+ "wonderful",
+ "xenodochial",
+ "youthful",
+ "zealous",
+ "zen"
+ ]
+ rigth = [
+ "albattani",
+ "allen",
+ "almeida",
+ "antonelli",
+ "agnesi",
+ "archimedes",
+ "ardinghelli",
+ "aryabhata",
+ "austin",
+ "babbage",
+ "banach",
+ "banzai",
+ "bardeen",
+ "bartik",
+ "bassi",
+ "beaver",
+ "bell",
+ "benz",
+ "bhabha",
+ "bhaskara",
+ "black",
+ "blackburn",
+ "blackwell",
+ "bohr",
+ "booth",
+ "borg",
+ "bose",
+ "bouman",
+ "boyd",
+ "brahmagupta",
+ "brattain",
+ "brown",
+ "buck",
+ "burnell",
+ "cannon",
+ "carson",
+ "cartwright",
+ "carver",
+ "cerf",
+ "chandrasekhar",
+ "chaplygin",
+ "chatelet",
+ "chatterjee",
+ "chebyshev",
+ "cohen",
+ "chaum",
+ "clarke",
+ "colden",
+ "cori",
+ "cray",
+ "curran",
+ "curie",
+ "darwin",
+ "davinci",
+ "dewdney",
+ "dhawan",
+ "diffie",
+ "dijkstra",
+ "dirac",
+ "driscoll",
+ "dubinsky",
+ "easley",
+ "edison",
+ "einstein",
+ "elbakyan",
+ "elgamal",
+ "elion",
+ "ellis",
+ "engelbart",
+ "euclid",
+ "euler",
+ "faraday",
+ "feistel",
+ "fermat",
+ "fermi",
+ "feynman",
+ "franklin",
+ "gagarin",
+ "galileo",
+ "galois",
+ "ganguly",
+ "gates",
+ "gauss",
+ "germain",
+ "goldberg",
+ "goldstine",
+ "goldwasser",
+ "golick",
+ "goodall",
+ "gould",
+ "greider",
+ "grothendieck",
+ "haibt",
+ "hamilton",
+ "haslett",
+ "hawking",
+ "hellman",
+ "heisenberg",
+ "hermann",
+ "herschel",
+ "hertz",
+ "heyrovsky",
+ "hodgkin",
+ "hofstadter",
+ "hoover",
+ "hopper",
+ "hugle",
+ "hypatia",
+ "ishizaka",
+ "jackson",
+ "jang",
+ "jemison",
+ "jennings",
+ "jepsen",
+ "johnson",
+ "joliot",
+ "jones",
+ "kalam",
+ "kapitsa",
+ "kare",
+ "keldysh",
+ "keller",
+ "kepler",
+ "khayyam",
+ "khorana",
+ "kilby",
+ "kirch",
+ "knuth",
+ "kowalevski",
+ "lalande",
+ "lamarr",
+ "lamport",
+ "leakey",
+ "leavitt",
+ "lederberg",
+ "lehmann",
+ "lewin",
+ "lichterman",
+ "liskov",
+ "lovelace",
+ "lumiere",
+ "mahavira",
+ "margulis",
+ "matsumoto",
+ "maxwell",
+ "mayer",
+ "mccarthy",
+ "mcclintock",
+ "mclaren",
+ "mclean",
+ "mcnulty",
+ "mendel",
+ "mendeleev",
+ "meitner",
+ "meninsky",
+ "merkle",
+ "mestorf",
+ "mirzakhani",
+ "montalcini",
+ "moore",
+ "morse",
+ "murdock",
+ "moser",
+ "napier",
+ "nash",
+ "neumann",
+ "newton",
+ "nightingale",
+ "nobel",
+ "noether",
+ "northcutt",
+ "noyce",
+ "panini",
+ "pare",
+ "pascal",
+ "pasteur",
+ "payne",
+ "perlman",
+ "pike",
+ "poincare",
+ "poitras",
+ "proskuriakova",
+ "ptolemy",
+ "raman",
+ "ramanujan",
+ "ride",
+ "ritchie",
+ "rhodes",
+ "robinson",
+ "roentgen",
+ "rosalind",
+ "rubin",
+ "saha",
+ "sammet",
+ "sanderson",
+ "satoshi",
+ "shamir",
+ "shannon",
+ "shaw",
+ "shirley",
+ "shockley",
+ "shtern",
+ "sinoussi",
+ "snyder",
+ "solomon",
+ "spence",
+ "stonebraker",
+ "sutherland",
+ "swanson",
+ "swartz",
+ "swirles",
+ "taussig",
+ "tereshkova",
+ "tesla",
+ "tharp",
+ "thompson",
+ "torvalds",
+ "tu",
+ "turing",
+ "varahamihira",
+ "vaughan",
+ "visvesvaraya",
+ "volhard",
+ "villani",
+ "wescoff",
+ "wilbur",
+ "wiles",
+ "williams",
+ "williamson",
+ "wilson",
+ "wing",
+ "wozniak",
+ "wright",
+ "wu",
+ "yalow",
+ "yonath",
+ "zhukovsky"
+ ]
+ return "%s-%s%d" % (left[randint(0, len(left))], rigth[randint(0, len(rigth))], randint(0, 9))
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index a9557badc..0b875410e 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ requests==2.25.1