there is a trend towards the usage of FP program (Scala, Haskell, Rust, Purescript, Reason)
better grasp what is Functional Programming
to create safer programs
through some example using Scala (not a pure FP prog lang but most concepts applies)
look at Category Theory, won't do any math here :)
will look only at the FP part of Scala
notion of scope of execution, reasoning about code execution
WORKSHEET: Immutablity
impacts variable assignment
be able to reason about a function exclusively from its INPUT/OUTPUT
invoking a pure function will ONLY return the result from its declared type
Pure Function / Side-effect
WORKSHEET: Pure function
Lazy Evaluation / Parallelization
WORKSHEET: Lazy evaluation
generally used to modelise precisely INPUT/OUTPUT of our program
sealed abstract class Duration (val amount : Int )
case class Second (seconds : Int ) extends Duration (seconds)
case class Minute (minutes : Int ) extends Duration (minutes)
case class Hour (hours : Int ) extends Duration (hours)
case class Day (days : Int ) extends Duration (days)
case class Year (years : Int ) extends Duration (years)
def convert (duration : Duration ): List [Duration ] =
// convert1(duration)
def convert1 (duration : Duration ): List [Duration ] =
duration match {
case Second (seconds) if seconds > 60 => convert1(Minute (seconds / 60 )) :+ Second (seconds % 60 )
case Minute (minutes) if minutes > 60 => convert1(Hour (minutes / 60 )) :+ Minute (minutes % 60 )
case Hour (hours) if hours > 24 => convert1(Day (hours / 24 )) :+ Hour (hours % 24 )
case other => List (other)
def rules (duration : Duration ) = duration match {
case _ : Second => Some (60 , Second , Minute )
case _ : Minute => Some (60 , Minute , Hour )
case _ : Hour => Some (24 , Hour , Day )
case _ : Day => Some (365 , Day , Year )
case _ : Year => None
def convert2 (duration : Duration ): List [Duration ] =
rules(duration) match {
case Some ((max, currentDuration, nextDuration)) if duration.amount > max =>
convert2(nextDuration(duration.amount / max)) :+ currentDuration(duration.amount % max)
case _ => List (duration)
convert(Second (12 ))
convert(Second (72 ))
convert(Second (6666 ))
convert(Second (1000000 ))
convert(Second (10000000 ))
convert(Second (100000000 ))
convert(Minute (73 ))
convert(Minute (6666 ))
convert(Minute (1000000 ))