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Maxie D. Schmidt edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 29 revisions

Contributions and collaborators to RNAStructViz

Authors and contributors to the source code

In alphabetical order: Stephen Chenney, Christine Heitch, Anna Kirkpatrick, Chris Mize, Anna Panlilio, Maxie D. Schmidt, and shelswenson.

Funding sources supporting the development of this software

The development of RNAStructViz has been in part supported by two grants awarded to Professor Christine Heitsch in support of her applied research in the mathematics department at the Georgia Institute of Technology. One of our core developer's contributions to the RNAStructViz source code over the spring and summer terms of 2019 were funded by the Access Computing project at the University of Washington in Seattle. We sincerely thank all funding sources for their implied contributions to this software project!

External contributions, icons and artwork employed in constructing this software

The images used in RNAStructViz, namely those in the with-cairo/src/pixmaps/*.c folder, have been obtained as freeware icons from the FlatIcon site. The first two particular icons (see here and here) which we have modified from this site which appear in the main application are credited to the author Freepik. The two icons modified in the configuration options dialog artwork are due to Egor Rumyantsev here and Freepik again here. The images used to create the icon in the PNG path selection dialog are contributed by Freepik here, by Smashicons here, and by Freepik here. The modifications of these black-and-white icons we have made to appear in our program were performed with The GIMP open-source image editing application. The other images modified for display in our README file are originally obtained from the FlatIcon site.