diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml
index 5856d0358..55580e7bc 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ name: Unit tests
- branches:
- - master
+ branches: [main]
- branches:
- - master
+ branches: [main]
diff --git a/guidance/_grammar.py b/guidance/_grammar.py
index 7a76293fa..6385dcad1 100644
--- a/guidance/_grammar.py
+++ b/guidance/_grammar.py
@@ -1,77 +1,218 @@
-import parsimonious
-# define the Guidance language grammar
-grammar = parsimonious.grammar.Grammar(
-template = template_chunk*
-template_chunk = comment / slim_comment / escaped_command / unrelated_escape / command / command_block / content
-comment = comment_start comment_content* comment_end
-comment_start = "{{!--"
-comment_content = not_comment_end / ~r"[^-]*"
-not_comment_end = "-" !"-}}"
-comment_end = "--}}"
-slim_comment = slim_comment_start slim_comment_content* slim_comment_end
-slim_comment_start = "{{" "~"? "!"
-slim_comment_content = not_slim_comment_end / ~r"[^}]*"
-not_slim_comment_end = "}" !"}"
-slim_comment_end = "}}"
-command = command_start command_content command_end
-command_block = command_block_open template (command_block_sep template)* command_block_close
-command_block_open = command_start "#" block_command_call command_end
-command_block_sep = command_start ("or" / "else") command_end
-command_block_close = command_start "/" command_name command_end
-command_start = "{{" !"!" "~"?
-not_command_start = "{" !"{"
-not_command_escape = "\\" !"{{"
-command_end = "~"? "}}"
-command_contents = ~'[^{]*'
-block_command_call = command_name command_args?
-command_content = command_call / variable_ref
-command_call = command_name command_args
-command_args = command_arg_and_ws+
-command_arg_and_ws = ws command_arg
-command_arg = named_command_arg / positional_command_arg
-positional_command_arg = command_arg_group / literal / variable_ref
-named_command_arg = variable_name "=" (literal / variable_ref)
-command_arg_group = "(" command_content ")"
-ws = ~r'\s+'
-command_contentasdf = ~"[a-z 0-9]*"i
-command_name = ~r"[a-z][a-z_0-9\.]*"i / "<" / ">" / "==" / "!=" / ">=" / "<="
-variable_ref = not_exact_or not_exact_else ~r"[@a-z][a-z_0-9\.\[\]\"'-]*"i
-not_exact_or = ~r"or[@a-z][a-z_0-9\.\[\]\"'-]"i / !"or"
-not_exact_else = ~r"else[@a-z][a-z_0-9\.\[\]\"'-]"i / !"else"
-variable_name = ~r"[@a-z][a-z_0-9]*"i
-contentw = ~r'.*'
-content = (not_command_start / not_command_escape / ~r"[^{\\]")+
-unrelated_escape = "\\" !command_start
-escaped_command = "\\" command_start ~r"[^}]*" command_end
-literal = string_literal / number_literal / boolean_literal / array_literal / object_literal
-string_literal = ~r'"[^\"]*"' / ~r"'[^\']*'"
-number_literal = ~r"[0-9\.]+"
-boolean_literal = "True" / "False"
-array_literal = empty_array / single_item_array / multi_item_array
-empty_array = array_start ws? array_end
-single_item_array = array_start ws? array_item ws? array_end
-array_sep = ws? "," ws?
-multi_item_array = array_start ws? array_item (array_sep array_item)* ws? array_end
-array_start = "["
-array_end = "]"
+from typing import Any
+import pyparsing as pp
+# pp.enable_diag(pp.Diagnostics.enable_debug_on_named_expressions)
+# pp.autoname_elements()
+program = pp.Forward()
+program_chunk = pp.Forward()
+## whitespace ##
+ws = pp.White()
+opt_ws = pp.Optional(ws)
+## comments ##
+# long-form comments {{!-- my comment --}}
+command_end = pp.Suppress(opt_ws + "}}") | pp.Suppress(opt_ws + "~}}" + opt_ws)
+long_comment_start = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal("{{!--"))
+long_comment_end = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal("--") + command_end)
+not_long_comment_end = "-" + ~pp.FollowedBy("-}}") + ~pp.FollowedBy("-~}}")
+long_comment_content = not_long_comment_end | pp.OneOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn("-"))
+long_comment = pp.Group(pp.Combine(long_comment_start + pp.ZeroOrMore(long_comment_content) + long_comment_end))("long_comment").set_name("long_comment")
+# short-form comments {{! my comment }}
+comment_start = pp.Suppress("{{" + pp.Optional("~") + "!")
+not_comment_end = "}" + ~pp.FollowedBy("}") | "~" + ~pp.FollowedBy("}}")
+comment_content = not_comment_end | pp.OneOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn("~}"))
+comment = pp.Group(pp.Combine(comment_start + pp.ZeroOrMore(comment_content) + command_end))("comment")
+## literals ##
+literal = pp.Forward().set_name("literal")
+# basic literals
+string_literal = pp.Group(pp.Suppress('"') + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn('"')) + pp.Suppress('"') | pp.Suppress("'") + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn("'")) + pp.Suppress("'"))("string_literal")
+number_literal = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.srange("[0-9.]")))("number_literal")
+boolean_literal = pp.Group("True" | pp.Literal("False"))("boolean_literal")
+# object literal
+object_literal = pp.Forward().set_name("object_literal")
+object_start = pp.Suppress("{")
+object_end = pp.Suppress("}")
+empty_object = object_start + object_end
+object_item = string_literal + pp.Suppress(":") + literal
+single_item_object = object_start + object_item + object_end
+object_sep = pp.Suppress(",")
+multi_item_object = object_start + object_item + pp.ZeroOrMore(object_sep + object_item) + object_end
+object_literal <<= pp.Group(empty_object | single_item_object | multi_item_object)("object_literal")
+# array literal
+array_literal = pp.Forward().set_name("array_literal")
+array_start = pp.Suppress("[")
+array_end = pp.Suppress("]")
array_item = literal
+empty_array = array_start + array_end
+single_item_array = array_start + array_item + array_end
+array_sep = pp.Suppress(",")
+multi_item_array = array_start + array_item + pp.ZeroOrMore(array_sep + array_item) + array_end
+array_literal <<= pp.Group(empty_array | single_item_array | multi_item_array)("array_literal")
+literal <<= string_literal | number_literal | boolean_literal | array_literal | object_literal
+## infix operators ##
+code_chunk_no_infix = pp.Forward().set_name("code_chunk_no_infix")
+class OpNode:
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.operator)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return getattr(self, item)
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self.name
+class UnOp(OpNode):
+ def __init__(self, tokens):
+ self.operator = tokens[0][0]
+ self.value = tokens[0][1]
+ self.name = "unary_operator"
+class BinOp(OpNode):
+ def __init__(self, tokens):
+ self.operator = tokens[0][1]
+ self.lhs = tokens[0][0]
+ self.rhs = tokens[0][2]
+ self.name = "binary_operator"
+infix_operator_block = pp.infix_notation(code_chunk_no_infix, [
+ ('-', 1, pp.OpAssoc.RIGHT),
+ (pp.one_of('* /'), 2, pp.OpAssoc.LEFT, BinOp),
+ (pp.one_of('+ -'), 2, pp.OpAssoc.LEFT, BinOp),
+ (pp.one_of('< > <= >= == != is in'), 2, pp.OpAssoc.LEFT, BinOp),
+ (pp.one_of('and'), 2, pp.OpAssoc.LEFT, BinOp),
+ (pp.one_of('or'), 2, pp.OpAssoc.LEFT, BinOp),
+## commands ##
+code_chunk = pp.Forward().set_name("code_chunk")
+not_keyword = ~pp.FollowedBy(pp.Keyword("or") | pp.Keyword("else") | pp.Keyword("elif"))
+command_name = pp.Combine(not_keyword + pp.Word(pp.srange("[A-Za-z_]"), pp.srange("[A-Za-z_0-9]")))
+variable_name = pp.Word(pp.srange("[@A-Za-z_]"), pp.srange("[A-Za-z_0-9]"))
+variable_ref = not_keyword + pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.srange("[@A-Za-z_]"), pp.srange("[A-Za-z_0-9\.\[\]\"'-]")))("variable_ref").set_name("variable_ref")
+keyword = pp.Group(pp.Keyword("break") | pp.Keyword("continue"))("keyword")
+class SavedTextNode:
+ """A node that saves the text it matches."""
+ def __init__(self, s, loc, tokens):
+ start_pos = tokens[0]
+ if len(tokens) == 3:
+ end_pos = tokens[2]
+ else:
+ end_pos = loc
+ self.text = s[start_pos:end_pos]
+ assert len(tokens[1]) == 1
+ self.tokens = tokens[1][0]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "SavedTextNode({})".format(self.text) + self.tokens.__repr__()
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return self.tokens[item]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.tokens)
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self.tokens.get_name()
+ def __contains__(self, item):
+ return item in self.tokens
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self.tokens, name)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
+ return self.tokens(*args, **kwds)
+def SavedText(node):
+ return pp.Located(node).add_parse_action(SavedTextNode)
+# command arguments
+command_arg = pp.Forward()
+named_command_arg = variable_name + "=" + code_chunk
+command_arg <<= pp.Group(named_command_arg)("named_command_arg").set_name("named_command_arg") | pp.Group(code_chunk)("positional_command_arg").set_name("positional_command_arg")
+# whitespace command format {{my_command arg1 arg2=val}}
+ws_command_call = pp.Forward().set_name("ws_command_call")
+command_arg_and_ws = pp.Suppress(ws) + command_arg
+ws_command_args = pp.OneOrMore(command_arg_and_ws)
+# note that we have to list out all the operators here because we match before the infix operator checks
+ws_command_call <<= command_name("name") + ~pp.FollowedBy(pp.one_of("+ - * / or not is and <= == >= != < >")) + ws_command_args
+# paren command format {{my_command(arg1, arg2=val)}}
+paren_command_call = pp.Forward().set_name("paren_command_call")
+command_arg_and_comma_ws = pp.Suppress(",") + command_arg
+paren_command_args = pp.Optional(command_arg) + pp.ZeroOrMore(command_arg_and_comma_ws)
+paren_command_call <<= (command_name("name") + pp.Suppress("(")).leave_whitespace() - paren_command_args + pp.Suppress(")")
+# code chunks
+enclosed_code_chunk = pp.Forward().set_name("enclosed_code_chunk")
+paren_group = (pp.Suppress("(") - enclosed_code_chunk + pp.Suppress(")")).set_name("paren_group")
+enclosed_code_chunk_cant_infix = (pp.Group(ws_command_call)("command_call") | pp.Group(paren_command_call)("command_call") | literal | keyword | variable_ref | paren_group) + ~pp.FollowedBy(pp.one_of("+ - * / or not is and <= == >= != < >"))
+enclosed_code_chunk <<= enclosed_code_chunk_cant_infix | infix_operator_block
+code_chunk_no_infix <<= (paren_group | pp.Group(paren_command_call)("command_call") | literal | keyword | variable_ref) # used by infix_operator_block
+code_chunk_cant_infix = code_chunk_no_infix + ~pp.FollowedBy(pp.one_of("+ - * / or not is and <= == >= != < >")) # don't match infix operators so we can run this before infix_operator_block
+code_chunk <<= code_chunk_cant_infix | infix_operator_block
+# command/variable
+command_start = pp.Suppress("{{" + ~pp.FollowedBy("!") + pp.Optional("~"))
+simple_command_start = pp.Suppress("{{" + ~pp.FollowedBy("!") + pp.Optional("~")) + ~pp.FollowedBy(pp.one_of("# / >"))
+command = SavedText(pp.Group(simple_command_start + enclosed_code_chunk + command_end)("command"))
+# partial
+always_call = pp.Group(paren_command_call | command_name("name") + pp.Optional(ws_command_args))
+partial = pp.Group(pp.Suppress(pp.Combine(command_start + ">")) + always_call("command_call") + command_end)("partial")
+# block command {{#my_command arg1 arg2=val}}...{{/my_command}}
+separator = pp.Group(pp.Keyword("or") | pp.Keyword("else") | (pp.Keyword("elif") + ws_command_args))("separator").set_name("separator")
+block_command = pp.Forward()
+block_command_call = always_call("command_call")
+block_command_open = pp.Suppress(pp.Combine(command_start + "#")) + block_command_call + command_end
+block_command_sep = (command_start + separator + command_end)("block_command_sep").set_name("block_command_sep")
+block_command_close = SavedText(pp.Group(command_start + pp.Suppress("/") + command_name + command_end)("block_command_close").set_name("block_command_close"))
+block_command_content = (pp.Group(program)("block_content_chunk") + pp.ZeroOrMore(block_command_sep + pp.Group(program)("block_content_chunk"))).set_name("block_content")
+block_command <<= (block_command_open + SavedText(pp.Group(block_command_content)("block_content")) + block_command_close).leave_whitespace()
+block_command = SavedText(pp.Group(block_command)("block_command")).set_name("block_command")
+# block partial {{#>my_command arg1 arg2=val}}...{{/my_command}}
+block_partial = pp.Forward()
+block_partial_call = always_call("command_call")
+block_partial_open = pp.Combine(command_start + pp.Suppress("#>")) + block_partial_call + command_end
+block_partial_close = command_start + pp.Suppress("/") + command_name + command_end
+block_partial <<= block_partial_open + program + pp.Suppress(block_partial_close)
+block_partial = SavedText(pp.Group(block_partial)("block_partial"))
+# escaped commands \{{ not a command }}
+not_command_end = "}" + ~pp.FollowedBy("}")
+escaped_command = SavedText(pp.Group(pp.Suppress("\\") + command_start + pp.Combine(pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn("}") | not_command_end)) + command_end)("escaped_command"))
+unrelated_escape = "\\" + ~pp.FollowedBy(command_start)
+## content ##
+not_command_start = "{" + ~pp.FollowedBy("{")
+not_command_escape = "\\" + ~pp.FollowedBy("{{")
+stripped_whitespace = pp.Suppress(pp.Word(" \t\r\n")) + pp.FollowedBy("{{~")
+unstripped_whitespace = pp.Word(" \t\r\n") # no need for a negative FollowedBy because stripped_whitespace will match first
+content = pp.Group(pp.Combine(pp.OneOrMore(stripped_whitespace | unstripped_whitespace | not_command_start | not_command_escape | pp.CharsNotIn("{\\ \t\r\n"))))("content").set_name("content")
+# keyword_command = SavedText(pp.Group(command_start + keyword + ws_command_args + command_end)("keyword_command"))
+# block_content_chunk = long_comment | comment | escaped_command | unrelated_escape | block_partial | block_command | partial | command | content
+# block_content <<= pp.ZeroOrMore(block_content_chunk)("program").leave_whitespace()
+## global program ##
-object_literal = empty_object / single_item_object / multi_item_object
-empty_object = object_start ws? object_end
-single_item_object = object_start ws? object_item ws? object_end
-object_sep = ws? "," ws?
-multi_item_object = object_start ws? object_item (object_sep object_item)* ws? object_end
-object_start = "{"
-object_end = "}"
-object_item = string_literal ws? ":" ws? literal
\ No newline at end of file
+program_chunk <<= (long_comment | comment | escaped_command | unrelated_escape | block_partial | block_command | partial | command | content).leave_whitespace()
+program <<= pp.ZeroOrMore(program_chunk)("program").leave_whitespace().set_name("program")
+grammar = (program + pp.StringEnd()).parse_with_tabs()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/_program.py b/guidance/_program.py
index 93633ee50..f2168eb08 100644
--- a/guidance/_program.py
+++ b/guidance/_program.py
@@ -4,17 +4,18 @@
import html
import uuid
import sys
-import parsimonious
+# import parsimonious
import logging
import copy
import asyncio
import pathlib
import os
import traceback
+import importlib
import time
import datetime
import nest_asyncio
-from .llms import _openai
+# from .llms import _openai
from . import _utils
from ._program_executor import ProgramExecutor
from . import library
@@ -163,10 +164,10 @@ def __init__(self, text, llm=None, cache_seed=0, logprobs=None, silent=None, asy
self.update_display = DisplayThrottler(self._update_display, self.display_throttle_limit)
# see if we are in an ipython environment
- try:
- from IPython import get_ipython
+ # check if get_ipython variable exists
+ if hasattr(__builtins__, "get_ipython"):
self._ipython = get_ipython()
- except:
+ else:
self._ipython = None
# if we are echoing in ipython we assume we can display html
@@ -424,7 +425,7 @@ async def execute(self):
with self.llm.session(asynchronous=True) as llm_session:
await self._executor.run(llm_session)
- self._text = self._variables["_prefix"]
+ self._text = self._variables["@raw_prefix"]
# delete the executor and so mark the program as not executing
self._executor = None
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ def text(self):
def marked_text(self):
if self._executor is not None:
- return self._variables["_prefix"]
+ return self._variables["@raw_prefix"]
return self._text
@@ -681,7 +682,11 @@ def add_spaces(s):
"if": library.if_,
"unless": library.unless,
"add": library.add,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_+": library.add,
"subtract": library.subtract,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_-": library.subtract,
+ "multiply": library.multiply,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_*": library.multiply,
"strip": library.strip,
"block": library.block,
"set": library.set,
@@ -692,11 +697,13 @@ def add_spaces(s):
"assistant": library.assistant,
"break": library.break_,
"equal": library.equal,
- "==": library.equal,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_==": library.equal,
+ "notequal": library.notequal,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_!=": library.notequal,
"greater": library.greater,
- ">": library.greater,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_>": library.greater,
"less": library.less,
- "<": library.less,
+ "BINARY_OPERATOR_<": library.less,
"contains": library.contains,
"parse": library.parse
diff --git a/guidance/_program_executor.py b/guidance/_program_executor.py
index 195495416..52f838b0a 100644
--- a/guidance/_program_executor.py
+++ b/guidance/_program_executor.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import asyncio
import warnings
import logging
-import parsimonious
+import pyparsing as pp
from ._utils import strip_markers
from ._grammar import grammar
from ._variable_stack import VariableStack
@@ -26,65 +26,75 @@ def __init__(self, program):
self._logging = hasattr(self.program.log, "append")
# find all the handlebars-style partial inclusion tags and replace them with the partial template
- def replace_partial(match):
- parts = match.group(1).split(" ", 1)
- partial_name = parts[0]
+ # def replace_partial(match):
+ # parts = match.group(1).split(" ", 1)
+ # partial_name = parts[0]
- # ,args_string = match.group(1).split(" ", 1)
- if partial_name not in program._variables:
- raise ValueError("Partial '%s' not given in the keyword args:" % partial_name)
- out = "{{#block '"+partial_name+"'"
- if len(parts) > 1:
- out += " " + parts[1]
- out += "}}" + program._variables[partial_name].text + "{{/block}}"
- # Update the current program variables using those from the partial, but do not overwrite.
- # (Rebuilding the _variables map here would break returning new values to the program variables later, e.g. from gen.)
- update_variables = {
- k: v
- for k, v in program[partial_name]._variables.items()
- if k not in program._variables
- }
- program._variables.update(update_variables)
- return out
- text = re.sub(r"{{>(.*?)}}", replace_partial, program._text)
+ # # ,args_string = match.group(1).split(" ", 1)
+ # if partial_name not in program._variables:
+ # raise ValueError("Partial '%s' not given in the keyword args:" % partial_name)
+ # out = "{{#block '"+partial_name+"'"
+ # if len(parts) > 1:
+ # out += " " + parts[1]
+ # out += "}}" + program._variables[partial_name].text + "{{/block}}"
+ # # Update the current program variables using those from the partial, but do not overwrite.
+ # # (Rebuilding the _variables map here would break returning new values to the program variables later, e.g. from gen.)
+ # update_variables = {
+ # k: v
+ # for k, v in program[partial_name]._variables.items()
+ # if k not in program._variables
+ # }
+ # program._variables.update(update_variables)
+ # return out
+ # text = re.sub(r"{{>(.*?)}}", replace_partial, program._text)
# parse the program text
- self.parse_tree = grammar.parse(text)
- except parsimonious.exceptions.ParseError as e:
- self._check_for_simple_error(text)
- raise e
+ self.parse_tree = grammar.parse_string(program._text)
+ except (pp.ParseException, pp.ParseSyntaxException) as e:
+ initial_str = program._text[max(0, e.loc-40):e.loc]
+ initial_str = initial_str.split("\n")[-1] # trim off any lines before the error
+ next_str = program._text[e.loc:e.loc+40]
+ error_string = str(e)
+ if next_str.startswith("{{#") or next_str.startswith("{{~#"):
+ error_string += "\nPerhaps the block command was not correctly closed?"
+ msg = error_string + "\n\n"+initial_str
+ # msg += "\033[91m" + program._text[e.loc:e.loc+40] + "\033[0m\n"
+ msg += program._text[e.loc:e.loc+40] + "\n"
+ msg += " " * len(initial_str) + "^\n"
+ raise SyntaxException(msg, e) from None
- def _check_for_simple_error(self, text):
- """ Check for a simple errors in the program text, and give nice error messages.
- """
- vars = self.program._variables
- # missing block pound sign
- for k in vars:
- if getattr(vars[k], "is_block", False):
- # look for block commands that are missing the opening pound sign or closing slash
- m = re.search(r"(^|[^\\]){{\s*"+k+"(\s|}|~)", text)
- if m is not None:
- # get the context around the matching error
- start = max(0, m.start()-30)
- end = min(len(text), m.end()+30)
- context = text[start:end]
- if start > 0:
- context = "..."+context
- if end < len(text):
- context = context+"..."
- raise ValueError("The guidance program is missing the opening pound (#) sign or closing slash (/) for the block level command `"+k+"` at:\n"+context) from None
+ # def _check_for_simple_error(self, text):
+ # """ Check for a simple errors in the program text, and give nice error messages.
+ # """
+ # vars = self.program._variables
+ # # missing block pound sign
+ # for k in vars:
+ # if getattr(vars[k], "is_block", False):
+ # # look for block commands that are missing the opening pound sign or closing slash
+ # m = re.search(r"(^|[^\\]){{\s*"+k+"(\s|}|~)", text)
+ # if m is not None:
+ # # get the context around the matching error
+ # start = max(0, m.start()-30)
+ # end = min(len(text), m.end()+30)
+ # context = text[start:end]
+ # if start > 0:
+ # context = "..."+context
+ # if end < len(text):
+ # context = context+"..."
+ # raise ValueError("The guidance program is missing the opening pound (#) sign or closing slash (/) for the block level command `"+k+"` at:\n"+context) from None
- # look for block commands that are missing the closing tag
- num_opens = len(re.findall(r"(^|[^\\]){{~?#\s*"+k+"(\s|}|~)", text))
- num_closes = len(re.findall(r"(^|[^\\]){{~?/\s*"+k+"(\s|}|~)", text))
- if num_opens > num_closes:
- raise ValueError("The guidance program is missing a closing tag for the block level command `"+k+"`.") from None
- if num_opens < num_closes:
- raise ValueError("The guidance program is missing an opening tag for the block level command `"+k+"`.") from None
+ # # look for block commands that are missing the closing tag
+ # num_opens = len(re.findall(r"(^|[^\\]){{~?#\s*"+k+"(\s|}|~)", text))
+ # num_closes = len(re.findall(r"(^|[^\\]){{~?/\s*"+k+"(\s|}|~)", text))
+ # if num_opens > num_closes:
+ # raise ValueError("The guidance program is missing a closing tag for the block level command `"+k+"`.") from None
+ # if num_opens < num_closes:
+ # raise ValueError("The guidance program is missing an opening tag for the block level command `"+k+"`.") from None
@@ -97,7 +107,7 @@ async def run(self, llm_session):
# self.whitespace_control_visit(self.parse_tree)
# now execute the program
- self.program._variables["_prefix"] = ""
+ self.program._variables["@raw_prefix"] = ""
await self.visit(self.parse_tree, VariableStack([self.program._variables], self))
except Exception as e:
@@ -115,12 +125,12 @@ def stop(self):
# return text
# def whitespace_control_visit(self, node, next_node=None, prev_node=None, parent_node=None, grandparent_node=None):
- # if node.expr_name in ('command', 'command_block_open', 'command_block_sep', 'command_block_close'):
+ # if node_name in ('command', 'block_command_open', 'block_command_sep', 'block_command_close'):
# if node.text.startswith("{{~"):
- # if prev_node and prev_node.expr_name == "content":
+ # if prev_node and prev_node_name == "content":
# prev_node.text = prev_node.text + "{{!--GSTRIP--}}"
# if node.text.endswith("~}}"):
- # if next_node and next_node.expr_name == "content":
+ # if next_node and next_node_name == "content":
# next_node.text = "{{!--GSTRIP--}}" + next_node.text
# # visit all our children
@@ -141,109 +151,139 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
# (note that this flag will be cleared once the loop is ended)
if self.caught_stop_iteration:
return ""
+ node_name = node.get_name()
- if node.expr_name == 'variable_name':
+ if node_name == 'variable_name':
return node.text
- elif node.expr_name == 'content':
- text = node.text
- # check for white space stripping commands
- if next_node is not None and next_node.text.startswith("{{~"):
- text = text.rstrip()
- if prev_node is not None and prev_node.text.endswith("~}}"):
- text = text.lstrip()
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += text
- return ""
+ elif node_name == 'content':
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node[0]
+ return None
- elif node.expr_name == 'comment':
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text
+ elif node_name == 'long_comment':
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text
return ""
- elif node.expr_name == 'slim_comment':
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text
+ elif node_name == 'comment':
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text
return ""
+ elif node_name == 'partial':
+ partial_program = variable_stack[node[0]["name"]]
+ tree = grammar.parse_string(partial_program._text)
+ variable_stack.push({k: v for k,v in partial_program.variables().items() if k not in ["llm", "logging"]})
+ out = await self.visit(tree, variable_stack)
+ variable_stack.pop()
+ return out
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_args':
- visited_children = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack) for child in node.children]
- return visited_children
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_arg_and_ws':
- # visited_children = [await self.visit(child) for child in node.children]
- return await self.visit(node.children[1], variable_stack) #visited_children[1]
- elif node.expr_name == 'positional_command_arg':
- # visited_children = [await self.visit(child) for child in node.children]
- return PositionalArgument(await self.visit(node.children[0], variable_stack))
+ elif node_name == 'positional_command_arg':
+ return PositionalArgument(await self.visit(node[0], variable_stack))
- elif node.expr_name == 'named_command_arg':
- # visited_children = [await self.visit(child) for child in node.children]
- return NamedArgument(await self.visit(node.children[0], variable_stack), await self.visit(node.children[2], variable_stack))
+ elif node_name == 'named_command_arg':
+ return NamedArgument(node[0], await self.visit(node[2], variable_stack))
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_name':
+ elif node_name == 'command_name':
+ return node.text
+ elif node_name == 'command_name':
return node.text
- elif node.expr_name == 'escaped_command':
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text[1:]
+ elif node_name == 'escaped_command':
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text[1:]
+ elif node_name == 'boolean_literal':
+ if node[0] == "True":
+ return True
+ elif node[0] == "False":
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid boolean literal")
+ elif node_name == 'number_literal':
+ if "." in node[0]:
+ return float(node[0])
+ else:
+ return int(node[0])
+ elif node_name == 'string_literal':
+ return node[0]
+ elif node_name == 'object_literal':
+ out = {}
+ for i in range(0, len(node), 2):
+ key = await self.visit(node[i], variable_stack)
+ value = await self.visit(node[i + 1], variable_stack)
+ out[key] = value
+ return out
+ elif node_name == 'array_literal':
+ return [await self.visit(node[i], variable_stack) for i in range(0, len(node))]
- elif node.expr_name == 'literal':
+ elif node_name == 'literal':
return ast.literal_eval(node.text)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Error parsing literal: {node.text} ({e})")
- elif node.expr_name == 'command':
+ elif node_name == 'command':
# if execution is already stopped before we start the command we just keep the command text
if not self.executing:
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text
# mark our position in case we need to rewind
# pos = len(self.prefix)
# find the command name
- command_head = node.children[1].children[0]
- if command_head.expr_name == 'variable_ref':
- if callable(variable_stack[command_head.children[0].text]):
- name = command_head.children[0].text
- else:
- name = "variable_ref"
- elif command_head.expr_name == 'command_call':
- name = command_head.children[0].text
- else:
- raise Exception("Unknown command head type: "+command_head.expr_name)
+ if "variable_ref" in node:
+ name = "variable_ref"
+ elif "keyword" in node:
+ name = "keyword"
+ elif "command_call" in node:
+ name = node["command_call"]["name"]
+ else: # binary_operator and unary_operator
+ name = node[0].get_name()
# add the start marker
escaped_node_text = node.text.replace("$", "$").replace("{", "{").replace("}", "}")
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += "{{!--"+f"GMARKER_START_{name}${escaped_node_text}$"+"--}}"
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += "{{!--"+f"GMARKER_START_{name}${escaped_node_text}$"+"--}}"
# visit our children
- visited_children = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack, next_node, next_next_node, prev_node, node, parent_node) for child in node.children]
+ visited_children = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack, next_node, next_next_node, prev_node, node, parent_node) for child in node]
out = "".join("" if c is None else str(c) for c in visited_children)
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += out + "{{!--" + f"GMARKER_END_{name}$$" + "--}}"
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += out + "{{!--" + f"GMARKER_END_{name}$$" + "--}}"
# if execution became stopped during the command, we append the command text
if not self.executing:
# self.reset_prefix(pos)
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_arg_group':
+ elif node_name == 'paren_group':
visited_children = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack) for child in node.children]
return visited_children[1]
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_call' or node.expr_name == 'variable_ref':
- if node.expr_name == 'command_call':
- visited_children = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack) for child in node.children]
- command_name, args = visited_children
+ elif node_name == 'command_call' or node_name == 'variable_ref' or node_name == 'binary_operator' or node_name == 'unary_operator' or node_name == 'keyword':
+ if node_name == 'command_call':
+ command_name = node["name"]
+ args = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack) for child in node[1:]]
+ elif node_name == 'binary_operator':
+ command_name = "BINARY_OPERATOR_" + node["operator"]
+ args = [
+ PositionalArgument(await self.visit(node["lhs"], variable_stack)),
+ PositionalArgument(await self.visit(node["rhs"], variable_stack))
+ ]
+ elif node_name == 'unary_operator':
+ command_name = "UNARY_OPERATOR_" + node["operator"]
+ args = [PositionalArgument(await self.visit(node["value"], variable_stack))]
- command_name = node.text
+ command_name = node[0]
args = []
# return_value = ""
@@ -251,7 +291,7 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
command_function = variable_stack[command_name]
# we convert a variable reference to a function that returns the variable value
- if node.expr_name == "variable_ref" and not callable(command_function):
+ if node_name == "variable_ref":
command_value = command_function
command_function = lambda: command_value
@@ -265,15 +305,15 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
# return_value += "" if s is None else str(s)
# If we are a top level command we extend the prefix
- top_level = grandparent_node is not None and grandparent_node.expr_name == "command"
+ top_level = grandparent_node is not None and grandparent_node.get_name() == "command"
# partial_output = self.extend_prefix
# pass
# otherwise we keep track of output locally so we can return it
if not top_level:
# partial_output = update_return_value
- pos = len(variable_stack["_prefix"])
- variable_stack.push({"_prefix": variable_stack["_prefix"], "_no_display": True})
+ pos = len(variable_stack["@raw_prefix"])
+ variable_stack.push({"@raw_prefix": variable_stack["@raw_prefix"], "_no_display": True})
# create the arguments for the command
positional_args = []
@@ -303,10 +343,10 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
"name": command_name,
"positional_args": positional_args,
"named_args": {k:v for k,v in named_args.items() if k != "_parser_context"},
- "prefix": variable_stack["prefix"],
+ "@prefix": variable_stack["@prefix"],
# "node_id": id(node)
- pos = len(variable_stack["prefix"])
+ pos = len(variable_stack["@prefix"])
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(command_function):
await asyncio.sleep(0) # give other coroutines a chance to run
@@ -317,11 +357,11 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
command_output = ret.value
self.caught_stop_iteration = True
if self._logging:
- self.program.log.append({"type": "end", "name": command_name, "new_prefix": variable_stack["prefix"][pos:]})
+ self.program.log.append({"type": "end", "name": command_name, "new_prefix": variable_stack["@prefix"][pos:]})
# call partial output if the command didn't itself (and we are still executing)
if not top_level:
- curr_prefix = variable_stack.pop()["_prefix"] # pop the variable stack we pushed earlier becuause we were hidden
+ curr_prefix = variable_stack.pop()["@raw_prefix"] # pop the variable stack we pushed earlier becuause we were hidden
if command_output is not None:
return command_output
@@ -335,7 +375,7 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
return new_content
if command_output is not None:
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += str(command_output)
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += str(command_output)
return ""
# if the variable does not exist we just pause execution
@@ -348,7 +388,7 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
# # if we are not a top level command we return the output instead of displaying it
# if not top_level:
- # return_value = variable_stack.pop()["_prefix"][pos:]
+ # return_value = variable_stack.pop()["@raw_prefix"][pos:]
# # see if we got a list of outputs encoded as a string
# parts = re.split(r"{{!--GMARKERmany[^}]+}}", return_value)
@@ -359,7 +399,7 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
# else:
# return ""
- elif node.expr_name == 'block_command_call':
+ elif node_name == 'block_command_call':
parts = [await self.visit(child, variable_stack) for child in node.children]
if len(parts) > 1:
command_name, args = parts
@@ -368,43 +408,56 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
args = []
return command_name, args
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_block_open':
+ elif node_name == 'block_command_open':
return await self.visit(node.children[2], variable_stack)
# visited_children = [await self.visit(child) for child in node.children]
# return visited_children[2]
- elif node.expr_name == 'command_block':
+ elif node_name == 'block_command':
# if execution is already stopped before we start the command block we just return unchanged
if not self.executing:
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text
return ""
# create a block content variable
- block_content = [node.children[1]]
- for child in node.children[2].children:
- if child.text == '':
- continue
- block_content.append(child.children[0])
- block_content.append(child.children[1])
- self.block_content.append(block_content)
+ # block_content = node["block_content"]
+ # block_content = [node.children[1]]
+ # for child in node.children[2].children:
+ # if child.text == '':
+ # continue
+ # block_content.append(child.children[0])
+ # block_content.append(child.children[1])
+ assert node[1].get_name() == "block_content" # TODO: figure out why node["block_content"] doesn't work (has to do with SavedText messing up the keys)
+ self.block_content.append(node[1])
# get the command name and arguments
- command_name, command_args = await self.visit(node.children[0], variable_stack)
- # make sure we have a matching end command
- if not (node.text.endswith("/"+command_name+"}}") or node.text.endswith("/"+command_name+"~}}")):
- raise SyntaxError("Guidance command block starting with `"+node.text[:20]+"...` does not end with a matching `{{/"+command_name+"}}` but instead ends with `..."+node.text[-20:]+"!")
+ call = node["command_call"]
+ command_name = call["name"]
+ command_args = [await self.visit(arg, variable_stack) for arg in call[1:]]
+ # command_args = []
+ # if "positional_command_arg" in call:
+ # for arg in call["positional_command_arg"]:
+ # command_args.append(await self.visit(arg, variable_stack))
+ # if "named_command_arg" in call:
+ # for arg in call["named_command_arg"]:
+ # command_args.append(await self.visit(arg, variable_stack))
+ # command_name, command_args = [await self.visit(arg, variable_stack) for arg in node["command_call"]["args"]]
+ # make sure we have a matching end command TODO: move this to a parser action
+ # if not (node.text.endswith("/"+command_name+"}}") or node.text.endswith("/"+command_name+"~}}")):
+ # raise SyntaxError("Guidance command block starting with `"+node.text[:20]+"...` does not end with a matching `{{/"+command_name+"}}` but instead ends with `..."+node.text[-20:]+"!")
# if execution stops while parsing the start command just return unchanged
if not self.executing:
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += node.text
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += node.text
return ""
# add the start marker
escaped_node_text = node.text.replace("$", "$").replace("{", "{").replace("}", "}")
start_marker = "{{!--"+f"GMARKER_START_{command_name}${escaped_node_text}$"+"--}}"
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += start_marker
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += start_marker
if command_name in variable_stack:
command_function = variable_stack[command_name]
@@ -420,16 +473,16 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
sig = inspect.signature(command_function)
if "_parser_context" in sig.parameters:
named_args["_parser_context"] = {
- "parser_prefix": strip_markers(variable_stack["_prefix"]),
+ "parser_prefix": strip_markers(variable_stack["@raw_prefix"]),
"parser": self,
"block_content": self.block_content[-1],
# "partial_output": self.extend_prefix,
"variable_stack": variable_stack,
"parser_node": node,
- "block_close_node": node.children[-1],
+ "block_close_node": node[-1],
"next_node": next_node,
"next_next_node": next_next_node,
- "prev_node": node.children[0]
+ "prev_node": node[0]
# call the optionally asyncronous command
@@ -439,44 +492,44 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
"name": command_name,
"positional_args": positional_args,
"named_args": {k:v for k,v in named_args.items() if k != "_parser_context"},
- "prefix": variable_stack["prefix"],
+ "@prefix": variable_stack["@prefix"],
# "node_id": id(node)
- pos = len(variable_stack["prefix"])
+ pos = len(variable_stack["@prefix"])
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(command_function):
command_output = await command_function(*positional_args, **named_args)
command_output = command_function(*positional_args, **named_args)
if self._logging:
- self.program.log.append({"type": "end", "name": command_name, "new_prefix": variable_stack["prefix"][pos:]})
+ self.program.log.append({"type": "end", "name": command_name, "new_prefix": variable_stack["@prefix"][pos:]})
# if the command didn't send partial output we do it here
if command_output is not None:
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += command_output
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += command_output
# pop off the block content after the command call
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += "{{!--" + f"GMARKER_END_{command_name}$$" + "--}}"
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += "{{!--" + f"GMARKER_END_{command_name}$$" + "--}}"
visited_children = []
- for i, child in enumerate(node.children):
- if len(node.children) > i + 1:
- inner_next_node = node.children[i + 1]
+ for i, child in enumerate(node):
+ if len(node) > i + 1:
+ inner_next_node = node[i + 1]
inner_next_node = next_node
- if len(node.children) > i + 2:
- inner_next_next_node = node.children[i + 2]
- elif len(node.children) == i + 2:
+ if len(node) > i + 2:
+ inner_next_next_node = node[i + 2]
+ elif len(node) == i + 2:
inner_next_next_node = next_node
inner_next_next_node = next_next_node
if i > 0:
- inner_prev_node = node.children[i - 1]
+ inner_prev_node = node[i - 1]
inner_prev_node = prev_node
visited_children.append(await self.visit(child, variable_stack, inner_next_node, inner_next_next_node, inner_prev_node, node, parent_node))
@@ -488,7 +541,7 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
return "".join("" if c is None else c for c in visited_children)
# def get_variable(self, name, default_value=None):
- # parts = re.split(r"\.|\[", name)
+ # parts = re.split(r"\.|\[", name) 40 ms 2048 12B
# for variables in reversed(self.variable_stack):
# curr_pos = variables
# found = True
@@ -553,7 +606,7 @@ async def visit(self, node, variable_stack, next_node=None, next_next_node=None,
# def extend_prefix(self, text, variable_stack):
# if text == "" or text is None:
# return
- # variable_stack["_prefix"] += str(text)
+ # variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += str(text)
# self.program.update_display()
# def reset_prefix(self, pos):
@@ -573,3 +626,7 @@ def __init__(self, name, value):
class StopCompletion(Exception):
+class SyntaxException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg, pyparsing_exception=None):
+ super().__init__(msg)
+ self.pyparsing_exception = pyparsing_exception
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/_utils.py b/guidance/_utils.py
index 408a21f22..9d19bf3de 100644
--- a/guidance/_utils.py
+++ b/guidance/_utils.py
@@ -83,28 +83,28 @@ def __init__(self, variable_stack, hidden=False):
self._variable_stack = variable_stack
def __enter__(self):
- self._pos = len(self._variable_stack["_prefix"])
+ self._pos = len(self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"])
if self._hidden:
- self._variable_stack.push({"_prefix": self._variable_stack["_prefix"]})
+ self._variable_stack.push({"@raw_prefix": self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"]})
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if self._hidden:
new_content = str(self)
- self._variable_stack["_prefix"] += "{{!--GHIDDEN:"+new_content.replace("--}}", "--_END_END")+"--}}"
+ self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += "{{!--GHIDDEN:"+new_content.replace("--}}", "--_END_END")+"--}}"
def __str__(self):
- return strip_markers(self._variable_stack["_prefix"][self._pos:])
+ return strip_markers(self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"][self._pos:])
def __iadd__(self, other):
if other is not None:
- self._variable_stack["_prefix"] += other
+ self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += other
return self
def inplace_replace(self, old, new):
"""Replace all instances of old with new in the captured content."""
- self._variable_stack["_prefix"] = self._variable_stack["_prefix"][:self._pos] + self._variable_stack["_prefix"][self._pos:].replace(old, new)
+ self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] = self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"][:self._pos] + self._variable_stack["@raw_prefix"][self._pos:].replace(old, new)
class JupyterComm():
def __init__(self, target_id, ipython_handle, callback=None, on_open=None, mode="register"):
diff --git a/guidance/_variable_stack.py b/guidance/_variable_stack.py
index 5742ce727..c7a24f2c3 100644
--- a/guidance/_variable_stack.py
+++ b/guidance/_variable_stack.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def pop(self):
out = self._stack.pop()
# if we are popping a _prefix variable state we need to update the display
- if "_prefix" in self._stack[-1]:
+ if "@raw_prefix" in self._stack[-1]:
return out
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ def __getitem__(self, key):
def get(self, name, default_value=None):
# prefix is a special variable that returns the current prefix without the marker tags
- if name == "prefix":
- return strip_markers(self.get("_prefix", ""))
+ if name == "@prefix":
+ return strip_markers(self.get("@raw_prefix", ""))
parts = re.split(r"\.|\[", name)
for variables in reversed(self._stack):
@@ -58,6 +58,17 @@ def get(self, name, default_value=None):
def __contains__(self, name):
return self.get(name, _NO_VALUE) != _NO_VALUE
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ """Note this only works for simple variables, not nested variables."""
+ found = True
+ for variables in reversed(self._stack):
+ if key in variables:
+ del variables[key]
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ raise KeyError(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
parts = re.split(r"\.|\[", key)
@@ -97,7 +108,7 @@ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._stack[0][key] = value
# if we changed the _prefix variable, update the display
- if changed and key == "_prefix" and not self.get("_no_display", False):
+ if changed and key == "@raw_prefix" and not self.get("_no_display", False):
def copy(self):
diff --git a/guidance/library/__init__.py b/guidance/library/__init__.py
index f66c6356e..4c159139d 100644
--- a/guidance/library/__init__.py
+++ b/guidance/library/__init__.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from ._if import if_
from ._unless import unless
from ._add import add
+from ._multiply import multiply
from ._select import select
from ._each import each
from ._geneach import geneach
@@ -20,4 +21,5 @@
from ._greater import greater
from ._less import less
from ._contains import contains
-from ._parse import parse
\ No newline at end of file
+from ._parse import parse
+from ._notequal import notequal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/library/_await.py b/guidance/library/_await.py
index fe3c7b41b..1735e122a 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_await.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_await.py
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ async def await_(name, _parser_context=None):
# this will result in a partially completed program that we can then finish
# later (by calling it again with the variable we need)
parser = _parser_context['parser']
- if name not in parser.program:
+ variable_stack = _parser_context['variable_stack']
+ if name not in variable_stack:
parser.executing = False
- value = parser.program[name]
- del parser.program[name]
+ value = variable_stack[name]
+ del variable_stack[name]
return value
# cache = parser.program._await_cache
diff --git a/guidance/library/_each.py b/guidance/library/_each.py
index 8601d6448..45ad089c6 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_each.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_each.py
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ async def each(list, hidden=False, parallel=False, _parser_context=None):
"@first": i == 0,
"@last": i == len(list) - 1,
"this": item,
- "_prefix": variable_stack["_prefix"], # create a local copy of the prefix since we are hidden
+ "@raw_prefix": variable_stack["@raw_prefix"], # create a local copy of the prefix since we are hidden
"_no_display": True
- block_content[0],
+ block_content,
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ async def each(list, hidden=False, parallel=False, _parser_context=None):
with ContentCapture(variable_stack, hidden) as new_content:
new_content += await parser.visit(
- block_content[0],
+ block_content,
diff --git a/guidance/library/_gen.py b/guidance/library/_gen.py
index 3ef8eb870..1fd722538 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_gen.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_gen.py
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
next_next_node = _parser_context["next_next_node"]
prev_node = _parser_context["prev_node"]
# partial_output = _parser_context["partial_output"]
- pos = len(variable_stack["_prefix"]) # save the current position in the prefix
+ pos = len(variable_stack["@raw_prefix"]) # save the current position in the prefix
if hidden:
- variable_stack.push({"_prefix": variable_stack["_prefix"]})
+ variable_stack.push({"@raw_prefix": variable_stack["@raw_prefix"]})
if list_append:
assert name is not None, "You must provide a variable name when using list_append=True"
@@ -80,12 +80,10 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
# if stop is None then we use the text of the node after the generate command
if stop is None:
- next_text = next_node.text if next_node is not None else ""
- prev_text = prev_node.text if prev_node is not None else ""
- if next_next_node and next_next_node.text.startswith("{{~"):
- next_text = next_text.lstrip()
- if next_next_node and next_text == "":
- next_text = next_next_node.text
+ next_text = getattr(next_node, "text", next_node) if next_node is not None else ""
+ prev_text = getattr(prev_node, "text", prev_node) if prev_node is not None else ""
+ if next_next_node and next_text == "":
+ next_text = getattr(next_next_node, "text", next_next_node)
# auto-detect quote stop tokens
quote_types = ["'''", '"""', '```', '"', "'", "`"]
@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
# auto-detect role stop tags
if stop is None:
- m = re.match(r"^{{~?/(user|assistant|system|role)~?}}.*", next_text)
+ m = re.match(r"^{{~?/\w*(user|assistant|system|role)\w*~?}}.*", next_text)
if m:
stop = parser.program.llm.role_end(m.group(1))
@@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
# save the prompt if requested
if save_prompt:
- variable_stack[save_prompt] = variable_stack["_prefix"]+prefix
+ variable_stack[save_prompt] = variable_stack["@raw_prefix"]+prefix
if logprobs is None:
logprobs = parser.program.logprobs
@@ -141,14 +139,14 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
# call the LLM
gen_obj = await parser.llm_session(
- variable_stack["prefix"]+prefix, stop=stop, stop_regex=stop_regex, max_tokens=max_tokens, n=n, pattern=pattern,
+ variable_stack["@prefix"]+prefix, stop=stop, stop_regex=stop_regex, max_tokens=max_tokens, n=n, pattern=pattern,
temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, logprobs=logprobs, cache_seed=cache_seed, token_healing=token_healing,
echo=parser.program.logprobs is not None, stream=stream, caching=parser.program.caching, **llm_kwargs
if n == 1:
generated_value = prefix
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += prefix
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += prefix
logprobs_out = []
if not isinstance(gen_obj, (types.AsyncGeneratorType, types.GeneratorType, list, tuple)):
gen_obj = [gen_obj]
@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
# log.debug("resp", resp)
generated_value += resp["choices"][0]["text"]
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += resp["choices"][0]["text"]
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += resp["choices"][0]["text"]
if logprobs is not None:
if list_append:
@@ -191,16 +189,16 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
if hasattr(gen_obj, 'close'):
generated_value += suffix
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += suffix
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += suffix
if list_append:
variable_stack[name][list_ind] = generated_value
elif name is not None:
variable_stack[name] = generated_value
if hidden:
- new_content = variable_stack["_prefix"][pos:]
+ new_content = variable_stack["@raw_prefix"][pos:]
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += "{{!--GHIDDEN:"+new_content.replace("--}}", "--_END_END")+"--}}"
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += "{{!--GHIDDEN:"+new_content.replace("--}}", "--_END_END")+"--}}"
# stop executing if we were interrupted
if parser.should_stop:
@@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
# this just uses the first generated value for completion and the rest as alternatives only used for the variable storage
# we mostly support this so that the echo=False hiding behavior does not make multiple outputs more complicated than it needs to be in the UX
# if echo:
- # variable_stack["_prefix"] += generated_value
+ # variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += generated_value
id = uuid.uuid4().hex
l = len(generated_values)
@@ -242,7 +240,7 @@ async def gen(name=None, stop=None, stop_regex=None, save_stop_text=False, max_t
out += escape_template_block(value)
out += value
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += out + "--}}{{!--" + f"GMARKERmany_generate_end${id}$" + "--}}"
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += out + "--}}{{!--" + f"GMARKERmany_generate_end${id}$" + "--}}"
# return "{{!--GMARKERmany_generate_start$$}}" + "{{!--GMARKERmany_generate$$}}".join([v for v in generated_values]) + "{{!--GMARKERmany_generate_end$$}}"
# return "".join([v for v in generated_values])
diff --git a/guidance/library/_geneach.py b/guidance/library/_geneach.py
index 20cae538e..c664351ff 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_geneach.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_geneach.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
# parser_prefix = _parser_context["parser_prefix"]
parser_node = _parser_context["parser_node"]
- assert len(block_content) == 1
+ # assert len(block_content) == 1
assert not (hidden and single_call), "Cannot use hidden=True and single_call together"
assert isinstance(list_name, str), "Must provide a variable name to save the generated list to"
assert not hidden or num_iterations is not None, "Cannot use hidden=True and variable length iteration together yet..."
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
max_iterations = 1e10
# give the list a default name
- if list_name is None:
- list_name = 'generated_list'
+ # if list_name is None:
+ # list_name = 'generated_list'
# if stop is None then we use the text of the node after the generate command
# if stop is None:
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
# visit the block content
new_content += await parser.visit(
- block_content[0],
+ block_content,
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
# we run a quick generation to see if we have reached the end of the list (note the +2 tokens is to help be tolorant to whitespace)
if stop is not False and i >= min_iterations and i < max_iterations:
- gen_obj = await parser.llm_session(variable_stack["prefix"], stop=stop, max_tokens=max_stop_tokens, temperature=0, cache_seed=0)
+ gen_obj = await parser.llm_session(variable_stack["@prefix"], stop=stop, max_tokens=max_stop_tokens, temperature=0, cache_seed=0)
except Exception:
raise Exception(f"Error generating stop tokens for geneach loop. Perhaps you are outside of role tags (assistant/user/system)? If you don't want the loop to check for stop tokens, set stop=False or set num_iterations.")
if gen_obj["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] == "stop":
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
pattern = re.sub(
r'{{gen [\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"][^}]*}}',
lambda x: r"(?P<"+_escape_group_name(x.group(1))+">.*?)",
- block_content[0].text
+ block_content.text
# fixed prefixes can be used if we know we have at least one iteration
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
parser.program.cache_seed += 1
cache_seed = 0
- gen_stream = await parser.llm_session(variable_stack["_prefix"]+fixed_prefix, stop=stop, max_tokens=single_call_max_tokens, temperature=single_call_temperature, top_p=single_call_top_p, cache_seed=cache_seed, stream=True)
+ gen_stream = await parser.llm_session(variable_stack["@raw_prefix"]+fixed_prefix, stop=stop, max_tokens=single_call_max_tokens, temperature=single_call_temperature, top_p=single_call_top_p, cache_seed=cache_seed, stream=True)
generated_value = fixed_prefix
num_items = 0
data = []
@@ -205,20 +205,20 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
next_item = d
# update the list variable (we do this each time we get a new item so that streaming works)
- parser.set_variable(list_name, parser.get_variable(list_name, default_value=[]) + [next_item])
+ variable_stack[list_name] = variable_stack.get(list_name, []) + [next_item]
# recreate the output string with format markers added
item_out = re.sub(
lambda x: match_dict[_escape_group_name(x.group(1))],
- block_content[0].text
+ block_content.text
item_out = re.sub(
r"{{gen [\'\"]([^\'\"]+)[\'\"][^}]*}}",
lambda x: "{{!--GMARKER_START_gen$"+x.group().replace("$", "$").replace("{", "{").replace("}", "}")+"$--}}"+match_dict[_escape_group_name(x.group(1))]+"{{!--GMARKER_END_gen$$--}}",
- partial_output("{{!--GMARKER_each$$--}}" + item_out) # marker and content of the item
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += "{{!--GMARKER_each$$--}}" + item_out # marker and content of the item
num_items += 1
# out.append(item_out)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ async def geneach(list_name, stop=None, max_iterations=100, min_iterations=0, nu
# if we have stopped executing, we need to add the loop to the output so it can be executed later
if not parser.executing:
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += parser_node.text
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += parser_node.text
# return ""
diff --git a/guidance/library/_if.py b/guidance/library/_if.py
index 57a358f90..a4c4d6e63 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_if.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_if.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import re
-async def if_(value, invert=False, _parser_context=None):
+async def if_(value, *, invert=False, _parser_context=None):
''' Standard if/else statement.
@@ -8,28 +8,34 @@ async def if_(value, invert=False, _parser_context=None):
value : bool
The value to check. If `True` then the first block will be executed, otherwise the second block
(the one after the `{{else}}`) will be executed.
- invert : bool
+ invert : bool [DEPRECATED]
If `True` then the value will be inverted before checking.
block_content = _parser_context['block_content']
variable_stack = _parser_context['variable_stack']
- assert len(block_content) in [1,3] # we don't support elseif yet...
- options = [block_content[0]]
- for i in range(1, len(block_content), 2):
- assert re.match(r"{{~?else~?}}", block_content[i].text), "Expected else statement"
- options.append(block_content[i+1])
- # if isinstance(value, str):
- # value2 = value
- # value = value.lower().strip() in ["true", "yes", "on", "t", "y", "ok", "okay"]
+ parser = _parser_context['parser']
+ assert len(block_content) % 2 == 1, "Unexpected number of blocks for `if` command: " + str(len(block_content))
+ # parse the first block
if invert:
value = not value
if value:
- return await _parser_context['parser'].visit(options[0], variable_stack)
- elif len(options) > 1:
- return await _parser_context['parser'].visit(options[1], variable_stack)
- else:
- return ""
+ return await parser.visit(block_content[0], variable_stack)
+ # parse the rest of the blocks
+ for i in range(1, len(block_content), 2):
+ # elif block
+ if block_content[i][0] == "elif":
+ if parser.visit(block_content[i][1], variable_stack):
+ return await parser.visit(block_content[i+1], variable_stack)
+ # else block
+ elif block_content[i][0] == "else":
+ return await parser.visit(block_content[i+1], variable_stack)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unexpected block content separator for `if` command: " + block_content[i].text)
+ return ""
if_.is_block = True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/library/_multiply.py b/guidance/library/_multiply.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d873069a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guidance/library/_multiply.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import math
+def multiply(*args):
+ ''' Multiply the given variables together.
+ '''
+ return math.prod(args)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/library/_notequal.py b/guidance/library/_notequal.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..195046ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guidance/library/_notequal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+def notequal(arg1, arg2):
+ ''' Check that the arguments are not equal.
+ '''
+ return arg1 != arg2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/library/_parse.py b/guidance/library/_parse.py
index 167546a82..ef4b31ef5 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_parse.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_parse.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ async def parse(string, name=None, hidden=False, _parser_context=None):
with ContentCapture(variable_stack, hidden) as new_content:
# parse and visit the given string
- subtree = grammar.parse(string)
+ subtree = grammar.parse_string(string)
new_content += await parser.visit(subtree, variable_stack)
# save the content in a variable if needed
diff --git a/guidance/library/_role.py b/guidance/library/_role.py
index 62fbb9b61..f35b7ee20 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_role.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_role.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ async def role(name, hidden=False, _parser_context=None):
# visit the block content
new_content += await parser.visit(
- block_content[0],
+ block_content,
diff --git a/guidance/library/_select.py b/guidance/library/_select.py
index 854a0fae0..5f3f11374 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_select.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_select.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import itertools
import pygtrie
import numpy as np
+from .._utils import ContentCapture
async def select(variable_name="selected", options=None, logprobs=None, list_append=False, _parser_context=None):
''' Select a value from a list of choices.
@@ -33,10 +34,14 @@ async def select(variable_name="selected", options=None, logprobs=None, list_app
assert options is None, "You cannot provide an options list when using the select command in block mode."
if options is None:
- options = [block_content[0].text]
+ with ContentCapture(variable_stack) as new_content:
+ new_content += await parser.visit(block_content[0], variable_stack)
+ options = [str(new_content)]
for i in range(1, len(block_content), 2):
- assert block_content[i].text == "{{or}}"
- options.append(block_content[i+1].text)
+ assert block_content[i][0] == "or", "You must provide a {{or}} between each option in a select block."
+ with ContentCapture(variable_stack) as new_content:
+ new_content += await parser.visit(block_content[i+1], variable_stack)
+ options.append(str(new_content))#block_content[i+1].text)
# find what text follows the select command and append it to the options.
# we do this so we can differentiate between select options where one is a prefix of another
@@ -50,10 +55,10 @@ async def select(variable_name="selected", options=None, logprobs=None, list_app
options = [option + next_text for option in options]
# TODO: this retokenizes the whole prefix many times, perhaps this could become a bottleneck?
- options_tokens = [parser.program.llm.encode(variable_stack["prefix"] + option) for option in options]
+ options_tokens = [parser.program.llm.encode(variable_stack["@prefix"] + option) for option in options]
# encoding the prefix and then decoding it might change the length, so we need to account for that
- recoded_parser_prefix_length = len(parser.program.llm.decode(parser.program.llm.encode(variable_stack["prefix"])))
+ recoded_parser_prefix_length = len(parser.program.llm.decode(parser.program.llm.encode(variable_stack["@prefix"])))
# build a trie of the options
token_map = pygtrie.Trie()
@@ -172,6 +177,6 @@ async def recursive_select(current_prefix, allow_token_extension=True):
if max(option_logprobs.values()) <= -1000:
raise ValueError("No valid option generated in #select! Please post a GitHub issue since this should not happen :)")
- variable_stack["_prefix"] += selected_option
+ variable_stack["@raw_prefix"] += selected_option
select.is_block = True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guidance/library/_set.py b/guidance/library/_set.py
index ceaf135cf..d78b11d22 100644
--- a/guidance/library/_set.py
+++ b/guidance/library/_set.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-def set(name, value=None, hidden=None, _parser_context=None):
+def set(name, value=None, hidden=True, _parser_context=None):
''' Set the value of a variable or set of variables.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 1b16dcba1..a695558a2 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def find_version(*file_paths):
- "parsimonious",
+ "pyparsing",
diff --git a/tests/library/test_add.py b/tests/library/test_add.py
index 9cba7cf81..20eec65f0 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_add.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_add.py
@@ -14,4 +14,20 @@ def test_add_multi():
program = guidance("""Write a number: {{set 'user_response' (add 20 5 variable)}}""")
assert program(variable=10)["user_response"] == 35
- assert program(variable=20.1)["user_response"] == 45.1
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert program(variable=20.1)["user_response"] == 45.1
+def test_add_infix():
+ """ Basic infix test of `add`.
+ """
+ program = guidance("""Write a number: {{set 'user_response' 20 + variable}}""")
+ assert program(variable=10)["user_response"] == 30
+ assert program(variable=20.1)["user_response"] == 40.1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # find all the test functions in this file
+ import sys, inspect
+ test_functions = [obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]) if (inspect.isfunction(obj) and name.startswith("test_"))]
+ # run each test function
+ for test_function in test_functions:
+ test_function()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_await.py b/tests/library/test_await.py
index 263768c01..f2e176917 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_await.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_await.py
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ def test_await():
prompt = guidance("""Is Everest very tall?
-User response: '{{set 'user_response' (await 'user_response')}}'""")
+User response: '{{set 'user_response' (await 'user_response') hidden=False}}'""")
waiting_prompt = prompt()
- assert str(waiting_prompt) == "Is Everest very tall?\nUser response: '{{set 'user_response' (await 'user_response')}}'"
+ assert str(waiting_prompt) == str(prompt)
out = waiting_prompt(user_response="Yes")
assert str(out) == "Is Everest very tall?\nUser response: 'Yes'"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_block.py b/tests/library/test_block.py
index b9b7d2546..d93692989 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_block.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_block.py
@@ -20,11 +20,15 @@ def test_empty_block():
assert out.text == ''
def test_name_capture():
- """ Test the behavior of a completely empty `block`.
- """
prompt = guidance(
"This is a block: {{#block 'my_block'}}text inside block{{/block}}",
out = prompt()
- assert out["my_block"] == 'text inside block'
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert out["my_block"] == 'text inside block'
+def test_name_capture_whitespace():
+ prompt = guidance(
+ "This is a block: {{#block 'my_block'}} text inside block {{/block}}",
+ )
+ out = prompt()
+ assert out["my_block"] == ' text inside block '
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_equal.py b/tests/library/test_equal.py
index 4dfe4ead2..58eeada18 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_equal.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_equal.py
@@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ def test_equal():
assert str(program(val=5)) == "are equal"
assert str(program(val="5")) == "not equal"
-def test_equal_with_symbol():
- """ Test the behavior of `equal` written as `==`.
- """
- program = guidance("""{{#if (== val 5)}}are equal{{else}}not equal{{/if}}""")
+def test_equal_infix():
+ program = guidance("""{{#if val == 5}}are equal{{else}}not equal{{/if}}""")
assert str(program(val=4)) == "not equal"
assert str(program(val=5)) == "are equal"
assert str(program(val="5")) == "not equal"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_geneach.py b/tests/library/test_geneach.py
index eda563b1a..ce40e8f2b 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_geneach.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_geneach.py
@@ -11,6 +11,48 @@ def test_geneach():
prompt = guidance('''Generate a list of three names
{{#geneach 'names' stop="
+- {{gen 'this'}}
{{/geneach}}''', llm=llm)
+ out = prompt()
+ assert len(out["names"]) == 3
+ assert out["names"] == ["Bob", "Sue", "Joe"]
+ assert str(out) == """Generate a list of three names
+- Bob
+- Sue
+- Joe
+def test_geneach_with_join():
+ """ Test a geneach loop.
+ """
+ llm = guidance.llms.Mock({
+ 'Joe': {"text": '', "finish_reason": "stop"},
+ '': {"text": '\n- ' : ["Bob", "Sue", "Joe"],
+ })
+ prompt = guidance('''Generate a list of three names
{{#geneach 'names' join="" stop="
+- {{gen 'this'}}
{{/geneach}}''', llm=llm)
+ out = prompt()
+ assert len(out["names"]) == 3
+ assert out["names"] == ["Bob", "Sue", "Joe"]
+ assert str(out) == """Generate a list of three names
+- Bob
+- Sue
+- Joe
+def test_geneach_single_call():
+ """ Test a geneach loop.
+ """
+ llm = guidance.llms.Mock('''
+- Bob
+- Sue
+- Jow
+ prompt = guidance('''Generate a list of three names
+{{#geneach 'names' single_call=True stop="
- {{gen 'this'}}
{{/geneach}}"''', llm=llm)
out = prompt()
assert len(out["names"]) == 3
diff --git a/tests/library/test_greater.py b/tests/library/test_greater.py
index 088382ae1..d984c5657 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_greater.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_greater.py
@@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ def test_greater():
assert str(program(val=6)) == "greater"
assert str(program(val=5.3)) == "greater"
-def test_greater_with_symbol():
- """ Test the behavior of `greater` used as `>`.
- """
- program = guidance("""{{#if (> val 5)}}greater{{else}}not greater{{/if}}""")
+def test_greater_infix():
+ program = guidance("""{{#if val > 5}}greater{{else}}not greater{{/if}}""")
assert str(program(val=4)) == "not greater"
assert str(program(val=6)) == "greater"
assert str(program(val=5.3)) == "greater"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_if.py b/tests/library/test_if.py
index 573c1c0d6..f129c0b62 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_if.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_if.py
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ def test_if():
out = prompt(flag=flag)
assert str(out) == "Answer: "
+def test_if_complex_block():
+ prompt = guidance("""Answer: {{#if True}}Yes {{my_var}} we{{/if}}""")
+ out = prompt(my_var="then")
+ assert str(out) == "Answer: Yes then we"
def test_if_else():
""" Test the behavior of `if` with an `else` clause.
@@ -26,4 +33,22 @@ def test_if_else():
for flag in [False, 0, ""]:
out = prompt(flag=flag)
- assert str(out) == "Answer 'Yes' or 'No': 'No'"
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert str(out) == "Answer 'Yes' or 'No': 'No'"
+def test_if_complex_blockwith_else():
+ prompt = guidance("""Answer: {{#if flag}}Yes {{my_var}} we{{else}}No {{my_var}}{{/if}}""")
+ out = prompt(my_var="then", flag=True)
+ assert str(out) == "Answer: Yes then we"
+ out = prompt(my_var="then", flag=False)
+ assert str(out) == "Answer: No then"
+def test_elif_else():
+ """ Test the behavior of `if` with an `else` clause.
+ """
+ prompt = guidance("""Answer 'Yes' or 'No': '{{#if flag}}Yes{{elif flag2}}maybe{{else}}No{{/if}}'""")
+ out = prompt(flag=False, flag2=True)
+ assert str(out) == "Answer 'Yes' or 'No': 'maybe'"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_less.py b/tests/library/test_less.py
index d0588e945..4b9b13b39 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_less.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_less.py
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ def test_less():
assert str(program(val=4)) == "less"
assert str(program(val=4.3)) == "less"
-def test_less_with_symbol():
+def test_less_infix():
""" Test the behavior of `less` used as `<`.
- program = guidance("""{{#if (< val 5)}}less{{else}}not less{{/if}}""")
+ program = guidance("""{{#if val < 5}}less{{else}}not less{{/if}}""")
assert str(program(val=6)) == "not less"
assert str(program(val=4)) == "less"
assert str(program(val=4.3)) == "less"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_parse.py b/tests/library/test_parse.py
index b66007258..91018d017 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_parse.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_parse.py
@@ -5,4 +5,9 @@ def test_parse():
program = guidance("""This is parsed: {{parse template}}""")
- assert str(program(template="My name is {{name}}", name="Bob")) == "This is parsed: My name is Bob"
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert str(program(template="My name is {{name}}", name="Bob")) == "This is parsed: My name is Bob"
+def test_parse_with_name():
+ program = guidance("""This is parsed: {{parse template name="parsed"}}""")
+ executed_program = program(template="My name is {{name}}", name="Bob")
+ assert executed_program["parsed"] == "My name is Bob"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_role.py b/tests/library/test_role.py
index 062506e7b..2bfa4bba5 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_role.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_role.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def test_role():
{{#role 'assistant'~}}
""", llm=llm)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def test_short_roles():
""", llm=llm)
diff --git a/tests/library/test_set.py b/tests/library/test_set.py
index edb9a30e8..3caae7cce 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_set.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_set.py
@@ -4,11 +4,21 @@ def test_set():
""" Test the behavior of `set`.
- program = guidance("""{{set 'output' 234}}{{output}}""")
+ program = guidance("""{{set 'output' 234 hidden=False}}{{output}}""")
assert str(program()) == "234234"
- program = guidance("""{{set 'output' 234 hidden=True}}{{output}}""")
+ program = guidance("""{{set 'output' 234}}{{output}}""")
assert str(program()) == "234"
program = guidance("""{{set 'output' 849203984939}}{{output}}""")
- assert str(program()['output']) == "849203984939"
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert str(program()['output']) == "849203984939"
+def test_set_dict():
+ program = guidance("""{{set {'output':234}}}{{output}}""")
+ assert str(program()) == "234"
+def test_set_array():
+ program = guidance("""{{set 'output' [3, 234]}}{{output}}""")
+ assert str(program()) == "[3, 234]"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/library/test_subtract.py b/tests/library/test_subtract.py
index 3f4f7b21a..582d09f1d 100644
--- a/tests/library/test_subtract.py
+++ b/tests/library/test_subtract.py
@@ -6,4 +6,9 @@ def test_subtract():
program = guidance("""Write a number: {{set 'user_response' (subtract 20 variable)}}""")
assert program(variable=10)["user_response"] == 10
+ assert abs(program(variable=20.1)["user_response"] + 0.1) < 1e-5
+def test_subtract_infix():
+ program = guidance("""Write a number: {{set 'user_response' (20 - variable)}}""")
+ assert program(variable=10)["user_response"] == 10
assert abs(program(variable=20.1)["user_response"] + 0.1) < 1e-5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/llms/test_openai.py b/tests/llms/test_openai.py
index 984fb6c05..1145b5c13 100644
--- a/tests/llms/test_openai.py
+++ b/tests/llms/test_openai.py
@@ -8,24 +8,46 @@ def test_geneach_chat_gpt():
guidance.llm = get_llm("openai:gpt-3.5-turbo")
chat_loop = guidance('''
- {{#system~}}
- You are a helpful assistant
- {{~/system}}
+You are a helpful assistant
- {{~#geneach 'conversation' stop=False}}
- {{#user~}}
- This is great!
- {{~/user}}
+{{~#geneach 'conversation' stop=False}}
+This is great!
- {{#assistant~}}
- {{gen 'this.response' temperature=0 max_tokens=3}}
- {{~/assistant}}
- {{#if (> @index 0)}}{{break}}{{/if}}
- {{~/geneach}}''')
+{{gen 'this.response' temperature=0 max_tokens=3}}
+{{#if @index > 0}}{{break}}{{/if}}
out = chat_loop()
assert len(out["conversation"]) == 2
+def test_syntax_match():
+ """ Test a geneach loop with ChatGPT.
+ """
+ guidance.llm = get_llm("openai:gpt-3.5-turbo")
+ chat_loop = guidance('''
+You are a helpful assistant
+This is great!
+ out = chat_loop()
+ assert str(out) == '<|im_start|>system\nYou are a helpful assistant<|im_end|><|im_start|>user\nThis is great!<|im_end|><|im_start|>assistant\nIndeed<|im_end|>'
def test_rest_nostream():
guidance.llm = get_llm('openai:text-davinci-003', endpoint="https://api.openai.com/v1/completions", rest_call=True)
a = guidance('''Hello, my name is{{gen 'name' stream=False max_tokens=5}}''', stream=False)
diff --git a/tests/test_grammar.py b/tests/test_grammar.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca6e9e9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_grammar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import guidance
+def test_variable_interpolation():
+ """ Test variable interpolation in prompt
+ """
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{name}}!")
+ assert str(prompt(name="Guidance")) == "Hello, Guidance!"
+def test_command_call():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{add 1 2}}!")
+ assert str(prompt(name="Guidance")) == "Hello, 3!"
+def test_paren_command_call():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{add(1, 2)}}!")
+ assert str(prompt(name="Guidance")) == "Hello, 3!"
+def test_nested_command_call():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{add (add 1 2) 3}}!")
+ assert str(prompt(name="Guidance")) == "Hello, 6!"
+def test_nested_paren_command_call():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{add add(1, 2) 3}}!")
+ assert str(prompt(name="Guidance")) == "Hello, 6!"
+def test_infix_plus():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{1 + 2}}!")
+ assert str(prompt()) == "Hello, 3!"
+def test_infix_plus_nested():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{set 'variable' 1 + 2}}!")
+ assert prompt()["variable"] == 3
+def test_comment():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{! this is a comment}}Bob!")
+ assert str(prompt()) == "Hello, Bob!"
+def test_long_comment():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{!-- this is a comment --}}Bob!")
+ assert str(prompt()) == "Hello, Bob!"
+def test_long_comment_ws_strip():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{~!-- this is a comment --~}} Bob!")
+ assert str(prompt()) == "Hello,Bob!"
+def test_comment_ws_strip():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, {{~! this is a comment ~}} Bob!")
+ assert str(prompt()) == "Hello,Bob!"
+def test_escape_command():
+ prompt = guidance("Hello, \{{command}} Bob!")
+ assert str(prompt()) == "Hello, {{command}} Bob!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_program.py b/tests/test_program.py
index 9aa22e64c..f2f0f3802 100644
--- a/tests/test_program.py
+++ b/tests/test_program.py
@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@
import pytest
from .utils import get_llm
-def test_variable_interpolation():
- """ Test variable interpolation in prompt
- """
- prompt = guidance("Hello, {{name}}!")
- assert str(prompt(name="Guidance")) == "Hello, Guidance!"
def test_chat_stream():
""" Test the behavior of `stream=True` for an openai chat endpoint.
@@ -75,7 +68,7 @@ def test_stream_loop(llm):
llm = get_llm(llm)
program = guidance("""Generate a list of 5 company names:
{{#geneach 'companies' num_iterations=5~}}
-{{@index}}. "{{gen 'this'}}"
+{{@index}}. "{{gen 'this' max_tokens=5}}"
{{/geneach}}""", llm=llm)
partials = []
@@ -98,7 +91,7 @@ def test_stream_loop_async(llm):
async def f():
program = guidance("""Generate a list of 5 company names:
{{#geneach 'companies' num_iterations=5~}}
-{{@index}}. "{{gen 'this'}}"
+{{@index}}. "{{gen 'this' max_tokens=5}}"
{{/geneach}}""", llm=llm)
partials = []