Data sets with negative association between biomarker values and probability of target condition can be used without data manipulation
Order of panels in plot.diagmeta() can be specified by the user
- plot.diagmeta():
- use chull() to determine the correct order of x- and y-values to print confidence regions for sensitivity and specificity in the SROC curve
diagmeta(), ipd2diag();
- new argument 'direction' to specify whether the probability of the target condition (e.g., a disease) is increasing or decreasing with higher values of the biomarker
- new argument 'data' to provide data set with information on arguments 'studlab', 'value', and 'status'
- input to first argument 'TP' can be an object created with ipd2diag()
- default set of graphs (argument 'which') changed from c("survival", "youden", "roc", "sroc") to c("regression", "cdf", "sensspec","youden", "roc", "sroc")
- new argument 'ylim' to specify the y-limits of all plot (selected plots must have a similar y-axis)
New internal function plot.diagmeta-internal()
- additional class 'ipd2diag' and attribute 'direction'
Change maintainer's email address
New branch 'release' on GitHub starting with diagmeta, version 0.5-1
- Rename list element 'Cov.fixed' to 'Cov.common'
Behaviour of print.diagmeta() and print.summary.diagmeta() switched (to be in line with other print and summary functions in R)
Do not stop with an error if optimal cut-off cannot be determined for logistic distribution
Calculate area under the curve for specificity given sensitivity
- diagmeta():
- fix for erratic confidence limits of AUC which could be outside the admissible range from 0 to 1 or exclude the AUC estimate
- More concise printout for summary.diagmeta()
- new list elements 'AUCSens' and 'AUCSpec' to calculate AUC for sensitivity given specificity or vice versa (existing list element 'AUC' is equal to 'AUCSens')
New internal function catch() to catch value for an argument
- print correct confidence region for specificities in SROC curves
- print results for requested specificity if only argument 'spec' is provided
- Use Markdown for NEWS
- diagmeta():
- new list element 'Cov.fixed' with covariance matrix from fixed effects model
- New default model (argument 'model') in diagmeta(), i.e., common random intercept and common slope ("CICS"), due to estimation problems with the previous default ("DIDS") after changes in R package lme4
- plot.diagmeta():
- correct line types for survival functions
- print a more informative error message in case of a negative correlation between increasing cutoffs and sensitivity
- argument 'points' considered for plots of type "regression", "cdf", "survival", "Youden", "ROC" and "sensspec"
Help pages:
- use the default model in all examples
Export R functions:
- as.data.frame.diagmeta(), plot.diagmeta(), print.diagmeta(), print.diagstats(), print.summary.diagmeta(), summary.diagmeta()
- argument 'col.points' can be any color defined in colours()
- new argument 'col.ci' to specify color of curves with confidence limits
- diagmeta():
- check for numerical values in arguments 'TP', 'FP', 'TN', 'FN', and 'cutoff'
plot.diagmeta(): new plot type to show sensitivity and specificity curves
New arguments 'sens' and 'spec' in diagstats()
- print confidence interval for optimal cutoff (for normal distribution)
New function as.data.frame.diagmeta()
- plot.diagmeta():
- correct ROC curves for datasets with decreasing cutoff values for individual studies (points (0, 0) and (1, 1) were connected with the wrong values on the ROC curve)
- diagmeta():
- calculate and return lower and upper confidence limit for optimal cutoff (for normal distribution)