A little chat app using sinatra streaming!
You can try it online Sinatra realtime app
So this is just a pet project I started to learn about:
- sinatra: Looking forward to building simpler and faster apps
- Caching: Investigating about how http and browsers handle caching and be able to improve perfomance this way. I found this article about different ways of caching
- SSE (Server Sent Events): This is why I started with sinatra, I'm trying to build more realtime interaction apps with ruby and found out that It's already built in with this framework. Basics about SSE can be found in this article: HTML5Rocks SSE Basics
- Integration testing: I've been looking for a project to make integration testing with Capybara.
- sinatra
- data_mapper
- thin (seems like Webrick just is not able to handle connections)
- pg (Postgress db access)
- capybara
- poltergeist
- rake
- xpath