As root, Grant sudo permissions to your normal user
# adduser <yourusername> sudo
As root, Make sure you have a localhost alias
# [ -f /etc/hosts ] || echo ' localhost' > /etc/hosts
As root, In /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb lucid main universe multiverse restricted
Install some packages:
sudo apt-get update
# required
sudo apt-get install -y python-setuptools gcc libc6-dev python2.6-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev git-core subversion
# reccommended for binary file indexing
sudo apt-get install -y aspell poppler-utils wv catdoc
# optional personal tools
sudo apt-get install -y jed ssh-client
Install virtualenv:
sudo easy_install virtualenv
Fetch the source
git clone git:// karl
Later, when rebuilding, clean the buildout
git clean -dfqx
Initialize the buildout
virtualenv --clear -p python2.6 --distribute .
Build using static lxml
bin/buildout -c lxml.cfg
Install PostgreSQL 9.1:
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pitti/postgresql
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql libpq-dev
Switch to the postgres user to perform some database actions:
sudo su - postgres
Add a testuser
createuser -P karltest
(Enter 'test' for password. Repeat. Answer 'n' to next three questions.)
Create a test database
createdb -O karltest karltest
Later, if you want to blow away the database and start over:
dropdb karltest; createdb -O karltest karltest
Finally, log out of the postgres user
This drops you back into your normal user shell.
Start the server in foreground mode
bin/karserve serve
Open the site at http://localhost:6543/pg
login: admin password: admin
You may want to add some demo content.
Stop the server
Setup sample content
bin/karlserve samplegen
Start the server
bin/karlserve serve
- Now add an intranet:
- Goto http://localhost:6543/pg/add_community.html
- Add the community
- Goto the 'intranets' tab
- Add an intranet