diff --git a/art/harmonograph-Ansh/index.js b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ceaedf6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+  @title: Harmonograph
+  @author: Ansh Kumar
+  @snapshot: snapshot3
+  What's Harmonograph?
+  It's a mechanical device that creates geometrical drawings using the motions of a pendulum. And this code is a digital representation of it using mathemmatical functions to simulate the motions and produce patterns.
+  Here's a Video that shows what a real life Harmonograph looks like
+  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S92mZcNIS8w
+  Why I Made it?
+  I wanted to explore how maths and computers an create such beautiful patterns. It allowed me to combine my interest in maths and programming to generate intricate designs!
+const width = 125;
+const height = 125;
+setDocDimensions(width, height);
+const t = new bt.Turtle();
+const e= 2.71828
+const polylines= t.lines();
+const scale = 30 
+// Parameters for the first sine wave affecting the X-axis
+const p1 = bt.randInRange(0, 2 * Math.PI); // Phase offset: Determines where the sine wave starts. Altering values will shift the pattern horizontally.
+const f1 = bt.randInRange(0.1, 10.1); // Frequency: Controls how many oscillations occur. Higher values create more loops in the X direction.
+const d1 = bt.randInRange(0, 0.05); // Damping factor: Causes the wave to decrease in amplitude over time. Higher values make the wave decay faster.
+// Parameters for the second sine wave affecting the X-axis
+const p2 = bt.randInRange(0, 2 * Math.PI); // Phase offset for the second sine wave. Similar to p1 but creates a combined effect with f1 and d1.
+const f2 = bt.randInRange(0.1, 10.1); // Frequency for the second sine wave. Alters the pattern complexity along the X-axis.
+const d2 = bt.randInRange(0, 0.05); // Damping factor for the second sine wave. Affects how quickly the combined X-axis waves decay.
+// Parameters for the first sine wave affecting the Y-axis
+const p3 = bt.randInRange(0, 2 * Math.PI); // Phase offset: Similar to p1, but affects the Y-axis. Shifts the pattern vertically.
+const f3 = bt.randInRange(0.1, 10.1); // Frequency: Controls the number of oscillations along the Y-axis.
+const d3 = bt.randInRange(0, 0.05); // Damping factor: Causes the Y-axis wave to decay over time. Higher values lead to faster decay.
+// Parameters for the second sine wave affecting the Y-axis
+const p4 = bt.randInRange(0, 2 * Math.PI); // Phase offset for the second sine wave on the Y-axis. Works with p3 to shape the Y pattern.
+const f4 = bt.randInRange(0.1, 10.1); // Frequency for the second Y-axis sine wave. Alters the pattern complexity along the Y-axis.
+const d4 = bt.randInRange(0, 0.05); // Damping factor for the second Y-axis wave. Affects how quickly the Y pattern decays.
+function walk(step) {
+    const i = step / 100;
+    const x = Math.sin(f1 * i + p1) * Math.pow(e, -d1 * i) + Math.sin(f2 * i + p2) * Math.pow(e, -d2 * i);
+    const y = Math.sin(f3 * i + p3) * Math.pow(e, -d3 * i) + Math.sin(f4 * i + p4) * Math.pow(e, -d4 * i);
+    t.goTo([scale * x, scale * y]);
+    t.down();
+    return step < 10000;
+let step = 0;
+while (walk(step)) {
+    step++;
+function centerPolylines(polylines, documentWidth, documentHeight) {
+  const cc = bt.bounds(polylines).cc;
+  bt.translate(polylines, [documentWidth / 2, documentHeight / 2], cc);
+let final = t.lines()
diff --git a/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot1.png b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot1.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1866e710
Binary files /dev/null and b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot1.png differ
diff --git a/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot2.png b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot2.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01f83cf95
Binary files /dev/null and b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot2.png differ
diff --git a/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot3.png b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot3.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cd910d77
Binary files /dev/null and b/art/harmonograph-Ansh/snapshots/snapshot3.png differ