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Biomedical Imaging Datasets

A list of biomedical imaging datasets with a focus on segmentation. Feel free to contribute!

Dataset Description Labels / Task(s) Image Type(s) Dim.
3DTeethSeg22 MICCAI 2022 Challenge. 1,800 scans for 900 patients covering upper and lower jaws separately. Tooth labels and instances Instance Segmentation Intra-oral scan 3D
AbdomenCT-1K FLARE2022 and FLARE2023 Challenges. Abdominal organ segmentation (overlap with KiTS, LiTS, MSD, NIH-PancreasCT) Segmentation CT 3D
AbdomenAtlas Abdominal organ segmentation. New labels for existing abdominal CT datasets. Segmentation CT 3D
AbdominalUS 617 real and 926 simulated US scans. Abdominal organ segmentations (liver, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen and vessels) on a subset of 61 real scans. Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
ACDC Left and right ventricular endocardium Segmentation, Classification, Scribbles Cine-MRI 3D
ADHD200 Brain Segmentation fMRI 3D
ADNI Brain Segmentation MRI, Pet 3D
AirwaySeg Airway segmentation and centerline extraction from thoracic CT Segmentation CT 3D
AMOS Adominal Organ Segmentation Segmentation CT 3D
ATLAS Lesion segmentation Segmentation T1-MRI 3D
BBBC003 Mouse embryo Segmentation Microscopy 2D
BBC024 Synthetic Instance Segmentation Microscopy 3D
BBC038 Kaggle 2018 Data Science Bowl. Nuclei segmentation in diverse biological images Instance Segmentation Microscopy 2D
BBBC039 Nuclei of U2OS cells in a chemical screen, 200 images Instance Segmentation Microscopy 2D
BCIHM CT images for intracranial hemorrhage detection and segmentation Classification, Segmentation CT 3D
BCN20k Diagnostic classification of dermatology images Classification Derm 2D
BCSS 20,000 segmentation annotations of tissue region from breast cancer images from TCGA Segmentation WSI 2D
BF-TMA Aligned Bright-Field (BF) and Second-Harmonic Generation (SHG) images Registration Microscopy 2D
BHSD Brain Hemorrhage Segmentation Dataset Classification, Segmentation CT 3D
BTCV Abdominal organ segmentation in scans from colorectal cancer patients and cervical cancer patients. Subdatasets: Abdominal and Cervix Segmentation, Registration CT 3D
BrainMetShare 156 whole brain MRI studies, including high-resolution, multi-modal pre- and post-contrast sequences in patients with at least 1 brain metastasis Segmentation, Detection Multimodal MRI 3D
BrainPTM Brain Pre-surgical white matter Tractography Mapping challenge (BrainPTM) 2021Brain Segmentation MRI 3D
BRATS Brain tumors Multi-Annotator Segmentation Multimodal MRI 3D
BUID 780 breast ultrasounds from 600 patients. Tumor segmentation with benign/malignant labels Segmentation, Classification Ultrasound 2D
BUSIS Breast ultrasound image segmentation Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
BUSI Breast ultrasound images Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
Calgary-Campinas T1 volumes acquired in 359 adult subjects on scanners from three different vendors (GE, Philips, and Siemens) and at two magnetic field strengths (1.5 T and 3 T). Hypothalamus and thalmus segmentation Segmentation T1-MRI 3D
CAMUS Four-chamber and Apical two-chamber heart Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
CANDID-PTX Chest X-Rays. Segmentations from CheXmask Segmentation X-Ray 2D
CannabisT1 Brain Just Images T1-MRI 3D
cDEMRIS Fibrosis and scar segmentation in Late Gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) of the left atrium (LA) myocardium Segmentation CMR 3D
CHAOS Abdominal organ segmentation (liver, kidneys and spleen) Segmentation CT, T2-MRI 3D
CHASE Retinal vein segmentation Multi-annotator Seg. Retinal 2D
ChestX-Det ~3500 images of 13 common disease categories with instance level bounding boxes and masks. Images from NIH ChestX-ray8 Segmentation X-Ray 2D
ChestX-ray14 Expansion of ChestX-ray8. 112,120 frontal-view X-rays with text-mined labels Segmentation X-Ray 2D
CheXmask Anatomical segmentations (polygons) for a bunch of chest X-Raychest x-ray imagesMasks corresponding to images in a bunch of public datasets Segmentation X-Ray 2D
CheXpert 224,316 Chest X-Rays with labels for 14 observations from reports. Segmentations from CheXmask Segmentation, Classification X-Ray 2D
CheXLocalize Segmentations for 10 pathologies in Chest X-Rays. Images from CheXpert Segmentation X-Ray 2D
COBRE Brain MRI from patients with Schizophrenia and healthy controls Just Images MRI 3D
COCA 1) gated coronary CTs with corresponding coronary artery calcium segmentations and scores 2) non-gated chest CTs with coronary artery calcium scores Segmentation CT 3D
CoNSeP Histopathology Nuclei Segmentation Microscopy 2D
Couinaud Liver and couinaud segments on images from MSD (task 8, hepatic vessels and tumor) Segmentation CT 3D
COVID-CT CT images of subjects with confirmed lung infections after positive Covid-19 diagnosis Just Images CT 3D
COVID-19 Chest CT from patients with COVID-19. Some longitudinal scans. Just Images CT 3D
CQ500 491 Brain scans and the corresponding radiologists' reads Classification CT 3D
CT-ORG CT volumes with multiple organ segmentations. Overlap with LiTS. Segmentation CT 3D
CT2US CT2USforKidneySeg. 4586 images synthesized US using a GAN trained on KiTS CT and other US Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
CTooth Tooth segmentation Segmentation CBCT 3D
CTSpine1k Individual vertebra segmentations. Images from COLONOG, HNSCC-3DCT-RT, MSD T10 and COVID-19 Segmentation CT 3D
CT-RATE chest CT volumes paired with corresponding radiology text reports, multi-abnormality labels, and metadata Classification, Text CT 3D
CXLSeg Chest X-ray Dataset with Lung Segmentation. Images from MIMIC-CXR dataset X-Ray 2D
DDI Diverse skin dataset with biospy-proven disease labels Classification 2D
DDR Diabetic Retinopathy Classification, Lesion Segmentation and Lesion Detection Segmentation, Classification, Detection Retinal 2D
DDTI Thyroid ultrasound segmentation Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
DenseVNet Abdominal organ segmentation (spleen, left kidney, gallbladder, esophagus, liver, stomach, pancreas and duodenum). Overlap with BTCV and TCIA Pancreas CT Segmenttion CT 3D
DENTEX Dental Enumeration and Diagnosis on Panoramic X-rays Challenge Detection X-Ray 2D
DermNet 19,500 images of 23 types of skin diseases Classification Derm 2D
DirLab Thoracic 4DCT images. Inspiratory and expiratory breath-hold CT image pairs Registration CT 3D
DRIVE Retinal vein segmentation Segmentation Retinal 2D
DLDS Duke Liver DataSet (DLDS). 2,000 anonymized MRI image series acquired in routine liver MRI protocols across 105 subjects Segmentation, Series Identification MRI 2D
EchoNet 10,030 labeled echocardiogram videos and human expert annotations (measurements, tracings, and calculations) to provide a baseline to study cardiac motion and chamber sizes Segmentation Echo 2D + Time
Endoscapes2023 laparoscopic video dataset for surgical anatomy and tool segmentation, object detection, and Critical View of Safety (CVS) assessment Instance Segmentation, Bounding Boxes Surgical video 2D + Time
EOphtha Eye Microaneurysms and Diabetic Retinopathy Segmentation Retinal 2D
EPISURG Postoperative MRI for quantitative analysis of resection neurosurgery for refractory epilepsy Segmentation, Classification T1-MRI 3D
EyePacs Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Classification Retinal 2D
fastMRI Knee, Brain and Prostate MRI Just Images Multimodal MRI 3D
FDG-PET-CT-Lesions Lesions in full-body CT Segmentation PET/CT 3D
FeTA Fetal brain structures Segmentation MRI 3D
Feto_Plac 483 frames with ground-truth vessel segmentation annotations taken from six different in vivo fetoscopic procedure videos and 6 unannotated clips Segmentation Fetoscopic Video 2D + Time
FLARE21 Abdominal organ segmentation (liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas). 511 cases Segmentation CT 3D
GlaS Gland segmentation in images of Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained slides Segmentation, Classification WSI 2D
GMSC Grey Matter Spinal Cord segmentation challenge Segmentation MRI 3D
HAM10k Human Against Machine with 10,000 training images. Dermatoscopic images of common pigmented skin lesions Classification Derm 2D
HaN-Seg Head/neck organs at risk. CT & MRI of the same patient Segmentation MRI, CT 3D
HC18 Fetal head circumference measurements (ellipses) Other Ultrasound 2D
HECKTOR Head and neck tumor segmentation in PET/CT: The HECKTOR challenge Segmentation PET/CT 3D
HippoSeg 50 T1-weighted MR images with 25 Hippocampus Masks for Segmentation Segmentation MRI 2D
HipXRay X-Ray examinations of the lower legs performed as part of routine medical service with illium and femur segmentations Segmentation X-Ray 2D
HMC-QU 4-chamber (A4C) and apical 2-chamber (A2C) left wall Segmentation, Detection Ultrasound 2D
HRF Retinal vessel segmentation Segmentation Retinal 2D
I2CVB Prostate (peripheral zone central gland) Segmentation, Detection T2-MRI 3D
ICCVB Initiative for Collaborative Computer Vision Benchmarking Prostate Segmentation MRI 3D
IDRID Diabetic Retinopathy Segmentation Retinal 2D
InBreast Mamograms Segmentation X-Ray 2D
INSPECT longitudinal records from a large cohort of pulmonary embolism (PE) patients, along with ground truth labels for multiple outcomes Classification, Text, EHR, Vitals, Other CT 3D
INSTANCE The 2022 Intracranial Hemorrhage Segmentation Challenge on Non-Contrast head CT (NCCT) Brain Segmentation CT 3D
IRCADb CT-scans of 10 women and 10 men with hepatic tumours in 75% of cases. Liver size or the location of tumours according to Couninaud’s segmentation Segmentation CT 3D
ISBI_EM 30 sections from a serial section Transmission Electron Microscopy (ssTEM) data set of the Drosophila first instar larva ventral nerve cord (VNC) Instance Segmentation Electron Microscopy 2D
ISIC Multiple challenges on Melanoma lesions segmentation, classification and detection Classification, Segmentation, Detection Derm 2D
ISLES Ischemic stroke lesion segmention challenge in Brain Segmentation Multimodal MRI 3D
JSRT Chest X-Rays with and without lung nodules, XY coordinates for nodules. Segmentation labels from SCD Segmentation, Detection X-Ray 3D
KiTS KiTS 2019Kidney and kidney tumor Segmentation CT 3D
LERA X-Rays of lower extremities (foot, knee, ankle, or hip) with diagnosis labels Classification X-Ray 2D
LGGFlair TCIA lower-grade glioma brain tumor Segmentation MRI 3D
LIDC-IDRI Lung nodules on CT scans Multi-Annotator Seg., Detection CT 2D
LiTS Liver lesion segmentation in contrast­-enhanced abdominal CT scans Segmentation CT 3D
LUNA Lung segmentation in images from LIDC-IDRI Segmentation CT 3D
LVM-Med A Multi-Class Image-Dataset for Computer Aided Gastrointestinal Disease Detection Classification Scope 2D
M4Raw A multi-contrast, multi-repetition, multi-channel MRI k-space dataset for low-field Brain MRI research Reconstruction T1-MRI, T2-MRI, FLAIR 3D
MCIC Multi-site Brain regions of Schizophrenic patients Segmentation T1-MRI 3D
MCXRay Chest X-Ray Lung segmentation Segmentation X-Ray 2D
MESSIDOR Contained in RIGA Other Retinal 2D
MICA_MICs A dataset for Microstructure-Informed Connectomics. Raw and fully processed multimodal neuroimaging data acquired in 50 healthy control participants at a filed strength of 3T. Connectomes built across multiple parcellation schemes (18 total). Other T1-MRI, DWI, rfMRI 3D
MIDA Head and neck with lots of labels Segmentation MRI 3D
MIMIC-CXR Large collection of chest X-Rays (n=377,110) with free-text reports. Segmentations available in CheXmask Text, Segmentation X-Ray 2D
Mindboggle-101 individually labeled human brain surfaces and volumes, templates (unlabeled images combining the individual brains, used for registration), atlases (anatomical labels combining the individual brains, used for labeling) Segmentation, Other T1-MRI 3D
MitoEM Mitoem dataset: Large-scale 3d mitochondria instance segmentation from em images Instance Segmentation EM 3D
MM-WHS MM-WHS: Multi-Modality Whole Heart Segmentation Segmentation CT, MRI 3D
MMOTU Multi-Modality Ovarian Tumor Ultrasound (MMOTU) image dataset. Subdatasets: Ultrasounds and Contrast Enhanced Ultrasounds Segmentation Ultrasound/CEUS 2D
MNMS Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor & Multi-Disease Cardiac Image Segmentation Challenge (M&Ms) Segmentation MRI 4D
MoNuSeg Nucleus segmentation Segmentation Miscroscopy 2D
MouseBrainAtlas Mouse Brain MRI atlas (both in-vivo and ex-vivo) Segmentation MRI 3D
MRNet Knee MRI Classification MRI
MRSpineSeg Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum Segmentation MRI 3D
MS_CMR Cardiac MRI Segmentation, Scribbles MRI 3D
MS_MRI Segmentation MRI
MSD Subdatasets: Brain Tumor, Colon, Hepatic Vessel, Hippocampus, Liver, Lung, Pancreas, Prostate, Spleen Segmentation Multimodal MRI, CT 3D
MURA Classifying whether bone xrays are normal/abnormal Classification X-Ray 2D
MuscleUS Transverse Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Image SegmentationsMuscle segmentation. 3917 images of biceps brachii, tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis acquired on 1283 subject Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
NCI_ISBI NCI-ISBI 2013 challenge: automated segmentation of prostate structures Segmentation T1-MRI 3D
NerveUS Nerve segmentation in ultrasound Segmentation Ultrasound 2D
NuInsSeg Overlapping instance segmentation masks Instance Segmentation WSI 2D
NukeMM NucMM Challenge: Neuronal Nuclei Segmentation at Sub-Cubic Millimeter Scale Segmentation WSI 3D
NYUMets_Brain Longitudinal MRI studies for 1429 metastatic brain cancer patients (avg. 6 imaging studies per patient over an avg. of 17 months) Just Images T1-MRI, T2-MRI, FLAIR 3D
OAI-ZIB Knee MRI Segmentation MRI 3D
OASIS Brain anatomy Segmentation T1-MRI 3D
OCMR Open-Access Multi-Coil k-Space Dataset for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
OCTA500 Retinal vasculature Segmentation OCT/OCTA 2D
PADCHEST Chest X-Rays and reports. Segmentations available in CheXmask. Segmentation, Text X-Ray 2D
PAIP Liver cancer cell segmentation Segmentation WSI 2D
PancreasCT Pancreas CT Segmentation CT 3D
PanDental Panoramic dental X-Rays with mandible and teeth segmented Segmentation X-Ray 2D
PanNuke Nucleus segmentation Segmentation Microscopy 2D
PAXRay Chest X-Rays projected from CTs. Overlapping segmentations Segmentation X-Ray 2D
Polyp A multi-centre polyp detection and segmentation dataset for generalisability assessment Detection, Segmentation Scope 2D
PPMI Brain regions of Parkinson patients Segmentation MRI 3D
PRIME-FP20 Retinal vessel segmentation Segmentation Retinal 2D
PROMISE12 Prostate Segmentation T2-MRI 2D
Qubiq Collection of multi-annotator segmentation datasets (prostate, brain tumor, pancreas, kidney) Multi-Annotator Seg. MRI, CT 2D, 3D
RadImageNet Large collection of biomedical images Classification MRI, CT, PET, Ultrasound 2D
REFFUGE2 Optical disk and cup segmentation Multi-Annotator Seg. Retinal 2D
RibFrac Rib fracture detection, segmentation and classification. Same CTs as PAXRay, rough segmentations Detection, Segmentation, Classification CT 3D
RibSeg Rib segmentations and centerlines Segmentation, Centerlines CT 3D
RIGA Optical cup and disk boundaries Segmentation Retinal 2D
RITE Retinal vessel tree extraction. Same images as DRIVE Centerlines Retinal 2D
RoboTool Surgical tool segmentation Segmentation Scope 2D
ROSE Retinal vessel segmentation Segmentation OCT 2D
RSNASpine RSNA 2022 Cervical Spine Fracture Detection. Subset of data has bounding boxes and segmentations Detection, Segmentation CT 3D
SCR Chest X-Rays with segmentations for lungs, heart, clavicle (images from JSRT) Segmentation X-Ray 2D
SegA MICCAI 2023 Challenge. Aorta segmentation Segmentation CTA 3D
SegPC Segmentation of multiple myeloma cells Segmentation Microscopy 2D
SegRap MICCAI 2023 Challenge. Segmentation of 45 organs at risk and gross tumor volume (nasopharyngeal carcinomas) in head/neck Segmentation CT 3D
SegTHOR ISBI 2019 Challenge. Segmentation of THoracic Organs at Risk in CT images (heart, aorta, trachea, esophagus) Segmentation CT 3D
SegThy Thyroid and artery/vein segmentation in neck Segmentation MRI,Ultrasound 3D
ShenzhenXRay Lung segmentation in chest X-Rays Segmentation X-Ray 2D
SCD Sunnybrook Cardiac Multi-Dataset Collection. 2009 Cardiac MR Left Ventricle Segmentation Challenge data. 45 cine-MRI images: healthy, hypertrophy, heart failure with infarction and heart failure without infarction Segmentation Cine-MRI 3D
SKM-TEA 155 quantitative double echo steady state MRI knee scans (incl. raw k space) acquired clinically. Segmentations of six tissues and bounding boxes for 16 pathologies Segmentation, Detection MRI 3D
SMIR Delineations of the cochlea and sub-compartments, a statistical shape model encoding its anatomical variability, and data for electrode insertion and electrical simulations Segmentation, Other CT 3D
SNEMI3D Neurites in EM Segmentation Electron Microscopy 3D
SPIDER Lumbar spine segmentation in MR images: a dataset and a public benchmark. Vertebra, intervertebral discs (IVDs), and spinal canal Segmentation T1-MRI, T2-MRI 3D
SpineWeb Collection of datasets related to spine Segmentation T2-MRI, CT 2D, 3D
ssTEM serial section Transmission Electron Microscopy (ssTEM) of the Drosophila melanogaster third instar larva ventral nerve cord. Dense labeling of neuron membranes (including orientation and junction), mitochondria, synapses and glia/extracellular space. 20 scans with multiple labels Segmentation Electron Microscopy 2D
STARE Retinal vein segmentation Multi-annotator Seg. Retinal 2D
StructSeg MICCAI 2019 Challenge. Organ at Risk and Gross Target Volume Segmentation in Head/Neck and Chest Segmentation CT 3D
STS2D MICCAI 2023 Challenge. Tooth segmentation Segmentation X-Rray 2D
STS3D MICCAI 2023 Challenge. Tooth segmentation Segmentation CBCT 3D
TBI_ICH 82 CT scans of patients with traumatic brain injury. Intracranial hemorrhage regions delineated in each slice by two radiologists Multi-Annotator Seg. CT 3D
TDSC_ABUS MICCAI 2023 Challenge. Tumor detection, segmentation and classification in breast ultrasound Segmentation, Classification Ultrasound 3D
ToothFairy MICCAI 2023 Challenge. Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) canal detection. Dense and sparse annotations Segmentation CBCT 3D
ToothSeg Individual segmentation of teeth in dental X-Rays Segmentation X-Ray 2D
TotalSegmentator Segmentation of 104 Anatomical Structures in 1204 CT scans Segmentation CT 3D
TUCC Thyroid Ultrasounds Cine-Clip Dataset. 192 images from 167 patients with biopsy-confirmed thyroid nodules Segmentation, Classification Ultrasound Video 2D + Time
VerSe Individual vertebra segmentation Segmentation CT 3D
VinDr-CXR Prediatric chest X-Rays. Segmentations from CheXmask. Segmentation, Detection, Bounding Boxes X-Ray 2D
VISCERAL Anatomy3 Challenge Segmentation CT,MRI 3D
VocalFolds Laryngeal endoscopic images Segmentation Endoscopic video 2D + Time
WBC Nucleus and cytoplasm segmentation in white blood cells Segmentation Optical Microscope Camera 2D
WMH White Matter Hyperintensity (WMH) Segmentation Challenge Segmentation T1-MRI, FLAIR 3D
WORD Abdominal organ segmentation Segmentation CT 3D