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Install Build and Deploy Pipeline

During the section we'll install build-and-deploy pipeline, which triggers build and deploy tasks.

The build-and-deploy pipeline triggers the tasks in series, waiting first for build to finish and then it (re)deploys the app.


Before starting make sure you have the following:


Apply build-and-deploy-pipeline.yaml resource:

❯ kubectl apply -f tekton/3.pipelines/build-and-deploy-pipeline.yaml created

List the installed pipelines:

❯ tkn pipeline list
NAME               AGE              LAST RUN   STARTED   DURATION   STATUS
build-and-deploy   23 seconds ago   ---        ---       ---        ---


To verify our build-and-deploy pipeline we'll deploy our app on tekton-tutorial namespace.

Let's start the build-and-deploy pipeline with param namespace:tekton-tutorial and the rest with default values:

❯ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy -p namespace=tekton-tutorial -p contextDir=. --showlog
? Choose the git resource to use for appSource: tekton-tutorial-git (
? Choose the image resource to use for appImage: tekton-tutorial-image (
PipelineRun started: build-and-deploy-run-pjll7
Waiting for logs to be available...

[build-app : git-source-source-dvd2s] {"level":"info","ts":1611664432.887035,"caller":"git/git.go:165","msg":"Successfully cloned @ b759cfd97bc8cbe6a274524a44cccb1bf7f20602 (grafted, HEAD, origin/main) in path /workspace/source"}
[build-app : git-source-source-dvd2s] {"level":"info","ts":1611664432.9256063,"caller":"git/git.go:203","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/source"}

[build-app : build-image] STEP 1: FROM golang:1.14.2-alpine AS build
[build-app : build-image] Completed short name "golang" with unqualified-search registries (origin: /etc/containers/registries.conf)
[build-app : build-image] Getting image source signatures
[build-app : build-image] Copying blob sha256:fe522b08c9798748151fec9b7a908aca712cd102cfcbb8ed79d57d05b71e6cc4
[build-app : build-image] Copying blob sha256:618fff1cf170e1785ab64028237182717bc1e1287d03cf0888e424b7563ae5df
[build-app : build-image] Copying blob sha256:cbdbe7a5bc2a134ca8ec91be58565ec07d037386d1f1d8385412d224deafca08
[build-app : build-image] Copying blob sha256:0d8b518583db0dc830a3a43c739d6cc91b7610c09d9eba918ae54b20a1dcd18c
[build-app : build-image] Copying blob sha256:408f875501273f3af2a9cbff2a23e736585641e73da80dd81712518b28e7843c
[build-app : build-image] Copying config sha256:dda4232b2bd580bbf633be12d62e8d0e00f6b7bd60ea6faee157bad1809c53c4
[build-app : build-image] Writing manifest to image destination
[build-app : build-image] Storing signatures
[build-app : build-image] STEP 2: COPY main.go .
[build-app : build-image] --> fa3ed514199
[build-app : build-image] STEP 3: RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app .
[build-app : build-image] --> bb6c0c951b1
[build-app : build-image] STEP 4: FROM scratch
[build-app : build-image] STEP 5: COPY --from=build /go/app /bin/
[build-app : build-image] --> 7e8dfe11d4d
[build-app : build-image] STEP 6: EXPOSE 8080
[build-app : build-image] --> aafec16c3d2
[build-app : build-image] STEP 7: CMD ["app"]
[build-app : build-image] STEP 8: COMMIT
[build-app : build-image] --> 4d7c84b4adf
[build-app : build-image] 4d7c84b4adfa31307f14a0b25bf46064dbc59b6253ea4af87b2fc183be02cdcc

[build-app : push-image] Getting image source signatures
[build-app : push-image] Copying blob sha256:98f06537ef69ea0ee68097418a892305e96de2443f54aa6847b4f346a23b8e30
[build-app : push-image] Copying config sha256:4d7c84b4adfa31307f14a0b25bf46064dbc59b6253ea4af87b2fc183be02cdcc
[build-app : push-image] Writing manifest to image destination
[build-app : push-image] Storing signatures

[build-app : image-digest-exporter-fjdlc] {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2021-01-26T12:35:18.022472554Z","caller":"logging/config.go:115","message":"Successfully created the logger.","":{},"":{"file":"","line":"115","function":""}}
[build-app : image-digest-exporter-fjdlc] {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2021-01-26T12:35:18.022566045Z","caller":"logging/config.go:116","message":"Logging level set to: info","":{},"":{"file":"","line":"116","function":""}}
[build-app : image-digest-exporter-fjdlc] {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2021-01-26T12:35:18.022905755Z","caller":"imagedigestexporter/main.go:59","message":"No index.json found for: builtImage","commit":"95144d9","":{},"":{"file":"","line":"59","function":"main.main"}}

[deploy-kubernetes-service : git-source-source-p5629] {"level":"info","ts":1611664529.7642481,"caller":"git/git.go:165","msg":"Successfully cloned @ b759cfd97bc8cbe6a274524a44cccb1bf7f20602 (grafted, HEAD, origin/main) in path /workspace/source"}
[deploy-kubernetes-service : git-source-source-p5629] {"level":"info","ts":1611664529.8076272,"caller":"git/git.go:203","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/source"}

[deploy-kubernetes-service : run-kubectl] deployment.apps/tekton-tutorial unchanged
[deploy-kubernetes-service : run-kubectl] service/tekton-tutorial unchanged

[deploy-kubernetes-service : rollout-deploy] deployment.apps/tekton-tutorial restarted

Check the resources on tekton-tutorial namespace:

❯ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -n tekton-tutorial
NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/tekton-tutorial   1/1     1            1           43s

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/tekton-tutorial-58f59757c-6dsbr   1/1     Running   0          43s

NAME                      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/tekton-tutorial   NodePort   <none>        8080:31348/TCP   43s

Open service on browser:

❯ minikube service tekton-tutorial -n tekton-tutorial
| NAMESPACE       |      NAME       | TARGET PORT |            URL             |
| tekton-tutorial | tekton-tutorial |        8080 | |
🎉  Opening service tekton-tutorial/tekton-tutorial in default browser...

To delete the app:

❯ kubectl delete -f k8s -n tekton-tutorial
deployment.apps "tekton-tutorial" deleted
service "tekton-tutorial" deleted

Deep Dive

Next Step

Once build-and-deploy pipeline is installed, see the Install GitHub Trigger tutorial.

Tear Down

If you want to tear down the build-and-deploy pipeline:

❯ kubectl delete -f tekton/3.pipelines/build-and-deploy-pipeline.yaml "build-and-deploy" deleted