- The device is suitable for use as equipment labels, shelf labels, information storage and more.
- It integrates an SW6106 chip that supports USB-C quick charging protocols like: PD / QC / FCP / PE / SFCP, etc.
- The device allows the user to control the display content via a remote server making it convenient and flexible.
- There is a voltage detection circuit can detect the battery level to make sure the device is not over or under charged.
- The device has support for a user-configured ID string that can be used to identify the device in a network.
- There is an Android app available that allows the user to configure the device over Bluetooth.
- Sadly, there is no backlight. However, the device's display will not change after the display has been written to (until the next write).
- Power consumption is tiny, the battery is only used when refreshing the display.
- It comes with an instruction manual.
Label | Value |
Power supply | Battery |
Resolution | 400x300 (4:3 aspect) |
Pixel pitch | 0.212 × 0.212 |
Display colors | Black, White |
Refresh time | 4 seconds |
Viewing angle | >170° |
Device Dimensions | 96.5mm x 85mm |
Display Dimensions | 84.8mm x 63.6mm |
Refreshes/1000mah battery | 1500+ |
Operating temperature | 0°C to 50°C |
Operating humidity | ~35% to ~65% |
Storage temperature | <30°C |
Storage humidity | <55% |
Storage time | <6 months |
When first setting up, you will need the Android app. You can download it from the WaveShare Website, However if you cannot download it from this link you can download it from The Wayback Machine.
Communication is divided into two modes: The Commnd mode and the Data mode. Command mode is used for sending commands (example: Shutdown). Data Mode is used for sending image data to the display.
The checksum used is a simple XOR of the data. For command mode, an implementation in Go would be:
command := "C"
var check uint32
for i := 0; i < len(command); i++ {
check = check ^ uint32(command[i])
display.Connection.Write([]byte(";" + command + "/" + string(rune(check))))
And for data mode, an implementation in Go would be:
var check byte
payload := frame.Bytes()
// The first byte is the 0x57 identifier, so we skip it.
for i := 1; i < len(payload[1:])+1; i++ {
// CheckSum8 Xor
check ^= payload[i]
// The checksum byte is the last byte of the frame. It is stored as BigEndian.
// This function appends the checksum byte to the frame.
err = binary.Write(frame, binary.BigEndian, check)
if err != nil {
return err
For the command mode, the command is sent in the following format:
‘;’ + Command (with optional data) + '/' + Checksum
For the data mode, the data is sent in the following format:
0x57 + 4 Byte addr + 4 Byte len + 1 Byte num + Data + Checksum
Label | Value |
Addr | Address of data |
Len | Length of data |
Num | Frame number of current section |
Data | The data to be transmitted |
- Frames should be the same length
- Frames should not be larger than 1100 Bytes
- Num should be static (at 0x00), due to a software update bug.
- Wait until the device has replied before sending the next frame.
- If the addr and len are both 0x00, the display will assume transmission has completed, and the display will be refreshed.
The response is sent in the following format: '$' + Data + '#'
This format is the same for command and data mode.
Command | Arguments | Description | 1st response | 2nd response | Requires Unlock |
C | Checks if the device is locked | Parity Bit | Locked? |
N | Password | Unlock the device | Parity Bit | Sucsessful? |
G | Gets the custom ID of the device | Parity Bit | ID |
r | Time in seconds (<9999) | Sleep - Only on 2.13 inch | Parity Bit |
0 | New ID | Gives the device a new ID | Parity Bit |
1 | New IP | Gives the device a new IP adress on the network | Parity Bit |
2 | New WIFI SSID | Gives the device a new SSID to connect to with WIFI | Parity Bit |
3 | New WIFI password | Gives the device a new password for the WIFI network | Parity Bit |
P | New device password | Sets a new password for the device | Parity Bit |
L | Boolean - Lock Device | Controls the device's locked state | Parity Bit |
s | Boolean - Flag Bit | I do not know what the flag bit does :P | Parity Bit |
B | Open for bluetooth connections | Parity Bit |
b | Check battery voltage | Parity Bit | Level (mv) |
S | Shutdown the device | Parity Bit |
R | Restart the device | Parity Bit |
You can configure the devices via wifi or Bluetooth, if you are the first time configure the device, only the Bluetooth is available. The firmware of the 4,2inch cannot be reprogrammed by used because the flash is locked. You need to wakeup the device by button
Lead Information Every time the device start, it will do partial refresh and display status icons. Hereby provide the refrence of icons. Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board wait.png Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board set.png Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board batter.png Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board wifi.png Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board wifi connect.png Waiting Setting Low Voltage WIFI Host Waiting: The device is waiting for commands. Setting: Setting is finished. Low Voltage: The voltage of battareis is lower than warnning value. WIFI: The wifi is connected. Host: The devices is connected to target host by IP address. Generally, you should press the button to wake up the device and check the icons. The warnning voltage is 3600mv, once the voltage is 150mv lower than warnning voltage (3450mv), the devices will shutdown automatically to protect the stable of the whole system. Configure Device First Setup If you didn't configure the device before, you should configure the device by APP after pressing the Wakeup button to update the display①. Please refer to #1.4 Configure Device by APP to configure the device.② Note: ①If the device isn't configured, Waiting icon is displaed in the top-right area. If the Low Voltage icon is displayed without Waiting, it means that the batteris is less than 3450mv and it is going to shutdown. ②If the device doesn't connect to Bluetooth, it will shutdown after 90s after booting and refreshing the display.
Reconfiguration If the device was configured, the device will update and display Setted icon in the top-right area① after pressing wakeup button. The Bluetooth is disabled by default, if required, you should hold the wakeup button for 5s at least to enable the Bluetooth②. The updating process of device will not be interrupted③ while enabling the Bluetooth. After enabling the Bluetooth, you can re-configure the device by referring to #1.4 Configure Device by APP ④. Note: ①The update time of the device is determined by the speed of WIFI, It should less than 30s as we test.。 ②You can hold the wake-up button until your phone scan the device via Bluetooth. Otherwise, the device auto-shutdown if the Bluetooth is disconnected.。 ③If you enable the Bluetooth of the device, it will try to connect to master (phone) in 30s if the shutdown command is received via wifi. If the device is connected to the phone by Bluetooth, it will keep waking, otherwise, it will be turned off after 30s. ④You should reboot the device after configuration to make the configuration effect. Please do not reboot the device when transmitting data via WIFI, it will cost data loss.
APP Description Cloud Epd app 1.png Bluetooth Connection Button and the information Cloud Epd app 2.png Device ID: for distinguish devices Cloud Epd app 3.png WIFI_SSID Cloud Epd app 4.png Check the current SSID connected Cloud Epd app 5.png WIFI_Password Cloud Epd app 6.png Host_IP, The IP of host, for example, the IP of Raspberry Pi. Cloud Epd app 8.png Device_IP: This is used to set the static IP. If you enable DHCP, the static IP is unavailable Cloud Epd app 7.png Device_Password, you should input the device password to vertify if the device is locked. Note: The default device password of the Raspberry Pi example is 123456. If you lock the device you have to unlock it with password 123456, otherwise, the device cannot work.
Cloud Epd app 9.png Warning_voltage: If the voltage of batteries is less than the warning voltage, the device will display the warning icon. If the battery is 150mV lower than the warning voltage, the device will shutdown automatically.
Cloud Epd app 10.png Load the configuration saved Cloud Epd app 11.png Save the current configuration, you can save up to four sets of configuration Cloud Epd app 12.png Upload the current configuration to device. Cloud Epd app 13.png Formating: Clean the current configuration Configure Device by APP Ⅰ. Open APP(APP will auto-save the last configuration information) Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board manual 1.png Ⅱ. Click the Bluetooth CONNECTION button, the default Bluetooth device is WaveShare_EPD or the Device ID configured. Unpaired Unparied Paried Paried Ⅲ. Choose the device, for example, connect the WaveShare_EPD. If you are the first time to connect the WaveShare_EPD device, it should be paired first. Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board manual 4.png Ⅳ. Modify the configuration information and Upload(If you have configured the password, you need to input the password as well.) Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board manual 5.png Ⅴ. The APP will disconnect and reboot the device if the configuration is uploaded successfully. Cloud ESP32 e-Paper Board manual 6.png Note: We recommend you set static IP for the device.