Hasn't the question/discussion you created be created and/or even answered?
- Use the search function at the top of this repository (https://github.com/herbsjs/forum/discussions)
- Research nearby subjects, maybe your question may have been answered in some similar discussion
Like any discussion group, there are some rules that must be followed to provide a better experience for everyone.
- Respect to be respected. Do not write anything that might offend someone. Reflect if the text is not aggressive / rude before sending.
- Keep criticism of ideas, not people.
- Harassment or discrimination related to personal characteristics or choices, as well as bullying, sexism, racism or any other type of action that may cause embarrassment to other participants, will not be allowed.
- Behave professionally. Participants who violate these rules will be asked to withdraw or banned due to the seriousness of their actions.
- Write Portuguese correctly and well punctuated.
- Avoid leaving the initial scope of the question/discussion. If necessary, create a new question/discussion and mention the number of the question / discussion.
- If you need help with a code, provide excerpts, Gists.
- Don't be a monologue that only talks about you. Interact with responses, quote people, generate a healthy and constructive discussion. After all, the more information, the richer our environment will be and will help more people.