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Python Client - Examples and Code Snippets

This folder contains examples and code snippets for the openEO Python client.


Environments: Python (plain Python code), Jupyter (e.g. Notebooks)

The Demonstrates column summarizes the key openEO functionality used in each community example.

Title Environment Description Demonstrates
Getting Started Jupyter A beginner's sample notebook , featuring a straightforward workflow that illustrates the fundamental steps of accessing and utilizing available collections. Loading collection from a backend; openEO process load_collection
Anomaly_Detection Jupyter Check the crop growth on your field and compare it with similar fields in the region. Loading data from WFS; openEO process Anomaly_Detection
BasicSentinelMerge Jupyter Merging Sentinel 1 and 2 in a single datacube for further processing. openEO processes merge_cubes, mask_scl_dilation, aggregate_temporal_period, array_interpolate_linear, sar_backscatter, filter_bbox
BurntMapping Jupyter Classical Normalized Burnt Ratio(NBR) difference performed using VITO backend on a chunk polygon. The method followed in this notebook to compute DNBR is inspired from UN SPIDER's recommended practices. openEO processes run_udf, chunk_polygon with polygon loaded from JSON, reduce_dimension
FloodNDWI Jupyter Comparative study between pre and post image for Cologne during 2021 flood using NDWI. Refernce Adding metadata to a datacube; openEO processes datacube_from_process, merge_datacube, reduce_dimension
FloodSAR Jupyter Flood extent detection following UN SPIDER's recommended practices. Thresholding using udf; openEO processes divide
LoadStac Jupyter Load an external file in openEO by creating a Stac Item for it. creating a simple stac item, openEO processes load_stac
ParcelDelineation Jupyter Delineates parcels with Sentinel-2 data using ONNX models. The example focuses on the inference step, using pre-trained models. It demonstrates data loading and preprocessing, inference, post-processing and finally producing vector data as a result. Selection of best tiles; Running ONNX models using udf; postprocessing using sobel filter and Felzenszwalb's algoritm in udf, openEO processes aggregate_spatial, build_child_callback, filter_labels, apply_neighborhood, raster_to_vector, filter_spatial
Publishing a UDP (S1 statistics) Jupyter Computes various statistics for Sentinel-1 data and publishes it as a user-defined process (UDP) that can be re-used by others across multiple languages/environments. Creating a udp with ProcessBuilder; Saving udpfor public reuse with save_user_defined_process; Publishing a service; credit usage; openEO processes rename_labels, apply_dimension, datacube_from_process
RankComposites Jupyter Rank composites: max-NDVI & Best Available Pixel. openEO processes apply_neigborhood, array_apply, filter_bbox, mask, aggregate_temporal_period
RescaleChunks Jupyter The creation of a simple process to rescale Sentinel 2 RGB image along with the use of chunk_polygon apply with a (User Defined Function) UDF. openEO processes run_udf, chunk_polygon, reduce_dimension
WorldCereal Jupyter WorldCereal data extraction sample. openEO processes merge_cubes, loading WorldCereal data
RVI Jupyter Calculate Radar Vegetation Index openEO processes sar_backscatter, spectral_nidices.compute_indices; plotting mean result and timeseries; Awesome Spectral Indices
OilSpill Jupyter Oil Spill mapping with Sentinel-1 layer. openEO processes sar_backscatter, apply, apply_kernel, rename_labels, merge_cubes; plotting binary image
ForestFire Jupyter Wildfire mapping using Sentinel-2 openEO processes apply_kernel,ndvi spectral_nidices.compute_indices; plotting comparative visualisation; Awesome Spectral Indices
Heatwave Jupyter Heatwave mapping using LST layer. openEO processes mask, apply_dimension, reduce_dimension; plotting Total number of days
AirQuality Jupyter Explore Sentinel-5P air quality products openEO processes merge_cubes, aggregate_temporal_period; plotting mean result and timeseries; product's correlation


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