Sadly I started my project with NodeJS :(.
- OSM File is here
- Extracted Paris.osm with osmconvert and this polygon.
osmconvert ile-de-france-latest.osm.pbf -B=FR-PARIS.poly -o=Paris.pbf
- Launched Paris.osm with Graphhopper
- installed sync-request, node-osm-stream, lodash and proj4js via NPM :
npm install sync-request node-osm-stream lodash proj4js
- then
node read.js
(it took me 3 days) - refactored the data using refactor.js 😓
- compile & run main.cpp
g++ -o draw -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include/cairo -L/usr/local/lib/ -lcairo main.cpp
chmod +x draw
- homeLat & homeLon parameters inside read/read.js
- *.json data filepath inside main.cpp