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Stop Everything

You already know how to make some loops, read some sensors and send some information. But there is more to embedded systems than that. Imagine programming a safety critical system, and having something like:

In Pin 8 of your microcontroller is a sensor that turns HIGH when a hand gets close to a rotating saw. You want to stop the saw, so you do something like:

if ( digitalRead(8) == HIGH)

Right? No! Probably there is a for() or a while() loop in your code that takes some time to process. What if the processor is to busy running that loop that it doesn't go to the if() statement soon enough to check if there is a hand next to the saw? Oops, somebody is going to get damaged and somebody is going to be fired.

An hardware interrupt is nothing more than a signal going to the processor saying something like "Hey, it happened something and you need to take a look at it, like, right now!!!". This is important, because you don't want to miss some kind of events like a push of a button, they might be critical for the performance of your system. Even if you don't use delay() (and please don't, in a real application), you might miss some events if you do not use interrupts.


Whenever an interrupt is triggered, the controller stores the address of the current program counter ( so he can go back to where it was when he finishes handling the interrupt ) and goes to the address of the function who handles the interrupt (the interrupt service routine, ISR) . After that, it returns to the program.

Let's implement

First, you need to know which pins support the use of interrupts. These can change depending on the board used, the D1 mini supports interrupts on all pins except the D0. On your void setup() function, you need to attach the pin to an interrupt, and that is done using the attachInterrupt(interruptPin, functionCalled, mode). Let's dissect what is happening here: You can use the function digitalPinToInterrupt(2) which maps the pin 2 to the corresponding interrupt pin. As for the functionCalled, that's the function the code calls whenever an interrupt is triggered. Now, about the mode, that can either be LOW to trigger the interrupt whenever the pin is low, CHANGE to trigger the interrupt whenever the pin changes its value, RISING for when the pin goes from low to high, FALLING for when the pin goes from high to low. Let's write a simple example. Whenever the interrupt pin changes state a led will change its state. Even though the code is stuck in an infinite loop!

int ledPin = 0;
int interruptPin = 1;
int state = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), blink, CHANGE); )

void loop() {

void blink() {
  state = !state;
  digitalWrite(ledPin, state);

And that's how an interrupt works!

More on Interrupts

You might want to have a section of your code not affected by your interrupts, a chunk of code that has to run regardless of what happens in the world (usually you use this when you have time sensitive code, and an interrupt might mess up with the timers). The way you do that is using the noInterrupts() function. To enable interrupts again, you just have to call interrupts() . So, your code should look something like this:

void loop()
  // critical, time-sensitive code here
  // other code here

Maybe you will want to stop using interrupts somewhere in your code. That can be easily done with the detachInterrupt(interruptPin) function. Don't forget: You can use the detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2)) if you want to detach an interrupt to pin 2.

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