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This repository has all code needed to recreate the analyses conducted in the paper Semiparametric Inference of Effective Reproduction Number Dynamics from Wastewater Pathogen Surveillance Data. Models were fit in Julia, while simulation of synthetic data, and visualization of results was done in R. To set up the Julia project, follow the instructions here. R and Julia packages which implement the models described in the paper are also available. All results files needed to reproduce the figures are in the repo, individual simulation results are excluded for the sake of storage.


├── data                          <- Processed real and simulated data
│   └── sim_data                  <- Simulated data
├── figures                       <- Paper figures
├── raw_data                      <- Unprocessed real data
├── results                       <- Model outputs, organized by model, and then by output type
│   │                                Example for the EIRR-ww model (eirrc) is shown
│   │                                Structure is the same for main models
│   └── eirrc                     <- Summaries of simulation results
│        ├── generated_quantities <- Correctly scaled posteriors, quantiles and mcmc samples
│        ├── posterior_predictive <- Posterior predictive mcmc samples and quantiles
│        └── posterior_samples    <- Raw Julia posterior samples
├── scripts                       <- Paper code 
│   ├── fit_models                <- Fit models to real and simulated data
│   ├── fit_splines               <- Fit splines to data for prior elicitation
│   ├── generated_quantities      <- Turn raw Julia MCMC output into more useable csv files
│   ├── process_real_data         <- Turn raw real data into processed real data
│   ├── process_results           <- Final processing of mcmc/summarising simulation results
│   ├── simulated_data            <- Simulate data/test simulation engines against each other
│   └── visualize_results         <- Turn summaries of model results into paper figures
├── slurm_submissions             <- Slurm scheduler files for use on computing cluster
├── src                           <- Models, priors, simulation engines, utility functions
├── vignettes                     <- Example code for fitting models and processing results

Setting up the Julia environment.

The results from this project were generated using Julia 1.8.5, which can be downloaded here. If you want to use a more recent version of Julia, delete the Manifest.toml file after you have cloned the repo. Once you have Julia installed, from the terminal, navigate to the project root directory then type julia. Your terminal will look like:


Now type ]. Your terminal should now look like:

(@v1.8) pkg>

Then use the following commands

activate .



If you kept the Manifest.toml, the exact Julia package versions used to generate the paper results will be downloaded. If you did not, possibly newer versions of the packages will be downloaded instead. It would be surprising if newer versions of the packages led to different results. More information on Julia environments is available in the Environments documentation. When executing code from this repo, be mindful of your project directory; the Julia package versions are specific to the project environment. If you are executing code outside of this project, the packages you installed as part of the environment will not be available.

Quarto and Julia

The vignettes folder has two Quarto vignettes which condense the model fitting workflow into one Julia vignette that demonstrates how to fit the EIRR-ww model to the Los Angeles wastewater data via MCMC and one R vignette that uses the results of the Julia vignette to visualize the saved MCMC results. We recommend starting with these vignettes, as they provide more detailed explanations of the code than the original scripts.

To execute the vignettes, we recommend using the IDE VS Code with the Julia and Quarto extensions. Additional information on compiling Julia Quarto files is available here. You can also run each chunk of Julia code by copy pasting it into the REPL (the interactive Julia environment that opens when you type julia in the terminal).

Model fitting workflow

The original workflow for the main models involves multiple files. As an example, to generate results from the the EIRR-ww model, use fit_eirrc_closed.jl to fit the model, then eirrc_closed_generate_pp_and_gq.jl to re-scale the posterior and generate posterior predictive values, finally process_results_eirrc_closed.R creates tidy versions of the posterior and posterior predictive summaries. When summarising results from multiple simulations, summarise_eirrc_closed.R creates summary outputs. Similarly named files exist for all models used in the paper.

Simulation name key

When executing scripts, the sim parameter controls what simulation is being used, the seed parameter controls the seed and also the specific data set used. For simulations, we used values of seed from 1 to 100. For the analysis of the Los Angeles wastewater data, seed=1. Here is a key translating the values of sim:

  • sim=1 = Baseline
  • sim=3 = 10-rep
  • sim=4 = 3-mean
  • sim=5 = 10-mean
  • sim=6 = 1-rep
  • sim=8 = Low Prop
  • sim=9 = Low Init
  • sim=10 = High Init
  • sim="real" = Los Angeles JWPCP wastewater data
  • sim="ODE" = Baseline data observed every 12 hours

We do not speak of simulations 2 and 7.

Model name key

The model names used in the code are not the same as those used in the paper. Here is a key:

  • eirrc_closed = EIRR-ww
  • eir_cases = EIR-cases
  • seir_cases = SEIR-cases
  • seirr_student = SEIRR-ww
  • huisman = Huisman
  • epidemia = Epidemia
  • estimgamma = Rt-estim-gamm
  • eirr = EIRR-ww with ODE solver

Fitting the Huisman model

To fit the Huisman model use fit_huisman.R. To visualize the results, use the code in visualize_fit_to_LA_data.R and visualize_frequentist_metrics.R.

You'll need to install some packages, use the code below to do so:


Fitting Epidemia and Rt-estim-gamma models

To fit the Epidemia and Rt-estim-gamma model, use fit_epidemia.R and fit_estimgamma.R visualize the results using visualize_fit_to_LA_data.R. Both models are written in Stan, installation instructions for rstan are available here. We also use the Epidema package, which is only available on Github.

The following code installs Epidemia.


To install other needed packages, use the code below:
