Releases: ikt32/GTAVManualTransmission
GTAVManualTransmission v4.0-beta2
- Add automatic gear box
- Drop Simple Reverse in favor of always RealReverse
- Add oversteer/understeer detection and appropriate FF effects
GTAVManualTransmission v4.0-beta1
Changelog alpha2 to beta1
- Added damper effect
- Add support for wheels with combined throttle/brake
- Add input ranges for all input axes
- Updated Joystick help application
- Add an option to disable the clutch for two-pedal wheels
- Add airborne effect (minimal damper, no physics)
- Add a hill-start effect
- Add Dpad support
- Updated Gears.ini
- Setup/Configuration tool
- Automatic gearbox
- Wheel jerks to the left when turning on ScriptHookV via (CTRL-R)
GTAVManualTransmission v4.0-alpha2
Changelog alpha1 to alpha2
- Fix crashes
- Fix DirectInput device setup
- Fix DirectInput device updating
- Clarify allowed input axes in Gears.ini
- More helpful error messages during DirectInput select
- Might be taken out once we're sure the code for DirectInput is solid
- Input Axis ranges
- Setup/Configuration tool
- Add Friction and Damper to Force Feedback
- Add real-ish automatic transmission
- None so far, only new features to be implemented! 😺
GTAVManualTransmission v4.0-alpha1
Hi all. Sorry for having disappeared for a month, I just couldn't get myself to work on this mod. Good news is that I have been doing, the past 3 days. DirectInput is (finally) (somewhat) implemented.
So far, this works:
- DirectInput devices classifying themselves as driving input are supported
- Gears.ini accepts all axises for all analog inputs (throttle, brake, clutch, steer)
- Constant-force force feedback available
- Added support for driving with wheel without manual transmission (stock transmission, brake = brake and reverse)
- Add DirectInput support for almost all wheels!
- Analog inputs
- All buttons
- Add Force Feedback (Constant Force only)
- Allow hotplugging
- Allow configuring input axes
- Remove/Disable all Logitech specific code
- Enable steering wheel input when manual is disabled
- Re-enabled cross-script communication
- Add toggle to turn it off
- Refactor input handling to ScriptControls
- Input Axis ranges
- Setup/Configuration tool
- Add Friction and Damper to Force Feedback
- Re-scan inputs on refocus game
- Add real-ish automatic transmission
Known bugs
- Wheel input disables on losing window focus
- Toggle mod to regain wheel input
- Force Feedback is incomplete
- Mod may crash
- Incorrect settings
- Unexpected wheels
- Unavailable devices
If you encounter any others problems, please Create a new issue.
GTAVManualTransmission v3.0.2-cfx
Quick "fix":
- Removed cross-script/decorator usage for CitizenFX-based mods compatibility
Just use the attached .asi, put it in plugins folder of your MP mod.
GTAVManualTransmission v3.0.2
Changes since v3.0
- Fix handbrake staying engaged when disabling the mod (3.0.1)
- Fix keys not being disabled properly from wheel
- Add cross-script communication support (Decorator)
- Tweak truck speed limiter to be less harsh when shifting early
GTAVManualTransmission v3.0
Whoops, I released this without tagging it/GitHub release.
It's kinda done! Thanks for trying out those betas to get the bugs sorted out. A few more patches might be released when things are noticed, but for now this should be good.
Changes since v3.0-beta3
- Use a more consistent and safe acceleration calculation
- Tweak FFB feeling
- Indicator button support
- Dynamic RPM increment time (FPS/tickrate-independent now)
Known bugs
- Vehicle automatically restarts in version 350 and older
To do (4.0 release)
DirectInput for all wheels
Generalized input way
Move steering/alt devices out of this mod and do a new, compatible mod?
GTAVManualTransmission v3.0-beta3
Still squashing bugs and testing things, adding missing things here and there. Development/releases can be a bit slow now due to wheel malfunctioning because of electricity problems in the house.
Wheel steering should be much more direct now, by changing the memory values for steering. Compatibility with Custom Steering is still good.
No release as I think a full release is coming soon. Binary included for the enthusiasts.
Changes since beta2
- Fix stalling and clutch catching
- Fix RPM dropping when using clutch during redline while pressing throttle
- Change steering to direct value change for less steering delay when using wheel
- Change to moving average + direct value for force feedback for less buzzy force feedback during redline
- Disable stalling and clutch for vehicles without a clutch
- Add Force Feedback Enable/Disable switch
- Add engine restarting by pressing throttle
- Add burnout while rolling back instead of just braking when in first gear
Known bugs
- Vehicle automatically restarts in version 350 and older
To do (3.0 release)
- Testing
GTAVManualTransmission v3.0-beta2
Smaller update, flattening out the bugs and unexpected behavior. Most prominently 1-gear no-clutch vehicles (tanks, electric) should work fine now. Other changes are a more smooth revving emulation, like how the game also revs when you use the handbrake, but now for all gears. Clutch has been smoothed out more so no RPM dipping any more when going full throttle and touching the clutch. Force feedback has also changed a bit.
Significant changes since beta1
- Fix vehicle still moving in neutral or full clutch
- Fix vehicle change detection
- Fix specific first gear only vehicles having a nonfunctional neutral (remove neutral for these)
- Clean up script data on vehicle exit/swap
- Change revving for a smoother RPM rise and fall where previously it just mirrored the throttle or just went full blast
- Change clutch usage while driving for a more realistic effect
- Change centering spring to also use acceleration instead of just speed
- Change damper force curve to give much less friction once the car starts rolling, build it up slowly again after reaching minimal user specified point
- Add debug text for troubleshooting Logitech wheels
- Release/Re-attach Logitech wheel more robustly
Known bugs
- None at this moment. Please do report any bugs or strange thing you stumble upon.
To do (3.0 release)
- Testing more!
GTAVManualTransmission v3.0-beta1
Lots of changes again, mostly pertaining to the core of the mod itself, the gearbox/clutch. I finally removed the patch causing the AI to get stuck/confused, though it isn't clear if they are fully back to normal now or still are somewhat sluggish. It won't affect you unless you race the AI though. Bike support is enabled now. Remaining issue is that 1-gear vehicles won't have a working clutch, but I'll look into that later.
A full 2.0.2 to 3.0 changelog with major features is in the archive. Next up are more technical changes since beta0.
- Remove unneeded/intrusive patches
- Rework revving + clutch for less patches
- Add custom wheel range/soft lock
- Disable frontal impact effect
- Fix input detection happening when mod is off
- Fix various wheel-related crashes
- Fix bike pedal input
(Un)resolved bugs
- Vehicles with 1 gear don’t have a working neutral
- Electric vehicles, track-based vehicles and some tugs
To do (3.0 Release)
- Test, test and test!
- Fix 1-gear vehicle bug