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DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, username VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, avatar INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, `admin` SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, usergroup TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, lang VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT 'default' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, email VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, db_mountpoints TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, options SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, realName VARCHAR(80) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, userMods TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, allowed_languages VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, uc MEDIUMBLOB DEFAULT NULL, file_mountpoints TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, file_permissions TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, workspace_perms SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, TSconfig TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, lastlogin INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, workspace_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, mfa MEDIUMBLOB DEFAULT NULL, category_perms LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, password_reset_token VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, tx_styleguide_isdemorecord SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, INDEX parent (pid, deleted, disable), INDEX username (username), PRIMARY KEY(uid)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = '' ; CREATE TABLE pages (uid INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tstamp INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, crdate INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, deleted SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, hidden SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, starttime INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, endtime INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, fe_group VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, sorting INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, rowDescription TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, editlock SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, sys_language_uid INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_parent INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_source INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_state TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, t3_origuid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_diffsource MEDIUMBLOB DEFAULT NULL, t3ver_oid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_wsid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_state SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_stage INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, perms_userid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, perms_groupid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, perms_user SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, perms_group SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, perms_everybody SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, slug VARCHAR(2048) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, doktype INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, TSconfig TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, is_siteroot SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, php_tree_stop SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, url VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, shortcut INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, shortcut_mode INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, subtitle VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, layout INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, target VARCHAR(80) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, media INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT 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SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, content_from_pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, mount_pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, mount_pid_ol SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l18n_cfg SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, backend_layout VARCHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, backend_layout_next_level VARCHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, tsconfig_includes TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, categories INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tx_impexp_origuid INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, seo_title VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, no_index SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, no_follow SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, og_title VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, og_description TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, og_image INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, twitter_title VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, twitter_description TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, twitter_image INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, twitter_card VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, canonical_link VARCHAR(2048) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, sitemap_priority NUMERIC(2, 1) DEFAULT '0.5' NOT NULL, sitemap_changefreq VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, tx_styleguide_containsdemo VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, INDEX determineSiteRoot (is_siteroot), INDEX language_identifier (l10n_parent, sys_language_uid), INDEX parent (pid, deleted, hidden), INDEX slug (slug(127)), INDEX t3ver_oid (t3ver_oid, t3ver_wsid), INDEX translation_source (l10n_source), PRIMARY KEY(uid)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = '' ; +CREATE TABLE sys_category (uid INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tstamp INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, crdate INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, deleted SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, hidden SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, starttime INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, endtime INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, sorting INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, description TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, sys_language_uid INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_parent INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_state TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, t3_origuid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_diffsource MEDIUMBLOB DEFAULT NULL, t3ver_oid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_wsid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_state SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_stage INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, title TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE 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sys_language_uid), INDEX parent (pid, deleted, hidden), INDEX t3ver_oid (t3ver_oid, t3ver_wsid), INDEX import (import_id, import_source), PRIMARY KEY(uid)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = '' ; +CREATE TABLE sys_category_record_mm (uid_local int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', uid_foreign int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', tablenames varchar(64) COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` NOT NULL DEFAULT '', fieldname varchar(64) COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` NOT NULL DEFAULT '', sorting int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', sorting_foreign int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (uid_local, uid_foreign, tablenames, fieldname), KEY uid_local (uid_local), KEY uid_foreign (uid_foreign)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=`utf8mb4_unicode_ci`; CREATE TABLE sys_file (uid INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tstamp INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, last_indexed INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, missing SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, storage INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, metadata INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, identifier TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, identifier_hash VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, folder_hash VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, extension VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, mime_type VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, name TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, sha1 VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, size BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, creation_date INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, modification_date INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, INDEX folder (storage, folder_hash), INDEX lastindex (last_indexed), INDEX parent (pid), INDEX sel01 (storage, identifier_hash), INDEX sha1 (sha1), INDEX tstamp (tstamp), PRIMARY KEY(uid)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = '' ; CREATE TABLE sys_file_metadata (uid INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tstamp INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, crdate INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, sys_language_uid INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_parent INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_state TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, t3_origuid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_diffsource MEDIUMBLOB DEFAULT NULL, t3ver_oid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_wsid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_state SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_stage INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, file INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, title TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, width INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, height INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, description TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, alternative TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, categories INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, INDEX fal_filelist (l10n_parent, sys_language_uid), INDEX file (file), INDEX parent (pid), INDEX t3ver_oid (t3ver_oid, t3ver_wsid), PRIMARY KEY(uid)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = '' ; CREATE TABLE sys_file_reference (uid INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, pid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tstamp INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, crdate INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, deleted SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, hidden SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, sys_language_uid INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_parent INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, l10n_state TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, l10n_diffsource MEDIUMBLOB DEFAULT NULL, t3ver_oid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_wsid INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_state SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, t3ver_stage INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, uid_local INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, uid_foreign INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tablenames VARCHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, fieldname VARCHAR(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, sorting_foreign INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, title TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, description TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, alternative TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, link VARCHAR(1024) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, crop VARCHAR(4000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, autoplay SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, showinpreview SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, INDEX combined_1 (l10n_parent, t3ver_oid, t3ver_wsid, t3ver_state, deleted), INDEX deleted 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+ + $localDriver->close(); + unset($localDriver); + + $foreignDriver = WebDriverFactory::createChromeDriver(); + $this->assertPage76HasBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + $this->assertBothCategoriesHaveBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + + $foreignDriver->close(); + unset($foreignDriver); + } + + /** + * Use Case 2 + * + * News folder with News 24 is published in Overview Module + * Result as expected: News 24 is published, Page 24 is not published, only Category 1 is published, only the news mm-Records is published + */ + public function testUseCase2(): void + { + $localDriver = WebDriverFactory::createChromeDriver(); + $this->publishNews76($localDriver); + + $localDriver->close(); + unset($localDriver); + + $foreignDriver = WebDriverFactory::createChromeDriver(); + $this->assertNews76HasBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + $this->assertOnlyCategory1HasBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + + $foreignDriver->close(); + unset($foreignDriver); + + } + + /** + * Use Case 3 + * + * Page 24 is published first, then News 24 + * Result as expected: first only the page, categories and 2 page mm-records are published, then the news and the news mm-record + */ + public function testUseCase3(): void + { + $localDriver = WebDriverFactory::createChromeDriver(); + + $this->publishPage76($localDriver); + $this->publishNews76($localDriver); + + $localDriver->close(); + unset($localDriver); + + $foreignDriver = WebDriverFactory::createChromeDriver(); + + $this->assertPage76HasBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + $this->assertNews76HasBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + $this->assertBothCategoriesHaveBeenPublished($foreignDriver); + + + $foreignDriver->close(); + unset($foreignDriver); + } + + + protected function publishPage76(WebDriver $localDriver): WebDriver + { + TYPO3Helper::backendLogin($localDriver, 'https://local.v12.in2publish-core.de/typo3', 'admin', 'password'); + + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($localDriver, 'Page'); + TYPO3Helper::selectInPageTree( + $localDriver, + ['Home', 'EXT:in2publish_core', '24 Page with Category 1 and Category 2'], + ); + + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($localDriver, 'Publish Overview'); + + // Workaround + sleep($this->sleepTime); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($localDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + self::assertPageContains($driver, 'TYPO3 Content Publisher - publish pages and records overview'); + self::assertElementIsVisible($driver, WebDriverBy::cssSelector('[data-record-identifier="pages-76"]')); + + $driver->click(WebDriverBy::cssSelector('.in2publish-icon-publish')); + }); + + // Workaround + sleep($this->sleepTime); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($localDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + self::assertPageContains($driver, 'The selected record has been published successfully'); + }); + return $localDriver; + } + + protected function publishNews76(WebDriver $localDriver): void + { + TYPO3Helper::backendLogin($localDriver, 'https://local.v12.in2publish-core.de/typo3', 'admin', 'password'); + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($localDriver, 'List'); + TYPO3Helper::selectInPageTree($localDriver, ['Home', 'News Folder']); + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($localDriver, 'Publish Overview'); + + // Workaround + sleep($this->sleepTime); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($localDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + $driver->click(WebDriverBy::cssSelector('.in2publish-icon-publish')); + }); + + // Workaround + sleep($this->sleepTime); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($localDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + self::assertPageContains($driver, 'The selected record has been published successfully'); + }); + } + + protected function assertPage76HasBeenPublished(WebDriver $foreignDriver): void + { + TYPO3Helper::backendLogin($foreignDriver, 'https://foreign.v12.in2publish-core.de/typo3', 'admin', 'password'); + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($foreignDriver, 'Page'); + TYPO3Helper::selectInPageTree( + $foreignDriver, + ['Home', 'EXT:in2publish_core', '24 Page with Category 1 and Category 2'] + ); + } + + protected function assertNews76HasBeenPublished(WebDriver $foreignDriver): void + { + TYPO3Helper::backendLogin($foreignDriver, 'https://foreign.v12.in2publish-core.de/typo3', 'admin', 'password'); + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($foreignDriver, 'List'); + TYPO3Helper::selectInPageTree($foreignDriver, ['Home', 'News Folder']); + + // Workaround + sleep($this->sleepTime); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($foreignDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + self::assertPageContains($driver, '24 news with Category 1'); + }); + } + + private function assertOnlyCategory1HasBeenPublished(WebDriver $foreignDriver) + { + TYPO3Helper::backendLogin($foreignDriver, 'https://foreign.v12.in2publish-core.de/typo3', 'admin', 'password'); + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($foreignDriver, 'List'); + TYPO3Helper::selectInPageTree($foreignDriver, ['Home']); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($foreignDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + self::assertPageContains($driver, 'Category 1'); + // Fix: Category 2 should not be published + self::assertPageNotContains($driver, 'Category 2'); + }); + + } + + private function assertBothCategoriesHaveBeenPublished(WebDriver $foreignDriver) + { + TYPO3Helper::backendLogin($foreignDriver, 'https://foreign.v12.in2publish-core.de/typo3', 'admin', 'password'); + TYPO3Helper::selectModuleByText($foreignDriver, 'List'); + TYPO3Helper::selectInPageTree($foreignDriver, ['Home']); + + // Workaround + sleep($this->sleepTime); + + TYPO3Helper::inContentIFrameContext($foreignDriver, static function (WebDriver $driver): void { + self::assertPageContains($driver, 'Category 1'); + self::assertPageContains($driver, 'Category 2'); + }); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/DemandResolver/Join/JoinDemandResolverTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/DemandResolver/Join/JoinDemandResolverTest.php index 18aa72162..ebdc8e1db 100644 --- a/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/DemandResolver/Join/JoinDemandResolverTest.php +++ b/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/DemandResolver/Join/JoinDemandResolverTest.php @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ class JoinDemandResolverTest extends FunctionalTestCase public function testJoinDemandResolverResolvesMmRelation(): void { - $pageRecord = new DatabaseRecord('pages', 170, ['uid' => 170], ['uid' => 170], []); + $pageRecord = new DatabaseRecord('pages', 77, ['uid' => 77], ['uid' => 77], []); $demands = new DemandsCollection(); $demands->addDemand( - new JoinDemand('sys_category_record_mm', 'sys_category', '', 'uid_foreign', 170, $pageRecord), + new JoinDemand('sys_category_record_mm', 'sys_category', '', 'uid_foreign', 77, $pageRecord), ); $recordCollection = new RecordCollection(); @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public function testJoinDemandResolverResolvesMmRelation(): void $sysCategoryParents = $sysCategoryRecord->getParents(); self::assertCount(1, $sysCategoryParents); $sysCategoryMmRecord = reset($sysCategoryParents); - self::assertSame('1e829e4ee2bd6fa3a73ee64c6461313b08939ee7', $sysCategoryMmRecord->getId()); + self::assertSame('6ed754e2fa2e937739af04a069a6f6d9e96db685', $sysCategoryMmRecord->getId()); $mmParents = $sysCategoryMmRecord->getParents(); self::assertCount(1, $mmParents); $mmParent = reset($mmParents); diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/Repository/SingleDatabaseRepositoryTest.php b/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/Repository/SingleDatabaseRepositoryTest.php index 1488c294a..adce68b38 100644 --- a/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/Repository/SingleDatabaseRepositoryTest.php +++ b/Tests/Functional/Component/Core/Repository/SingleDatabaseRepositoryTest.php @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public function testFindByPropertyReturnsRowsSortedByTcaCtrl(): void $rows = $singleDataRepository->findByProperty('pages', 'uid', [1, 3, 6]); $sortings = array_column($rows, 'sorting'); - self::assertSame([32, 128, 512], $sortings); + self::assertSame([128, 512, 544], $sortings); } public function testFindByPropertyWithJoinReturnsJoinedRows(): void @@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ public function testFindByPropertyWithJoinReturnsJoinedRows(): void 'sys_category_record_mm', 'sys_category', 'uid_foreign', - [170, 180], + [77, 78], ); self::assertSame([ - '1e829e4ee2bd6fa3a73ee64c6461313b08939ee7' => [ + '6ed754e2fa2e937739af04a069a6f6d9e96db685' => [ 'mmtbl' => [ 'uid_local' => 1, - 'uid_foreign' => 170, + 'uid_foreign' => 77, 'sorting' => 0, 'sorting_foreign' => 1, 'tablenames' => "pages", @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ public function testFindByPropertyWithJoinReturnsJoinedRows(): void ], 'table' => [ 'uid' => 1, - 'pid' => 168, - 'tstamp' => 1660120355, - 'crdate' => 1660120355, + 'pid' => 1, + 'tstamp' => 1730129770, + 'crdate' => 1730129770, 'deleted' => 0, 'hidden' => 0, 'starttime' => 0, @@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ public function testFindByPropertyWithJoinReturnsJoinedRows(): void 'description' => "", 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'l10n_parent' => 0, - 'l10n_state' => null, + 'l10n_state' => '"NULL"', 't3_origuid' => 0, 'l10n_diffsource' => "", 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, - 'title' => "Styleguide Demo Category", + 'title' => '"Category 1"', 'items' => 0, 'parent' => 0, 'fe_group' => "0", @@ -85,42 +85,42 @@ public function testFindByPropertyWithJoinReturnsJoinedRows(): void 'import_id' => "", 'import_source' => "", 'seo_title' => "", - 'seo_description' => null, + 'seo_description' => '', 'seo_headline' => "", - 'seo_text' => null, - 'slug' => "styleguide-demo-category", + 'seo_text' => '', + 'slug' => '"category-1"', ], ], - '427137b54c066f401f490c1af0aea53e5ed70536' => [ + 'a991a8cbb167889a955eecbdba10bb99a9d8ec4d' => [ 'mmtbl' => [ - 'uid_local' => 1, - 'uid_foreign' => 180, + 'uid_local' => 2, + 'uid_foreign' => 78, 'sorting' => 0, 'sorting_foreign' => 1, 'tablenames' => "pages", 'fieldname' => "categories", ], 'table' => [ - 'uid' => 1, - 'pid' => 168, - 'tstamp' => 1660120355, - 'crdate' => 1660120355, + 'uid' => 2, + 'pid' => 1, + 'tstamp' => 1730129781, + 'crdate' => 1730129781, 'deleted' => 0, 'hidden' => 0, 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => 0, - 'sorting' => 256, + 'sorting' => 512, 'description' => "", 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'l10n_parent' => 0, - 'l10n_state' => null, + 'l10n_state' => '"NULL"', 't3_origuid' => 0, 'l10n_diffsource' => "", 't3ver_oid' => 0, 't3ver_wsid' => 0, 't3ver_state' => 0, 't3ver_stage' => 0, - 'title' => "Styleguide Demo Category", + 'title' => '"Category 2"', 'items' => 0, 'parent' => 0, 'fe_group' => "0", @@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ public function testFindByPropertyWithJoinReturnsJoinedRows(): void 'import_id' => "", 'import_source' => "", 'seo_title' => "", - 'seo_description' => null, + 'seo_description' => '', 'seo_headline' => "", - 'seo_text' => null, - 'slug' => "styleguide-demo-category", + 'seo_text' => '', + 'slug' => '"category-2"', ], ], ], $rows);