diff --git a/index.d.ts b/index.d.ts index d591150..b14aef1 100644 --- a/index.d.ts +++ b/index.d.ts @@ -56,6 +56,16 @@ export interface ListFilter { limit?: number cursor?: string } +export interface Attributes { + modifyToken?: string + id?: string + slug?: string + createdAt?: string + model?: string + name?: string + dataType?: DataType + updatedAt?: string +} export interface Records { createdAt?: string updatedAt?: string @@ -2162,1554 +2172,1554 @@ export interface CRMAccounts { shippingAddress?: Addresses ownerId?: string } -export const enum AllocationMethod { - Each = 'each', - Across = 'across' +export const enum CustomerEligibility { + SpecificCustomerGroups = 'specific-customer-groups', + SpecificCustomers = 'specific-customers', + All = 'all' } -export const enum Status { - Active = 'active', - Expired = 'expired', - Scheduled = 'scheduled' +export const enum CustomerSelection { + Prerequisite = 'prerequisite', + All = 'all' } -export const enum TargetType { - ShippingLine = 'shipping-line', - LineItem = 'line-item' +export const enum Gender { + Other = 'other', + Female = 'female', + PreferNotToSay = 'prefer not to say', + Male = 'male' } -export const enum Format { - Xml = 'xml', - Json = 'json' +export const enum SkuValidation { + GlobalUnique = 'global-unique', + LocalUnique = 'local-unique', + None = 'none' +} +export const enum AppliesTo { + SpecificItems = 'specific-items', + SpecificCategories = 'specific-categories', + AllItems = 'all-items' } export const enum MinimumRequirements { MinimumPurchaseAmount = 'minimum-purchase-amount', MinimumQuantityOfItems = 'minimum-quantity-of-items', None = 'none' } -export const enum TargetSelection { - Entitled = 'entitled', - All = 'all' -} -export const enum Gender { - Female = 'female', - Male = 'male', - PreferNotToSay = 'prefer not to say', - Other = 'other' -} -export const enum Roles { - User = 'user', - Admin = 'admin', - Moderator = 'moderator' -} -export const enum CustomerSelection { - Prerequisite = 'prerequisite', - All = 'all' +export const enum Status { + Expired = 'expired', + Scheduled = 'scheduled', + Active = 'active' } -export const enum ChannelAvailability { +export const enum TransactionMethod { + Atm = 'atm', Online = 'online', - AllChannels = 'all-channels', - InApp = 'in-app', - InStore = 'in-store' + BankBranch = 'bank-branch', + Mail = 'mail', + Mobile = 'mobile', + Telephone = 'telephone' +} +export const enum TargetType { + LineItem = 'line-item', + ShippingLine = 'shipping-line' } export const enum AccountType { - Equity = 'equity', - ExpenseOtherCurrentOperatingCharges = 'expense::other-current-operating-charges', - LiabilityOutstandingDuesMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-micro-small-enterprise', - OtherExpenseOtherHomeOfficeExpenses = 'other-expense::other-home-office-expenses', - OtherIncomeDividendIncome = 'other-income::dividend-income', - RevenueOwnWorkCapitalized = 'revenue::own-work-capitalized', - AssetNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::non-current-assets', - AssetProvisionsCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-current-assets', - EquityEstimatedTaxes = 'equity::estimated-taxes', - LiabilityGroupAndAssociates = 'liability::group-and-associates', - OtherCurrentLiabilityDirectDepositPayable = 'other-current-liability::direct-deposit-payable', - EquityCapitalReserves = 'equity::capital-reserves', - AssetInvestmentUsGovernmentObligations = 'asset::investment-us-government-obligations', - OtherCurrentLiabilityAccruedLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::accrued-liabilities', + AssetInvestmentMortgageRealEstateLoans = 'asset::investment-mortgage-real-estate-loans', + OtherExpensePenaltiesSettlements = 'other-expense::penalties-settlements', + AssetAvailableForSaleFinancialAssets = 'asset::available-for-sale-financial-assets', + ExpenseOtherExternalServices = 'expense::other-external-services', + ExpenseTravelExpensesSellingExpense = 'expense::travel-expenses-selling-expense', + OtherExpenseGasAndFuel = 'other-expense::gas-and-fuel', AssetAccumulatedDepreciation = 'asset::accumulated-depreciation', - OtherExpenseOtherMiscellaneousExpense = 'other-expense::other-miscellaneous-expense', + AssetLandAsset = 'asset::land-asset', + ExpenseUtilities = 'expense::utilities', + LiabilityOutstandingDuesOtherThanMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-other-than-micro-small-enterprise', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionOfObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-of-obligations-under-finance-leases', + OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-payable', + AssetDepletableAssets = 'asset::depletable-assets', + EquityDividendDisbursed = 'equity::dividend-disbursed', + AssetSavings = 'asset::savings', + OtherExpensePriorPeriodItems = 'other-expense::prior-period-items', + AssetIntangibleAssets = 'asset::intangible-assets', + AssetFixedAssetCopiers = 'asset::fixed-asset-copiers', + EquityEquityInEarningsOfSubsidiuaries = 'equity::equity-in-earnings-of-subsidiuaries', + ExpenseProjectStudiesSurveysAssessments = 'expense::project-studies-surveys-assessments', + RevenueSalesWholesale = 'revenue::sales-wholesale', + AssetVehicles = 'asset::vehicles', + AssetInternalTransfers = 'asset::internal-transfers', + AssetFixedAssetPhone = 'asset::fixed-asset-phone', + AssetRentsHeldInTrust = 'asset::rents-held-in-trust', + CostOfGoodsSoldShippingFreightDeliveryCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::shipping-freight-delivery-cos', + AssetMoneyMarket = 'asset::money-market', + EquityShareCapital = 'equity::share-capital', + ExpenseOtherBusinessExpenses = 'expense::other-business-expenses', + OtherIncomeLossOnDisposalOfAssets = 'other-income::loss-on-disposal-of-assets', CostOfGoodsSold = 'cost-of-goods-sold', - OtherExpenseExceptionalItems = 'other-expense::exceptional-items', - LiabilityAccruedVacationPayable = 'liability::accrued-vacation-payable', - RevenueNonProfitIncome = 'revenue::non-profit-income', - AssetDevelopmentCosts = 'asset::development-costs', - AssetOtherAsset = 'asset::other-asset', - ExpensePenaltiesSettlements = 'expense::penalties-settlements', - AssetLand = 'asset::land', - LiabilityDeferredTaxLiabilities = 'liability::deferred-tax-liabilities', + EquityAccumulatedAdjustment = 'equity::accumulated-adjustment', + EquityCommonStock = 'equity::common-stock', + EquityInvestmentGrants = 'equity::investment-grants', + OtherCurrentLiabilityPrepaidExpensesPayable = 'other-current-liability::prepaid-expenses-payable', + ExpenseDistributionCosts = 'expense::distribution-costs', EquityHealthcare = 'equity::healthcare', - LiabilityAccountsPayable = 'liability::accounts-payable', - ExpenseStaffCosts = 'expense::staff-costs', - AssetShortTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', - LiabilityLongTermDebit = 'liability::long-term-debit', - AssetMachineryAndEquipment = 'asset::machinery-and-equipment', + OtherCurrentLiabilityFederalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::federal-income-tax-payable', + OtherCurrentLiabilityLineOfCredit = 'other-current-liability::line-of-credit', + CostOfGoodsSoldEquipmentRentalCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::equipment-rental-cos', + RevenueRevenueGeneral = 'revenue::revenue-general', + AssetOtherLongTermLoansAndAdvances = 'asset::other-long-term-loans-and-advances', + RevenueServiceFeeIncome = 'revenue::service-fee-income', + OtherExpenseRentAndLease = 'other-expense::rent-and-lease', + AssetPrepaymentsAndAccruedIncome = 'asset::prepayments-and-accrued-income', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentTaxLiability = 'other-current-liability::current-tax-liability', + AssetBalWithGovtAuthorities = 'asset::bal-with-govt-authorities', + AssetFixedAssetOtherToolsEquipment = 'asset::fixed-asset-other-tools-equipment', + ExpenseTravelMeals = 'expense::travel-meals', + OtherExpenseExceptionalItems = 'other-expense::exceptional-items', + ExpenseUnappliedCashBillPaymentExpense = 'expense::unapplied-cash-bill-payment-expense', + OtherExpenseParkingAndTolls = 'other-expense::parking-and-tolls', OtherCurrentLiabilityInterestPayables = 'other-current-liability::interest-payables', - OtherIncomeInterestEarned = 'other-income::interest-earned', - AssetLeaseholdImprovements = 'asset::leasehold-improvements', - OtherCurrentLiabilityLoanPayable = 'other-current-liability::loan-payable', - EquityPreferredStock = 'equity::preferred-stock', - AssetLoansToOthers = 'asset::loans-to-others', LiabilityObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'liability::obligations-under-finance-leases', - RevenueSalesRetail = 'revenue::sales-retail', - OtherExpenseVehicleLease = 'other-expense::vehicle-lease', + ExpenseGlobalTaxExpense = 'expense::global-tax-expense', + LiabilityOutstandingDuesMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-micro-small-enterprise', + OtherCurrentLiabilityShortTermBorrowings = 'other-current-liability::short-term-borrowings', + LiabilityGovernmentAndOtherPublicAuthorities = 'liability::government-and-other-public-authorities', + ExpenseCharitableContributions = 'expense::charitable-contributions', + ExpenseLossOnDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax = 'expense::loss-on-discontinued-operations-net-of-tax', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::current-liabilities', + OtherIncomeOtherInvestmentIncome = 'other-income::other-investment-income', + OtherCurrentLiabilityDirectDepositPayable = 'other-current-liability::direct-deposit-payable', + LiabilityAccountsPayable = 'liability::accounts-payable', + ExpenseInterestPaid = 'expense::interest-paid', + ExpenseManagementCompensation = 'expense::management-compensation', + AssetFurnitureAndFixtures = 'asset::furniture-and-fixtures', + ExpenseRentOrLeaseOfBuildings = 'expense::rent-or-lease-of-buildings', + RevenueNonProfitIncome = 'revenue::non-profit-income', + OtherExpenseExchangeGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::exchange-gain-or-loss', + OtherCurrentLiabilityOtherCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::other-current-liabilities', + LiabilityOtherLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::other-long-term-liabilities', + LiabilityProvisionForLiabilities = 'liability::provision-for-liabilities', + Liability = 'liability', + OtherExpenseIncomeTaxOtherExpense = 'other-expense::income-tax-other-expense', + LiabilityShareholderNotesPayable = 'liability::shareholder-notes-payable', + OtherIncome = 'other-income', + RevenueCashReceiptIncome = 'revenue::cash-receipt-income', + EquityPersonalExpense = 'equity::personal-expense', + AssetOtherCurrentAsset = 'asset::other-current-asset', + CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfLaborCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-labor-cos', + OtherExpenseWashAndRoadServices = 'other-expense::wash-and-road-services', + EquityFunds = 'equity::funds', + RevenueOtherCurrentOperatingIncome = 'revenue::other-current-operating-income', + OtherCurrentLiabilityInsurancePayable = 'other-current-liability::insurance-payable', + ExpenseExternalServices = 'expense::external-services', + AssetOtherEarMarkedBankAccounts = 'asset::other-ear-marked-bank-accounts', + AssetInvestmentOther = 'asset::investment-other', + ExpenseAmortizationExpense = 'expense::amortization-expense', + AssetLongTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::long-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', AssetGlobalTaxRefund = 'asset::global-tax-refund', - RevenueSalesWholesale = 'revenue::sales-wholesale', - EquityOpeningBalanceEquity = 'equity::opening-balance-equity', - OtherExpenseVehicle = 'other-expense::vehicle', - AssetOtherLongTermLoansAndAdvances = 'asset::other-long-term-loans-and-advances', + OtherCurrentLiabilityDutiesAndTaxes = 'other-current-liability::duties-and-taxes', + OtherExpenseVehicleLease = 'other-expense::vehicle-lease', EquityOwnersEquity = 'equity::owners-equity', - ExpenseProjectStudiesSurveysAssessments = 'expense::project-studies-surveys-assessments', - OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollClearing = 'other-current-liability::payroll-clearing', - OtherIncomeOtherMiscellaneousIncome = 'other-income::other-miscellaneous-income', - AssetTradeAndOtherReceivables = 'asset::trade-and-other-receivables', - OtherCurrentLiabilityPrepaidExpensesPayable = 'other-current-liability::prepaid-expenses-payable', + ExpenseTaxesPaid = 'expense::taxes-paid', + AssetAssetsAvailableForSale = 'asset::assets-available-for-sale', + OtherExpenseOtherMiscellaneousExpense = 'other-expense::other-miscellaneous-expense', + OtherExpenseOtherVehicleExpenses = 'other-expense::other-vehicle-expenses', + ExpenseOtherCurrentOperatingCharges = 'expense::other-current-operating-charges', + ExpenseBorrowingCost = 'expense::borrowing-cost', + AssetNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::non-current-assets', + AssetFixedAsset = 'asset::fixed-asset', OtherExpenseMortgageInterest = 'other-expense::mortgage-interest', - OtherExpenseParkingAndTolls = 'other-expense::parking-and-tolls', - AssetLoansToStockholders = 'asset::loans-to-stockholders', - AssetFixedAssetSoftware = 'asset::fixed-asset-software', - ExpenseSuppliesMaterials = 'expense::supplies-materials', + AssetFixedAssetComputers = 'asset::fixed-asset-computers', + OtherIncomeInterestEarned = 'other-income::interest-earned', + AssetMachineryAndEquipment = 'asset::machinery-and-equipment', + OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollClearing = 'other-current-liability::payroll-clearing', AssetParticipatingInterests = 'asset::participating-interests', - AssetTrustAccounts = 'asset::trust-accounts', - ExpenseTaxesPaid = 'expense::taxes-paid', - RevenueOtherCurrentOperatingIncome = 'revenue::other-current-operating-income', - OtherCurrentLiabilitySocialSecurityAgencies = 'other-current-liability::social-security-agencies', - AssetPrepaymentsAndAccruedIncome = 'asset::prepayments-and-accrued-income', + AssetInvestmentTaxExemptSecurities = 'asset::investment-tax-exempt-securities', + AssetExpenditureAuthorisationsAndLettersOfCredit = 'asset::expenditure-authorisations-and-letters-of-credit', + AssetIntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment = 'asset::intangible-assets-under-development', + OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfFixedAssets = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-fixed-assets', + LiabilityLiabilitiesRelatedToAssetsHeldForSale = 'liability::liabilities-related-to-assets-held-for-sale', + RevenueSavingsByTaxScheme = 'revenue::savings-by-tax-scheme', + ExpensePurchasesRebates = 'expense::purchases-rebates', + ExpenseBankCharges = 'expense::bank-charges', + OtherExpenseTaxRoundoffGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::tax-roundoff-gain-or-loss', + EquityPersonalIncome = 'equity::personal-income', + AssetDeferredTax = 'asset::deferred-tax', + OtherCurrentLiabilityStateLocalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::state-local-income-tax-payable', + LiabilityDeferredTaxLiabilities = 'liability::deferred-tax-liabilities', + EquityEstimatedTaxes = 'equity::estimated-taxes', + OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionForWarrantyObligations = 'other-current-liability::provision-for-warranty-obligations', OtherCurrentLiabilityTrustAccountsLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::trust-accounts-liabilities', + OtherExpenseDeferredTaxExpense = 'other-expense::deferred-tax-expense', + AssetOtherFixedAssets = 'asset::other-fixed-assets', + LiabilityAccruedVacationPayable = 'liability::accrued-vacation-payable', + OtherCurrentLiabilitySocialSecurityAgencies = 'other-current-liability::social-security-agencies', + EquityPartnerDistributions = 'equity::partner-distributions', + OtherExpenseVehicleInsurance = 'other-expense::vehicle-insurance', + AssetAssetsInCourseOfConstruction = 'asset::assets-in-course-of-construction', + OtherExpenseVehicleRegistration = 'other-expense::vehicle-registration', RevenueIncome = 'revenue::income', - AssetLoansToOfficers = 'asset::loans-to-officers', - AssetAccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets = 'asset::accumulated-amortization-of-other-assets', - EquityPartnersEquity = 'equity::partners-equity', - OtherExpensePriorPeriodItems = 'other-expense::prior-period-items', - AssetChecking = 'asset::checking', - OtherExpenseIncomeTaxOtherExpense = 'other-expense::income-tax-other-expense', - Asset = 'asset', - ExpenseInsurance = 'expense::insurance', - AssetEmployeeCashAdvances = 'asset::employee-cash-advances', - ExpenseOtherBusinessExpenses = 'expense::other-business-expenses', - ExpenseEquipmentRental = 'expense::equipment-rental', - AccountsReceivable = 'accounts-receivable', - CostOfGoodsSoldFreightAndDeliveryCost = 'cost-of-goods-sold::freight-and-delivery-cost', - EquityEquityInEarningsOfSubsidiuaries = 'equity::equity-in-earnings-of-subsidiuaries', - OtherCurrentLiabilityDividendsPayable = 'other-current-liability::dividends-payable', + AssetCalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid = 'asset::called-up-share-capital-not-paid', + EquityRetainedEarnings = 'equity::retained-earnings', ExpenseShippingAndDeliveryExpense = 'expense::shipping-and-delivery-expense', - ExpenseUnappliedCashBillPaymentExpense = 'expense::unapplied-cash-bill-payment-expense', - ExpenseRepairMaintenance = 'expense::repair-maintenance', - LiabilityStaffAndRelatedLongTermLiabilityAccounts = 'liability::staff-and-related-long-term-liability-accounts', - OtherExpenseAmortization = 'other-expense::amortization', - OtherIncomeLossOnDisposalOfAssets = 'other-income::loss-on-disposal-of-assets', - OtherIncome = 'other-income', - RevenueDiscountsRefundsGiven = 'revenue::discounts-refunds-given', - OtherExpenseVehicleInsurance = 'other-expense::vehicle-insurance', + RevenueOperatingGrants = 'revenue::operating-grants', + OtherCurrentLiabilityRentsInTrustLiability = 'other-current-liability::rents-in-trust-liability', + AssetOtherIntangibleAssets = 'asset::other-intangible-assets', + AssetAccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets = 'asset::accumulated-amortization-of-other-assets', + CostOfGoodsSoldOtherCostsOfServiceCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::other-costs-of-service-cos', + AssetOtherLongTermAssets = 'asset::other-long-term-assets', + ExpensePayrollExpenses = 'expense::payroll-expenses', + ExpenseExtraordinaryCharges = 'expense::extraordinary-charges', + ExpenseTravel = 'expense::travel', + AssetProvisionsNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-non-current-assets', + OtherExpenseMatCredit = 'other-expense::mat-credit', + RevenueUnappliedCashPaymentIncome = 'revenue::unapplied-cash-payment-income', + AssetLeaseBuyout = 'asset::lease-buyout', + AssetSecurityDeposits = 'asset::security-deposits', + AssetLand = 'asset::land', + LiabilityAccrualsAndDeferredIncome = 'liability::accruals-and-deferred-income', + AssetOtherAsset = 'asset::other-asset', + OtherExpenseHomeOwnerRentalInsurance = 'other-expense::home-owner-rental-insurance', + ExpenseStaffCosts = 'expense::staff-costs', + OtherCurrentLiabilityStaffAndRelatedLiabilityAccounts = 'other-current-liability::staff-and-related-liability-accounts', + LiabilityLongTermBorrowings = 'liability::long-term-borrowings', + AssetFixedAssetSoftware = 'asset::fixed-asset-software', AssetGoodwill = 'asset::goodwill', + Asset = 'asset', + ExpenseAdvertisingPromotional = 'expense::advertising-promotional', + OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfInvestments = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-investments', + OtherExpenseRepairsAndMaintenance = 'other-expense::repairs-and-maintenance', + AssetUndepositedFunds = 'asset::undeposited-funds', + AssetTradeAndOtherReceivables = 'asset::trade-and-other-receivables', + LiabilityNotesPayable = 'liability::notes-payable', + AccountsReceivable = 'accounts-receivable', AssetCashOnHand = 'asset::cash-on-hand', - AssetOtherIntangibleAssets = 'asset::other-intangible-assets', - EquityDividendDisbursed = 'equity::dividend-disbursed', - AssetRetainage = 'asset::retainage', - Expense = 'expense', - AssetExpenditureAuthorisationsAndLettersOfCredit = 'asset::expenditure-authorisations-and-letters-of-credit', - OtherExpenseDeferredTaxExpense = 'other-expense::deferred-tax-expense', - OtherExpenseVehicleLoan = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan', - AssetBalWithGovtAuthorities = 'asset::bal-with-govt-authorities', - AssetAccumulatedAmortization = 'asset::accumulated-amortization', - ExpenseLegalProfessionalFees = 'expense::legal-professional-fees', - OtherCurrentLiabilityFederalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::federal-income-tax-payable', - OtherCurrentLiabilityOtherCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::other-current-liabilities', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionOfObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-of-obligations-under-finance-leases', - OtherExpenseVehicleRegistration = 'other-expense::vehicle-registration', - ExpenseLossOnDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax = 'expense::loss-on-discontinued-operations-net-of-tax', - OtherCurrentLiabilitySundryDebtorsAndCreditors = 'other-current-liability::sundry-debtors-and-creditors', - ExpenseOtherExternalServices = 'expense::other-external-services', + LiabilityProvisionsNonCurrentLiabilities = 'liability::provisions-non-current-liabilities', + ExpensePromotionalMeals = 'expense::promotional-meals', + OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxSuspense = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-suspense', OtherExpenseVehicleLoanInterest = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan-interest', + AssetAccumulatedDepletion = 'asset::accumulated-depletion', + RevenueOtherPrimaryIncome = 'revenue::other-primary-income', + AssetShortTermInvestmentsInRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-investments-in-related-parties', + ExpenseAuto = 'expense::auto', + ExpenseOtherRentalCosts = 'expense::other-rental-costs', + EquityCalledUpShareCapital = 'equity::called-up-share-capital', + LiabilityStaffAndRelatedLongTermLiabilityAccounts = 'liability::staff-and-related-long-term-liability-accounts', + AssetLongTermInvestments = 'asset::long-term-investments', + ExpenseOtherSellingExpenses = 'expense::other-selling-expenses', + Expense = 'expense', + AssetGlobalTaxDeferred = 'asset::global-tax-deferred', + AssetLicenses = 'asset::licenses', + ExpenseIncomeTaxExpense = 'expense::income-tax-expense', + AssetBuildings = 'asset::buildings', + OtherIncomeTaxExemptInterest = 'other-income::tax-exempt-interest', + EquityCapitalReserves = 'equity::capital-reserves', ExpenseCommissionsAndFees = 'expense::commissions-and-fees', - LiabilityGovernmentAndOtherPublicAuthorities = 'liability::government-and-other-public-authorities', - LiabilityLongTermBorrowings = 'liability::long-term-borrowings', ExpenseTravelExpensesGeneralAndAdminExpenses = 'expense::travel-expenses-general-and-admin-expenses', - AssetDeferredTax = 'asset::deferred-tax', - AssetFixedAssetCopiers = 'asset::fixed-asset-copiers', - AssetInvestmentMortgageRealEstateLoans = 'asset::investment-mortgage-real-estate-loans', - AssetAccumulatedDepletion = 'asset::accumulated-depletion', - LiabilityProvisionsNonCurrentLiabilities = 'liability::provisions-non-current-liabilities', + OtherCurrentLiabilityTradeAndOtherPayables = 'other-current-liability::trade-and-other-payables', + ExpenseLegalProfessionalFees = 'expense::legal-professional-fees', + Equity = 'equity', + OtherIncomeDividendIncome = 'other-income::dividend-income', + OtherExpenseOtherHomeOfficeExpenses = 'other-expense::other-home-office-expenses', + AssetAssetsHeldForSale = 'asset::assets-held-for-sale', + AssetTrustAccounts = 'asset::trust-accounts', + OtherCurrentLiabilityLoanPayable = 'other-current-liability::loan-payable', + EquityOpeningBalanceEquity = 'equity::opening-balance-equity', + LiabilityOtherLongTermProvisions = 'liability::other-long-term-provisions', + LiabilityLongTermDebit = 'liability::long-term-debit', + OtherCurrentLiabilitySalesTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::sales-tax-payable', + ExpenseDuesSubscriptions = 'expense::dues-subscriptions', + AssetChecking = 'asset::checking', + AssetRetainage = 'asset::retainage', + OtherCurrentLiabilitySundryDebtorsAndCreditors = 'other-current-liability::sundry-debtors-and-creditors', + OtherExpenseVehicle = 'other-expense::vehicle', + LiabilityAccruedLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::accrued-long-term-liabilities', + OtherExpenseExtraordinaryItems = 'other-expense::extraordinary-items', + AssetInvestments = 'asset::investments', + AssetInventory = 'asset::inventory', + OtherExpenseVehicleLoan = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan', + ExpenseEntertainmentMeals = 'expense::entertainment-meals', + AssetInvestmentUsGovernmentObligations = 'asset::investment-us-government-obligations', + AssetCapitalWip = 'asset::capital-wip', + RevenueSalesRetail = 'revenue::sales-retail', + OtherIncomeUnrealisedLossOnSecuritiesNetOfTax = 'other-income::unrealised-loss-on-securities-net-of-tax', + CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfSales = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-sales', + OtherExpenseUtilities = 'other-expense::utilities', + AssetCumulativeDepreciationOnIntangibleAssets = 'asset::cumulative-depreciation-on-intangible-assets', + ExpenseRepairMaintenance = 'expense::repair-maintenance', + AssetProvisionsCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-current-assets', + AssetLoansToOthers = 'asset::loans-to-others', + OtherExpenseAmortization = 'other-expense::amortization', LiabilityBankLoans = 'liability::bank-loans', - RevenueOperatingGrants = 'revenue::operating-grants', - OtherExpenseOtherVehicleExpenses = 'other-expense::other-vehicle-expenses', - EquityMoneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants = 'equity::money-received-against-share-warrants', - ExpenseBorrowingCost = 'expense::borrowing-cost', - OtherIncomeOtherInvestmentIncome = 'other-income::other-investment-income', - ExpenseAdvertisingPromotional = 'expense::advertising-promotional', + OtherExpenseDepreciation = 'other-expense::depreciation', OtherExpenseHomeOffice = 'other-expense::home-office', - EquityCalledUpShareCapital = 'equity::called-up-share-capital', - AssetLongTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::long-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', - EquityPersonalIncome = 'equity::personal-income', - OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxSuspense = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-suspense', - EquityTreasuryStock = 'equity::treasury-stock', - OtherExpenseRentAndLease = 'other-expense::rent-and-lease', - ExpenseBankCharges = 'expense::bank-charges', - OtherIncomeUnrealisedLossOnSecuritiesNetOfTax = 'other-income::unrealised-loss-on-securities-net-of-tax', - EquityRetainedEarnings = 'equity::retained-earnings', - AssetCalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid = 'asset::called-up-share-capital-not-paid', - ExpenseUtilities = 'expense::utilities', + ExpenseAppropriationsToDepreciation = 'expense::appropriations-to-depreciation', + AssetDevelopmentCosts = 'asset::development-costs', + LiabilityLongTermEmployeeBenefitObligations = 'liability::long-term-employee-benefit-obligations', + AssetAllowanceForBadDebts = 'asset::allowance-for-bad-debts', + AssetEmployeeCashAdvances = 'asset::employee-cash-advances', + AssetProvisionsFixedAssets = 'asset::provisions-fixed-assets', + ExpenseOfficeExpenses = 'expense::office-expenses', + EquityMoneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants = 'equity::money-received-against-share-warrants', LiabilityCreditCard = 'liability::credit-card', - AssetSecurityDeposits = 'asset::security-deposits', - AssetAssetsInCourseOfConstruction = 'asset::assets-in-course-of-construction', - AssetFurnitureAndFixtures = 'asset::furniture-and-fixtures', - AssetFixedAssetFurniture = 'asset::fixed-asset-furniture', - LiabilityOtherLongTermProvisions = 'liability::other-long-term-provisions', - OtherCurrentLiabilityInsurancePayable = 'other-current-liability::insurance-payable', - AssetInternalTransfers = 'asset::internal-transfers', - OtherExpenseHomeOwnerRentalInsurance = 'other-expense::home-owner-rental-insurance', - AssetLandAsset = 'asset::land-asset', - ExpensePayrollExpenses = 'expense::payroll-expenses', + OtherExpense = 'other-expense', + OtherIncomeOtherOperatingIncome = 'other-income::other-operating-income', + AssetAccumulatedAmortization = 'asset::accumulated-amortization', + OtherExpenseDepletion = 'other-expense::depletion', + RevenueSalesOfProductIncome = 'revenue::sales-of-product-income', + OtherExpenseVehicleRepairs = 'other-expense::vehicle-repairs', + AssetBank = 'asset::bank', + EquityPaidInCapitalOrSurplus = 'equity::paid-in-capital-or-surplus', + ExpenseBadDebts = 'expense::bad-debts', + ExpenseSuppliesMaterials = 'expense::supplies-materials', ExpenseSundry = 'expense::sundry', - ExpenseTravelMeals = 'expense::travel-meals', - OtherCurrentLiabilityStaffAndRelatedLiabilityAccounts = 'other-current-liability::staff-and-related-liability-accounts', - AssetIntangibleAssets = 'asset::intangible-assets', - OtherExpenseRepairsAndMaintenance = 'other-expense::repairs-and-maintenance', - OtherExpenseWashAndRoadServices = 'other-expense::wash-and-road-services', - EquityPartnerContributions = 'equity::partner-contributions', - AssetInvestments = 'asset::investments', - AssetPrepaidExpenses = 'asset::prepaid-expenses', - OtherCurrentLiabilityTradeAndOtherPayables = 'other-current-liability::trade-and-other-payables', - OtherCurrentLiabilityShortTermBorrowings = 'other-current-liability::short-term-borrowings', + ExpenseCostOfLabor = 'expense::cost-of-labor', + Income = 'income', + CostOfGoodsSoldFreightAndDeliveryCost = 'cost-of-goods-sold::freight-and-delivery-cost', + AssetOtherLongTermInvestments = 'asset::other-long-term-investments', + AssetShortTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', + EquityOtherFreeReserves = 'equity::other-free-reserves', + EquityPreferredStock = 'equity::preferred-stock', + ExpenseInsurance = 'expense::insurance', OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionsCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::provisions-current-liabilities', - CostOfGoodsSoldShippingFreightDeliveryCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::shipping-freight-delivery-cos', - AssetIntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment = 'asset::intangible-assets-under-development', + OtherCurrentLiabilityDividendsPayable = 'other-current-liability::dividends-payable', + AssetOrganizationalCosts = 'asset::organizational-costs', + OtherIncomeOtherMiscellaneousIncome = 'other-income::other-miscellaneous-income', + AssetPrepaidExpenses = 'asset::prepaid-expenses', + ExpenseEntertainment = 'expense::entertainment', + LiabilityDebtsRelatedToParticipatingInterests = 'liability::debts-related-to-participating-interests', + ExpenseOtherMiscellaneousServiceCost = 'expense::other-miscellaneous-service-cost', + AssetCashAndCashEquivalents = 'asset::cash-and-cash-equivalents', + AssetFixedAssetFurniture = 'asset::fixed-asset-furniture', + ExpenseOfficeGeneralAdministrativeExpenses = 'expense::office-general-administrative-expenses', + AssetLoansToOfficers = 'asset::loans-to-officers', + LiabilityLongTermLiability = 'liability::long-term-liability', + AssetLoansToStockholders = 'asset::loans-to-stockholders', + AssetOtherConsumables = 'asset::other-consumables', + ExpenseEquipmentRental = 'expense::equipment-rental', + ExpenseFinanceCosts = 'expense::finance-costs', + ExpensePenaltiesSettlements = 'expense::penalties-settlements', + AssetLeaseholdImprovements = 'asset::leasehold-improvements', + LiabilityGroupAndAssociates = 'liability::group-and-associates', + EquityTreasuryStock = 'equity::treasury-stock', + OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::payroll-tax-payable', + EquityPartnerContributions = 'equity::partner-contributions', + EquityPartnersEquity = 'equity::partners-equity', + ExpenseShippingFreightDelivery = 'expense::shipping-freight-delivery', CostOfGoodsSoldSuppliesMaterialsCogs = 'cost-of-goods-sold::supplies-materials-cogs', - ExpenseTravel = 'expense::travel', - AssetAllowanceForBadDebts = 'asset::allowance-for-bad-debts', - ExpenseExtraordinaryCharges = 'expense::extraordinary-charges', - ExpenseDistributionCosts = 'expense::distribution-costs', - ExpenseBadDebts = 'expense::bad-debts', - ExpenseCostOfLabor = 'expense::cost-of-labor', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionEmployeeBenefitsObligations = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-employee-benefits-obligations', EquityAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncome = 'equity::accumulated-other-comprehensive-income', - ExpenseRentOrLeaseOfBuildings = 'expense::rent-or-lease-of-buildings', - ExpenseCharitableContributions = 'expense::charitable-contributions', - LiabilityShareholderNotesPayable = 'liability::shareholder-notes-payable', - RevenueCashReceiptIncome = 'revenue::cash-receipt-income', - EquityAccumulatedAdjustment = 'equity::accumulated-adjustment', - AssetAssetsHeldForSale = 'asset::assets-held-for-sale', - ExpenseInterestPaid = 'expense::interest-paid', - AssetCapitalWip = 'asset::capital-wip', - AssetFixedAssetPhone = 'asset::fixed-asset-phone', - LiabilityProvisionForLiabilities = 'liability::provision-for-liabilities', - CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfLaborCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-labor-cos', - ExpenseTravelExpensesSellingExpense = 'expense::travel-expenses-selling-expense', - AssetBuildings = 'asset::buildings', - EquityShareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment = 'equity::share-application-money-pending-allotment', - ExpenseFinanceCosts = 'expense::finance-costs', - AssetAvailableForSaleFinancialAssets = 'asset::available-for-sale-financial-assets', - AssetOtherCurrentAsset = 'asset::other-current-asset', - AssetRentsHeldInTrust = 'asset::rents-held-in-trust', - LiabilityAccrualsAndDeferredIncome = 'liability::accruals-and-deferred-income', - EquityOtherFreeReserves = 'equity::other-free-reserves', - RevenueSavingsByTaxScheme = 'revenue::savings-by-tax-scheme', - OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfFixedAssets = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-fixed-assets', - AssetLicenses = 'asset::licenses', - AssetLongTermInvestments = 'asset::long-term-investments', - AssetOtherLongTermInvestments = 'asset::other-long-term-investments', - AssetFixedAssetOtherToolsEquipment = 'asset::fixed-asset-other-tools-equipment', - AssetShortTermInvestmentsInRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-investments-in-related-parties', - CostOfGoodsSoldEquipmentRentalCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::equipment-rental-cos', - OtherExpenseExchangeGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::exchange-gain-or-loss', - ExpenseOfficeExpenses = 'expense::office-expenses', - Liability = 'liability', - ExpenseIncomeTaxExpense = 'expense::income-tax-expense', - OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-payable', + RevenueDiscountsRefundsGiven = 'revenue::discounts-refunds-given', AssetOtherCurrentAssets = 'asset::other-current-assets', - OtherExpenseTaxRoundoffGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::tax-roundoff-gain-or-loss', - ExpensePurchasesRebates = 'expense::purchases-rebates', - AssetLeaseBuyout = 'asset::lease-buyout', - RevenueRevenueGeneral = 'revenue::revenue-general', - AssetVehicles = 'asset::vehicles', - LiabilityNotesPayable = 'liability::notes-payable', - EquityPartnerDistributions = 'equity::partner-distributions', - EquityCommonStock = 'equity::common-stock', - OtherExpensePenaltiesSettlements = 'other-expense::penalties-settlements', - ExpenseManagementCompensation = 'expense::management-compensation', + RevenueOwnWorkCapitalized = 'revenue::own-work-capitalized', AssetFixedAssetPhotoVideo = 'asset::fixed-asset-photo-video', - AssetGlobalTaxDeferred = 'asset::global-tax-deferred', - AssetOtherFixedAssets = 'asset::other-fixed-assets', - OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::payroll-tax-payable', - OtherCurrentLiabilityLineOfCredit = 'other-current-liability::line-of-credit', - AssetInventory = 'asset::inventory', - ExpenseOtherRentalCosts = 'expense::other-rental-costs', - OtherExpenseVehicleRepairs = 'other-expense::vehicle-repairs', - CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfSales = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-sales', - ExpenseEntertainment = 'expense::entertainment', - AssetBank = 'asset::bank', - OtherCurrentLiabilityStateLocalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::state-local-income-tax-payable', - OtherExpenseMatCredit = 'other-expense::mat-credit', - OtherExpense = 'other-expense', - ExpenseDuesSubscriptions = 'expense::dues-subscriptions', - RevenueUnappliedCashPaymentIncome = 'revenue::unapplied-cash-payment-income', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::current-liabilities', - AssetSavings = 'asset::savings', - AssetCashAndCashEquivalents = 'asset::cash-and-cash-equivalents', - AssetFixedAsset = 'asset::fixed-asset', - LiabilityOtherLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::other-long-term-liabilities', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentTaxLiability = 'other-current-liability::current-tax-liability', - RevenueServiceFeeIncome = 'revenue::service-fee-income', - OtherExpenseExtraordinaryItems = 'other-expense::extraordinary-items', - AssetOtherLongTermAssets = 'asset::other-long-term-assets', - OtherCurrentLiabilityDutiesAndTaxes = 'other-current-liability::duties-and-taxes', - LiabilityLongTermEmployeeBenefitObligations = 'liability::long-term-employee-benefit-obligations', - OtherExpenseUtilities = 'other-expense::utilities', - AssetMoneyMarket = 'asset::money-market', - AssetOtherEarMarkedBankAccounts = 'asset::other-ear-marked-bank-accounts', - AssetFixedAssetComputers = 'asset::fixed-asset-computers', - OtherExpenseGasAndFuel = 'other-expense::gas-and-fuel', - OtherCurrentLiabilityRentsInTrustLiability = 'other-current-liability::rents-in-trust-liability', - ExpenseGlobalTaxExpense = 'expense::global-tax-expense', - EquityPersonalExpense = 'equity::personal-expense', - ExpensePromotionalMeals = 'expense::promotional-meals', - AssetProvisionsFixedAssets = 'asset::provisions-fixed-assets', - OtherIncomeTaxExemptInterest = 'other-income::tax-exempt-interest', - ExpenseAppropriationsToDepreciation = 'expense::appropriations-to-depreciation', - AssetAssetsAvailableForSale = 'asset::assets-available-for-sale', - OtherCurrentLiabilitySalesTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::sales-tax-payable', - OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfInvestments = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-investments', - AssetOrganizationalCosts = 'asset::organizational-costs', - LiabilityOutstandingDuesOtherThanMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-other-than-micro-small-enterprise', - AssetInvestmentOther = 'asset::investment-other', - ExpenseOtherSellingExpenses = 'expense::other-selling-expenses', - AssetCumulativeDepreciationOnIntangibleAssets = 'asset::cumulative-depreciation-on-intangible-assets', + EquityShareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment = 'equity::share-application-money-pending-allotment', OtherCurrentLiability = 'other-current-liability', - Income = 'income', - OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionForWarrantyObligations = 'other-current-liability::provision-for-warranty-obligations', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionEmployeeBenefitsObligations = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-employee-benefits-obligations', - RevenueOtherPrimaryIncome = 'revenue::other-primary-income', - OtherIncomeOtherOperatingIncome = 'other-income::other-operating-income', - RevenueSalesOfProductIncome = 'revenue::sales-of-product-income', - LiabilityAccruedLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::accrued-long-term-liabilities', - AssetDepletableAssets = 'asset::depletable-assets', - ExpenseExternalServices = 'expense::external-services', - LiabilityDebtsRelatedToParticipatingInterests = 'liability::debts-related-to-participating-interests', - AssetInvestmentTaxExemptSecurities = 'asset::investment-tax-exempt-securities', - OtherExpenseDepletion = 'other-expense::depletion', - ExpenseOfficeGeneralAdministrativeExpenses = 'expense::office-general-administrative-expenses', - EquityShareCapital = 'equity::share-capital', - ExpenseAuto = 'expense::auto', - EquityFunds = 'equity::funds', - CostOfGoodsSoldOtherCostsOfServiceCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::other-costs-of-service-cos', - EquityPaidInCapitalOrSurplus = 'equity::paid-in-capital-or-surplus', - AssetUndepositedFunds = 'asset::undeposited-funds', - EquityInvestmentGrants = 'equity::investment-grants', - ExpenseShippingFreightDelivery = 'expense::shipping-freight-delivery', - LiabilityLiabilitiesRelatedToAssetsHeldForSale = 'liability::liabilities-related-to-assets-held-for-sale', - AssetOtherConsumables = 'asset::other-consumables', - ExpenseOtherMiscellaneousServiceCost = 'expense::other-miscellaneous-service-cost', - OtherExpenseDepreciation = 'other-expense::depreciation', - ExpenseAmortizationExpense = 'expense::amortization-expense', - AssetProvisionsNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-non-current-assets', - ExpenseEntertainmentMeals = 'expense::entertainment-meals', - LiabilityLongTermLiability = 'liability::long-term-liability' -} -export const enum SkuValidation { - LocalUnique = 'local-unique', - None = 'none', - GlobalUnique = 'global-unique' + OtherCurrentLiabilityAccruedLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::accrued-liabilities' } -export const enum CustomerEligibility { +export const enum TargetSelection { All = 'all', - SpecificCustomers = 'specific-customers', - SpecificCustomerGroups = 'specific-customer-groups' + Entitled = 'entitled' } -export const enum TransactionMethod { - BankBranch = 'bank-branch', - Telephone = 'telephone', - Mobile = 'mobile', +export const enum AllocationMethod { + Across = 'across', + Each = 'each' +} +export const enum ChannelAvailability { Online = 'online', - Atm = 'atm', - Mail = 'mail' + AllChannels = 'all-channels', + InApp = 'in-app', + InStore = 'in-store' } -export const enum AppliesTo { - AllItems = 'all-items', - SpecificItems = 'specific-items', - SpecificCategories = 'specific-categories' +export const enum Format { + Xml = 'xml', + Json = 'json' +} +export const enum Roles { + User = 'user', + Admin = 'admin', + Moderator = 'moderator' } export const enum Country { - Cambodia = 'cambodia', - Qatar = 'qatar', - Colombia = 'colombia', - AntiguaAndBarbuda = 'antigua-and-barbuda', - China = 'china', + Palestine = 'palestine', + SaintLucia = 'saint-lucia', + Spain = 'spain', + Estonia = 'estonia', + NorthMacedonia = 'north-macedonia', + Seychelles = 'seychelles', Slovenia = 'slovenia', - Vanuatu = 'vanuatu', - Russia = 'russia', - Croatia = 'croatia', - Philippines = 'philippines', - Iceland = 'iceland', - SriLanka = 'sri-lanka', - Kyrgyzstan = 'kyrgyzstan', - SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines = 'saint-vincent-and-the-grenadines', - Guatemala = 'guatemala', - UnitedKingdom = 'united-kingdom', - India = 'india', - Laos = 'laos', + Tunisia = 'tunisia', + Sweden = 'sweden', + Paraguay = 'paraguay', Liberia = 'liberia', - Chad = 'chad', - NewZealand = 'new-zealand', - Bahamas = 'bahamas', - Oman = 'oman', - Palau = 'palau', + Vanuatu = 'vanuatu', + Nicaragua = 'nicaragua', + CaboVerde = 'cabo-verde', SouthSudan = 'south-sudan', - CostaRica = 'costa-rica', - Nauru = 'nauru', - Maldives = 'maldives', - Micronesia = 'micronesia', - Syria = 'syria', + Austria = 'austria', + Morocco = 'morocco', + SaintKittsAndNevis = 'saint-kitts-and-nevis', + Samoa = 'samoa', + Tajikistan = 'tajikistan', Turkey = 'turkey', - Uganda = 'uganda', - Benin = 'benin', - Djibouti = 'djibouti', Angola = 'angola', + Bolivia = 'bolivia', + Uruguay = 'uruguay', + VaticanCity = 'vatican-city', + Kuwait = 'kuwait', + Malta = 'malta', + Lesotho = 'lesotho', + Portugal = 'portugal', + Tonga = 'tonga', Cyprus = 'cyprus', - Malawi = 'malawi', - Georgia = 'georgia', - Netherlands = 'netherlands', - BurkinaFaso = 'burkina-faso', - Luxembourg = 'luxembourg', - Lebanon = 'lebanon', - Guinea = 'guinea', - Bangladesh = 'bangladesh', - Iran = 'iran', - Burundi = 'burundi', + Nigeria = 'nigeria', + SanMarino = 'san-marino', + Maldives = 'maldives', + Vietnam = 'vietnam', + CongoDemocraticRepublic = 'congo-democratic-republic', + EquatorialGuinea = 'equatorial-guinea', + Azerbaijan = 'azerbaijan', + Zimbabwe = 'zimbabwe', + France = 'france', + Kiribati = 'kiribati', + Tanzania = 'tanzania', + Uzbekistan = 'uzbekistan', + Mauritius = 'mauritius', + TimorLeste = 'timor-leste', + Ireland = 'ireland', + CostaRica = 'costa-rica', + SouthKorea = 'south-korea', + Armenia = 'armenia', + SaoTomeAndPrincipe = 'sao-tome-and-principe', + Eswatini = 'eswatini', + Ghana = 'ghana', + Micronesia = 'micronesia', + SouthAfrica = 'south-africa', + Cambodia = 'cambodia', + Australia = 'australia', + Monaco = 'monaco', + Dominica = 'dominica', + Latvia = 'latvia', + Malaysia = 'malaysia', + Senegal = 'senegal', + Suriname = 'suriname', + Eritrea = 'eritrea', + Switzerland = 'switzerland', + NewZealand = 'new-zealand', + Afghanistan = 'afghanistan', + Algeria = 'algeria', + Bulgaria = 'bulgaria', + Japan = 'japan', + Lithuania = 'lithuania', + Croatia = 'croatia', Mongolia = 'mongolia', - Chile = 'chile', + Nepal = 'nepal', + Madagascar = 'madagascar', + Palau = 'palau', + Djibouti = 'djibouti', + BosniaAndHerzegovina = 'bosnia-and-herzegovina', + Bangladesh = 'bangladesh', CongoRepublic = 'congo-republic', - Mexico = 'mexico', - Panama = 'panama', - Paraguay = 'paraguay', + CzechRepublic = 'czech-republic', + Oman = 'oman', Peru = 'peru', - Tunisia = 'tunisia', + Liechtenstein = 'liechtenstein', + Serbia = 'serbia', + CoteDIvoire = 'cote-d-ivoire', + Kyrgyzstan = 'kyrgyzstan', + Russia = 'russia', + Rwanda = 'rwanda', + Singapore = 'singapore', + Syria = 'syria', + UnitedKingdom = 'united-kingdom', + Guinea = 'guinea', + Venezuela = 'venezuela', Egypt = 'egypt', - Uzbekistan = 'uzbekistan', - Uruguay = 'uruguay', - Austria = 'austria', - Bahrain = 'bahrain', - UnitedArabEmirates = 'united-arab-emirates', - SolomonIslands = 'solomon-islands', - Myanmar = 'myanmar', ElSalvador = 'el-salvador', - NorthKorea = 'north-korea', - Belgium = 'belgium', - Suriname = 'suriname', + Tuvalu = 'tuvalu', + UnitedStates = 'united-states', Ukraine = 'ukraine', - Azerbaijan = 'azerbaijan', - Malta = 'malta', - Finland = 'finland', - Namibia = 'namibia', + AntiguaAndBarbuda = 'antigua-and-barbuda', + Greece = 'greece', + Mexico = 'mexico', Canada = 'canada', - Bhutan = 'bhutan', - Norway = 'norway', - Belarus = 'belarus', - CongoDemocraticRepublic = 'congo-democratic-republic', - Italy = 'italy', - Liechtenstein = 'liechtenstein', - Malaysia = 'malaysia', - Ethiopia = 'ethiopia', - Germany = 'germany', + Cuba = 'cuba', + DominicanRepublic = 'dominican-republic', + Gabon = 'gabon', + CentralAfricanRepublic = 'central-african-republic', + Iraq = 'iraq', Kazakhstan = 'kazakhstan', - PapuaNewGuinea = 'papua-new-guinea', + Mozambique = 'mozambique', + Namibia = 'namibia', + Haiti = 'haiti', + Jordan = 'jordan', + MarshallIslands = 'marshall-islands', + Poland = 'poland', + Nauru = 'nauru', + GuineaBissau = 'guinea-bissau', + Qatar = 'qatar', + Romania = 'romania', SaudiArabia = 'saudi-arabia', - Bulgaria = 'bulgaria', - EquatorialGuinea = 'equatorial-guinea', - Estonia = 'estonia', - Indonesia = 'indonesia', + SolomonIslands = 'solomon-islands', + Norway = 'norway', Cameroon = 'cameroon', + Honduras = 'honduras', + Brazil = 'brazil', + Israel = 'israel', + Luxembourg = 'luxembourg', + Panama = 'panama', + Finland = 'finland', Libya = 'libya', - Mauritius = 'mauritius', - Madagascar = 'madagascar', - NorthMacedonia = 'north-macedonia', - Eritrea = 'eritrea', - Mozambique = 'mozambique', - Comoros = 'comoros', - Lithuania = 'lithuania', - Pakistan = 'pakistan', - Spain = 'spain', - Tuvalu = 'tuvalu', - Thailand = 'thailand', - Togo = 'togo', - VaticanCity = 'vatican-city', - Latvia = 'latvia', - Vietnam = 'vietnam', - Sudan = 'sudan', - Turkmenistan = 'turkmenistan', - UnitedStates = 'united-states', - Dominica = 'dominica', - SaintLucia = 'saint-lucia', - Albania = 'albania', + Somalia = 'somalia', + Andorra = 'andorra', + Belarus = 'belarus', + Brunei = 'brunei', + BurkinaFaso = 'burkina-faso', + Chile = 'chile', + Hungary = 'hungary', + Jamaica = 'jamaica', + Moldova = 'moldova', Fiji = 'fiji', Montenegro = 'montenegro', - SouthAfrica = 'south-africa', - Rwanda = 'rwanda', - Samoa = 'samoa', TrinidadAndTobago = 'trinidad-and-tobago', - GuineaBissau = 'guinea-bissau', - Iraq = 'iraq', - Portugal = 'portugal', - Serbia = 'serbia', - Brazil = 'brazil', - Taiwan = 'taiwan', - Denmark = 'denmark', - Ecuador = 'ecuador', - SanMarino = 'san-marino', + Chad = 'chad', + Comoros = 'comoros', + Guyana = 'guyana', + Laos = 'laos', + SierraLeone = 'sierra-leone', Gambia = 'gambia', - Zimbabwe = 'zimbabwe', + Benin = 'benin', + Germany = 'germany', + Togo = 'togo', + Lebanon = 'lebanon', + Thailand = 'thailand', + Yemen = 'yemen', + Belgium = 'belgium', + Bahrain = 'bahrain', + Iceland = 'iceland', + India = 'india', + Iran = 'iran', + Philippines = 'philippines', + SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines = 'saint-vincent-and-the-grenadines', + NorthKorea = 'north-korea', + Sudan = 'sudan', Slovakia = 'slovakia', - CzechRepublic = 'czech-republic', - Greece = 'greece', - Argentina = 'argentina', - Switzerland = 'switzerland', - Kiribati = 'kiribati', - Monaco = 'monaco', - TimorLeste = 'timor-leste', - SaintKittsAndNevis = 'saint-kitts-and-nevis', - CoteDIvoire = 'cote-d-ivoire', - Japan = 'japan', - Seychelles = 'seychelles', - Somalia = 'somalia', - BosniaAndHerzegovina = 'bosnia-and-herzegovina', - Mali = 'mali', - Romania = 'romania', - CaboVerde = 'cabo-verde', - Cuba = 'cuba', - Kuwait = 'kuwait', - SierraLeone = 'sierra-leone', + Ecuador = 'ecuador', + Bahamas = 'bahamas', + Italy = 'italy', Belize = 'belize', - Israel = 'israel', - Haiti = 'haiti', - Nicaragua = 'nicaragua', - Armenia = 'armenia', - SaoTomeAndPrincipe = 'sao-tome-and-principe', - SouthKorea = 'south-korea', - Tanzania = 'tanzania', - Honduras = 'honduras', - Niger = 'niger', - Jordan = 'jordan', - Lesotho = 'lesotho', - Bolivia = 'bolivia', - France = 'france', - Ireland = 'ireland', - Tonga = 'tonga', - Morocco = 'morocco', - CentralAfricanRepublic = 'central-african-republic', - Moldova = 'moldova', - Venezuela = 'venezuela', + Turkmenistan = 'turkmenistan', + Colombia = 'colombia', + UnitedArabEmirates = 'united-arab-emirates', + Mauritania = 'mauritania', Grenada = 'grenada', - Tajikistan = 'tajikistan', - Palestine = 'palestine', - Australia = 'australia', - Zambia = 'zambia', - Algeria = 'algeria', - Guyana = 'guyana', - Senegal = 'senegal', - Andorra = 'andorra', - Singapore = 'singapore', - Nigeria = 'nigeria', + Bhutan = 'bhutan', + Burundi = 'burundi', + Pakistan = 'pakistan', + PapuaNewGuinea = 'papua-new-guinea', + Ethiopia = 'ethiopia', + Malawi = 'malawi', Barbados = 'barbados', - Botswana = 'botswana', - DominicanRepublic = 'dominican-republic', - Nepal = 'nepal', - Sweden = 'sweden', - Afghanistan = 'afghanistan', - Brunei = 'brunei', - Jamaica = 'jamaica', - Yemen = 'yemen', - Gabon = 'gabon', - Ghana = 'ghana', - Hungary = 'hungary', Kenya = 'kenya', - MarshallIslands = 'marshall-islands', - Poland = 'poland', - Eswatini = 'eswatini', - Mauritania = 'mauritania' + Mali = 'mali', + China = 'china', + Zambia = 'zambia', + Albania = 'albania', + Netherlands = 'netherlands', + Niger = 'niger', + Georgia = 'georgia', + SriLanka = 'sri-lanka', + Taiwan = 'taiwan', + Argentina = 'argentina', + Botswana = 'botswana', + Guatemala = 'guatemala', + Uganda = 'uganda', + Denmark = 'denmark', + Myanmar = 'myanmar', + Indonesia = 'indonesia' } export const enum GlobalTaxType { - SalesTax = 'sales-tax', + Vat = 'vat', ExciseTax = 'excise-tax', + SalesTax = 'sales-tax', CustomsDuty = 'customs-duty', - PropertyTax = 'property-tax', - Vat = 'vat', Gst = 'gst', + PropertyTax = 'property-tax', Other = 'other' } export const enum JournalEntryStatus { - Voided = 'voided', - Error = 'error', + Posted = 'posted', Corrected = 'corrected', - Pending = 'pending', + Error = 'error', Draft = 'draft', - Posted = 'posted' + Pending = 'pending', + Voided = 'voided' } export const enum IdentityProvider { - Google = 'google', + Linkedin = 'linkedin', Instagram = 'instagram', - Behance = 'behance', - Discord = 'discord', + Line = 'line', + Amazon = 'amazon', + Reddit = 'reddit', Snapchat = 'snapchat', - Linkedin = 'linkedin', - Apple = 'apple', - Github = 'github', + Other = 'other', Tiktok = 'tiktok', + Google = 'google', + Whatsapp = 'whatsapp', + Github = 'github', Paypal = 'paypal', Flickr = 'flickr', - Vimeo = 'vimeo', - Signal = 'signal', - Telegram = 'telegram', - Other = 'other', - Whatsapp = 'whatsapp', - Microsoft = 'microsoft', - Yahoo = 'yahoo', - Wechat = 'wechat', Qq = 'qq', + Apple = 'apple', + Behance = 'behance', + Wechat = 'wechat', Slack = 'slack', - Amazon = 'amazon', - Twitter = 'twitter', - Tumblr = 'tumblr', + Foursquare = 'foursquare', + Microsoft = 'microsoft', + Yahoo = 'yahoo', Facebook = 'facebook', Pinterest = 'pinterest', - Reddit = 'reddit', - Foursquare = 'foursquare', + Telegram = 'telegram', + Twitter = 'twitter', + Vimeo = 'vimeo', Dribbble = 'dribbble', - Line = 'line' + Discord = 'discord', + Tumblr = 'tumblr', + Signal = 'signal' } export const enum DayOfWeek { - Monday = 'monday', Tuesday = 'tuesday', + Monday = 'monday', Thursday = 'thursday', - Sunday = 'sunday', - Wednesday = 'wednesday', + Friday = 'friday', Saturday = 'saturday', - Friday = 'friday' + Wednesday = 'wednesday', + Sunday = 'sunday' } export const enum AccountEngagementLevel { + Hot = 'hot', Warm = 'warm', Unknown = 'unknown', - Hot = 'hot', Cold = 'cold' } export const enum ReviewApprovalStatus { - InReview = 'in-review', - Approved = 'approved', Revised = 'revised', Pending = 'pending', - Rejected = 'rejected' + Rejected = 'rejected', + InReview = 'in-review', + Approved = 'approved' } export const enum StakeholderType { - Customer = 'customer', - Partner = 'partner', + Other = 'other', Investor = 'investor', + Partner = 'partner', + Customer = 'customer', Competitor = 'competitor', - Vendor = 'vendor', - Other = 'other' + Vendor = 'vendor' } export const enum AccountStatus { - Active = 'active', Inactive = 'inactive', - Closed = 'closed', + Active = 'active', Suspended = 'suspended', - Pending = 'pending' + Pending = 'pending', + Closed = 'closed' } export const enum CampaignStatus { - Scheduled = 'scheduled', - Draft = 'draft', - Paused = 'paused', + Planned = 'planned', + Archived = 'archived', Completed = 'completed', + Scheduled = 'scheduled', Cancelled = 'cancelled', + Draft = 'draft', Active = 'active', - Archived = 'archived', - Planned = 'planned' + Paused = 'paused' } export const enum CustomerType { - B2b = 'b2b', - Online = 'online', - Corporate = 'corporate', - B2c = 'b2c', Retail = 'retail', - Wholesale = 'wholesale' + B2c = 'b2c', + Wholesale = 'wholesale', + Online = 'online', + B2b = 'b2b', + Corporate = 'corporate' } export const enum AccountingAccountType { - AssetBalWithGovtAuthorities = 'asset::bal-with-govt-authorities', - AssetAvailableForSaleFinancialAssets = 'asset::available-for-sale-financial-assets', - LiabilityOutstandingDuesMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-micro-small-enterprise', - EquityAccumulatedAdjustment = 'equity::accumulated-adjustment', - AssetCashOnHand = 'asset::cash-on-hand', - ExpenseAuto = 'expense::auto', - LiabilityLongTermDebit = 'liability::long-term-debit', - OtherExpenseVehicle = 'other-expense::vehicle', - AssetDepletableAssets = 'asset::depletable-assets', - OtherExpenseMortgageInterest = 'other-expense::mortgage-interest', - AssetOrganizationalCosts = 'asset::organizational-costs', - OtherExpenseHomeOffice = 'other-expense::home-office', - ExpenseTaxesPaid = 'expense::taxes-paid', - OtherExpenseMatCredit = 'other-expense::mat-credit', - ExpenseFinanceCosts = 'expense::finance-costs', - AssetProvisionsNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-non-current-assets', - AssetEmployeeCashAdvances = 'asset::employee-cash-advances', - OtherExpenseGasAndFuel = 'other-expense::gas-and-fuel', - AssetAssetsInCourseOfConstruction = 'asset::assets-in-course-of-construction', - AssetFixedAssetComputers = 'asset::fixed-asset-computers', - AssetMachineryAndEquipment = 'asset::machinery-and-equipment', - LiabilityAccruedVacationPayable = 'liability::accrued-vacation-payable', - OtherCurrentLiabilityDutiesAndTaxes = 'other-current-liability::duties-and-taxes', - AssetOtherCurrentAssets = 'asset::other-current-assets', - OtherCurrentLiabilityTradeAndOtherPayables = 'other-current-liability::trade-and-other-payables', - ExpensePurchasesRebates = 'expense::purchases-rebates', - LiabilityDeferredTaxLiabilities = 'liability::deferred-tax-liabilities', - ExpenseOtherExternalServices = 'expense::other-external-services', - OtherIncomeLossOnDisposalOfAssets = 'other-income::loss-on-disposal-of-assets', - AssetShortTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', - CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfLaborCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-labor-cos', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::current-liabilities', - OtherExpenseUtilities = 'other-expense::utilities', - AssetOtherIntangibleAssets = 'asset::other-intangible-assets', - ExpenseTravelExpensesGeneralAndAdminExpenses = 'expense::travel-expenses-general-and-admin-expenses', - CostOfGoodsSoldShippingFreightDeliveryCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::shipping-freight-delivery-cos', - OtherExpenseVehicleRegistration = 'other-expense::vehicle-registration', - Asset = 'asset', - ExpenseBorrowingCost = 'expense::borrowing-cost', - ExpenseShippingAndDeliveryExpense = 'expense::shipping-and-delivery-expense', - OtherExpenseRepairsAndMaintenance = 'other-expense::repairs-and-maintenance', - AssetInvestmentUsGovernmentObligations = 'asset::investment-us-government-obligations', - OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxSuspense = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-suspense', - OtherCurrentLiabilityInsurancePayable = 'other-current-liability::insurance-payable', - OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfInvestments = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-investments', - ExpenseInterestPaid = 'expense::interest-paid', - LiabilityShareholderNotesPayable = 'liability::shareholder-notes-payable', - OtherExpenseRentAndLease = 'other-expense::rent-and-lease', - RevenueDiscountsRefundsGiven = 'revenue::discounts-refunds-given', - AssetSavings = 'asset::savings', - LiabilityOtherLongTermProvisions = 'liability::other-long-term-provisions', - ExpenseUtilities = 'expense::utilities', - OtherExpenseVehicleLoan = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan', - AssetGoodwill = 'asset::goodwill', - ExpenseDistributionCosts = 'expense::distribution-costs', - OtherExpenseExchangeGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::exchange-gain-or-loss', - OtherCurrentLiabilityAccruedLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::accrued-liabilities', - OtherCurrentLiabilityFederalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::federal-income-tax-payable', - OtherExpenseTaxRoundoffGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::tax-roundoff-gain-or-loss', - EquityPersonalExpense = 'equity::personal-expense', AssetAllowanceForBadDebts = 'asset::allowance-for-bad-debts', - OtherExpenseHomeOwnerRentalInsurance = 'other-expense::home-owner-rental-insurance', - AssetAssetsHeldForSale = 'asset::assets-held-for-sale', - EquityCalledUpShareCapital = 'equity::called-up-share-capital', - EquityDividendDisbursed = 'equity::dividend-disbursed', - AssetAssetsAvailableForSale = 'asset::assets-available-for-sale', - AssetParticipatingInterests = 'asset::participating-interests', - Equity = 'equity', + LiabilityAccountsPayable = 'liability::accounts-payable', + ExpenseIncomeTaxExpense = 'expense::income-tax-expense', + ExpenseFinanceCosts = 'expense::finance-costs', + AssetDevelopmentCosts = 'asset::development-costs', + OtherIncomeOtherOperatingIncome = 'other-income::other-operating-income', + ExpenseAppropriationsToDepreciation = 'expense::appropriations-to-depreciation', + LiabilityDebtsRelatedToParticipatingInterests = 'liability::debts-related-to-participating-interests', + OtherCurrentLiabilityLoanPayable = 'other-current-liability::loan-payable', + OtherExpenseExtraordinaryItems = 'other-expense::extraordinary-items', + OtherCurrentLiabilityOtherCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::other-current-liabilities', + AssetLandAsset = 'asset::land-asset', + AssetOtherFixedAssets = 'asset::other-fixed-assets', ExpenseEquipmentRental = 'expense::equipment-rental', + AssetCapitalWip = 'asset::capital-wip', + LiabilityOutstandingDuesOtherThanMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-other-than-micro-small-enterprise', + ExpenseSuppliesMaterials = 'expense::supplies-materials', + EquityCapitalReserves = 'equity::capital-reserves', + AssetLoansToStockholders = 'asset::loans-to-stockholders', + ExpenseEntertainment = 'expense::entertainment', + OtherExpenseMortgageInterest = 'other-expense::mortgage-interest', LiabilityNotesPayable = 'liability::notes-payable', - LiabilityAccruedLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::accrued-long-term-liabilities', - OtherCurrentLiabilitySundryDebtorsAndCreditors = 'other-current-liability::sundry-debtors-and-creditors', - AssetLandAsset = 'asset::land-asset', - AccountsReceivable = 'accounts-receivable', - AssetOtherLongTermAssets = 'asset::other-long-term-assets', - AssetDeferredTax = 'asset::deferred-tax', - OtherExpense = 'other-expense', - OtherIncome = 'other-income', - OtherCurrentLiabilityStaffAndRelatedLiabilityAccounts = 'other-current-liability::staff-and-related-liability-accounts', - AssetOtherConsumables = 'asset::other-consumables', - ExpenseStaffCosts = 'expense::staff-costs', - AssetCalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid = 'asset::called-up-share-capital-not-paid', - CostOfGoodsSold = 'cost-of-goods-sold', - OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionForWarrantyObligations = 'other-current-liability::provision-for-warranty-obligations', - AssetFixedAssetSoftware = 'asset::fixed-asset-software', + OtherExpenseParkingAndTolls = 'other-expense::parking-and-tolls', + OtherExpenseDeferredTaxExpense = 'other-expense::deferred-tax-expense', + AssetOtherLongTermInvestments = 'asset::other-long-term-investments', EquityPreferredStock = 'equity::preferred-stock', - LiabilityBankLoans = 'liability::bank-loans', - ExpenseShippingFreightDelivery = 'expense::shipping-freight-delivery', - AssetOtherCurrentAsset = 'asset::other-current-asset', - AssetShortTermInvestmentsInRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-investments-in-related-parties', + ExpenseDistributionCosts = 'expense::distribution-costs', + AssetLeaseBuyout = 'asset::lease-buyout', + CostOfGoodsSoldSuppliesMaterialsCogs = 'cost-of-goods-sold::supplies-materials-cogs', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::current-liabilities', + ExpenseLegalProfessionalFees = 'expense::legal-professional-fees', + RevenueOperatingGrants = 'revenue::operating-grants', + OtherCurrentLiabilityRentsInTrustLiability = 'other-current-liability::rents-in-trust-liability', + ExpensePayrollExpenses = 'expense::payroll-expenses', + RevenueUnappliedCashPaymentIncome = 'revenue::unapplied-cash-payment-income', + ExpenseGlobalTaxExpense = 'expense::global-tax-expense', + EquityDividendDisbursed = 'equity::dividend-disbursed', + EquityTreasuryStock = 'equity::treasury-stock', + EquityInvestmentGrants = 'equity::investment-grants', + ExpenseDuesSubscriptions = 'expense::dues-subscriptions', + OtherExpenseVehicleLoan = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan', + EquityPartnerDistributions = 'equity::partner-distributions', + LiabilityLongTermDebit = 'liability::long-term-debit', + RevenueOwnWorkCapitalized = 'revenue::own-work-capitalized', + LiabilityStaffAndRelatedLongTermLiabilityAccounts = 'liability::staff-and-related-long-term-liability-accounts', + AssetTrustAccounts = 'asset::trust-accounts', + OtherIncomeUnrealisedLossOnSecuritiesNetOfTax = 'other-income::unrealised-loss-on-securities-net-of-tax', + ExpenseCharitableContributions = 'expense::charitable-contributions', + AssetOtherCurrentAssets = 'asset::other-current-assets', + ExpenseEntertainmentMeals = 'expense::entertainment-meals', + OtherIncomeDividendIncome = 'other-income::dividend-income', + CostOfGoodsSoldEquipmentRentalCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::equipment-rental-cos', + AssetLongTermInvestments = 'asset::long-term-investments', + AssetLongTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::long-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', + AssetOrganizationalCosts = 'asset::organizational-costs', + OtherExpense = 'other-expense', + OtherExpenseDepletion = 'other-expense::depletion', + AssetDepletableAssets = 'asset::depletable-assets', + EquityAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncome = 'equity::accumulated-other-comprehensive-income', + AssetCashOnHand = 'asset::cash-on-hand', + LiabilityObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'liability::obligations-under-finance-leases', + AssetOtherAsset = 'asset::other-asset', + AssetFixedAssetCopiers = 'asset::fixed-asset-copiers', + OtherExpenseVehicleRepairs = 'other-expense::vehicle-repairs', + LiabilityCreditCard = 'liability::credit-card', + OtherIncomeInterestEarned = 'other-income::interest-earned', + ExpenseOtherMiscellaneousServiceCost = 'expense::other-miscellaneous-service-cost', + OtherExpenseGasAndFuel = 'other-expense::gas-and-fuel', AssetPrepaidExpenses = 'asset::prepaid-expenses', - AssetLeaseholdImprovements = 'asset::leasehold-improvements', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionEmployeeBenefitsObligations = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-employee-benefits-obligations', - AssetInvestmentMortgageRealEstateLoans = 'asset::investment-mortgage-real-estate-loans', - ExpenseInsurance = 'expense::insurance', + CostOfGoodsSoldFreightAndDeliveryCost = 'cost-of-goods-sold::freight-and-delivery-cost', + OtherExpenseDepreciation = 'other-expense::depreciation', + OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::payroll-tax-payable', + AssetFixedAssetPhotoVideo = 'asset::fixed-asset-photo-video', + AssetChecking = 'asset::checking', + EquityPartnersEquity = 'equity::partners-equity', AssetTradeAndOtherReceivables = 'asset::trade-and-other-receivables', - AssetFixedAssetCopiers = 'asset::fixed-asset-copiers', - EquityMoneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants = 'equity::money-received-against-share-warrants', - ExpenseCharitableContributions = 'expense::charitable-contributions', - EquityCommonStock = 'equity::common-stock', - AssetDevelopmentCosts = 'asset::development-costs', - AssetFurnitureAndFixtures = 'asset::furniture-and-fixtures', - EquityOpeningBalanceEquity = 'equity::opening-balance-equity', - OtherCurrentLiabilityLineOfCredit = 'other-current-liability::line-of-credit', - ExpenseOtherRentalCosts = 'expense::other-rental-costs', - ExpenseOfficeExpenses = 'expense::office-expenses', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentTaxLiability = 'other-current-liability::current-tax-liability', - EquityPartnerContributions = 'equity::partner-contributions', - EquityCapitalReserves = 'equity::capital-reserves', - OtherIncomeOtherInvestmentIncome = 'other-income::other-investment-income', - OtherIncomeOtherMiscellaneousIncome = 'other-income::other-miscellaneous-income', - ExpenseBadDebts = 'expense::bad-debts', - ExpenseProjectStudiesSurveysAssessments = 'expense::project-studies-surveys-assessments', + AssetShortTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', + OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfFixedAssets = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-fixed-assets', + AssetLoansToOthers = 'asset::loans-to-others', + AssetEmployeeCashAdvances = 'asset::employee-cash-advances', + ExpenseTravel = 'expense::travel', AssetLoansToOfficers = 'asset::loans-to-officers', - AssetFixedAssetPhotoVideo = 'asset::fixed-asset-photo-video', + ExpenseBankCharges = 'expense::bank-charges', + ExpenseAuto = 'expense::auto', + RevenueServiceFeeIncome = 'revenue::service-fee-income', + AssetProvisionsCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-current-assets', + AssetNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::non-current-assets', + AssetFixedAssetSoftware = 'asset::fixed-asset-software', + AssetOtherEarMarkedBankAccounts = 'asset::other-ear-marked-bank-accounts', AssetIntangibleAssets = 'asset::intangible-assets', + EquityHealthcare = 'equity::healthcare', + Expense = 'expense', + OtherCurrentLiabilityDividendsPayable = 'other-current-liability::dividends-payable', + RevenueSavingsByTaxScheme = 'revenue::savings-by-tax-scheme', + OtherExpenseRentAndLease = 'other-expense::rent-and-lease', + RevenueCashReceiptIncome = 'revenue::cash-receipt-income', + AssetFixedAssetPhone = 'asset::fixed-asset-phone', + OtherIncomeLossOnDisposalOfAssets = 'other-income::loss-on-disposal-of-assets', + AssetInvestmentTaxExemptSecurities = 'asset::investment-tax-exempt-securities', + LiabilityShareholderNotesPayable = 'liability::shareholder-notes-payable', + RevenueOtherCurrentOperatingIncome = 'revenue::other-current-operating-income', + OtherExpenseOtherMiscellaneousExpense = 'other-expense::other-miscellaneous-expense', + OtherExpenseVehicleLoanInterest = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan-interest', + OtherCurrentLiabilityShortTermBorrowings = 'other-current-liability::short-term-borrowings', + EquityCommonStock = 'equity::common-stock', + AssetCumulativeDepreciationOnIntangibleAssets = 'asset::cumulative-depreciation-on-intangible-assets', + AssetAvailableForSaleFinancialAssets = 'asset::available-for-sale-financial-assets', + LiabilityDeferredTaxLiabilities = 'liability::deferred-tax-liabilities', LiabilityLongTermBorrowings = 'liability::long-term-borrowings', - OtherCurrentLiabilityOtherCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::other-current-liabilities', - ExpenseAppropriationsToDepreciation = 'expense::appropriations-to-depreciation', + OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollClearing = 'other-current-liability::payroll-clearing', + AssetProvisionsFixedAssets = 'asset::provisions-fixed-assets', + OtherCurrentLiabilityStateLocalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::state-local-income-tax-payable', + OtherIncome = 'other-income', + ExpenseStaffCosts = 'expense::staff-costs', + EquityShareCapital = 'equity::share-capital', + ExpenseUtilities = 'expense::utilities', AssetInvestmentOther = 'asset::investment-other', - RevenueCashReceiptIncome = 'revenue::cash-receipt-income', - AssetInventory = 'asset::inventory', - AssetUndepositedFunds = 'asset::undeposited-funds', - AssetExpenditureAuthorisationsAndLettersOfCredit = 'asset::expenditure-authorisations-and-letters-of-credit', - AssetPrepaymentsAndAccruedIncome = 'asset::prepayments-and-accrued-income', - RevenueSalesOfProductIncome = 'revenue::sales-of-product-income', - OtherCurrentLiabilitySocialSecurityAgencies = 'other-current-liability::social-security-agencies', + AssetFixedAsset = 'asset::fixed-asset', + AssetAssetsAvailableForSale = 'asset::assets-available-for-sale', + AssetBuildings = 'asset::buildings', + EquityOpeningBalanceEquity = 'equity::opening-balance-equity', ExpenseAmortizationExpense = 'expense::amortization-expense', - ExpenseDuesSubscriptions = 'expense::dues-subscriptions', - AssetAccumulatedAmortization = 'asset::accumulated-amortization', - OtherExpenseOtherMiscellaneousExpense = 'other-expense::other-miscellaneous-expense', - ExpenseUnappliedCashBillPaymentExpense = 'expense::unapplied-cash-bill-payment-expense', - LiabilityObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'liability::obligations-under-finance-leases', - OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-payable', - AssetCashAndCashEquivalents = 'asset::cash-and-cash-equivalents', - AssetLand = 'asset::land', - AssetAccumulatedDepletion = 'asset::accumulated-depletion', - ExpenseRentOrLeaseOfBuildings = 'expense::rent-or-lease-of-buildings', - AssetOtherFixedAssets = 'asset::other-fixed-assets', - OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionsCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::provisions-current-liabilities', - ExpenseOfficeGeneralAdministrativeExpenses = 'expense::office-general-administrative-expenses', - EquityPaidInCapitalOrSurplus = 'equity::paid-in-capital-or-surplus', - OtherIncomeTaxExemptInterest = 'other-income::tax-exempt-interest', - OtherCurrentLiability = 'other-current-liability', - AssetCapitalWip = 'asset::capital-wip', + RevenueDiscountsRefundsGiven = 'revenue::discounts-refunds-given', + AssetShortTermInvestmentsInRelatedParties = 'asset::short-term-investments-in-related-parties', + AssetFixedAssetComputers = 'asset::fixed-asset-computers', + ExpenseSundry = 'expense::sundry', AssetSecurityDeposits = 'asset::security-deposits', - OtherCurrentLiabilityStateLocalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::state-local-income-tax-payable', - RevenueSavingsByTaxScheme = 'revenue::savings-by-tax-scheme', - ExpenseOtherBusinessExpenses = 'expense::other-business-expenses', - AssetLongTermLoansAndAdvancesToRelatedParties = 'asset::long-term-loans-and-advances-to-related-parties', - OtherExpenseVehicleLease = 'other-expense::vehicle-lease', - AssetLicenses = 'asset::licenses', - EquityOtherFreeReserves = 'equity::other-free-reserves', - ExpenseCommissionsAndFees = 'expense::commissions-and-fees', - CostOfGoodsSoldFreightAndDeliveryCost = 'cost-of-goods-sold::freight-and-delivery-cost', - OtherIncomeDividendIncome = 'other-income::dividend-income', - OtherExpenseExceptionalItems = 'other-expense::exceptional-items', - OtherCurrentLiabilityPrepaidExpensesPayable = 'other-current-liability::prepaid-expenses-payable', - AssetInvestmentTaxExemptSecurities = 'asset::investment-tax-exempt-securities', - AssetProvisionsCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-current-assets', - AssetAccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets = 'asset::accumulated-amortization-of-other-assets', - OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::payroll-tax-payable', - EquityPersonalIncome = 'equity::personal-income', + ExpenseCostOfLabor = 'expense::cost-of-labor', + OtherExpensePenaltiesSettlements = 'other-expense::penalties-settlements', + EquityCalledUpShareCapital = 'equity::called-up-share-capital', + OtherExpenseMatCredit = 'other-expense::mat-credit', + OtherIncomeOtherMiscellaneousIncome = 'other-income::other-miscellaneous-income', + AssetAccumulatedDepletion = 'asset::accumulated-depletion', OtherCurrentLiabilityDirectDepositPayable = 'other-current-liability::direct-deposit-payable', - OtherIncomeUnrealisedLossOnSecuritiesNetOfTax = 'other-income::unrealised-loss-on-securities-net-of-tax', - ExpenseEntertainment = 'expense::entertainment', - AssetOtherLongTermInvestments = 'asset::other-long-term-investments', - ExpenseExternalServices = 'expense::external-services', - RevenueSalesWholesale = 'revenue::sales-wholesale', - ExpenseOtherSellingExpenses = 'expense::other-selling-expenses', - OtherExpenseWashAndRoadServices = 'other-expense::wash-and-road-services', - ExpenseManagementCompensation = 'expense::management-compensation', + AssetUndepositedFunds = 'asset::undeposited-funds', + AssetOtherConsumables = 'asset::other-consumables', + LiabilityAccruedVacationPayable = 'liability::accrued-vacation-payable', + EquityAccumulatedAdjustment = 'equity::accumulated-adjustment', + CostOfGoodsSoldOtherCostsOfServiceCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::other-costs-of-service-cos', LiabilityLongTermLiability = 'liability::long-term-liability', - LiabilityGroupAndAssociates = 'liability::group-and-associates', - LiabilityProvisionsNonCurrentLiabilities = 'liability::provisions-non-current-liabilities', - EquityAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncome = 'equity::accumulated-other-comprehensive-income', - EquityOwnersEquity = 'equity::owners-equity', - EquityEquityInEarningsOfSubsidiuaries = 'equity::equity-in-earnings-of-subsidiuaries', - ExpenseOtherCurrentOperatingCharges = 'expense::other-current-operating-charges', OtherExpensePriorPeriodItems = 'other-expense::prior-period-items', - LiabilityLongTermEmployeeBenefitObligations = 'liability::long-term-employee-benefit-obligations', - LiabilityStaffAndRelatedLongTermLiabilityAccounts = 'liability::staff-and-related-long-term-liability-accounts', - EquityFunds = 'equity::funds', - AssetLongTermInvestments = 'asset::long-term-investments', - CostOfGoodsSoldOtherCostsOfServiceCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::other-costs-of-service-cos', - LiabilityDebtsRelatedToParticipatingInterests = 'liability::debts-related-to-participating-interests', - AssetGlobalTaxDeferred = 'asset::global-tax-deferred', - ExpenseRepairMaintenance = 'expense::repair-maintenance', - AssetFixedAsset = 'asset::fixed-asset', - LiabilityLiabilitiesRelatedToAssetsHeldForSale = 'liability::liabilities-related-to-assets-held-for-sale', - OtherCurrentLiabilityLoanPayable = 'other-current-liability::loan-payable', - RevenueOtherPrimaryIncome = 'revenue::other-primary-income', + OtherCurrentLiabilitySundryDebtorsAndCreditors = 'other-current-liability::sundry-debtors-and-creditors', + LiabilityOtherLongTermProvisions = 'liability::other-long-term-provisions', + AssetOtherLongTermAssets = 'asset::other-long-term-assets', + AssetDeferredTax = 'asset::deferred-tax', + ExpenseOtherSellingExpenses = 'expense::other-selling-expenses', + OtherExpenseTaxRoundoffGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::tax-roundoff-gain-or-loss', + EquityEstimatedTaxes = 'equity::estimated-taxes', + AssetAssetsHeldForSale = 'asset::assets-held-for-sale', + OtherExpenseRepairsAndMaintenance = 'other-expense::repairs-and-maintenance', OtherExpenseVehicleInsurance = 'other-expense::vehicle-insurance', - EquityPartnerDistributions = 'equity::partner-distributions', - AssetBuildings = 'asset::buildings', - ExpenseLossOnDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax = 'expense::loss-on-discontinued-operations-net-of-tax', - AssetOtherAsset = 'asset::other-asset', - LiabilityAccountsPayable = 'liability::accounts-payable', - LiabilityProvisionForLiabilities = 'liability::provision-for-liabilities', + OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionForWarrantyObligations = 'other-current-liability::provision-for-warranty-obligations', + CostOfGoodsSold = 'cost-of-goods-sold', + OtherCurrentLiabilityInterestPayables = 'other-current-liability::interest-payables', + ExpenseAdvertisingPromotional = 'expense::advertising-promotional', + EquityOwnersEquity = 'equity::owners-equity', + ExpenseExtraordinaryCharges = 'expense::extraordinary-charges', + ExpenseTravelExpensesGeneralAndAdminExpenses = 'expense::travel-expenses-general-and-admin-expenses', + AssetFixedAssetOtherToolsEquipment = 'asset::fixed-asset-other-tools-equipment', + OtherCurrentLiability = 'other-current-liability', + ExpenseRepairMaintenance = 'expense::repair-maintenance', + ExpenseOfficeGeneralAdministrativeExpenses = 'expense::office-general-administrative-expenses', + AssetIntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment = 'asset::intangible-assets-under-development', + ExpenseExternalServices = 'expense::external-services', + LiabilityAccrualsAndDeferredIncome = 'liability::accruals-and-deferred-income', + RevenueSalesWholesale = 'revenue::sales-wholesale', + AssetAccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets = 'asset::accumulated-amortization-of-other-assets', + OtherExpenseWashAndRoadServices = 'other-expense::wash-and-road-services', + LiabilityBankLoans = 'liability::bank-loans', + OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfInvestments = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-investments', + AssetFixedAssetFurniture = 'asset::fixed-asset-furniture', + AssetLicenses = 'asset::licenses', + EquityPartnerContributions = 'equity::partner-contributions', + EquityRetainedEarnings = 'equity::retained-earnings', CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfSales = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-sales', - RevenueServiceFeeIncome = 'revenue::service-fee-income', - AssetCumulativeDepreciationOnIntangibleAssets = 'asset::cumulative-depreciation-on-intangible-assets', + OtherCurrentLiabilityAccruedLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::accrued-liabilities', + RevenueOtherPrimaryIncome = 'revenue::other-primary-income', + ExpenseUnappliedCashBillPaymentExpense = 'expense::unapplied-cash-bill-payment-expense', + ExpensePromotionalMeals = 'expense::promotional-meals', + AssetGoodwill = 'asset::goodwill', + OtherIncomeOtherInvestmentIncome = 'other-income::other-investment-income', + ExpenseOtherExternalServices = 'expense::other-external-services', + OtherExpenseVehicle = 'other-expense::vehicle', + AssetOtherLongTermLoansAndAdvances = 'asset::other-long-term-loans-and-advances', + AssetOtherCurrentAsset = 'asset::other-current-asset', + OtherExpenseIncomeTaxOtherExpense = 'other-expense::income-tax-other-expense', + ExpenseBorrowingCost = 'expense::borrowing-cost', + RevenueSalesRetail = 'revenue::sales-retail', + ExpenseShippingFreightDelivery = 'expense::shipping-freight-delivery', + OtherCurrentLiabilityProvisionsCurrentLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::provisions-current-liabilities', + LiabilityGroupAndAssociates = 'liability::group-and-associates', + AssetLeaseholdImprovements = 'asset::leasehold-improvements', + AssetParticipatingInterests = 'asset::participating-interests', OtherExpenseOtherHomeOfficeExpenses = 'other-expense::other-home-office-expenses', + OtherCurrentLiabilityDutiesAndTaxes = 'other-current-liability::duties-and-taxes', + AssetInternalTransfers = 'asset::internal-transfers', OtherExpenseAmortization = 'other-expense::amortization', - OtherExpenseVehicleLoanInterest = 'other-expense::vehicle-loan-interest', - AssetInvestments = 'asset::investments', - AssetIntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment = 'asset::intangible-assets-under-development', - ExpenseLegalProfessionalFees = 'expense::legal-professional-fees', - OtherExpenseDepreciation = 'other-expense::depreciation', - OtherCurrentLiabilityTrustAccountsLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::trust-accounts-liabilities', - AssetChecking = 'asset::checking', - AssetOtherEarMarkedBankAccounts = 'asset::other-ear-marked-bank-accounts', - AssetFixedAssetOtherToolsEquipment = 'asset::fixed-asset-other-tools-equipment', - RevenueOwnWorkCapitalized = 'revenue::own-work-capitalized', + AssetAssetsInCourseOfConstruction = 'asset::assets-in-course-of-construction', + OtherCurrentLiabilityPrepaidExpensesPayable = 'other-current-liability::prepaid-expenses-payable', + ExpenseRentOrLeaseOfBuildings = 'expense::rent-or-lease-of-buildings', + AssetAccumulatedDepreciation = 'asset::accumulated-depreciation', + AccountsReceivable = 'accounts-receivable', + ExpenseManagementCompensation = 'expense::management-compensation', + RevenueSalesOfProductIncome = 'revenue::sales-of-product-income', + AssetProvisionsNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::provisions-non-current-assets', + OtherExpenseExceptionalItems = 'other-expense::exceptional-items', + RevenueRevenueGeneral = 'revenue::revenue-general', + AssetCalledUpShareCapitalNotPaid = 'asset::called-up-share-capital-not-paid', + LiabilityLongTermEmployeeBenefitObligations = 'liability::long-term-employee-benefit-obligations', + Equity = 'equity', + ExpenseCommissionsAndFees = 'expense::commissions-and-fees', + EquityPersonalIncome = 'equity::personal-income', + EquityFunds = 'equity::funds', AssetVehicles = 'asset::vehicles', - EquityRetainedEarnings = 'equity::retained-earnings', - AssetTrustAccounts = 'asset::trust-accounts', - AssetProvisionsFixedAssets = 'asset::provisions-fixed-assets', - ExpenseTravelExpensesSellingExpense = 'expense::travel-expenses-selling-expense', - OtherExpenseOtherVehicleExpenses = 'other-expense::other-vehicle-expenses', - LiabilityAccrualsAndDeferredIncome = 'liability::accruals-and-deferred-income', - OtherCurrentLiabilityShortTermBorrowings = 'other-current-liability::short-term-borrowings', - EquityShareCapital = 'equity::share-capital', + ExpenseProjectStudiesSurveysAssessments = 'expense::project-studies-surveys-assessments', + OtherCurrentLiabilitySalesTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::sales-tax-payable', + ExpenseBadDebts = 'expense::bad-debts', + OtherCurrentLiabilityTradeAndOtherPayables = 'other-current-liability::trade-and-other-payables', LiabilityOtherLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::other-long-term-liabilities', - OtherIncomeOtherOperatingIncome = 'other-income::other-operating-income', - ExpenseGlobalTaxExpense = 'expense::global-tax-expense', - OtherCurrentLiabilityInterestPayables = 'other-current-liability::interest-payables', - ExpenseAdvertisingPromotional = 'expense::advertising-promotional', + ExpenseInsurance = 'expense::insurance', + AssetInventory = 'asset::inventory', + CostOfGoodsSoldCostOfLaborCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::cost-of-labor-cos', + LiabilityAccruedLongTermLiabilities = 'liability::accrued-long-term-liabilities', + LiabilityProvisionsNonCurrentLiabilities = 'liability::provisions-non-current-liabilities', + AssetFurnitureAndFixtures = 'asset::furniture-and-fixtures', + OtherExpenseOtherVehicleExpenses = 'other-expense::other-vehicle-expenses', + ExpenseTravelMeals = 'expense::travel-meals', AssetRentsHeldInTrust = 'asset::rents-held-in-trust', - ExpensePromotionalMeals = 'expense::promotional-meals', - OtherIncomeInterestEarned = 'other-income::interest-earned', - EquityShareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment = 'equity::share-application-money-pending-allotment', - ExpenseExtraordinaryCharges = 'expense::extraordinary-charges', - ExpenseCostOfLabor = 'expense::cost-of-labor', - OtherExpenseParkingAndTolls = 'other-expense::parking-and-tolls', + EquityEquityInEarningsOfSubsidiuaries = 'equity::equity-in-earnings-of-subsidiuaries', + OtherCurrentLiabilityTrustAccountsLiabilities = 'other-current-liability::trust-accounts-liabilities', + AssetBalWithGovtAuthorities = 'asset::bal-with-govt-authorities', + Asset = 'asset', + OtherCurrentLiabilityStaffAndRelatedLiabilityAccounts = 'other-current-liability::staff-and-related-liability-accounts', + ExpenseLossOnDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax = 'expense::loss-on-discontinued-operations-net-of-tax', + AssetBank = 'asset::bank', + ExpenseOtherBusinessExpenses = 'expense::other-business-expenses', + LiabilityLiabilitiesRelatedToAssetsHeldForSale = 'liability::liabilities-related-to-assets-held-for-sale', + OtherCurrentLiabilityInsurancePayable = 'other-current-liability::insurance-payable', + AssetInvestments = 'asset::investments', + ExpenseInterestPaid = 'expense::interest-paid', + ExpenseOfficeExpenses = 'expense::office-expenses', + AssetMachineryAndEquipment = 'asset::machinery-and-equipment', + ExpensePurchasesRebates = 'expense::purchases-rebates', RevenueNonProfitIncome = 'revenue::non-profit-income', - OtherExpenseExtraordinaryItems = 'other-expense::extraordinary-items', - EquityTreasuryStock = 'equity::treasury-stock', - RevenueRevenueGeneral = 'revenue::revenue-general', - AssetMoneyMarket = 'asset::money-market', - AssetLoansToStockholders = 'asset::loans-to-stockholders', - AssetFixedAssetPhone = 'asset::fixed-asset-phone', - OtherIncomeGainLossOnSaleOfFixedAssets = 'other-income::gain-loss-on-sale-of-fixed-assets', - RevenueIncome = 'revenue::income', - AssetLoansToOthers = 'asset::loans-to-others', - AssetFixedAssetFurniture = 'asset::fixed-asset-furniture', - CostOfGoodsSoldEquipmentRentalCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::equipment-rental-cos', - EquityPartnersEquity = 'equity::partners-equity', - AssetAccumulatedDepreciation = 'asset::accumulated-depreciation', + AssetInvestmentMortgageRealEstateLoans = 'asset::investment-mortgage-real-estate-loans', + EquityMoneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants = 'equity::money-received-against-share-warrants', + ExpenseOtherRentalCosts = 'expense::other-rental-costs', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentTaxLiability = 'other-current-liability::current-tax-liability', AssetRetainage = 'asset::retainage', - ExpenseEntertainmentMeals = 'expense::entertainment-meals', - LiabilityOutstandingDuesOtherThanMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-other-than-micro-small-enterprise', - ExpenseIncomeTaxExpense = 'expense::income-tax-expense', - OtherCurrentLiabilityRentsInTrustLiability = 'other-current-liability::rents-in-trust-liability', - ExpenseSundry = 'expense::sundry', - RevenueSalesRetail = 'revenue::sales-retail', - RevenueUnappliedCashPaymentIncome = 'revenue::unapplied-cash-payment-income', - OtherExpensePenaltiesSettlements = 'other-expense::penalties-settlements', - ExpensePayrollExpenses = 'expense::payroll-expenses', - RevenueOperatingGrants = 'revenue::operating-grants', - OtherCurrentLiabilityDividendsPayable = 'other-current-liability::dividends-payable', - EquityInvestmentGrants = 'equity::investment-grants', - AssetBank = 'asset::bank', - ExpenseTravelMeals = 'expense::travel-meals', - LiabilityCreditCard = 'liability::credit-card', - EquityEstimatedTaxes = 'equity::estimated-taxes', - ExpenseOtherMiscellaneousServiceCost = 'expense::other-miscellaneous-service-cost', - OtherCurrentLiabilityPayrollClearing = 'other-current-liability::payroll-clearing', - OtherCurrentLiabilitySalesTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::sales-tax-payable', - OtherExpenseDepletion = 'other-expense::depletion', - RevenueOtherCurrentOperatingIncome = 'revenue::other-current-operating-income', - LiabilityGovernmentAndOtherPublicAuthorities = 'liability::government-and-other-public-authorities', - OtherExpenseDeferredTaxExpense = 'other-expense::deferred-tax-expense', - AssetInternalTransfers = 'asset::internal-transfers', - OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionOfObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-of-obligations-under-finance-leases', - EquityHealthcare = 'equity::healthcare', - OtherExpenseVehicleRepairs = 'other-expense::vehicle-repairs', - AssetOtherLongTermLoansAndAdvances = 'asset::other-long-term-loans-and-advances', - AssetNonCurrentAssets = 'asset::non-current-assets', - OtherExpenseIncomeTaxOtherExpense = 'other-expense::income-tax-other-expense', - ExpenseBankCharges = 'expense::bank-charges', - Expense = 'expense', - AssetLeaseBuyout = 'asset::lease-buyout', + OtherCurrentLiabilitySocialSecurityAgencies = 'other-current-liability::social-security-agencies', + AssetOtherIntangibleAssets = 'asset::other-intangible-assets', AssetGlobalTaxRefund = 'asset::global-tax-refund', - ExpenseSuppliesMaterials = 'expense::supplies-materials', - ExpenseTravel = 'expense::travel', - CostOfGoodsSoldSuppliesMaterialsCogs = 'cost-of-goods-sold::supplies-materials-cogs' + EquityPaidInCapitalOrSurplus = 'equity::paid-in-capital-or-surplus', + ExpenseTravelExpensesSellingExpense = 'expense::travel-expenses-selling-expense', + AssetPrepaymentsAndAccruedIncome = 'asset::prepayments-and-accrued-income', + OtherExpenseUtilities = 'other-expense::utilities', + AssetGlobalTaxDeferred = 'asset::global-tax-deferred', + OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-payable', + AssetSavings = 'asset::savings', + AssetAccumulatedAmortization = 'asset::accumulated-amortization', + AssetInvestmentUsGovernmentObligations = 'asset::investment-us-government-obligations', + OtherExpenseVehicleLease = 'other-expense::vehicle-lease', + EquityShareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment = 'equity::share-application-money-pending-allotment', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionOfObligationsUnderFinanceLeases = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-of-obligations-under-finance-leases', + ExpenseTaxesPaid = 'expense::taxes-paid', + OtherExpenseHomeOffice = 'other-expense::home-office', + LiabilityGovernmentAndOtherPublicAuthorities = 'liability::government-and-other-public-authorities', + OtherCurrentLiabilityCurrentPortionEmployeeBenefitsObligations = 'other-current-liability::current-portion-employee-benefits-obligations', + EquityOtherFreeReserves = 'equity::other-free-reserves', + OtherExpenseExchangeGainOrLoss = 'other-expense::exchange-gain-or-loss', + OtherExpenseVehicleRegistration = 'other-expense::vehicle-registration', + OtherExpenseHomeOwnerRentalInsurance = 'other-expense::home-owner-rental-insurance', + ExpenseShippingAndDeliveryExpense = 'expense::shipping-and-delivery-expense', + AssetMoneyMarket = 'asset::money-market', + AssetLand = 'asset::land', + OtherCurrentLiabilityFederalIncomeTaxPayable = 'other-current-liability::federal-income-tax-payable', + EquityPersonalExpense = 'equity::personal-expense', + RevenueIncome = 'revenue::income', + OtherIncomeTaxExemptInterest = 'other-income::tax-exempt-interest', + AssetCashAndCashEquivalents = 'asset::cash-and-cash-equivalents', + ExpenseOtherCurrentOperatingCharges = 'expense::other-current-operating-charges', + OtherCurrentLiabilityLineOfCredit = 'other-current-liability::line-of-credit', + OtherCurrentLiabilityGlobalTaxSuspense = 'other-current-liability::global-tax-suspense', + LiabilityOutstandingDuesMicroSmallEnterprise = 'liability::outstanding-dues-micro-small-enterprise', + AssetExpenditureAuthorisationsAndLettersOfCredit = 'asset::expenditure-authorisations-and-letters-of-credit', + LiabilityProvisionForLiabilities = 'liability::provision-for-liabilities', + CostOfGoodsSoldShippingFreightDeliveryCos = 'cost-of-goods-sold::shipping-freight-delivery-cos' } export const enum MessageReadStatus { - Sent = 'sent', - Delivered = 'delivered', Read = 'read', + Delivered = 'delivered', + Sent = 'sent', Failed = 'failed', Unsent = 'unsent' } export const enum MessageContentType { + Audio = 'audio', + Contact = 'contact', Location = 'location', Sticker = 'sticker', Video = 'video', - Audio = 'audio', - Document = 'document', - Image = 'image', Link = 'link', + Image = 'image', Text = 'text', - File = 'file', - Voice = 'voice', + Document = 'document', Gif = 'gif', - Contact = 'contact' + File = 'file', + Voice = 'voice' } export const enum MessageDeliveryStatus { Undeliverable = 'undeliverable', - Failed = 'failed', Sent = 'sent', - Delivered = 'delivered', + Failed = 'failed', Error = 'error', + Delivered = 'delivered', Read = 'read', Pending = 'pending' } export const enum ReactionType { - Interested = 'interested', - Bookmark = 'bookmark', Sad = 'sad', + Laugh = 'laugh', + Bookmark = 'bookmark', Dislike = 'dislike', Like = 'like', + Angry = 'angry', Wow = 'wow', - Love = 'love', - Laugh = 'laugh', - Angry = 'angry' + Interested = 'interested', + Love = 'love' } export const enum SupportTicketPriority { - Immediate = 'immediate', + Urgent = 'urgent', High = 'high', + Immediate = 'immediate', Low = 'low', - Medium = 'medium', - Urgent = 'urgent' + Medium = 'medium' } export const enum IssueLifecycleStatus { - Resolved = 'resolved', - OnHold = 'on-hold', Open = 'open', - Cancelled = 'cancelled', + InProgress = 'in-progress', + OnHold = 'on-hold', Pending = 'pending', - Closed = 'closed', - InProgress = 'in-progress' + Cancelled = 'cancelled', + Resolved = 'resolved', + Closed = 'closed' } export const enum SupportQueryType { - Feedback = 'feedback', - Problem = 'problem', Task = 'task', + FeatureRequest = 'feature-request', Question = 'question', - Incident = 'incident', Bug = 'bug', - FeatureRequest = 'feature-request' + Feedback = 'feedback', + Incident = 'incident', + Problem = 'problem' } export const enum OrderStatus { - Cancelled = 'cancelled', - Pending = 'pending', - Processing = 'processing', - Completed = 'completed', - AwaitingShipment = 'awaiting-shipment', - Returned = 'returned', - Refunded = 'refunded', - PartiallyFulfilled = 'partially-fulfilled', - Confirmed = 'confirmed', - Abandoned = 'abandoned', - Failed = 'failed', + Shipped = 'shipped', Draft = 'draft', OnHold = 'on-hold', + Refunded = 'refunded', + Failed = 'failed', + Abandoned = 'abandoned', + Returned = 'returned', + Pending = 'pending', AwaitingPickup = 'awaiting-pickup', + AwaitingShipment = 'awaiting-shipment', Disputed = 'disputed', - AwaitingPayment = 'awaiting-payment', - Shipped = 'shipped', - Delivered = 'delivered' + Completed = 'completed', + PartiallyFulfilled = 'partially-fulfilled', + Confirmed = 'confirmed', + Delivered = 'delivered', + Processing = 'processing', + Cancelled = 'cancelled', + AwaitingPayment = 'awaiting-payment' } export const enum DiscountType { - UnknownDiscount = 'unknown-discount', - Percentage = 'percentage', + BuyOneGetOne = 'buy-one-get-one', TieredDiscount = 'tiered-discount', FixedAmount = 'fixed-amount', + Percentage = 'percentage', VariableAmount = 'variable-amount', - VariablePercentage = 'variable-percentage', + UnknownDiscount = 'unknown-discount', ConditionalDiscount = 'conditional-discount', - BuyOneGetOne = 'buy-one-get-one' + VariablePercentage = 'variable-percentage' } export const enum ImageMimeType { - ImageJpeg = 'image/jpeg', - ImageSvgXml = 'image/svg+xml', - ImagePng = 'image/png', - ImageBmp = 'image/bmp', ImageTiff = 'image/tiff', ImageHeic = 'image/heic', + ImagePng = 'image/png', ImageGif = 'image/gif', - ImageWebp = 'image/webp' + ImageSvgXml = 'image/svg+xml', + ImageWebp = 'image/webp', + ImageBmp = 'image/bmp', + ImageJpeg = 'image/jpeg' } export const enum FulfillmentStatus { + Delivered = 'delivered', Failure = 'failure', Cancelled = 'cancelled', - Returned = 'returned', Pending = 'pending', - InTransit = 'in-transit', - Delivered = 'delivered' + Returned = 'returned', + InTransit = 'in-transit' } export const enum OrderingCriteria { - Manual = 'manual', - CreationDate = 'creation-date', - PriceAscending = 'price-ascending', - Alphabetical = 'alphabetical', Popularity = 'popularity', Rating = 'rating', PriceDescending = 'price-descending', - Relevance = 'relevance' + CreationDate = 'creation-date', + Manual = 'manual', + PriceAscending = 'price-ascending', + Relevance = 'relevance', + Alphabetical = 'alphabetical' } export const enum ChatType { + Private = 'private', Group = 'group', - Public = 'public', - Private = 'private' + Public = 'public' } export const enum ProductAvailabilityStatus { - PreOrder = 'pre-order', - BackOrder = 'back-order', InStock = 'in-stock', OutOfStock = 'out-of-stock', + BackOrder = 'back-order', + PreOrder = 'pre-order', Discontinued = 'discontinued' } export const enum ExpenseApprovalStatus { - Approved = 'approved', - Processed = 'processed', Denied = 'denied', - Reviewing = 'reviewing', - New = 'new', Reimbursed = 'reimbursed', + Reviewing = 'reviewing', + Approved = 'approved', Pending = 'pending', - Cancelled = 'cancelled' + Cancelled = 'cancelled', + New = 'new', + Processed = 'processed' } export const enum FinancialChargeType { - LateFee = 'late-fee', - InterestCharge = 'interest-charge', - ProcessingFee = 'processing-fee', - Other = 'other', + Commission = 'commission', TransactionFee = 'transaction-fee', + ProcessingFee = 'processing-fee', ServiceCharge = 'service-charge', - Commission = 'commission' + LateFee = 'late-fee', + InterestCharge = 'interest-charge', + Other = 'other' } export const enum ItemAvailabilityStatus { - Active = 'active', Discontinued = 'discontinued', + Active = 'active', Inactive = 'inactive', OutOfStock = 'out-of-stock' } export const enum BillingStatus { - Voided = 'voided', - Paid = 'paid', - Pending = 'pending', - PartiallyPaid = 'partially-paid', - Unpaid = 'unpaid', - Draft = 'draft', - Authorised = 'authorised', + Submitted = 'submitted', Deleted = 'deleted', + Authorised = 'authorised', Overdue = 'overdue', - Submitted = 'submitted' + Unpaid = 'unpaid', + Paid = 'paid', + Draft = 'draft', + Pending = 'pending', + Voided = 'voided', + PartiallyPaid = 'partially-paid' } export const enum FinancialAccountStatus { + Delinquent = 'delinquent', Inactive = 'inactive', Closed = 'closed', - UnderReview = 'under-review', - Delinquent = 'delinquent', + Frozen = 'frozen', Active = 'active', Suspended = 'suspended', - Frozen = 'frozen' + UnderReview = 'under-review' } export const enum TransactionStatus { - Failed = 'failed', - Initiated = 'initiated', - InProgress = 'in-progress', + Error = 'error', Succeeded = 'succeeded', + Initiated = 'initiated', Cancelled = 'cancelled', - Error = 'error', - Pending = 'pending' + InProgress = 'in-progress', + Pending = 'pending', + Failed = 'failed' } export const enum InvoiceAdjustmentType { Tip = 'tip', - Tax = 'tax', + Shipping = 'shipping', Discount = 'discount', - Other = 'other', - Shipping = 'shipping' + Tax = 'tax', + Other = 'other' } export const enum DataType { - Array = 'array', - Boolean = 'boolean', - Undefined = 'undefined', Binary = 'binary', - Date = 'date', + Boolean = 'boolean', + Json = 'json', + String = 'string', + Array = 'array', Object = 'object', - Null = 'null', Number = 'number', - String = 'string', - Json = 'json' + Date = 'date', + Null = 'null', + Undefined = 'undefined' } export const enum EmploymentType { - Freelance = 'freelance', - Permanent = 'permanent', - Volunteer = 'volunteer', PartTime = 'part-time', - Contract = 'contract', + Seasonal = 'seasonal', Temporary = 'temporary', + Contract = 'contract', + Volunteer = 'volunteer', + Permanent = 'permanent', Internship = 'internship', - Seasonal = 'seasonal', + Freelance = 'freelance', FullTime = 'full-time' } export const enum TimeCycle { - Annually = 'annually', SemiMonthly = 'semi-monthly', - Secondly = 'secondly', - Triennially = 'triennially', - Hourly = 'hourly', + Custom = 'custom', Biweekly = 'biweekly', - Monthly = 'monthly', + Hourly = 'hourly', + Quarterly = 'quarterly', + Annually = 'annually', + Biennially = 'biennially', SemiAnnually = 'semi-annually', + Secondly = 'secondly', + Triennially = 'triennially', Daily = 'daily', - AdHoc = 'ad-hoc', - Custom = 'custom', - Minutely = 'minutely', + Monthly = 'monthly', Weekly = 'weekly', - Biennially = 'biennially', - Quarterly = 'quarterly' + AdHoc = 'ad-hoc', + Minutely = 'minutely' } export const enum FinancialTrackingCategories { - Product = 'product', + Division = 'division', Other = 'other', - Location = 'location', Department = 'department', + Location = 'location', None = 'none', - Project = 'project', - CostCenter = 'cost-center', - Customer = 'customer', - Division = 'division', + Vendor = 'vendor', Employee = 'employee', Service = 'service', + Customer = 'customer', + Project = 'project', + Product = 'product', Class = 'class', - Vendor = 'vendor' + CostCenter = 'cost-center' } export const enum CreditNoteStatus { - Applied = 'applied', - Cancelled = 'cancelled', - Issued = 'issued', - Pending = 'pending', Void = 'void', + Completed = 'completed', + Issued = 'issued', Draft = 'draft', + Revised = 'revised', Disputed = 'disputed', - Completed = 'completed', - Revised = 'revised' + Applied = 'applied', + Pending = 'pending', + Cancelled = 'cancelled' } export const enum PaymentTerm { - DueOnReceipt = 'due-on-receipt', + Installment = 'installment', + Prepayment = 'prepayment', + CashWithOrder = 'cash-with-order', + Net90 = 'net-90', Net = 'net', + CashOnDelivery = 'cash-on-delivery', + Net60 = 'net-60', UponCompletion = 'upon-completion', - Net30 = 'net-30', DeferredPayment = 'deferred-payment', - Custom = 'custom', - CashWithOrder = 'cash-with-order', - CashOnDelivery = 'cash-on-delivery', - Net90 = 'net-90', DueEndOfMonth = 'due-end-of-month', - Prepaid = 'prepaid', - Installment = 'installment', CashInAdvance = 'cash-in-advance', - CashBeforeShipment = 'cash-before-shipment', - Prepayment = 'prepayment', - Net60 = 'net-60' + Prepaid = 'prepaid', + Net30 = 'net-30', + Custom = 'custom', + DueOnReceipt = 'due-on-receipt', + CashBeforeShipment = 'cash-before-shipment' } export const enum EmploymentAndCandidateStatus { - OfferExtended = 'offer-extended', - Interviewing = 'interviewing', - InReview = 'in-review', + Hired = 'hired', Active = 'active', New = 'new', - Hired = 'hired', - OnLeave = 'on-leave', + Inactive = 'inactive', + Interviewing = 'interviewing', + OfferExtended = 'offer-extended', NotSelected = 'not-selected', Other = 'other', - Inactive = 'inactive', - Terminated = 'terminated' + OnLeave = 'on-leave', + Terminated = 'terminated', + InReview = 'in-review' } export const enum OrganizationalRole { - Contractor = 'contractor', + Other = 'other', Manager = 'manager', Admin = 'admin', Employee = 'employee', - Supervisor = 'supervisor', Director = 'director', - Other = 'other' + Supervisor = 'supervisor', + Contractor = 'contractor' } export const enum CampaignType { + Other = 'other', Email = 'email', - SearchEngine = 'search-engine', + SocialMedia = 'social-media', Display = 'display', - Other = 'other', - SocialMedia = 'social-media' + SearchEngine = 'search-engine' } export const enum ContactAddressType { Home = 'home', + Shipping = 'shipping', Personal = 'personal', - Other = 'other', - Business = 'business', Billing = 'billing', Temporary = 'temporary', Work = 'work', - Shipping = 'shipping' + Business = 'business', + Other = 'other' } export const enum CustomerStatus { - Suspended = 'suspended', + Archived = 'archived', Inactive = 'inactive', + Suspended = 'suspended', Active = 'active', - Archived = 'archived', Pending = 'pending' } export const enum SocialPlatform { - Twitter = 'twitter', - Youtube = 'youtube', Reddit = 'reddit', - Tumblr = 'tumblr', - Skype = 'skype', Linkedin = 'linkedin', + Tumblr = 'tumblr', OtherSocialPlatform = 'other-social-platform', - Snapchat = 'snapchat', - Pinterest = 'pinterest', + Twitter = 'twitter', Tiktok = 'tiktok', + Skype = 'skype', X = 'x', + Instagram = 'instagram', + Snapchat = 'snapchat', Facebook = 'facebook', - Instagram = 'instagram' + Pinterest = 'pinterest', + Youtube = 'youtube' } export const enum LeadLifecycleStatus { - InProcess = 'in-process', - AttemptedToContact = 'attempted-to-contact', - Connected = 'connected', + New = 'new', Lost = 'lost', + Connected = 'connected', + BadTiming = 'bad-timing', + Open = 'open', + InProcess = 'in-process', Revisited = 'revisited', + AttemptedToContact = 'attempted-to-contact', Converted = 'converted', - Open = 'open', - Unqualified = 'unqualified', - BadTiming = 'bad-timing', - New = 'new' + Unqualified = 'unqualified' } export const enum ConversationStatus { - Active = 'active', Deleted = 'deleted', - Archived = 'archived' + Archived = 'archived', + Active = 'active' } export const enum CommunicationRole { - Bot = 'bot', + Assistant = 'assistant', + Service = 'service', + User = 'user', Admin = 'admin', + Owner = 'owner', + Channel = 'channel', Member = 'member', Guest = 'guest', Group = 'group', + Bot = 'bot', Moderator = 'moderator', - Service = 'service', - System = 'system', - Channel = 'channel', - Owner = 'owner', - Assistant = 'assistant', - User = 'user' + System = 'system' } export const enum ParticipantEngagementStatus { - Moderator = 'moderator', - Left = 'left', + Active = 'active', Banned = 'banned', - Admin = 'admin', Guest = 'guest', - Active = 'active', - Inactive = 'inactive' + Moderator = 'moderator', + Inactive = 'inactive', + Admin = 'admin', + Left = 'left' } export const enum ItemEntityStatus { - Suspended = 'suspended', - Deleted = 'deleted', - Active = 'active', Completed = 'completed', - Archived = 'archived', Inactive = 'inactive', - Pending = 'pending' + Archived = 'archived', + Pending = 'pending', + Deleted = 'deleted', + Active = 'active', + Suspended = 'suspended' } export const enum Currency { - MYR = 'myr', - RUB = 'rub', - AOA = 'aoa', - THB = 'thb', - VES = 'ves', - YER = 'yer', - LSL = 'lsl', - TND = 'tnd', - BOB = 'bob', - UYU = 'uyu', - ZAR = 'zar', - SYP = 'syp', - USD = 'usd', - JMD = 'jmd', - TVD = 'tvd', TOP = 'top', - KES = 'kes', - MAD = 'mad', - MGA = 'mga', - KGS = 'kgs', - GEL = 'gel', - HRK = 'hrk', - XOF = 'xof', - QAR = 'qar', - GTQ = 'gtq', - DZD = 'dzd', - HNL = 'hnl', - NIO = 'nio', - EGP = 'egp', - KHR = 'khr', - KRW = 'krw', - RSD = 'rsd', - CAD = 'cad', - MRU = 'mru', + COP = 'cop', DKK = 'dkk', - ALL = 'all', - HUF = 'huf', - SSP = 'ssp', + HTG = 'htg', + KES = 'kes', + MNT = 'mnt', + BSD = 'bsd', + MKD = 'mkd', + BDT = 'bdt', + GIP = 'gip', + MOP = 'mop', BBD = 'bbd', - GHS = 'ghs', - BND = 'bnd', - PLN = 'pln', - SCR = 'scr', + MRU = 'mru', KWD = 'kwd', - BDT = 'bdt', - CUP = 'cup', - WST = 'wst', - PAB = 'pab', - MDL = 'mdl', - MXN = 'mxn', - UGX = 'ugx', - ANG = 'ang', - PYG = 'pyg', - BZD = 'bzd', - CUC = 'cuc', - MNT = 'mnt', + CZK = 'czk', + JEP = 'jep', + NGN = 'ngn', MWK = 'mwk', - SLL = 'sll', - KYD = 'kyd', - IDR = 'idr', - KPW = 'kpw', - EUR = 'eur', NPR = 'npr', - XAF = 'xaf', - BAM = 'bam', - DJF = 'djf', - HKD = 'hkd', - MKD = 'mkd', - NZD = 'nzd', + EUR = 'eur', + CUC = 'cuc', + MDL = 'mdl', + PKR = 'pkr', + LYD = 'lyd', + NIO = 'nio', + AWG = 'awg', + LSL = 'lsl', + RWF = 'rwf', SAR = 'sar', + GBP = 'gbp', UZS = 'uzs', - GGP = 'ggp', - GYD = 'gyd', - SZL = 'szl', + HRK = 'hrk', + ERN = 'ern', + CLP = 'clp', + MMK = 'mmk', + RSD = 'rsd', + TJS = 'tjs', + TTD = 'ttd', + UYU = 'uyu', + ZWL = 'zwl', + PLN = 'pln', + SCR = 'scr', + JOD = 'jod', + WST = 'wst', + TND = 'tnd', + MUR = 'mur', CRC = 'crc', - XPF = 'xpf', - AMD = 'amd', - BSD = 'bsd', - COP = 'cop', - CZK = 'czk', - ILS = 'ils', + RON = 'ron', + IMP = 'imp', + SZL = 'szl', + KYD = 'kyd', + BRL = 'brl', + HUF = 'huf', + KRW = 'krw', + XCD = 'xcd', + MAD = 'mad', + BWP = 'bwp', + LKR = 'lkr', + SYP = 'syp', + CAD = 'cad', + PEN = 'pen', + SGD = 'sgd', + CVE = 'cve', + MVR = 'mvr', TMT = 'tmt', BHD = 'bhd', - AZN = 'azn', - BIF = 'bif', - IRR = 'irr', - NAD = 'nad', + HNL = 'hnl', ETB = 'etb', AUD = 'aud', - KZT = 'kzt', - MUR = 'mur', - NOK = 'nok', - PHP = 'php', - LAK = 'lak', - RWF = 'rwf', - JEP = 'jep', - XDR = 'xdr', - TTD = 'ttd', - GMD = 'gmd', - INR = 'inr', - TWD = 'twd', - TZS = 'tzs', - PGK = 'pgk', - NGN = 'ngn', - ZWL = 'zwl', - TJS = 'tjs', - SGD = 'sgd', - FOK = 'fok', - AFN = 'afn', - UAH = 'uah', - ZMW = 'zmw', - XCD = 'xcd', - LKR = 'lkr', - ARS = 'ars', - BYN = 'byn', - ERN = 'ern', - PKR = 'pkr', + BAM = 'bam', + IDR = 'idr', + DJF = 'djf', KMF = 'kmf', - MOP = 'mop', + KPW = 'kpw', + KGS = 'kgs', + NOK = 'nok', + VND = 'vnd', SHP = 'shp', + BMD = 'bmd', + LBP = 'lbp', + CUP = 'cup', + XOF = 'xof', DOP = 'dop', - AED = 'aed', - STN = 'stn', - ISK = 'isk', - BTN = 'btn', - MMK = 'mmk', - RON = 'ron', - OMR = 'omr', - LRD = 'lrd', - FKP = 'fkp', - GNF = 'gnf', - PEN = 'pen', - CNY = 'cny', - VND = 'vnd', + XAF = 'xaf', + BYN = 'byn', CHF = 'chf', - SBD = 'sbd', - MVR = 'mvr', - AWG = 'awg', - BGN = 'bgn', + PHP = 'php', + GHS = 'ghs', + GYD = 'gyd', SOS = 'sos', - TRY = 'try', - JOD = 'jod', - BMD = 'bmd', - CLP = 'clp', - HTG = 'htg', - JPY = 'jpy', - BWP = 'bwp', - GBP = 'gbp', + RUB = 'rub', + BND = 'bnd', + FKP = 'fkp', CDF = 'cdf', - BRL = 'brl', - CVE = 'cve', SDG = 'sdg', + ZAR = 'zar', + FOK = 'fok', + GNF = 'gnf', + CNY = 'cny', + THB = 'thb', + KID = 'kid', + MGA = 'mga', + AED = 'aed', + BTN = 'btn', + AOA = 'aoa', + GTQ = 'gtq', + IQD = 'iqd', + MZN = 'mzn', + JPY = 'jpy', + EGP = 'egp', + PYG = 'pyg', + PAB = 'pab', + IRR = 'irr', + AZN = 'azn', + VES = 'ves', + NZD = 'nzd', + ARS = 'ars', + UAH = 'uah', + SRD = 'srd', + KHR = 'khr', + GGP = 'ggp', + BZD = 'bzd', + ALL = 'all', + ANG = 'ang', + BGN = 'bgn', + TRY = 'try', + BOB = 'bob', + UGX = 'ugx', + OMR = 'omr', + TWD = 'twd', + SBD = 'sbd', + HKD = 'hkd', VUV = 'vuv', - LBP = 'lbp', + XPF = 'xpf', + MXN = 'mxn', + ISK = 'isk', + AFN = 'afn', SEK = 'sek', - IQD = 'iqd', + TZS = 'tzs', + GEL = 'gel', + JMD = 'jmd', + BIF = 'bif', + INR = 'inr', + NAD = 'nad', + SLL = 'sll', + MYR = 'myr', + SSP = 'ssp', + USD = 'usd', + LRD = 'lrd', + QAR = 'qar', + YER = 'yer', + AMD = 'amd', + PGK = 'pgk', + STN = 'stn', + ZMW = 'zmw', + ILS = 'ils', + LAK = 'lak', FJD = 'fjd', - MZN = 'mzn', - SRD = 'srd', - GIP = 'gip', - IMP = 'imp', - KID = 'kid', - LYD = 'lyd' + DZD = 'dzd', + GMD = 'gmd', + KZT = 'kzt', + TVD = 'tvd', + XDR = 'xdr' } export const enum CustomerEligibilityStatus { + AllCustomers = 'all-customers', SpecificConditions = 'specific-conditions', VipCustomers = 'vip-customers', NewCustomers = 'new-customers', - AllCustomers = 'all-customers', - Other = 'other', - ReturningCustomers = 'returning-customers' + ReturningCustomers = 'returning-customers', + Other = 'other' } export const enum LifecycleStatus { - Expired = 'expired', + Active = 'active', + Issued = 'issued', Redeemed = 'redeemed', - Cancelled = 'cancelled', Suspended = 'suspended', - Active = 'active', - Issued = 'issued' + Cancelled = 'cancelled', + Expired = 'expired' } export const enum PaymentMethod { CashOnDelivery = 'cash-on-delivery', - Check = 'check', + DebitCard = 'debit-card', Cash = 'cash', - CreditCard = 'credit-card', - Cryptocurrency = 'cryptocurrency', - MobilePayment = 'mobile-payment', MobileWallet = 'mobile-wallet', + Check = 'check', Other = 'other', + CreditCard = 'credit-card', + BankTransfer = 'bank-transfer', + Cryptocurrency = 'cryptocurrency', Paypal = 'paypal', - DebitCard = 'debit-card', - BankTransfer = 'bank-transfer' + MobilePayment = 'mobile-payment' } export const enum FinancialTransactionStatus { + Refunded = 'refunded', Cancelled = 'cancelled', - Cleared = 'cleared', + Authorized = 'authorized', + Pending = 'pending', Failed = 'failed', - Disputed = 'disputed', SettlementInProgress = 'settlement-in-progress', - Authorized = 'authorized', - Refunded = 'refunded', - Pending = 'pending' + Disputed = 'disputed', + Cleared = 'cleared' } export const enum AuditOpinionType { Disclaimer = 'disclaimer', @@ -3718,246 +3728,246 @@ export const enum AuditOpinionType { Unqualified = 'unqualified' } export const enum InventoryStorageType { - DistributionCenter = 'distribution-center', - DropShipper = 'drop-shipper', - OnlineMarketplace = 'online-marketplace', + Warehouse = 'warehouse', Consignment = 'consignment', RetailStore = 'retail-store', - Warehouse = 'warehouse', - Other = 'other' + DistributionCenter = 'distribution-center', + Other = 'other', + DropShipper = 'drop-shipper', + OnlineMarketplace = 'online-marketplace' } export const enum ItemCondition { - New = 'new', - Damaged = 'damaged', - OpenBox = 'open-box', Used = 'used', + Damaged = 'damaged', + New = 'new', + Refurbished = 'refurbished', LikeNew = 'like-new', - Refurbished = 'refurbished' + OpenBox = 'open-box' } export const enum TransactionType { + Adjustment = 'adjustment', + Charge = 'charge', + Withdrawal = 'withdrawal', Deposit = 'deposit', - Refund = 'refund', - Payment = 'payment', - Transfer = 'transfer', Fee = 'fee', - Charge = 'charge', - Adjustment = 'adjustment', - Withdrawal = 'withdrawal' + Transfer = 'transfer', + Refund = 'refund', + Payment = 'payment' } export const enum VisibilityScope { + Web = 'web', + Internal = 'internal', App = 'app', Private = 'private', - Global = 'global', - Internal = 'internal', - Web = 'web' + Global = 'global' } export const enum PaymentStatus { - Overdue = 'overdue', - Error = 'error', + Refunded = 'refunded', + Processing = 'processing', + Adjusted = 'adjusted', + Disputed = 'disputed', Deleted = 'deleted', + Partial = 'partial', Paid = 'paid', - Submitted = 'submitted', - PartiallyRefunded = 'partially-refunded', - Disputed = 'disputed', - Pending = 'pending', + Draft = 'draft', + Voided = 'voided', Failed = 'failed', - Cancelled = 'cancelled', - Processing = 'processing', Authorized = 'authorized', - Adjusted = 'adjusted', + Error = 'error', Succeeded = 'succeeded', - Draft = 'draft', - Partial = 'partial', - Refunded = 'refunded', - Voided = 'voided' + Cancelled = 'cancelled', + Overdue = 'overdue', + Submitted = 'submitted', + Pending = 'pending', + PartiallyRefunded = 'partially-refunded' } export const enum EntityLifecycleStatus { - Archived = 'archived', - Active = 'active', + Inactive = 'inactive', Preorder = 'preorder', Draft = 'draft', + Archived = 'archived', Deleted = 'deleted', - Inactive = 'inactive', - Scheduled = 'scheduled' + Scheduled = 'scheduled', + Active = 'active' } export const enum TransactionChannel { - Atm = 'atm', + Mobile = 'mobile', InPerson = 'in-person', - Online = 'online', Telephone = 'telephone', Mail = 'mail', Other = 'other', - Mobile = 'mobile', + Atm = 'atm', + Online = 'online', BankBranch = 'bank-branch' } export const enum FinancialDisputeStatus { - UnderReview = 'under-review', - AwaitingEvidence = 'awaiting-evidence', - ChargeRefunded = 'charge-refunded', Won = 'won', Lost = 'lost', - NeedsResponse = 'needs-response', + ChargeRefunded = 'charge-refunded', + Escalated = 'escalated', + AwaitingEvidence = 'awaiting-evidence', Closed = 'closed', - Escalated = 'escalated' + NeedsResponse = 'needs-response', + UnderReview = 'under-review' } export const enum ContentVisibility { - Public = 'public', - Shared = 'shared', - Private = 'private', + Protected = 'protected', Internal = 'internal', - Protected = 'protected' + Private = 'private', + Public = 'public', + Shared = 'shared' } export const enum DeviceUsageType { Educational = 'educational', - Business = 'business', Healthcare = 'healthcare', Personal = 'personal', - Industrial = 'industrial', Home = 'home', + Business = 'business', + Industrial = 'industrial', Other = 'other' } export const enum EntityCategory { Person = 'person', + User = 'user', + Owner = 'owner', Message = 'message', Project = 'project', - Owner = 'owner', - User = 'user', - Link = 'link', - Event = 'event', Document = 'document', - Other = 'other', - Task = 'task' + Task = 'task', + Event = 'event', + Link = 'link', + Other = 'other' } export const enum GenderIdentity { + Other = 'other', Male = 'male', Female = 'female', - Other = 'other', PreferNotToSay = 'prefer-not-to-say' } export const enum CommunicationMethod { - Email = 'email', - Text = 'text', Phone = 'phone', - PushNotification = 'push-notification', + Mail = 'mail', + SocialMedia = 'social-media', + Text = 'text', + Email = 'email', Sms = 'sms', InstantMessage = 'instant-message', - VideoCall = 'video-call', InPerson = 'in-person', - Other = 'other', - Mail = 'mail', - SocialMedia = 'social-media' + PushNotification = 'push-notification', + VideoCall = 'video-call', + Other = 'other' } export const enum FinancialTransactionType { - Other = 'other', - Chargeback = 'chargeback', - Adjustment = 'adjustment', - Payment = 'payment', + Transfer = 'transfer', + Refund = 'refund', + SpendPrepayment = 'spend-prepayment', Sale = 'sale', - Charge = 'charge', + Adjustment = 'adjustment', + Interest = 'interest', Fee = 'fee', - Spend = 'spend', + Chargeback = 'chargeback', Deposit = 'deposit', - ReceiveOverpayment = 'receive-overpayment', - Withdrawal = 'withdrawal', - Interest = 'interest', ReceivePrepayment = 'receive-prepayment', - SpendPrepayment = 'spend-prepayment', - Dividend = 'dividend', Receive = 'receive', - Transfer = 'transfer', - Refund = 'refund', - SpendOverpayment = 'spend-overpayment' + Withdrawal = 'withdrawal', + Payment = 'payment', + SpendOverpayment = 'spend-overpayment', + ReceiveOverpayment = 'receive-overpayment', + Other = 'other', + Dividend = 'dividend', + Charge = 'charge', + Spend = 'spend' } export const enum EmailCategoryType { - Other = 'other', Educational = 'educational', - Personal = 'personal', Business = 'business', - Governmental = 'governmental', - Promotional = 'promotional', Transactional = 'transactional', - Spam = 'spam' + Promotional = 'promotional', + Spam = 'spam', + Other = 'other', + Governmental = 'governmental', + Personal = 'personal' } export const enum UniversalIdentifierType { - String = 'string', - Uuid = 'uuid', Url = 'url', + String = 'string', Number = 'number', + Uuid = 'uuid', Email = 'email' } export const enum AccessControlModel { - Rbac = 'rbac', - Abac = 'abac', + Custom = 'custom', + None = 'none', Dac = 'dac', Mac = 'mac', - Custom = 'custom', - None = 'none' + Rbac = 'rbac', + Abac = 'abac' } export const enum ParticipantType { - ExternalParticipant = 'external-participant', - Organization = 'organization', + Group = 'group', Team = 'team', + ExternalParticipant = 'external-participant', User = 'user', - Group = 'group' + Organization = 'organization' } export const enum PriorityLevel { - Elevated = 'elevated', - Urgent = 'urgent', + Low = 'low', Medium = 'medium', High = 'high', - Low = 'low' + Urgent = 'urgent', + Elevated = 'elevated' } export const enum TaskStatus { - Blocked = 'blocked', - Cancelled = 'cancelled', + Todo = 'todo', InProgress = 'in-progress', + Cancelled = 'cancelled', + Done = 'done', OnHold = 'on-hold', - Todo = 'todo', - Done = 'done' + Blocked = 'blocked' } export const enum UserStatus { - Pending = 'pending', - WaitListed = 'wait-listed', - Active = 'active', - Archived = 'archived', - Deleted = 'deleted', - Banned = 'banned', Suspended = 'suspended', + Inactive = 'inactive', Verified = 'verified', - Inactive = 'inactive' + Active = 'active', + Banned = 'banned', + Deleted = 'deleted', + WaitListed = 'wait-listed', + Archived = 'archived', + Pending = 'pending' } export const enum PromotionType { - Other = 'other', + FreeShipping = 'free-shipping', + FixedAmount = 'fixed-amount', BuyOneGetOne = 'buy-one-get-one', Percentage = 'percentage', - FixedAmount = 'fixed-amount', - FreeShipping = 'free-shipping', - RewardPoints = 'reward-points' + RewardPoints = 'reward-points', + Other = 'other' } export const enum MimeType { + ImagePng = 'image/png', + ImageJpeg = 'image/jpeg', ImageSvgXml = 'image/svg+xml', - ImageWebp = 'image/webp', ImageGif = 'image/gif', - ImagePng = 'image/png', - ImageJpeg = 'image/jpeg' + ImageWebp = 'image/webp' } export const enum PrerequisiteRangeType { - Quantity = 'quantity', Subtotal = 'subtotal', + Quantity = 'quantity', ShippingPrice = 'shipping-price' } export const enum TaxType { + Variable = 'variable', Inclusive = 'inclusive', - Additive = 'additive', - Variable = 'variable' + Additive = 'additive' } export const enum ModifierType { List = 'list', Text = 'text' } export const enum CardType { - Debit = 'debit', UnknownCard = 'unknown-card', + Debit = 'debit', Credit = 'credit' } export const enum PrepaidType { @@ -3966,16 +3976,16 @@ export const enum PrepaidType { UnknownPrepaid = 'unknown-prepaid' } export const enum EntryMethod { - Keyed = 'keyed', Swiped = 'swiped', + Keyed = 'keyed', Emv = 'emv', - Contactless = 'contactless', - OnFile = 'on-file' + OnFile = 'on-file', + Contactless = 'contactless' } export const enum CvvStatus { - Rejected = 'rejected', NotChecked = 'not-checked', - Accepted = 'accepted' + Accepted = 'accepted', + Rejected = 'rejected' } export const enum AvcStatus { NotChecked = 'not-checked', @@ -3983,11 +3993,11 @@ export const enum AvcStatus { Rejected = 'rejected' } export const enum CreditType { - Supplier = 'supplier', - Customer = 'customer', Goodwill = 'goodwill', Prepayment = 'prepayment', - Overpayment = 'overpayment' + Customer = 'customer', + Overpayment = 'overpayment', + Supplier = 'supplier' } export class UnifiedApi { constructor() @@ -4000,6 +4010,7 @@ export class UnifiedApi { } export class IntegrationOS { constructor(accessKey: string, options?: IntegrationOsOptions | undefined | null) + attributes(connectionKey: string): UnifiedApi records(connectionKey: string): UnifiedApi objects(connectionKey: string): UnifiedApi modifiergroups(connectionKey: string): UnifiedApi diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index d0087b5..f858e14 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -310,25 +310,25 @@ if (!nativeBinding) { throw new Error(`Failed to load native binding`) } -const { UnifiedApi, IntegrationOS, AllocationMethod, Status, TargetType, Format, MinimumRequirements, TargetSelection, Gender, Roles, CustomerSelection, ChannelAvailability, AccountType, SkuValidation, CustomerEligibility, TransactionMethod, AppliesTo, Country, GlobalTaxType, JournalEntryStatus, IdentityProvider, DayOfWeek, AccountEngagementLevel, ReviewApprovalStatus, StakeholderType, AccountStatus, CampaignStatus, CustomerType, AccountingAccountType, MessageReadStatus, MessageContentType, MessageDeliveryStatus, ReactionType, SupportTicketPriority, IssueLifecycleStatus, SupportQueryType, OrderStatus, DiscountType, ImageMimeType, FulfillmentStatus, OrderingCriteria, ChatType, ProductAvailabilityStatus, ExpenseApprovalStatus, FinancialChargeType, ItemAvailabilityStatus, BillingStatus, FinancialAccountStatus, TransactionStatus, InvoiceAdjustmentType, DataType, EmploymentType, TimeCycle, FinancialTrackingCategories, CreditNoteStatus, PaymentTerm, EmploymentAndCandidateStatus, OrganizationalRole, CampaignType, ContactAddressType, CustomerStatus, SocialPlatform, LeadLifecycleStatus, ConversationStatus, CommunicationRole, ParticipantEngagementStatus, ItemEntityStatus, Currency, CustomerEligibilityStatus, LifecycleStatus, PaymentMethod, FinancialTransactionStatus, AuditOpinionType, InventoryStorageType, ItemCondition, TransactionType, VisibilityScope, PaymentStatus, EntityLifecycleStatus, TransactionChannel, FinancialDisputeStatus, ContentVisibility, DeviceUsageType, EntityCategory, GenderIdentity, CommunicationMethod, FinancialTransactionType, EmailCategoryType, UniversalIdentifierType, AccessControlModel, ParticipantType, PriorityLevel, TaskStatus, UserStatus, PromotionType, MimeType, PrerequisiteRangeType, TaxType, ModifierType, CardType, PrepaidType, EntryMethod, CvvStatus, AvcStatus, CreditType } = nativeBinding +const { UnifiedApi, IntegrationOS, CustomerEligibility, CustomerSelection, Gender, SkuValidation, AppliesTo, MinimumRequirements, Status, TransactionMethod, TargetType, AccountType, TargetSelection, AllocationMethod, ChannelAvailability, Format, Roles, Country, GlobalTaxType, JournalEntryStatus, IdentityProvider, DayOfWeek, AccountEngagementLevel, ReviewApprovalStatus, StakeholderType, AccountStatus, CampaignStatus, CustomerType, AccountingAccountType, MessageReadStatus, MessageContentType, MessageDeliveryStatus, ReactionType, SupportTicketPriority, IssueLifecycleStatus, SupportQueryType, OrderStatus, DiscountType, ImageMimeType, FulfillmentStatus, OrderingCriteria, ChatType, ProductAvailabilityStatus, ExpenseApprovalStatus, FinancialChargeType, ItemAvailabilityStatus, BillingStatus, FinancialAccountStatus, TransactionStatus, InvoiceAdjustmentType, DataType, EmploymentType, TimeCycle, FinancialTrackingCategories, CreditNoteStatus, PaymentTerm, EmploymentAndCandidateStatus, OrganizationalRole, CampaignType, ContactAddressType, CustomerStatus, SocialPlatform, LeadLifecycleStatus, ConversationStatus, CommunicationRole, ParticipantEngagementStatus, ItemEntityStatus, Currency, CustomerEligibilityStatus, LifecycleStatus, PaymentMethod, FinancialTransactionStatus, AuditOpinionType, InventoryStorageType, ItemCondition, TransactionType, VisibilityScope, PaymentStatus, EntityLifecycleStatus, TransactionChannel, FinancialDisputeStatus, ContentVisibility, DeviceUsageType, EntityCategory, GenderIdentity, CommunicationMethod, FinancialTransactionType, EmailCategoryType, UniversalIdentifierType, AccessControlModel, ParticipantType, PriorityLevel, TaskStatus, UserStatus, PromotionType, MimeType, PrerequisiteRangeType, TaxType, ModifierType, CardType, PrepaidType, EntryMethod, CvvStatus, AvcStatus, CreditType } = nativeBinding module.exports.UnifiedApi = UnifiedApi module.exports.IntegrationOS = IntegrationOS -module.exports.AllocationMethod = AllocationMethod +module.exports.CustomerEligibility = CustomerEligibility +module.exports.CustomerSelection = CustomerSelection +module.exports.Gender = Gender +module.exports.SkuValidation = SkuValidation +module.exports.AppliesTo = AppliesTo +module.exports.MinimumRequirements = MinimumRequirements module.exports.Status = Status +module.exports.TransactionMethod = TransactionMethod module.exports.TargetType = TargetType -module.exports.Format = Format -module.exports.MinimumRequirements = MinimumRequirements +module.exports.AccountType = AccountType module.exports.TargetSelection = TargetSelection -module.exports.Gender = Gender -module.exports.Roles = Roles -module.exports.CustomerSelection = CustomerSelection +module.exports.AllocationMethod = AllocationMethod module.exports.ChannelAvailability = ChannelAvailability -module.exports.AccountType = AccountType -module.exports.SkuValidation = SkuValidation -module.exports.CustomerEligibility = CustomerEligibility -module.exports.TransactionMethod = TransactionMethod -module.exports.AppliesTo = AppliesTo +module.exports.Format = Format +module.exports.Roles = Roles module.exports.Country = Country module.exports.GlobalTaxType = GlobalTaxType module.exports.JournalEntryStatus = JournalEntryStatus diff --git a/npm/darwin-arm64/package.json b/npm/darwin-arm64/package.json index 9040a75..6788cf0 100644 --- a/npm/darwin-arm64/package.json +++ b/npm/darwin-arm64/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "@integrationos/node-darwin-arm64", - "version": 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"MIT", "dependencies": { "dotenv": "^16.4.5" diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 54a8677..332e8cf 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "@integrationos/node", - "version": "3.8.9", + "version": "3.8.10", "main": "index.js", "types": "index.d.ts", "napi": {