diff --git a/txt2mobi/txt2html.py b/txt2mobi/txt2html.py
index d548e0a..196899a 100644
--- a/txt2mobi/txt2html.py
+++ b/txt2mobi/txt2html.py
@@ -151,29 +151,34 @@ def __is_chapter_title(self, line):
if re.match(self.title_filter, strip_line):
return True
- if line.strip().startswith(u'第'):
- if 3 < len(line.strip()) < 30 and u"第" in line and u"章" in line:
- return True
- if line.strip().startswith(u'第'):
- if 3 < len(line.strip()) < 30 and u"第" in line and u"张" in line:
- return True
- if line.strip().startswith(u'正文 第'):
- if 3 < len(line.strip()) < 30 and u"第" in line and u"章" in line:
- return True
- line = line.replace(u".", u".").replace(u":", u".")
- if line.split('.')[0].isdigit():
- if 3 < len(line.strip()) < 20:
- return True
- if len(line) < 20 and (line.strip()[:3].isdigit() or line.strip()[:4].isdigit()):
- return True
- if len(line) < 40 and u"第" in line and u"卷" in line:
- if line[line.index(u"第") + 1: line.index(u"卷")] in [u"一", u"二", u"三", u"四", u"五", u"六", u"七", u"八", u"九", u"十"]:
- return True
- if line.strip().startswith(u'[第'):
- if 3 < len(line.strip()) < 30 and u"第" in line and u"章" in line:
- return True
+ flag = "content"
+ for ch in line:
+ if flag == "content" and ch == u"第":
+ flag = "starttitle"
+ continue
+ if flag == "starttitle":
+ if (ch == " " or ch == u" "):
+ flag = "starttitle"
+ continue
+ elif re.match(u"([0-9一二三四五六七八九十]+)", ch):
+ flag = "number"
+ continue
+ else:
+ flag = "content"
- return False
+ if flag == "number" :
+ if re.match(u"([0-9一二三四五六七八九十]+)", ch):
+ flag = "number"
+ continue
+ elif (ch == " " or ch == u" "):
+ flag = "number"
+ continue
+ if (ch == u"张" or ch == u"章" or ch == u"卷"):
+ return True
+ else:
+ flag = "content"
+ return False
def process_lines(self, lines):