This post introduces how to setup a tiny swift environment which is even more lightweight than SAIO so that one can get started with essential part of OpenStack Swift as soon as possible.
- Run in Python virtualenv in only one host
- Authentication is disabled
- No multiple hosts emulation like SAIO
Tiny Swift looks like a single node deployment in a Swift cluster except that the authentication is disabled. Even so, it is adequate to demostrate the essential features of Swift such as read/write, replication, audit.
So far only Swift Kilo version and CentOS 7 is verified. Introductions for other distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu are planed to be added soon. However, since Swift is installed in Python virtualenv, we believe it is no hard to apply the intructions on other stackslike Ubuntu and latest Swift.
Basically, you need an CentOS 7 box with super user privilege and Internet access.
Run the Swift services as root user is not recommended. And a new user called swift
will be created.
sudo useradd swift
Besides, SELinux could be annoying for development. So let's turn it off.
sudo setenforce Permissive
Note: this setting will be lost on host reboot. If you want to turn it off permanently, refer to Google.
- Install dependencies
sudo yum group install "Development Tools" -y
sudo yum install python-virtualenv memcached rsync libffi-devel openssl-devel python-devel -y
- Create a virtualenv
sudo virtualenv /opt/openstack/swift-kilo
- Install Swift Kilo by one line command. It is also possible to install it from source.
sudo su -c "source /opt/openstack/swift-kilo/bin/activate && pip install git+"
SAIO introduces 2 types of storage setup
- Using a partition for storage
- Using a loopback device for storage
We don't simulate multiple hosts so we need to use loopback devices in order to play with the replication feature.
Run following commands as a super user.
mkdir -p /srv/vdisks
for disk in sdb sdc sdd sde
# Create disk images
truncate -s 2G /srv/vdisks/$disk
# Create file systems
mkfs.xfs /srv/vdisks/$disk
# Create mount points
mkdir -p /srv/node/$disk
mount /srv/vdisks/$disk /srv/node/$disk
chown swift:swift -R /srv/node/$disk
Of course, you can run the script directly.
sudo scripts/
- Configure Swift. We have alreay prepared a set of out-of-box configuration files for you.
sudo cp -r $GOPATH/src/ /etc
- Setup dirs
sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/swift
sudo chown swift:swift -R /var/cache/swift
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/swift
sudo chown swift:swift -R /var/run/swift
- Configure rsync for replicator
sudo cp $GOPATH/src/ /etc/rsyncd.conf
sudo systemctl restart rsyncd
sudo su -c "source /opt/openstack/swift-kilo/bin/activate && scripts/"
By default all the log will be write to /var/log/messages
- Start Swift service
sudo su -c "source /opt/openstack/swift-kilo/bin/activate && swift-init start all"
- Create a contaienr
curl -v -X PUT
- Upload an object
curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "Hello World"