Unit 2 Objectives & Lesson Plans
Lesson | Minutes | Objectives Coders will ... |
1 | 45 | Entry Day Learn about the Unit 2 project Begin building their Unit 2 project by filling out the project plan. |
2 | 45 | Planning Day Conduct research and choose a wireframe for their Unit 2 project |
3 | 45 | Lab Day Understand the purpose and structure of HTML Create HTML tags on a webpage |
4 | 45 | Content-Only Day Create HTML elements with attributes to add links and images to their pages |
5 (Popcode Version) 5 (Replit Version) |
45 | Lab Day Debug their code by using proper formatting, error messages, and documentation Continue working on their Unit 2 project |
6 | 45 | Lab Day Understand the purpose and structure of CSS Select and HTML element and change its style using CSS |
7 | 45 | Lab Day Understand the purpose of documentation Learn how to navigate the Code Nation Reference Table and W3Schools |
8 | 45 | Lab Day Use class attributes and selectors to style groups of elements on the page |
R | 45 | Review Day Review HTML and CSS concepts by completing a coding exercise and playing Kahoot! |
9 | 45 | Content-Only Day Use the properties of the box model to change how things are displayed on the page |
10 | 45 | Full Lab Day Use their project plans and documentation to develop their Unit 2 project |
11 | 45 | Lab Day Use Flexbox to align elements horizontally on a page |
12(Tech and Society) | 45 | Lab Day Increase the accessibility of their websites by improving color contrast and adding alt tags |
13 | 45 | Full Lab Day Give their peers feedback on their websites Use their project plans, feedback, and documentation to complete their Unit 2 projects |
14 | 45 | Prepare a presentation for their Unit 2 project websites |
15 | 45 | Presentation Day Showcase their Unit 2 websites to an audience! |
16 | 45 | Assessment Day Demonstrate their coding skills by completing a coding challenge assessing Unit 2 concepts. |