Welcome to PhiloCoffee, where we explore the intersection of coffee and philosophy!
PhiloCoffee is based in Zhejiang University's Haining International Campus. We focus on exploring the crossroads of coffee and philosophy, finding insights through the shared experience of a delicious cup of coffee.
- Explore the connection between coffee and philosophy / 探索咖啡与哲学之间的联系
- Foster international exchange and academic discussions / 促进国际交流和学术讨论
- Encourage hands-on experiences with coffee brewing and philosophical debates / 鼓励咖啡冲泡和哲学辩论的实践体验
PhiloCoffee will provide an open, inclusive, and interactive platform to promote cultural exchange and academic discussions both within and outside the international campus. Our mission is to advocate the concept that 'philosophy should be part of daily life.' Through the everyday element of coffee, we lead club members to deeply understand and practice philosophy, applying its essence to daily life.
We believe that from the beverage choices of philosophical masters like Kant, Voltaire, and Marx, we can gain insights into their pursuit of knowledge. For international friends on campus, coffee is not only a daily habit they grew up with but also a link to their culture. We encourage club members to participate in various activities such as philosophical salons, coffee tasting, and brewing, to enhance their practical skills while experiencing the collision and fusion of Eastern and Western philosophies through thinking and interaction.
- “你读了哪些有关咖啡和哲学的书?" ---在线文笔记录分享 社团可以定期写书摘推荐的活动彼此之间分享有趣的老书或新书,如果愿意以后可以彼此借书,写写画画,这样回到手中的书就承载着别人的思考,也是一种很好的社交
关于哲学和咖啡的入门可以参考:《咖啡与哲学——对话体哲学导论》 这里是我写的简单书评,别的同学有兴趣也可以在issue里更新自己读的数目
- 爱咖啡的哲学家:探索哲学家对咖啡的热爱以及其背后的深刻哲学涵义。
经Prof. Robert Holmes 教授指导的电影夜活动,与Poita Art Club 合作,将作为本社的月度性常驻活动。
- 咖啡的历史起源:一篇深入探讨咖啡起源和演变历程的文章,完美融合了历史和文化分析。
- T Cafe&Bar:A Day of Insightful Chat and Delightful Brews!
- Aristotle-武汉: 武汉的一家古希腊哲学主题咖啡厅~
- 2023杭州天目里咖啡节: TODO 天目里探店活动!
- ALL-IN 横头街店-海宁: 古香古色,海宁当地豆子最多的店!
- 如何使用GitHub搭建并托管社团网站:一篇详细指导,让你了解如何使用GitHub Pages轻松搭建自己的社团网站。
- 如何使用GPT-4 based Dalle-3 一行生成社团海报: TODO, 一个展示SOTA 文生图技术的展示部分。
- [Best Practice for Club Email Management](tech/1105_Best Practice for Club Email Management.md): TODO, 分析了一些主流的免费邮件分发技术。
- Philosophy Salons: Engage in deep discussions on various philosophical topics.
- Coffee Making and Tastings: Learn about different coffee varieties and brewing techniques.
- Reading & Movie Seminar: Through the lens of cultural philosophy, appreciate contemporary art and popular movies together, seeking deeper understandings and connections.
- Collaborations: Partner with other coffee shops and clubs to foster cultural exchange and shared learning.
- 哲学咖啡沙龙:这是我们的主打活动,我们会在此探讨各种哲学问题,并品尝与讨论主题相关的咖啡。例如,我们可能会探讨萨特的存在主义,同时品尝浓郁、苦涩的意式咖啡。
- 咖啡制作和品鉴:我们会邀请咖啡师来教大家如何制作各种咖啡,并进行咖啡品鉴。
- 社团读书会与观影会: 从文化哲学的角度,一同赏析当代艺术与流行电影。
- 与校园内的多家咖啡厅合作:我们希望与校内的咖啡厅合作,一起开展各种活动,推广咖啡文化。
We are honored to announce that Professor SHAO KAI TSENG, a scholar with profound expertise in the field of philosophy, has agreed to become the mentor of our club.
我们很荣幸的宣布,曾绍恺教授, 一位在哲学领域有深厚造诣的学者,已经答应成为我们社团的指导老师。
Interested in coffee, philosophy, or both? Join us and contribute to an energetic and inclusive community!
- 亲自尝试半自动意式咖啡机, 从浓缩到拉花,制作专属于你的一杯拿铁。
- Through the lens of cultural philosophy, appreciate art and movies together
- 一同探店精品咖啡,参加杯测会,与专业咖啡师交流技术
- Extend vision from Phil101 & Phil206, touring with Prof. Tseng again
The brewing process of hand-poured coffee has many similarities with tea preparation, offering us a unique perspective to integrate Chinese tea culture with Western coffee culture, showcasing the blend of Eastern and Western philosophies.
We maintain close collaboration with the Zhejiang University Student Coffee Club (ZJU Coffee Club) at the Zijingang Campus and the Philosophy Club at UIUC University, exploring the transmission of coffee culture, learning from each other, and making collective progress. We look forward to every member who joins PhiloCoffee, working together to create a vibrant, inclusive, and intellectually stimulating club.
我们与浙大紫金港校区的浙江大学学生咖啡社(ZJU Coffee Club)和UIUC大学的Philosophy Club(哲学社)保持紧密合作,一起探讨咖啡文化的传递,互相学习,共同进步。我们期待每一个加入PhiloCoffee的成员,能共同创造一个充满活力,包容并充满智慧的社团。
如果你想加入我们,或者有任何问题,欢迎通过电子邮件:[email protected]或通过GitHub issue联系我们。
"Share moments, taste life and explore wisdom”
© 2023 PhiloCoffee Club / 哲咖