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podcast:value |
/tag/value |
A payment layer for podcasts for direct payments from listeners: inexpensive, instant and global.
This tag is for podcasters to create a direct stream of income from the audience independently from sponsoring.
For podcasters the tag enables:
- a new source of income through direct one-time payments (boosts) and payment streams by the minute from listeners
- new ways of interaction between podcasters and listeners though one-time payments with messages (boostagrams)
For hosting services and podcast apps the tag enables:
- a new source of revenue through split payments
- a way to help more podcasters become independently funded
This is easy to implement for both podcast hosting companies and podcast apps.
It's supported by a number of podcast apps including Podverse, Breez, Fountain and CurioCaster. It has passed the Apple app store review.
It's supported by large podcast hosts including RSS.com, Castos, JustCast and RSS Blue.
This monetization model is based on Value for Value. Listeners give value back to the podcaster. Learn more about it here
RSS.com integrated the Alby Podcaster Wallet API
Listen on a value:tag enabled podcast player such as Fountain.fm, select the podcast and send a payment with a message (boostagram).
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