Assignment: Create production-ready ASP.NET Core service app that provides API for storage and retrive documents in different formats
The documents are send as a payload of POST request in JSON format and could be modified via PUT verb.
3 API methods added: GET/POST/PUT for document operations -
The service is able to return the stored documents in different format, such as XML, MessagePack, etc.
The service is able to return documents in (by Accept header): JSON (application/json), XML (application/xml) and MessagePack (application/x-msgpack) -
It must be easy to add support for new formats.
New formats can easily be added to the services in the Startup.cs file (using the library or a custom formatter) -
It must be easy to add different underlying storage, like cloud, HDD, InMemory, etc.
It´s easy to switch between Memory and SQL Server storage in the appsettings.json file ("memory" or "sqlserver") -
Assume that the load of this service will be very high (mostly reading).
All operations are used as async methods -
Demonstrate ability to write unit tests.
Added 2 unit tests for cache memory operations, also added 3 integration tests to test all response formats JSON/XML/MessagePack
Note: If you want to run tests in SQL server mode, first run the application with the correct DB connection string (the database and table will be created automatically)