All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed Input props
- Fixed Input styles by props
- Storybooks doc publish on github page
- Storybook for typography types and sizes
- Fixed coverage
- Disable Button colors.
- Fixed Input styles - JUIP-166
- Collapsible component
- Fixed utils coverage
- Removed Text console.warn()
- An error with input types - APPSRN-359
- Input types - APPSRN-314
- Base input component - JUIP-162
- A typography error with full screen loading component - JUIP-164
- Added typography component
- Added base input component
- Adjusted action button and close button's sizing for toast component
- Fixed shadow and pressed shadow for base card list component
- Fixed shadow for base card list component
- Fixed an error with layout buttons
- Added swipe item selection list component
- Added MainCardList component.
- Added Tabs component
- Fixed an error while trying to close toast component.
- Added Toast component.
- Added Button component.
- Added FullScreenMessage component.
- Added LayoutWithBottomButtons component.
- Fixed Select component
- Added scaling funtions for different resolutions
- Fixed storybook's components
- Added progress bar component
- Added base button component
- Added list component
- Added possibility to change between app mode and storybook app mode
- Adjusted swipe up components dependencies
- Added icon component with Janis fonts
- Added select component
- Added swipe up component and its children components
- Added carousel component
- Updated lockfileVersion to 2
- Added radio button component
- Fixed lint staged command in order to check typescript errors on commits
- Fixed Loading component in order to work with android 7 devices
- Fixed script to publish slack message
- Fixed action publish for npm
- Fixed import example of component in the readme file
- Fixed command lint in github action
- Added config for typescript
- Added component Avatar
- Added component Checkbox
- Added component Image
- Added component Text
- Added slack notification on each release
- Added storybook web
- Added component Loading
- Added component Svg
- Added component Status Chip
- Added component Input
- Added readme
- Added github action to deploy storybooks docs
- Added component LoadingFullScreen