- Demo: bitly
- This project is simpler
- Teams of up to 4
- Part 1: Implement select feature set
- Part 2: Get creative! Implement product ideas
- You may switch teams, but not recommended
- Oct 30th: Part 1 due
- Nov 13th: Optional Part 2 Proposal
- Dec 4th: Project Code Due
- Dec 12th: Class presentation
- Dec 19th: Technical report due
- # of people ~= # of features
- Features should be comprehensive
- Features should be web related
- Evaluation on end-user criteria (including delight)
- Roughly same number of features as number of people
- But do not simply just split up the work
- Because your features need to be cross compatible
- If you make the site mobile compatible, then all pages should be
- Don’t spend 2 weeks in photoshop making an awesome background
- If you do a data mining compoenent, it needs to be related to web activity, or inform the web interface (maybe recommendations?)
- Evaluated: do your forms work, is the page semantic to enable accessability, is the interface pleasent to use, is it useful?
- Automatically choose short path
- Use the same short path for existing URLs
- User sign-in
- Mobile interface
- REST interface
- Recommendation system
- OK to generate some data for ML related features
- What features will you complete?
- Roughly how they will work
- What you anticipate main challenge to be
- Include all team member names
- Work: mostly from an end-user perspective
- Challenges: so I understand where the team is. Ideally you’re exploring an area in which you have less experience
- Code
- Slides
- Technical Report
- Pull request should have everything.
- PDF/PPT of slides
- PDF or Tech report
- Presentation may be mostly demo, that’s fine. Don’t do many slides
- Ideally will be runnable on ISchool
- Advanced work, please use
- If its not implemented, no credit
- User facing quality is evaluated
- Not just “pretty” but functional and using the ideas we talked about in class
- Semantic markup, CSS for style, REST where appropriate
- Corner cases, validation, security
- Very fast! 10 minutes max
- Try out the projector before/after class, spare
- Live demos strongly encouraged, backup
- Will depends on how many submissions I get
- Will go in alphabetical order of last name
- Make people interested in your technical report: “Whoa, how did you do that?”
- Intro
- ~1 page / feature
- Problem, example, technology, challeneges, alternatives, future
- I should have a good start re-implementing your features
- What problem is it solving?
- An example walk though by a user
- The technology details for how you solved it (give an overview, not a step-though of the code)
- Problems you overcame (what advice would you give your past-self before implementing the feature?)
- Alternatives you considered with trade-offs
- Ideas for improving the feature in the future