Convex relaxation is a technique used to simplify complex optimization problems. The primary idea is to replace non-convex constraints with a larger convex one. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with problems that have non-linear objectives and constraints. A tight relaxation implies that for some specific problems, the solution to the relaxed version can provide the answer to the original problem.
Rocket Soft-landing Problem: The goal is to land a rocket from an initial position ( x_0 ) to a final position ( z_f = 0 ) with a final velocity ( v_f = 0 ). The objective is to minimize fuel consumption and landing error. The constraints include thrust limits and safety constraints.
Full-stack Description:
- Position Controller: Uses a point-mass model to reason about safety, thrust, fuel constraints, and generate acceleration. It operates at approximately 1Hz.
- Attitude Controller: Deals with the rocket's attitude, flexible models, fluid slosh, and generates thrust and gimbal commands. It operates at approximately 10Hz.
- Rocket: The final component that receives commands from the controllers.
Rocket Dynamics:
- Fuel Consumption: Due to fuel consumption, the rocket's mass can change by 2-5x.
- Fluid Slosh: This introduces high nonlinearity to the system and can be modeled as a pendulum.
- Flexible Models: Since the rocket is lightweight, it's not stiff and has low-frequency bending modes. This requires the use of notch filters in the attitude controller.
- Aerodynamic Force: Velocity constraints can address this.
- Attitude Controller: Linear robust control is sufficient.
Convex Relaxation for Thrust:
Original (non-convex) thrust constraint: $$ T_\text{min} \le ||T|| \le T_\text{max} $$
Thrust angle constraints: $$ n^T T/||T|| \le \cos(\theta_\text{max}) $$
Relaxed (and can be proved to be tight): $$ \Gamma = ||T|| \gets \text{relaxed to} ; ||T|| \le \Gamma \ T_\text{min} \le \Gamma \le T_\text{max} \ n^T T \le \Gamma \cos(\theta_\text{max}) $$
Walking robots have evolved significantly over the years. The industry initially approached it from a quasi-stationary manipulation perspective, while academia focused on floating-based dynamics. The past two decades have seen advancements in both mechanical design and control techniques.
Full State of a Legged Robot:
- State Estimator: Uses sensors like joint encoders, IMUs, contact forces, and vision/GPS to estimate the robot's state.
- Gait / Footstep Planner: Plans the robot's gait and foot-swing gestures.
- Body MPC Controller: Treats the robot as a single rigid body and calculates desired joint forces and torques.
- Joint Controller: Generates the desired force for each joint.
Body Dynamics: The robot's body dynamics can be represented as: $$ \underbrace{M(q)}\text{mass matrix} \dot{v}+\underbrace{C(q,v)}\text{Dynamic Bias Potential energy related} =\underbrace{B(q)}\text{Input Jacobian}u + \underbrace{J(q)^T}\text{contact jacobian} \underbrace{f}_\text{ contact force} \ \phi(q) \ge 0 \gets \text{signed distance function}\ ||f^{2:3}|| \le \mu f' \gets \text{ friction cone} $$
Single-rigid-body / Centroidal Dynamics: To simplify the dynamics, we can use a lumped single-rigid-body model for the whole body: $$ m \dot{v} = -mg + \sum f_i \ J \dot{\omega} + \omega \times J\omega = \sum r_i \times f_i $$
Autonomous driving involves a complex interplay of perception, planning, and control. The full stack for autonomous driving includes perception, high-level planning, path planning, and an MPC controller.
Dynamics: There are multiple models to choose from, including the bicycle model, kinematic bicycle model, dynamic bicycle model, and double track model. The choice depends on the specific requirements and scenarios.
The Frozen Robot Problem: This problem arises when we want the MPC controller to reason about coupled behaviors with other drivers and consider other cars' reactions to ours.
Game-theoretic Trajectory: One approach is to assume that other cars are also solving a trajectory optimization problem. This leads to joint optimization for all cars, with one solution being the Nash Equilibrium.