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We will use the framapad to share links, snippets of code and to chat.
Slides and exercise materials will be uploaded here during the school.
- Sofware Carpentry lesson "Programming with GAP"
- Demonstration of capabilities of the GAP Jupyter interface:
- Example of parallel distributed search in the Small Groups Library using the SCSCP package
[Slides]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/CAP-slides.pdf).
You can access the exercises here:
- Via binder, click on the
launch binder
icon. - As a jupyter notebook with exercises that don't use Singular.
- As a jupyter notebook with exercises that do use Singular. You need to have Singular installed.
Here are the slides: [slides]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/Majorana-and-axial-algebras_Slides.pdf). Here is the problem sheet: [tutorial]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/Majorana-and-axial-algebras_Tutorial.pdf).
If you are feeling confident and have completed the problem sheet (or as much of it as interests you) then you can have a look at these additional problems: [extension]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/Majorana-and-axial-algebras_Extension.pdf).
The MajoranaAlgebras package webpage can be found here:
- [Slides]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/HulpkeSlides.pdf)
- [Exercises]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/WorksheetHulpkeProblems.pdf)
- [Slides]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/Finite-Geometry_slides.pdf)
- [Exercises]({{ site.baseurl }}/materials/Finite-Geometry_exercises.pdf)
- All of the materials are available in the GitHub repository: wilfwilson/semigroups-in-algebraic-research
- The Jupyter notebooks may be run interactively in Binder: