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469 lines (469 loc) · 47.3 KB

File metadata and controls

469 lines (469 loc) · 47.3 KB

Revision History


  • java.sql.Date conversion - considered a timeless "date", like a birthday, and not shifted due to time zones. Example, 2025-02-07T23:59:59[America/New_York] coverage effective date, will remain 2025-02-07 when converted to any time zone.
  • Currency conversions added (toString, toMap and vice-versa)
  • Pattern conversions added (toString, toMap and vice-versa)
  • YearMonth conversions added (all date-time types to YearMonth)
  • Year conversions added (all date-time types to Year)
  • MonthDay conversions added (all date-time types to MonthDay)
  • All Temporal classes, when converted to a Map, will typically use a single String to represent the Temporal object. Uses the ISO 8601 formats for dates, other ISO formats for Currency, etc.


  • Conversion test added that ensures all conversions go from instance, to JSON, and JSON, back to instance, through all conversion types supported. java-util uses json-io as a test dependency only.
  • Timestamp conversion improvements (better honoring of nanos) and Timezone is always specified now, so no risk of system default Timezone being used. Would only use system default timezone if tz not specified, which could only happen if older version sending older format JSON.


  • ClassUtilities adds
    • Set<Class<?>> findLowestCommonSupertypes(Class<?> a, Class<?> b)
      • which returns the lowest common anscestor(s) of two classes, excluding Object.class. This is useful for finding the common ancestor of two classes that are not related by inheritance. Generally, executes in O(n log n) - uses sort internally. If more than one exists, you can filter the returned Set as you please, favoring classes, interfaces, etc.
    • Class<?> findLowestCommonSupertype(Class<?> a, Class<?> b)
      • which is a convenience method that calls the above method and then returns the first one in the Set or null.
    • boolean haveCommonAncestor(Class<?> a, Class<?> b)
      • which returns true if the two classes have a common ancestor (excluding Object.class).
    • Set<Class<?>> getAllSupertypes(Class<?> clazz)
      • which returns all superclasses and interfaces of a class, including itself. This is useful for finding all the classes and interfaces that a class implements or extends.
  • Moved Sealable* test cases to json-io project.
  • Removed remaining usages of deprecated CompactLinkedMap.


  • DeepEquals now outputs the first encountered graph "diff" in the passed in input/output options Map if provided. See userguide for example output.
  • CompactMap and CompactSet no longer do you need to sublcass for variations. Use the new builder api.
  • ClassUtilities added newInstance(). Also, getClassLoader() works in OSGi, JPMS, and non-modular environments.
  • Converter added support for arrays to collections, arrays to arrays (for type difference that can be converted), for n-dimensional arrays. Collections to arrays and Collections to Collections, also supported nested collections. Arrays and Collections to EnumSet.
  • ReflectionUtils robust caching in all cases, optional Field filtering via Predicate.
  • SystemUtilities added many new APIs.
  • Traverser updated to support passing all fields to visitor, uses lambda for visitor.
  • Should be API compatible with 2.x.x versions.
  • Complete Javadoc upgrade throughout the project.
  • New User Guide added.


  • Fix issue with field access ClassUtilities.getClassLoader() when in OSGi environment. Thank you @ozhelezniak-talend.
  • Added ClassUtilities.getClassLoader(Class<?> c) so that class loading was not confined to java-util classloader bundle. Thank you @ozhelezniak-talend.


  • ClassUtilities.getClassLoader() added. This will safely return the correct class loader when running in OSGi, JPMS, or neither.
  • ArrayUtilities.createArray() added. This method accepts a variable number of arguments and returns them as an array of type T[].
  • Fixed bug when converting Map containing "time" key (and no date nor zone keys) with value to java.sql.Date. The millisecond portion was set to 0.


  • SealableMap, LRUCache, and TTLCache updated to use ConcurrentHashMapNullSafe internally, to simplify their implementation, as they no longer have to implement the null-safe work, ConcurrentHashMapNullSafe does that for them.
  • Added ConcurrentNavigableMapNullSafe and ConcurrentNavigableSetNullSafe
  • Allow for SealableNavigableMap and SealableNavigableSet to handle null
  • Added support for more old timezone names (EDT, PDT, ...)
  • Reverted back to agrona 1.22.0 (testing scope only) because it uses class file format 52, which still works with JDK 1.8
  • Missing comma in OSGI support added in pom.xml file. Thank you @ozhelezniak.
  • TestGraphComparator.testNewArrayElement updated to reliable compare results (not depdendent on a Map that could return items in differing order). Thank you @wtrazs


  • Introducing TTLCache: a cache with a configurable minimum Time-To-Live (TTL). Entries expire and are automatically removed after the specified TTL. Optionally, set a maxSize to enable Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction. Each TTLCache instance can have its own TTL setting, leveraging a shared ScheduledExecutorService for efficient resource management. To ensure proper cleanup, call TTLCache.shutdown() when your application or service terminates.
  • Introducing ConcurrentHashMapNullSafe: a drop-in replacement for ConcurrentHashMap that supports null keys and values. It uses internal sentinel values to manage nulls, providing a seamless experience. This frees users from null handling concerns, allowing unrestricted key-value insertion and retrieval.
  • LRUCache updated to use a single ScheduledExecutorService across all instances, regardless of the individual time settings. Call the static shutdown() method on LRUCache when your application or service is ending.


  • ClassUtilities.addPermanentClassAlias() - add an alias that .forName() can use to instantiate class (e.g. "date" for java.util.Date)
  • ClassUtilities.removePermanentClassAlias() - remove an alias that .forName() can no longer use.
  • Updated build plug-in dependencies.


  • LRUCache improved garbage collection handling to avoid gc Nepotism issues by nulling out node references upon eviction. Pointed out by Ben Manes.
  • Combined ForkedJoinPool and ScheduledExecutorService into use of only ScheduledExecutorServive, which is easier for user. The user can supply null or their own scheduler. In the case of null, one will be created and the shutdown() method will terminate it. If the user supplies a ScheduledExecutorService it will be used, but not shutdown when the shutdown() method is called. This allows LRUCache to work well in containerized environments.


  • LRUCache updated to support both "locking" and "threaded" implementation strategies.


  • LRUCache re-written so that it operates in O(1) for get(), put(), and remove() methods without thread contention. When items are placed into (or removed from) the cache, it schedules a cleanup task to trim the cache to its capacity. This means that it will operate as fast as a ConcurrentHashMap, yet shrink to capacity quickly after modifications.


  • Fixed potential memory leak in LRUCache.
  • Added nextPermutation to MathUtilities.
  • Added size(),, isEmpty(), and hasContent to CollectionUtilities.


  • Added SealableList which provides a List (or List wrapper) that will make it read-only (sealed) or read-write (unsealed), controllable via a Supplier<Boolean>. This moves the immutability control outside the list and ensures that all views on the List respect the sealed-ness. One master supplier can control the immutability of many collections.
  • Added SealableSet similar to SealableList but with Set nature.
  • Added SealableMap similar to SealableList but with Map nature.
  • Added SealableNavigableSet similar to SealableList but with NavigableSet nature.
  • Added SealableNavigableMap similar to SealableList but with NavigableMap nature.
  • Updated ConcurrentList to support wrapping any List and making it thread-safe, including all view APIs: iterator(), listIterator(), listIterator(index). The no-arg constructor creates a ConcurrentList ready-to-go. The constructor that takes a List parameter constructor wraps the passed in list and makes it thread-safe.
  • Renamed ConcurrentHashSet to ConcurrentSet.


  • Added ClassUtilities.doesOneWrapTheOther() API so that it is easy to test if one class is wrapping the other.
  • Added StringBuilder and StringBuffer to Strings to the Converter. Eliminates special cases for .toString() calls where generalized convert(src, type) is being used.


  • Added ConcurrentList, which implements a thread-safe List. Provides all API support except for listIterator(), however, it implements iterator() which returns an iterator to a snapshot copy of the List.
  • Added ConcurrentHashSet, a true Set which is a bit easier to use than ConcurrentSkipListSet, which as a NavigableSet and SortedSet, requires each element to be Comparable.
  • Performance improvement: On LRUCache, removed unnecessary Collections.SynchronizedMap surrounding the internal LinkedHashMap as the concurrent protection offered by ReentrantReadWriteLock is all that is needed.


  • Performance improvement: Converter instance creation is faster due to the code no longer copying the static default table. Overrides are kept in separate variable.
  • New capability added: MathUtilities.parseToMinimalNumericType() which will parse a String number into a Long, BigInteger, Double, or BigDecimal, choosing the "smallest" datatype to represent the number without loss of precision.
  • New conversions added to convert from Map to StringBuilder and StringBuffer.


  • pom.xml file updated to support both OSGi Bundle and JPMS Modules.
  • module-info.class resides in the root of the .jar but it is not referenced.


  • Updated to allow the project to be compiled by versions of JDK > 1.8 yet still generate class file format 52 .class files so that they can be executed on JDK 1.8+ and up.
  • Incorporated @AxataDarji GraphComparator changes that reduce cyclomatic code complexity (refactored to smaller methods)


  • Performance improvement: DeepEquals.deepHashCode() - now using IdentityHashMap() for cycle (visited) detection.
  • Modernization: UniqueIdGenerator - updated to use Lock.lock() and Lock.unlock() instead of synchronized keyword.
  • Using json-io 4.14.1 for cloning object in "test" scope, eliminates cycle depedencies when building both json-io and java-util.


  • All 687 conversions supported are now 100% cross-product tested. Converter test suite is complete.


  • All 686 conversions supported are now 100% cross-product tested. There will be more exception tests coming.


  • Added ReflectionUtils.getDeclaredFields() which gets fields from a Class, including an Enum, and special handles enum so that system fields are not returned.


  • Converter - Enum test added. 683 combinations.


  • DateUtilities - now supports timezone offset with seconds component (rarer than seeing a bald eagle in your backyard).
  • Converter - many more tests added...682 combinations.


  • Fixed compatibility issues with StringUtilities. Method parameters changed from String to CharSequence broke backward compatibility. Linked jars are bound to method signature at compile time, not at runtime. Added both methods where needed. Removed methods with "Not" in the name.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with FastByteArrayOutputStream. The .getBuffer() API was removed in favor of toByteArray(). Now both methods exist, leaving getBuffer() for backward compatibility.
  • The Converter "Everything" test updated to track which pairs are tested (fowarded or reverse) and then outputs in order what tests combinations are left to write.


  • Converter has had significant expansion in the types that it can convert between, about 670 combinations. In addition, you can add your own conversions to it as well. Call the Converter.getSupportedConversions() to see all the combinations supported. Also, you can use Converter instance-based now, allowing it to have different conversion tables if needed.
  • DateUtilities has had performance improvements (> 35%), and adds a new .parseDate() API that allows it to return a ZonedDateTime. See the updated Javadoc on the class for a complete description of all the formats it supports. Normally, you do not need to use this class directly, as you can use Converter to convert between Dates, Calendars, and the new Temporal classes like ZonedDateTime, Duration, Instance, as well as Strings.
  • FastByteArrayOutputStream updated to match ByteArrayOutputStream API. This means that .getBuffer() is .toByteArray() and .clear() is now .reset().
  • FastByteArrayInputStream added. Matches ByteArrayInputStream API.
  • Bug fix: SafeSimpleDateFormat to properly format dates having years with fewer than four digits.
  • Bug fix: SafeSimpleDateFormat .toString(), .hashCode(), and .equals() now delegate to the contain SimpleDataFormat instance. We recommend using the newer DateTimeFormatter, however, this class works well for Java 1.8+ if needed.


  • Added ClassUtilities. This class has a method to get the distance between a source and destination class. It includes support for Classes, multiple inheritance of interfaces, primitives, and class-to-interface, interface-interface, and class to class.
  • Added LRUCache. This class provides a simple cache API that will evict the least recently used items, once a threshold is met.


Added FastReader and FastWriter.

  • FastReader can be used instead of the JDK PushbackReader(BufferedReader)). It is much faster with no synchronization and combines both. It also tracks line [getLine()]and column [getCol()] position monitoring for 0x0a which it can be queried for. It also can be queried for the last snippet read: getLastSnippet(). Great for showing parsing error messages that accurately point out where a syntax error occurred. Make sure you use a new instance per each thread.
  • FastWriter can be used instead of the JDK BufferedWriter as it has no synchronization. Make sure you use a new Instance per each thread.


  • Built with JDK 1.8 and runs with JDK 1.8 through JDK 21.
  • The 2.2.x will continue to maintain JDK 1.8. The 3.0 branch [not yet created] will be JDK11+
  • Added tests to verify that GraphComparator and DeepEquals do not count sorted order of Sets for equivalency. It does however, require Collections that are not Sets to be in order.


  • ReflectionUtils skips static fields, speeding it up and remove runtime warning (field SerialVersionUID). Supports JDK's up through 21.


  • DeepEquals.deepEquals(a, b) compares Sets and Maps without regards to order per the equality spec.
  • Updated all dependent libraries to latest versions as of 16 Sept 2023.


  • Upgraded from Java 8 to Java 11.
  • Updated ReflectionUtils.getClassNameFromByteCode() to handle up to Java 17 class file format.


  • Fixed: UniqueIdGenerator now correctly gets last two digits of ID using 3 attempts - JAVA_UTIL_CLUSTERID (optional), CF_INSTANCE_INDEX, and finally using SecuritRandom for the last two digits.
  • Removed log4j in favor of slf4j and logback.


  • Updated log4j dependencies to version 2.17.1.


  • Updated log4j dependencies to version 2.17.0.


  • Bug fix: Options (IGNORE_CUSTOM_EQUALS and ALLOW_STRINGS_TO_MATCH_NUMBERS) were not propagated inside containers\
  • Bug fix: When progagating options the Set of visited ItemsToCompare (or a copy if it) should be passed on to prevent StackOverFlow from occurring.


  • Performance Improvement: DateUtilities now using non-greedy matching for regex's within date sub-parts.
  • Performance Improvement: CompactMap updated to use non-copying iterator for all non-Sorted Maps.
  • Performance Improvement: StringUtilities.hashCodeIgnoreCase() slightly faster - calls JDK method that makes one less call internally.


  • Performance Improvement: Anytime CompactMap / CompactSet is copied internally, the destination map is pre-sized to correct size, eliminating growing underlying Map more than once.
  • ReflectionUtils.getConstructor() added. Fetches Constructor, caches reflection operation - 2nd+ calls pull from cache.


  • Updated DateUtilities to handle sub-seconds precision more robustly.
  • Updated GraphComparator to add missing srcValue when MAP_PUT replaces existing value. @marcobjorge


  • Converter now supports LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime to/from Calendar, Date, java.sql.Date, Timestamp, Long, BigInteger, BigDecimal, AtomicLong, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, and ZonedDateTime.

1.60.0 [Java 1.8+]

  • Updated to require Java 1.8 or newer.
  • UniqueIdGenerator will recognize Cloud Foundry CF_INSTANCE_INDEX, in addition to JAVA_UTIL_CLUSTERID as an environment variable or Java system property. This will be the last two digits of the generated unique id (making it cluster safe). Alternatively, the value can be the name of another environment variable (detected by not being parseable as an int), in which case the value of the specified environment variable will be parsed as server id within cluster (value parsed as int, mod 100).
  • Removed a bunch of Javadoc warnings from build.

1.53.0 [Java 1.7+]

  • Updated to consume log4j 2.13.3 - more secure.


  • ReflectionUtils now caches the methods it finds by ClassLoader and Class. Earlier, found methods were cached per Class. This did not handle the case when multiple ClassLoaders were used to load the same class with the same method. Using ReflectionUtils to locate the foo() method will find it in (and cache it as such), and if asked to find it in, ReflectionUtils will not find it in the cache with, but it will fetch it from and then cache the method with that ClassLoader/Class pairing.
  • DeepEquals.equals() was not comparing BigDecimals correctly. If they had different scales but represented the same value, it would return false. Now they are properly compared using bd1.compareTo(bd2) == 0.
  • DeepEquals.equals(x, y, options) has a new option. If you add ALLOW_STRINGS_TO_MATCH_NUMBERS to the options map, then if a String is being compared to a Number (or vice-versa), it will convert the String to a BigDecimal and then attempt to see if the values still match. If so, then it will continue. If it could not convert the String to a Number, or the converted String as a Number did not match, false is returned.
  • convertToBigDecimal() now handles very large longs and AtomicLongs correctly (before it returned false if the longs were greater than a double's max integer representation.)
  • CompactCIHashSet and CompactCILinkedHashSet now return a new Map that is sized to compactSize() + 1 when switching from internal storage to HashSet / LinkedHashSet for storage. This is purely a performance enhancement.


New Sets:

  • CompactCIHashSet added. This CompactSet expands to a case-insensitive HashSet when size() > compactSize().
  • CompactCILinkedSet added. This CompactSet expands to a case-insensitive LinkedHashSet when size() > compactSize().
  • CompactLinkedSet added. This CompactSet expands to a LinkedHashSet when size() > compactSize().
  • CompactSet exists. This CompactSet expands to a HashSet when size() > compactSize().

New Maps:

  • CompactCILinkedMap exists. This CompactMap expands to a case-insensitive LinkedHashMap when size() > compactSize() entries.
  • CompactCIHashMap exists. This CompactMap expands to a case-insensitive HashMap when size() > compactSize() entries.
  • CompactLinkedMap added. This CompactMap expands to a LinkedHashMap when size() > compactSize() entries.
  • CompactMap exists. This CompactMap expands to a HashMap when size() > compactSize() entries.


  • CompactCIHashMap added. This is a CompactMap that is case insensitive. When more than compactSize() entries are stored in it (default 80), it uses a CaseInsenstiveMap HashMap to hold its entries.
  • CompactCILinkedMap added. This is a CompactMap that is case insensitive. When more than compactSize() entries are stored in it (default 80), it uses a CaseInsenstiveMap LinkedHashMap to hold its entries.
  • Bug fix: CompactMap entrySet() and keySet() were not handling the retainAll(), containsAll(), and removeAll() methods case-insensitively when case-insensitivity was activated.
  • Converter methods that convert to byte, short, int, and long now accepted String decimal numbers. The decimal portion is truncated.


  • Added CompactSet. Works similarly to CompactMap with single Object[] holding elements until it crosses compactSize() threshold.
    This Object[] is adjusted dynamically as objects are added and removed.


  • Added char and Character support to Convert.convert*()
  • Added full Javadoc to Converter.
  • Performance improvement in Iterator.remove() for all of CompactMap's iterators: keySet().iterator(), entrySet().iterator, and values().iterator.
  • In order to get to 100% code coverage with Jacoco, added more tests for Converter, CaseInsenstiveMap, and CompactMap.


  • Converter.convert2*() methods added: If null passed in, primitive 'logical zero' is returned. Example: Converter.convert(null, boolean.class) returns false.
  • Converter.convertTo*() methods: if null passed in, null is returned. Allows "tri-state" Boolean. Example: Converter.convert(null, Boolean.class) returns null.
  • Converter.convert() converts using convertTo*() methods for primitive wrappers, and convert2*() methods for primitive classes.
  • Converter.setNullMode() removed.


  • CompactMap now supports 4 stages of "growth", making it much smaller in memory than nearly any Map. After 0 and 1 entries, and between 2 and compactSize() entries, the entries in the Map are stored in an Object[] (using same single member variable). The even elements the 'keys' and the odd elements are the associated 'values'. This array is dynamically resized to exactly match the number of stored entries. When more than compactSize() entries are used, the Map then uses the Map returned from the overrideable getNewMap() api to store the entries. In all cases, it maintains the underlying behavior of the Map.
  • Updated to consume log4j 2.13.1


  • CompactMap now supports case-insensitivity when using String keys. By default, it is case sensitive, but you can override the isCaseSensitive() method and return false. This allows you to return TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) or CaseInsensitiveMap from the getNewMap() method. With these overrides, CompactMap is now case insensitive, yet still 'compact.'
  • Converter.setNullMode(Converter.NULL_PROPER | Converter.NULL_NULL) added to allow control over how null values are converted. By default, passing a null value into primitive convert*() methods returns the primitive form of 0 or false.
    If the static method Converter.setNullMode(Converter.NULL_NULL) is called it will change the behavior of the primitive convert*() methods return null.


  • CompactMap introduced.
    CompactMap is a Map that strives to reduce memory at all costs while retaining speed that is close to HashMap's speed. It does this by using only one (1) member variable (of type Object) and changing it as the Map grows. It goes from single value, to a single Map Entry, to an Object[], and finally it uses a Map (user defined). CompactMap is especially small when 0 or 1 entries are stored in it. When size() is from 2 to compactSize(), then entries are stored internally in single Object[]. If the size() > compactSize() then the entries are stored in a regular Map.
   // If this key is used and only 1 element then only the value is stored
   protected K getSingleValueKey() { return "someKey"; }

   // Map you would like it to use when size() > compactSize().  HashMap is default
   protected abstract Map<K, V> getNewMap();

   // If you want case insensitivity, return true and return new CaseInsensitiveMap or TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_PRDER) from getNewMap()
   protected boolean isCaseInsensitive() { return false; }        // 1.45.0

   // When size() > than this amount, the Map returned from getNewMap() is used to store elements.
   protected int compactSize() { return 100; }                    // 1.46.0

This class only has one (1) member variable of type Object. If there are no entries in it, then the value of that member variable takes on a pointer (points to sentinel value.)

One entry

If the entry has a key that matches the value returned from getSingleValueKey() then there is no key stored and the internal single member points to the value (still retried with 100% proper Map semantics).

If the single entry's key does not match the value returned from getSingleValueKey() then the internal field points to an internal Class CompactMapEntry which contains the key and the value (nothing else). Again, all APIs still operate the same.

2 thru compactSize() entries

In this case, the single member variable points to a single Object[] that contains all the keys and values. The keys are in the even positions, the values are in the odd positions (1 up from the key). [0] = key, [1] = value, [2] = next key, [3] = next value, and so on. The Object[] is dynamically expanded until size() > compactSize(). In addition, it is dynamically shrunk until the size becomes 1, and then it switches to a single Map Entry or a single value.

size() > compactSize()

In this case, the single member variable points to a Map instance (supplied by getNewMap() API that user supplied.) This allows CompactMap to work with nearly all Map types. This Map supports null for the key and values, as long as the Map returned by getNewMap() supports null keys-values.


  • CaseInsensitiveMap(Map orig, Map backing) added for allowing precise control of what Map instance is used to back the CaseInsensitiveMap. For example,
  Map originalMap = someMap  // has content already in it
  Map ciMap1 = new CaseInsensitiveMap(someMap, new TreeMap())  // Control Map type, but not initial capacity
  Map ciMap2 = new CaseInsensitiveMap(someMap, new HashMap(someMap.size()))    // Control both Map type and initial capacity
  Map ciMap3 = new CaseInsensitiveMap(someMap, new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap(someMap.size()))   // Control initial capacity and use specialized Map from fast-util.  
  • CaseInsensitiveMap.CaseInsensitiveString() constructor made public.


  • CaseInsensitiveMap.putObject(Object key, Object value) added for placing objects into typed Maps.


  • and .minus() added to support + and - operators in languages like Groovy.
  • CaseInsenstiveMap.CaseInsensitiveString (static inner Class) is now public.


  • Added ReflectionUtils.getNonOverloadedMethod() to support reflectively fetching methods with only Class and Method name available. This implies there is no method overloading.


  • Added, methodName, args...) to allow one-step reflective calls. See Javadoc for any limitations.
  • Added, method, args...) to allow easy reflective calls. This version requires obtaining the Method instance first. This approach allows methods with the same name and number of arguments (overloaded) to be called.
  • All ReflectionUtils.getMethod() APIs cache reflectively located methods to significantly improve performance when using reflection.
  • The call() methods throw the target of the checked InvocationTargetException. The checked IllegalAccessException is rethrown wrapped in a RuntimeException. This allows making reflective calls without having to handle these two checked exceptions directly at the call point. Instead, these exceptions are usually better handled at a high-level in the code.


  • Enhancement: UniqueIdGenerator now generates the long ids in monotonically increasing order. @HonorKnight
  • Enhancement: New API [getDate(uniqueId)] added to UniqueIdGenerator that when passed an ID that it generated, will return the time down to the millisecond when it was generated.


  • TestUtil.assertContainsIgnoreCase() and TestUtil.checkContainsIgnoreCase() APIs added. These are generally used in unit tests to check error messages for key words, in order (as opposed to doing .contains() on a string which allows the terms to appear in any order.)
  • Build targets classes in Java 1.7 format, for maximum usability. The version supported will slowly move up, but only based on necessity allowing for widest use of java-util in as many projects as possible.


  • Converter.convert() now bi-directionally supports Calendar.class, e.g. Calendar to Date, SqlDate, Timestamp, String, long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, AtomicLong, and vice-versa.
  • UniqueIdGenerator.getUniqueId19() is a new API for getting 19 digit unique IDs (a full long value) These are generated at a faster rate (10,000 per millisecond vs. 1,000 per millisecond) than the original (18-digit) API.
  • Hardcore test added for ensuring concurrency correctness with UniqueIdGenerator.
  • Javadoc beefed up for UniqueIdGenerator.
  • Updated public APIs to have proper support for generic arguments. For example Class<T>, Map<?, ?>, and so on. This eliminates type casting on the caller's side.
  • ExceptionUtilities.getDeepestException() added. This API locates the source (deepest) exception.


  • DeepEquals.deepEquals(), when comparing Maps, the Map.Entry type holding the Map's entries is no longer considered in equality testing. In the past, a custom Map.Entry instance holding the key and value could cause inquality, which should be ignored. @AndreyNudko
  • Converter.convert() now uses parameterized types so that the return type matches the passed in Class parameter. This eliminates the need to cast the return value of Converter.convert().
  • MapUtilities.getOrThrow() added which throws the passed in Throwable when the passed in key is not within the Map. @ptjuanramos


  • Performance Improvement: CaseInsensitiveMap, when created from another CaseInsensitiveMap, re-uses the internal CaseInsensitiveString keys, which are immutable.
  • Bug fix: Converter.convertToDate(), Converter.convertToSqlDate(), and Converter.convertToTimestamp() all threw a NullPointerException if the passed in content was an empty String (of 0 or more spaces). When passed in NULL to these APIs, you get back null. If you passed in empty strings or bad date formats, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with a message clearly indicating what input failed and why.


  • Enhancement: DeepEquals.deepEquals(a, b options) added. The new options map supports a key DeepEquals.IGNORE_CUSTOM_EQUALS which can be set to a Set of String class names. If any of the encountered classes in the comparison are listed in the Set, and the class has a custom .equals() method, it will not be called and instead a deepEquals() will be performed. If the value associated to the IGNORE_CUSTOM_EQUALS key is an empty Set, then no custom .equals() methods will be called, except those on primitives, primitive wrappers, Date, Class, and String.


  • Bug fix: DeepEquals.deepEquals(a, b) could report equivalent unordered Collections / Maps as not equal if the items in the Collection / Map had the same hash code.


  • Converter updated to expose convertTo*() APIs that allow converting to a known type.


  • Renamed AdjustableFastGZIPOutputStream to AdjustableGZIPOutputStream.


  • Add AdjustableFastGZIPOutputStream so that compression level can be adjusted.


  • ByteArrayOutputStreams converted to FastByteArrayOutputStreams internally.


  • Removed test dependencies on Guava
  • Rounded out APIs on FastByteArrayOutputStream
  • Added APIs to IOUtilities.


  • Enhancement: IOUtilities.compressBytes(FastByteArrayOutputStream, FastByteArrayOutputStream) added.


  • Enhancement: FastByteArrayOutputStream.getBuffer() API made public.


  • Enhancement: FastByteArrayOutputStream added. Similar to JDK class, but without synchronized and access to inner byte[] allowed without duplicating the byte[].


  • Enhancement: Converter.convert() now supports enum to String


  • Bug fix: The internal class CaseInsensitiveString did not implement Comparable interface correctly.


  • Enhancement: added getClassNameFromByteCode() API to ReflectionUtils.


  • Enhancement: The Delta object returned by GraphComparator implements Serializable for those using ObjectInputStream / ObjectOutputStream. Provided by @metlaivan (Ivan Metla)


  • Performance improvement: CaseInsensitiveMap/Set internally adds Strings to Map without using .toLowerCase() which eliminates creating a temporary copy on the heap of the String being added, just to get its lowerCaseValue.
  • Performance improvement: CaseInsensitiveMap/Set uses less memory internally by caching the hash code as an int, instead of an Integer.
  • StringUtilities.caseInsensitiveHashCode() API added. This allows computing a case-insensitive hashcode from a String without any object creation (heap usage).


  • Converter.convert() - performance improved using class instance comparison versus class String name comparison.
  • CaseInsensitiveMap/Set - performance improved. CaseInsensitiveString (internal) short-circuits on equality check if hashCode() [cheap runtime cost] is not the same. Also, all method returning true/false to detect if Set or Map changed rely on size() instead of contains.


  • Converter.convert() API update: When a mutable type (Date, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean) is passed in, and the destination type is the same, rather than return the instance passed in, a copy of the instance is returned.


  • Added GraphComparator which is used to compute the difference (delta) between two object graphs. The generated List of Delta objects can be 'played' against the source to bring it up to match the target. Very useful in transaction processing systems.


  • Added Executor which is used to execute Operating System commands. For example, Executor exector = new Executor(); executor.exec("echo This is handy"); assertEquals("This is handy", executor.getOut().trim());
  • bug fix: CaseInsensitiveMap, when passed a LinkedHashMap, was inadvertently using a HashMap instead.


  • CaseInsensitiveMap intentionally does not retain 'not modifiability'.
  • CaseInsensitiveSet intentionally does not retain 'not modifiability'.


  • Failed release. Do not use.


  • TrackingMap changed so that get(anyKey) always marks it as keyRead. Same for containsKey(anyKey).
  • CaseInsensitiveMap has a constructor that takes a Map, which allows it to take on the nature of the Map, allowing for case-insensitive ConcurrentHashMap, sorted CaseInsensitiveMap, etc. The 'Unmodifiable' Map nature is intentionally not taken on. The passed in Map is not mutated.
  • CaseInsensitiveSet has a constructor that takes a Collection, nwhich allows it to take on the nature of the Collection, allowing for sorted CaseInsensitiveSets. The 'unmodifiable' Collection nature is intentionally not taken on. The passed in Set is not mutated.


  • TrackingMap changed so that an existing key associated to null counts as accessed. It is valid for many Map types to allow null values to be associated to the key.
  • TrackingMap.getWrappedMap() added so that you can fetch the wrapped Map.


  • TrackingMap changed so that .put() does not mark the key as accessed.


  • TrackingMap added. Create this map around any type of Map, and it will track which keys are accessed via .get(), .containsKey(), or .put() (when put overwrites a value already associated to the key). Provided by @seankellner.


  • Bug fix: CaseInsensitiveMap.entrySet() - calling entry.setValue(k, v) while iterating the entry set, was not updating the underlying value. This has been fixed and test case added.


  • The order in which system properties are read versus environment variables via the SystemUtilities.getExternalVariable() method has changed. System properties are checked first, then environment variables.


  • Fixed issue in DeepEquals.deepEquals() where a Container type (Map or Collection) was being compared to a non-container - the result of this comparison was inconsistent. It is always false if a Container is compared to a non-container type (anywhere within the object graph), regardless of the comparison order A, B versus comparing B, A.


  • StringUtilities.createUtf8String(byte[]) API added which is used to easily create UTF-8 strings without exception handling code.
  • StringUtilities.getUtf8Bytes(String s) API added which returns a byte[] of UTF-8 bytes from the passed in Java String without any exception handling code required.
  • ByteUtilities.isGzipped(bytes[]) API added which returns true if the byte[] represents gzipped data.
  • IOUtilities.compressBytes(byte[]) API added which returns the gzipped version of the passed in byte[] as a byte[]
  • IOUtilities.uncompressBytes(byte[]) API added which returns the original byte[] from the passed in gzipped byte[].
  • JavaDoc issues correct to support Java 1.8 stricter JavaDoc compilation.


  • UrlUtilities now allows for per-thread userAgent and referrer as well as maintains backward compatibility for setting these values globally.
  • StringUtilities getBytes() and createString() now allow null as input, and return null for output for null input.
  • Javadoc updated to remove errors flagged by more stringent Javadoc 1.8 generator.


  • Support added for Timestamp in Converter.convert()
  • null can be passed into Converter.convert() for primitive types, and it will return their logical 0 value (0.0f, 0.0d, etc.). For primitive wrappers, atomics, etc, null will be returned.
  • "" can be passed into Converter.convert() and it will set primitives to 0, and the object types (primitive wrappers, dates, atomics) to null. String will be set to "".


  • Added full support for AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger, and AtomicLong to Converter.convert(value, AtomicXXX). Any reasonable value can be converted to/from these, including Strings, Dates (AtomicLong), all Number types.
  • IOUtilities.flush() now supports XMLStreamWriter


  • UIUtilities.close() now supports XMLStreamReader and XMLStreamWriter in addition to Closeable.
  • Converter.convert(value, type) - a value of null is supported for the numeric types, boolean, and the atomics - in which case it returns their "zero" value and false for boolean. For date and String return values, a null input will return null. The type parameter must not be null.


  • In Converter.convert(value, type), the value is trimmed of leading / trailing white-space if it is a String and the type is a Number.


  • Added Converter.convert() API. Allows converting instances of one type to another. Handles all primitives, primitive wrappers, Date, java.sql.Date, String, BigDecimal, BigInteger, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, and AtomicBoolean. Additionally, input (from) argument accepts Calendar.
  • Added static getDateFormat() to SafeSimpleDateFormat for quick access to thread local formatter (per format String).


  • Switched to use Log4J2 () for logging.


  • bug fix: CaseInsensitiveMap.keySet() was only initializing the iterator once. If keySet() was called a 2nd time, it would no longer work.


  • bug fix: CaseInsensitiveSet(), the return value for addAll(), returnAll(), and retainAll() was wrong in some cases.


  • EncryptionUtilities - Added byte[] APIs. Makes it easy to encrypt/decrypt byte[] data.
  • pom.xml had extraneous characters inadvertently added to the file - these are removed.
  • 1.13.1 & 13.12 - issues with sonatype


  • DateUtilities - Day of week allowed (properly ignored).
  • DateUtilities - First (st), second (nd), third (rd), and fourth (th) ... supported.
  • DateUtilities - The default toString() standard date / time displayed by the JVM is now supported as a parseable format.
  • DateUtilities - Extra whitespace can exist within the date string.
  • DateUtilities - Full time zone support added.
  • DateUtilities - The date (or date time) is expected to be in isolation. Whitespace on either end is fine, however, once the date time is parsed from the string, no other content can be left (prevents accidently parsing dates from dates embedded in text).
  • UrlUtilities - Removed proxy from calls to URLUtilities. These are now done through the JVM.


  • UniqueIdGenerator uses 99 as the cluster id when the JAVA_UTIL_CLUSTERID environment variable or System property is not available. This speeds up execution on developer's environments when they do not specify JAVA_UTIL_CLUSTERID.
  • All the 1.11.x features rolled up.


  • UrlUtilities - separated out call that resolves res:// to a public API to allow for wider use.


  • Updated so headers can be set individually by the strategy (UrlInvocationHandler)
  • InvocationHandler set to always uses POST method to allow additional HTTP headers.


  • Better IPv6 support (UniqueIdGenerator)
  • Fixed UrlUtilities.getContentFromUrl() (byte[]) no longer setting up SSLFactory when HTTP protocol used.


  • UrlInvocationHandler, UrlInvocationStrategy - Updated to allow more generalized usage. Pass in your implementation of UrlInvocationStrategy which allows you to set the number of retry attempts, fill out the URL pattern, set up the POST data, and optionally set/get cookies.
  • Removed dependency on json-io. Only remaining dependency is Apache commons-logging.


  • Issue #3 fixed: DeepEquals.deepEquals() allows similar Map (or Collection) types to be compared without returning 'not equals' (false). Example, HashMap and LinkedHashMap are compared on contents only. However, compare a SortedSet (like TreeMap) to HashMap would fail unless the Map keys are in the same iterative order.
  • Tests added for UrlUtilities
  • Tests added for Traverser


  • Added wildcard to regex pattern to StringUtilities. This API turns a DOS-like wildcard pattern (where * matches anything and ? matches a single character) into a regex pattern useful in String.matches() API.


  • Floating-point allow difference by epsilon value (currently hard-coded on DeepEquals. Will likely be optional parameter in future version).


  • MathUtilities added. Currently, variable length minimum(arg0, arg1, ... argn) and maximum() functions added. Available for long, double, BigInteger, and BigDecimal. These cover the smaller types.
  • CaseInsensitiveMap and CaseInsensitiveSet keySet() and entrySet() are faster as they do not make a copy of the entries. Internally, CaseInsensitiveString caches it's hash, speeding up repeated access.
  • StringUtilities levenshtein() and damerauLevenshtein() added to compute edit length. See Wikipedia to understand of the difference between these two algorithms. Currently recommend using levenshtein() as it uses less memory.
  • The Set returned from the CaseInsensitiveMap.entrySet() now contains mutable entry's (value-side). It had been using an immutable entry, which disallowed modification of the value-side during entry walk.


  • UrlUtilities, fixed issue where the default settings for the connection were changed, not the settings on the actual connection.


  • ReflectionUtilities has new getClassAnnotation(classToCheck, annotation) API which will return the annotation if it exists within the classes super class hierarchy or interface hierarchy. Similarly, the getMethodAnnotation() API does the same thing for method annotations (allow inheritance - class or interface).


  • CaseInsensitiveMap methods keySet() and entrySet() return Sets that are identical to how the JDK returns 'view' Sets on the underlying storage. This means that all operations, besides add() and addAll(), are supported.
  • CaseInsensitiveMap.keySet() returns a Set that is case insensitive (not a CaseInsensitiveSet, just a Set that ignores case). Iterating this Set properly returns each originally stored item.


  • Fixed CaseInsensitiveMap() removeAll() was not removing when accessed via keySet()


  • Added DateUtilities. See description above.


  • Added "res" protocol (resource) to UrlUtilities to allow files from classpath to easily be loaded. Useful for testing.


  • UrlUtilities.getContentFromUrl() / getContentFromUrlAsString() - removed hard-coded proxy server name


  • UrlUtilities.getContentFromUrl() / getContentFromUrlAsString() - allow content to be fetched as String or binary (byte[]).


  • SystemUtilities added. New API to fetch value from environment or System property
  • UniqueIdGenerator - checks for environment variable (or System property) JAVA_UTIL_CLUSTERID (0-99). Will use this if set, otherwise last IP octet mod 100.


  • Added: UrlUtilities.getContentFromUrl()


  • Added CaseInsensitiveSet.


  • Fixed: CaseInsensitiveMap's iterator.remove() method, it did not remove items.
  • Fixed: CaseInsensitiveMap's equals() method, it required case to match on keys.


  • Initial version