diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 6db8e2d..ca74201 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ io.jenkins.plugins bitbucket-push-and-pull-request - 3.1.3-SNAPSHOT + 3.1.3 hpi @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ scm:git:https://github.com/jenkinsci/${project.artifactId}-plugin.git scm:git:git@github.com:jenkinsci/${project.artifactId}-plugin.git https://github.com/jenkinsci/${project.artifactId}-plugin - v3.1.2 + bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-3.1.3 diff --git a/release-pom.xml b/release-pom.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..000be22 --- /dev/null +++ b/release-pom.xml @@ -0,0 +1,2119 @@ + + + 4.0.0 + io.jenkins.plugins + bitbucket-push-and-pull-request + 3.1.3 + hpi + Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin + Bitbucket plugin for Jenkins v2.138.2 or later, allowing push and pull requests + https://github.com/jenkinsci/bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin + 2016 + + + MIT License + https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT + + + + + cdelmonte + Christian Del Monte + + + julioc-p + Julio Perez + + + + scm:git:https://github.com/jenkinsci/bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin.git + scm:git:git@github.com:jenkinsci/bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin.git + v3.1.2 + https://github.com/jenkinsci/bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin + + + + maven.jenkins-ci.org + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/ + + + maven.jenkins-ci.org + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/snapshots/ + + + + you-must-override-the-yarn.version-property + true + true + you-must-override-the-npm.version-property + 1912.v0cdf15450b_fb + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/nodejs-dist/ + false + 11 + true + + 1.12.1 + FindReturnRef + + /home/sp4/Workspace/bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin/target/tmp + 2.361.4 + UTF-8 + + true + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/incrementals/ + UTF-8 + 2.0.0 + HEAD + true + true + --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED + 2.9.0 + 4.9.0 + 1.21 + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/npm-dist/ + UTF-8 + + + 2.361.4 + 11 + 1.30 + you-must-override-the-node.version-property + 3.38 + + -Xms768M -Xmx768M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 @{jenkins.addOpens} @{jenkins.insaneHook} + + + + antlr + antlr + 2.7.7 + provided + + + args4j + args4j + 2.33 + provided + + + com.cloudbees + diff4j + 1.3 + test + + + com.cloudbees + groovy-cps + 3565.v4b_d9b_8c29a_b_3 + test + + + com.damnhandy + handy-uri-templates + 2.1.8 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.core + jackson-annotations + 2.14.0 + compile + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.core + jackson-core + 2.14.0 + compile + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.core + jackson-databind + 2.14.0 + compile + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat + jackson-dataformat-cbor + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat + jackson-dataformat-xml + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat + jackson-dataformat-yaml + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype + jackson-datatype-jdk8 + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype + jackson-datatype-json-org + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype + jackson-datatype-jsr310 + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.module + jackson-module-jaxb-annotations + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.jackson.module + jackson-module-parameter-names + 2.13.4 + test + + + com.fasterxml.woodstox + woodstox-core + 6.3.1 + test + + + com.github.ben-manes.caffeine + caffeine + 2.9.3 + compile + + + com.github.erosb + everit-json-schema + 1.14.1 + test + + + com.github.scribejava + scribejava-core + 8.3.3 + compile + + + com.github.scribejava + scribejava-java8 + 8.3.3 + compile + + + com.github.spotbugs + spotbugs-annotations + 4.7.1 + provided + + + com.github.stefanbirkner + system-rules + 1.19.0 + test + + + com.google.code.findbugs + jsr305 + 3.0.1 + compile + + + com.google.code.gson + gson + 2.10.1 + compile + + + com.google.crypto.tink + tink + 1.7.0 + compile + + + com.google.guava + failureaccess + 1.0.1 + provided + + + com.google.guava + guava + 31.1-jre + provided + + + com.google.guava + listenablefuture + 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava + provided + + + com.google.inject + guice + 5.0.1 + provided + + + com.google.re2j + re2j + 1.6 + test + + + com.googlecode.javaewah + JavaEWAH + 1.1.13 + compile + + + com.ibm.icu + icu4j + 59.1 + test + + + com.infradna.tool + bridge-method-annotation + 1.23 + provided + + + com.jcraft + jsch + 0.1.55 + compile + + + com.jcraft + jzlib + 1.1.3-kohsuke-1 + provided + + + com.openhtmltopdf + openhtmltopdf-core + 1.0.0 + test + + + com.openhtmltopdf + openhtmltopdf-jsoup-dom-converter + 1.0.0 + test + + + com.openhtmltopdf + openhtmltopdf-pdfbox + 1.0.0 + test + + + com.openhtmltopdf + openhtmltopdf-rtl-support + 1.0.0 + test + + + com.shapesecurity + salvation2 + 3.0.1 + test + + + com.sun.activation + jakarta.activation + 2.0.1 + compile + + + com.sun.activation + javax.activation + 1.2.0 + test + + + com.sun.mail + jakarta.mail + 2.0.1 + compile + + + com.sun.solaris + embedded_su4j + 1.1 + provided + + + com.sun.xml.bind + jaxb-impl + 2.3.7 + test + + + com.sun.xml.txw2 + txw2 + 20110809 + provided + + + com.thoughtworks.xstream + xstream + 1.4.19 + provided + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-all + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-abbreviation + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-admonition + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-anchorlink + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-aside + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-attributes + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-autolink + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-definition + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-emoji + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-enumerated-reference + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-escaped-character + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-footnotes + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-gfm-issues + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-gfm-strikethrough + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-gfm-tasklist + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-gfm-users + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-gitlab + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-ins + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-jekyll-front-matter + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-jekyll-tag + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-macros + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-media-tags + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-superscript + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-tables + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-toc + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-typographic + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-wikilink + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-xwiki-macros + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-yaml-front-matter + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-ext-youtube-embedded + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-html2md-converter + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-jira-converter + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-pdf-converter + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-profile-pegdown + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-ast + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-builder + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-collection + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-data + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-dependency + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-format + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-html + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-misc + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-options + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-sequence + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-util-visitor + 0.62.2 + test + + + com.vladsch.flexmark + flexmark-youtrack-converter + 0.62.2 + test + + + commons-beanutils + commons-beanutils + 1.9.4 + provided + + + commons-codec + commons-codec + 1.15 + provided + + + commons-collections + commons-collections + 3.2.2 + provided + + + commons-digester + commons-digester + 2.1 + test + + + commons-discovery + commons-discovery + 0.5 + provided + + + commons-fileupload + commons-fileupload + 1.4 + provided + + + commons-httpclient + commons-httpclient + 3.1-jenkins-3 + provided + + + commons-io + commons-io + 2.11.0 + provided + + + commons-jelly + commons-jelly-tags-fmt + 1.0 + provided + + + commons-jelly + commons-jelly-tags-xml + 1.1 + provided + + + commons-lang + commons-lang + 2.6 + provided + + + commons-logging + commons-logging + 1.2 + provided + + + commons-net + commons-net + 3.8.0 + test + + + commons-validator + commons-validator + 1.7 + test + + + de.rototor.pdfbox + graphics2d + 0.24 + test + + + io.github.x-stream + mxparser + 1.2.2 + provided + + + io.jenkins + configuration-as-code + 1569.vb_72405b_80249 + compile + + + io.jenkins.configuration-as-code + test-harness + 1569.vb_72405b_80249 + test + + + io.jenkins.lib + support-log-formatter + 1.2 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + bootstrap5-api + 5.2.0-1 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + caffeine-api + 2.9.3-65.v6a_47d0f4d1fe + compile + + + io.jenkins.plugins + checks-api + 1.8.0 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + commons-lang3-api + 3.12.0-36.vd97de6465d5b_ + compile + + + io.jenkins.plugins + commons-text-api + 1.10.0-27.vb_fa_3896786a_7 + compile + + + io.jenkins.plugins + echarts-api + 5.4.0-1 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + font-awesome-api + 6.1.2-1 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + ionicons-api + 31.v4757b_6987003 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + jakarta-activation-api + 2.0.1-2 + compile + + + io.jenkins.plugins + jakarta-mail-api + 2.0.1-2 + compile + + + io.jenkins.plugins + javax-activation-api + 1.2.0-5 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + jaxb + 2.3.7-1 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + jquery3-api + 3.6.1-2 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + lib-durable-task + 36.vd73d2d3299d1 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + plugin-util-api + 2.17.0 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + popper2-api + 2.11.6-2 + test + + + io.jenkins.plugins + snakeyaml-api + 1.33-90.v80dcb_3814d35 + compile + + + io.jenkins.stapler + jenkins-stapler-support + 1.1 + provided + + + io.vavr + vavr + 0.10.4 + compile + + + io.vavr + vavr-match + 0.10.4 + compile + + + jakarta.annotation + jakarta.annotation-api + 2.1.1 + provided + + + jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl + jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api + 1.2.7 + provided + + + javax.annotation + javax.annotation-api + 1.3.2 + provided + + + javax.inject + javax.inject + 1 + provided + + + javax.servlet + javax.servlet-api + 3.1.0 + provided + + + javax.xml.bind + jaxb-api + 2.3.1 + test + + + jaxen + jaxen + 1.2.0 + provided + + + jline + jline + 2.14.6 + provided + + + joda-time + joda-time + 2.10.2 + test + + + junit + junit + 4.13.2 + test + + + net.bytebuddy + byte-buddy + 1.12.16 + test + + + net.bytebuddy + byte-buddy-agent + 1.12.16 + test + + + net.i2p.crypto + eddsa + 0.3.0 + compile + + + net.java.dev.jna + jna + 5.12.1 + provided + + + net.java.sezpoz + sezpoz + 1.13 + provided + + + net.jcip + jcip-annotations + 1.0 + provided + + + net.sf.ezmorph + ezmorph + 1.0.6 + provided + + + net.sf.jopt-simple + jopt-simple + 5.0.4 + test + + + net.sf.kxml + kxml2 + 2.3.0 + provided + + + org.antlr + antlr4-runtime + 4.11.1 + compile + + + org.apache.ant + ant + 1.10.12 + provided + + + org.apache.ant + ant-launcher + 1.10.12 + provided + + + org.apache.commons + commons-compress + 1.21 + provided + + + org.apache.commons + commons-lang3 + 3.12.0 + compile + + + org.apache.commons + commons-math3 + 3.2 + test + + + org.apache.commons + commons-text + 1.10.0 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + fluent-hc + 4.5.13 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpasyncclient + 4.1.4 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpasyncclient-cache + 4.1.4 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpclient + 4.5.13 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpclient-cache + 4.5.13 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpcore + 4.4.15 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpcore-nio + 4.4.15 + compile + + + org.apache.httpcomponents + httpmime + 4.5.13 + compile + + + org.apache.pdfbox + fontbox + 2.0.16 + test + + + org.apache.pdfbox + pdfbox + 2.0.16 + test + + + org.apache.pdfbox + xmpbox + 2.0.16 + test + + + org.apiguardian + apiguardian-api + 1.1.2 + test + + + org.bouncycastle + bcpkix-jdk15on + 1.70 + compile + + + org.bouncycastle + bcprov-jdk15on + 1.70 + compile + + + org.bouncycastle + bcutil-jdk15on + 1.70 + compile + + + org.brotli + dec + 0.1.2 + test + + + org.codehaus.groovy + groovy-all + 2.4.21 + compile + + + org.codehaus.woodstox + stax2-api + 4.2.1 + test + + + org.connectbot.jbcrypt + jbcrypt + 1.0.0 + compile + + + org.dom4j + dom4j + 2.1.3 + provided + + + org.eclipse.collections + eclipse-collections + 9.2.0 + test + + + org.eclipse.collections + eclipse-collections-api + 9.2.0 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-http + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-io + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-security + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-server + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-servlet + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-util + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-webapp + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty + jetty-xml + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain + jetty-servlet-api + 4.0.6 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.websocket + websocket-core-common + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.websocket + websocket-core-server + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.websocket + websocket-jetty-api + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.websocket + websocket-jetty-common + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.websocket + websocket-jetty-server + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jetty.websocket + websocket-servlet + 10.0.12 + test + + + org.eclipse.jgit + org.eclipse.jgit + + compile + + + org.eclipse.jgit + org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache + + compile + + + org.eclipse.jgit + org.eclipse.jgit.http.server + + compile + + + org.eclipse.jgit + org.eclipse.jgit.lfs + + compile + + + org.eclipse.jgit + org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch + + compile + + + org.fusesource.jansi + jansi + 1.11 + provided + + + org.hamcrest + hamcrest + 2.2 + test + + + org.hamcrest + hamcrest-core + 2.2 + test + + + org.hamcrest + hamcrest-library + 2.2 + test + + + org.jboss.marshalling + jboss-marshalling + 2.1.0.Final + compile + + + org.jboss.marshalling + jboss-marshalling-river + 2.1.0.Final + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci + annotation-indexer + 1.16 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci + commons-jelly + 1.1-jenkins-20220630 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci + commons-jexl + 1.1-jenkins-20111212 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci + crypto-util + 1.7 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci + memory-monitor + 1.11 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci + symbol-annotation + 1.23 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci + task-reactor + 1.7 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci + test-annotations + 1.4 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci + trilead-ssh2 + build-217-jenkins-247.v708a_8b_14f4b_a + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci + version-number + 1.10 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + cli + 2.361.4 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + jenkins-core + 2.361.4 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + jenkins-test-harness + 1912.v0cdf15450b_fb + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + jenkins-test-harness-htmlunit + 127.v28144890db_46 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + jenkins-war + 2.361.4 + executable-war + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + remoting + 3044.vb_940a_a_e4f72e + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + websocket-jetty10 + 2.361.4 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + websocket-jetty9 + 2.361.4 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.main + websocket-spi + 2.361.4 + provided + + + org.jenkins-ci.modules + instance-identity + 116.vf8f487400980 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api + 4.5.13-138.v4e7d9a_7b_a_e61 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + bouncycastle-api + 2.26 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + branch-api + 2.1051.v9985666b_f6cc + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + cloudbees-folder + 6.758.vfd75d09eea_a_1 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + credentials + 1189.vf61b_a_5e2f62e + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + credentials-binding + 523.vd859a_4b_122e6 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + display-url-api + 2.3.7 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + durable-task + 503.v57154d18d478 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + git + 4.14.3 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + git-client + 3.13.1 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + jackson2-api + + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + job-dsl + 1.81.1 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + job-dsl-core + 1.81.1 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + jsch + + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + junit + 1166.va_436e268e972 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + mailer + 438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + matrix-project + 785.v06b_7f47b_c631 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + pipeline-input-step + 466.v6d0a_5df34f81 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + pipeline-stage-step + 296.v5f6908f017a_5 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + plain-credentials + 139.ved2b_9cf7587b + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + scm-api + 621.vda_a_b_055e58f7 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + script-security + 1228.vd93135a_2fb_25 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + ssh-credentials + 305.v8f4381501156 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + structs + 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins + trilead-api + 2.84.v72119de229b_7 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-api + 1200.v8005c684b_a_c6 + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-basic-steps + 994.vd57e3ca_46d24 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-cps + 3565.v4b_d9b_8c29a_b_3 + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-durable-task-step + 1217.v38306d8fa_b_5c + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-job + 1254.v3f64639b_11dd + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-multibranch + 716.vc692a_e52371b_ + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-scm-step + 400.v6b_89a_1317c9a_ + test + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-step-api + 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_ + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow + workflow-support + 839.v35e2736cfd5c + compile + + + org.jenkins-ci.ui + ace-editor + 1.1 + test + + + org.jetbrains + annotations + 15.0 + test + + + org.jfree + jcommon + 1.0.23 + provided + + + org.jfree + jfreechart + 1.0.19 + provided + + + org.json + json + 20220320 + compile + + + org.jsoup + jsoup + 1.11.3 + test + + + org.junit.jupiter + junit-jupiter + 5.9.1 + test + + + org.junit.jupiter + junit-jupiter-api + 5.9.1 + test + + + org.junit.jupiter + junit-jupiter-engine + 5.9.1 + test + + + org.junit.jupiter + junit-jupiter-params + 5.9.1 + test + + + org.junit.platform + junit-platform-commons + 1.9.1 + test + + + org.junit.platform + junit-platform-engine + 1.9.1 + test + + + org.junit.vintage + junit-vintage-engine + 5.9.1 + test + + + org.jvnet + tiger-types + 2.2 + provided + + + org.jvnet.hudson + commons-jelly-tags-define + 1.0.1-hudson-20071021 + provided + + + org.jvnet.hudson + embedded-rhino-debugger + 1.2 + test + + + org.jvnet.localizer + localizer + 1.31 + provided + + + org.jvnet.robust-http-client + robust-http-client + 1.2 + provided + + + org.jvnet.winp + winp + 1.28 + provided + + + org.kohsuke + access-modifier-annotation + 1.27 + provided + + + org.kohsuke + groovy-sandbox + 1.32 + compile + + + org.kohsuke + trilead-putty-extension + 1.2 + compile + + + org.kohsuke + windows-package-checker + 1.2 + provided + + + org.kohsuke.jinterop + j-interop + 2.0.8-kohsuke-1 + provided + + + org.kohsuke.jinterop + j-interopdeps + 2.0.8-kohsuke-1 + provided + + + org.kohsuke.metainf-services + metainf-services + 1.9 + test + + + org.kohsuke.stapler + json-lib + 2.4-jenkins-3 + provided + + + org.kohsuke.stapler + stapler + 1711.1713.vc400cfb_5597a_ + provided + + + org.kohsuke.stapler + stapler-adjunct-codemirror + 1.3 + provided + + + org.kohsuke.stapler + stapler-adjunct-timeline + 1.5 + provided + + + org.kohsuke.stapler + stapler-groovy + 1711.1713.vc400cfb_5597a_ + provided + + + org.kohsuke.stapler + stapler-jelly + 1711.1713.vc400cfb_5597a_ + provided + + + org.mockito + mockito-core + 4.9.0 + test + + + org.mockito + mockito-inline + 5.2.0 + test + + + org.mockito + mockito-junit-jupiter + 5.5.0 + test + + + org.netbeans.modules + org-netbeans-insane + RELEASE160 + test + + + org.nibor.autolink + autolink + 0.6.0 + test + + + org.objenesis + objenesis + 3.3 + test + + + org.openjdk.jmh + jmh-core + 1.36 + test + + + org.openjdk.jmh + jmh-generator-annprocess + 1.36 + test + + + org.opentest4j + opentest4j + 1.2.0 + test + + + org.ow2.asm + asm + 9.3 + provided + + + org.ow2.asm + asm-analysis + 9.3 + provided + + + org.ow2.asm + asm-commons + 9.3 + provided + + + org.ow2.asm + asm-tree + 9.3 + provided + + + org.ow2.asm + asm-util + 9.3 + provided + + + org.samba.jcifs + jcifs + 1.3.18-kohsuke-1 + provided + + + org.slf4j + jcl-over-slf4j + 1.7.36 + provided + + + org.slf4j + log4j-over-slf4j + 1.7.36 + provided + + + org.slf4j + slf4j-api + 1.7.36 + provided + + + org.slf4j + slf4j-jdk14 + 1.7.36 + test + + + org.springframework + spring-aop + 5.3.22 + provided + + + org.springframework + spring-beans + 5.3.22 + provided + + + org.springframework + spring-context + 5.3.22 + provided + + + org.springframework + spring-core + 5.3.22 + provided + + + org.springframework + spring-expression + 5.3.22 + provided + + + org.springframework + spring-web + 5.3.22 + provided + + + org.springframework.security + spring-security-core + 5.7.2 + provided + + + org.springframework.security + spring-security-crypto + 5.7.2 + provided + + + org.springframework.security + spring-security-web + 5.7.2 + provided + + + org.yaml + snakeyaml + 1.33 + compile + + + relaxngDatatype + relaxngDatatype + 20020414 + provided + + + xmlunit + xmlunit + 1.4 + compile + + + xpp3 + xpp3 + 1.1.4c + provided + + + + + repo.jenkins-ci.org + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/ + + + + false + + central + Central Repository + https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 + + + + + repo.jenkins-ci.org + https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/ + + + + false + + central + Central Repository + https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 + + + + ${project.basedir}/src/main/java + ${project.basedir}/src/main/scripts + ${project.basedir}/src/test/java + ${project.build.directory}/classes + ${project.build.directory}/test-classes + + + ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources + + + + + ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources + + + ${project.basedir}/target + bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-3.1.3 + + + maven-javadoc-plugin + 3.4.1 + + + maven-surefire-plugin + 2.22.2 + + + maven-compiler-plugin + 3.10.1 + + 17 + 17 + + + + + + ${project.build.directory}/site + +