How to override what different functions / keys do.
TODO: Talk about what actions vs actions sets are
- The most "user-facing" of the files, which has the actions we provide builtin
- The second most "user-facing" of the files. This provides actions that are consumed by several builtin actions, which allows for only overriding ONE item, instead of copying the same configuration / function several times.
- Provides APIs for interacting with the state of telescope while in actions.
- These are most useful for writing your own actions and interacting with telescope at that time
- You probably don't need to look at this, but it defines the behavior of actions.
Directly override an action with a new function
local actions = require('telescope.actions')
Override an action only when conditional
returns true.
local action_set = require('telescope.actions.set')
return action_state.get_selected_entry().path:sub(-1) == os_sep
end, function(_, type)
-- type is { "default", "horizontal", "vertical", "tab" }
local path = actions.get_selected_entry().path
action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr):refresh(gen_new_finder(new_cwd), { reset_prompt = true})
local action_set = require('telescope.actions.set')
-- Use functions as keys to map to which function to execute when called. {
[function(e) return e > 0 end] = function(e) return (e / 10) end,
[function(e) return e == 0 end] = function(e) return (e + 10) end,