The format of our multi-view dataset is derived from VolSDF.
image/ -> {:04d}.png # tone-mapped LDR images
depth/ -> {:04d}.exr
normal/ -> {:04d}.exr
mask/ -> {:04d}.png
val/ -> {:04d}.png # validation images (LDR)
hdr/ -> {:04d}.exr # raw HDR images
# followings are optional
light_mask/ -> {:04d}.png # emitter mask images
material/ -> {:04d}_kd.exr, {:04d}_ks.exr, {:04d}_rough.exr # diffuse, specular albedo and roughness
Zeros areas in the depth maps and normal maps indicate invalid areas such as windows.
Note that not all areas inside the scenes use the GGX material model. We'll provide a mask of the invalid areas.
The cameras.npz
contains each image's associated camera projection matrix 'world_mat_{i}'
and a normalization matrix 'scale_mat_{i}'
, the same as VolSDF. Besides, we also provide a validation set of images for novel view synthesis, whose associated camera projection matrices are 'val_mat_{i}'
. Validation set and training set share the same normalization matrix.
The normalization matrices may not be readily available in cameras.npz
. You can manually run data/
to generate cameras_normalize.npz
. Since our method requires the entire scene to be within a radius-3 bounding sphere, we suggest normalizing cameras by radius 2.0 or 2.5.
An example of running
python --id <scan_id> -n <synthetic/real/...> -r 2.0
Note that we follow OpenCV camera coordinate system (X right, Y downwards, Z into the image plane).
If you want to convert the dataset format to NeRF blender format, run
python --root /path/to/dataset
The script will automatically scale all pose matrices to fit within a [-1, 1]
bounding box.
Our real dataset comes from Inria and Scalable-NISR, with estimated depth from MVS tools and manually-labeled light masks (2 living room scenes). All depths has an absolute scale without needs of shifting like MonoSDF. All camera calibrations and depths are provided by the authors of Scalable-NISR. We thank them for providing the datasets.
Normal is not provided in the real dataset, and we find it sufficient for plausible reconstruction without a normal supervision in these scenes. Of course, you can estimate normal using any methods if you want to enable normal supervision.
We suggest using OpenCV to load an .exr
format float32
import os
os.environ['OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR'] = '1' # Enable OpenCV support for EXR
import cv2
im = cv2.imread(im_path, -1) # im will be an numpy.float32 array of shape (H, W, C)
im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # cv2 reads image in BGR shape, convert into RGB
We suggest using tev to preview HDR .exr
images conveniently.
Due to copyright issues, we could not release the original 3D mesh of our synthetic scenes. Instead, we'll provide a point cloud sampled from the GT mesh to enable 3D reconstruction evaluations.