The Shaka Lab Node package provides Selenium grid nodes. This is the macOS package.
For documentation on the package and configuration, or for links to other platforms, see the general docs.
NOTE: Browsers running in a macOS node will be visible, and autologin is required. (shaka-lab-recommended-settings takes care of this for you.) Browsers will run as the user that is logged in on the GUI at the time this package is installed, so that should be the autologin user.
NOTE: The autologin GUI user and the user running brew
do not have to be
the same.
- Get Homebrew:
brew tap shaka-project/shaka-lab
brew install shaka-lab-node
brew update && brew upgrade shaka-lab-node
The config file is at /etc/shaka-lab-node-config.yaml
See the configuration section of the general doc.
sudo /opt/shaka-lab-node/
tail -f /opt/shaka-lab-node/logs/stderr.log
sudo /opt/shaka-lab-node/
brew uninstall shaka-lab-node