As a [role], I can [feature] so that [reason].
As a veteran, I desire a a menu of options so that I can easily find the type of resource I am looking for. When I select "resources" from the menu, I wish to be taken to a listing of resources. When I select "categories", I wish to view the various categories of resources. When I select "Search", I want the ability to search for resources.
- Menu
- home
- Resources
- Categories
- Search
As a veteran, I want the ability to select "Resources" from the menu/drawer and view a listing of resources so that I can find services, benefits, and other veteran related information.
List Items
- name
- short desc
- icon
When I select an item from the list, I want to view the details about the resource. See View a Resource.
As a veteran, I want the ability to view a single resource so that I can view all the details about the resource such as contact, purpose, location. Display the following information:
- name (short and formal?)
- logo
- website
- primary addresses
- primary phone number
- short description
- purpose
As a veteran, I want the ability to filter the resources so I can better locate the resources I need. I want the ability to filter by:
- resource categories
As a veteran, I want the ability to filter the most popular resources. Show me the top 10 resources by popularity.
In addition to resource categories, add a top 10 filter.
As a veteran, I want the ability to reset the filter and display all the resources so that I can see all the resources.
As a veteran, when I am on the Resource page, I want the ability to call the primary phone number by clicking a button. When I am viewing a list of resources, I want a "Call" menu option from a popup menu. I need to talk to a real person in order to schedule an appointment, ask a question not covered by a FAQ (View Resource FAQ). Selecting the option to cal will cause my mobile device to call the resource.
As a veteran, when I am on the Resource page, I want the ability to view the resource's web page so that I can find additional info about the resource. Clicking the website button or popup menu item will navigate the mobile device to the appropriate website.
As a veteran, when I am on the Resource View page, I want the ability to select a toggle switch so that I can view additional details about the resource, such as:
- purpose
- addresses
- contacts