A real-time aviation data tracking application built using React and TypeScript, leveraging OpenSky Network's REST API.
![Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 11 00 53 PM](https://private-user-images.githubusercontent.com/72416398/255374529-6b3e5dc4-ee99-4038-8817-2bfc8d73d18c.png?jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJnaXRodWIuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoicmF3LmdpdGh1YnVzZXJjb250ZW50LmNvbSIsImtleSI6ImtleTUiLCJleHAiOjE3MzkxMDI0NjEsIm5iZiI6MTczOTEwMjE2MSwicGF0aCI6Ii83MjQxNjM5OC8yNTUzNzQ1MjktNmIzZTVkYzQtZWU5OS00MDM4LTg4MTctMmJmYzhkNzNkMThjLnBuZz9YLUFtei1BbGdvcml0aG09QVdTNC1ITUFDLVNIQTI1NiZYLUFtei1DcmVkZW50aWFsPUFLSUFWQ09EWUxTQTUzUFFLNFpBJTJGMjAyNTAyMDklMkZ1cy1lYXN0LTElMkZzMyUyRmF3czRfcmVxdWVzdCZYLUFtei1EYXRlPTIwMjUwMjA5VDExNTYwMVomWC1BbXotRXhwaXJlcz0zMDAmWC1BbXotU2lnbmF0dXJlPWQ3MTQzMDIwMDU4Zjc3MjhjZmQ1OGE1MmJkYjM2MTNlOWQ0OTg5YmVmYmExOWJhMWE1ZTlhMjUzZjIwNmQ3NWMmWC1BbXotU2lnbmVkSGVhZGVycz1ob3N0In0.xO6sAT1e4u7EvmFj0zJh3Uyi9KXLujORDCHoMrAquSg)
git clone https://github.com/jtanya17/flight-tracker-tanyajain.git
cd flight-tracker-tanyajain
npm install
npm run dev
The application is built on Vite and is available on Port 5173.
Note: Please make sure to use your OpenSky account credentials to access the application. These details can be added to the "opensky-service.tsx" file.
This application provides real-time aviation data tracking. Once authorized with OpenSky credentials, the user can visualize the real-time position of aircraft on the map and access relevant flight data.
- The application leverages the Mapbox API to provide a fully interactive map spanning the entire webpage.
- The map supports zooming in and out and can locate the user's current location.
- The map displays the real-time positions of aircraft. The aircraft icons are rotated in the direction they are headed.
- Clicking an aircraft icon presents a pop-up with the country of origin and the ICAO24 Code, a unique identifier for each aircraft.
- An information box at the bottom left of the page provides real-time insights and data for various flights.
- Working within the API access limit of 80 minutes for registered users of the OpenSky Network.
- Managing dependency versions.
- Handling JSX constructor calls in React.
- Plan to integrate flight-specific information between the aircraft icons on the map and the data box at the bottom of the page, currently they are mutually exclusive functionalities on the application.
- Improve the user interface to make it more intuitive and information-rich.
- The potential addition of a landing page.
- I haven't been able to include tests at this time.