RB check
an independently-verifiable path from source to binary code
Source code:
rebuilding 7 releases of
- 0 releases were found successfully fully reproducible (100% reproducible artifacts ✅),
- 7 had issues (some unreproducible artifacts
⚠️ , see eventual 🔍 diffoscope and/or 📝 issue tracker links):
version | build spec | result: reproducible? | size |
2.2.4 | mvn jdk17 w | result: 3 ✅ 2 |
364K |
2.2.2 | mvn jdk17 w | result: 3 ✅ 2 |
364K |
2.2.0 | |||
2.1.0 | |||
2.0.0 | mvn jdk11 w | result: 3 ✅ 2 |
359K |
1.10.4 | |||
1.10.2 | |||
1.10.0 | |||
1.9.2 | |||
1.9.0 | |||
1.8.0 | |||
1.7.4 | |||
1.7.2 | |||
1.7.0 | |||
1.6.4 | |||
1.6.2 | mvn jdk11 w | result: 2 ✅ 3 |
294K |
1.6.0 | mvn jdk11 w | result: 2 ✅ 1 |
169K |
1.5.4 | mvn jdk8 w | result: 2 ✅ 1 |
169K |
1.5.2 | mvn jdk8 w | result: 2 ✅ 1 |
169K |
(size is calculated without javadoc, that has been excluded from reproducibility checks)