Releases: kbwbe/A2plus
V0.4.47 Release 2020-04-26
A new command has been added for finding conflicting constraints.
V0.4.46 Release-2020-04-04
New automatic adjustment of constraints's directions after updating of imported parts. This improves the robustness of assemblies against flipping plane normals or flipping edge directions during assembly updates.
This is done automatically after part's update. Also a new command button is available to do this manually.
All constraints of an assembly document are readjusted at one step.
V0.4.45 Release 2020-03-07
- setting a constraint to invisible state now triggers constraint.Suppressed = True (an vice versa)
V0.4.44 Release 2020-02-23
Now it is possible to update only parts of an assembly. If some parts/subassemblies are selected BEFORE using one of the update commands, you will be asked whether you want to update only the selected parts or the full assembly.
V0.4.43 Bugfix release 2020-02-23
- Fix missing parts during imports, caused by usage of shapebinders.
V0.4.42 Release 2020-02-01
- avoid imported sketches to be listed in the partslist
- enhance constraints (pointOnLine, axial, axisParallel). An axis of a circular edge can be used as line.
The improved constraints give better flexibility if constraining parts to a sketch.
V0.4.41 Release 2020-01-26
- allow "a2p_importSingleShapeReference" to import a single sketch from a FC file
The resulting shape from a sketch can be imported and can be used as:
- Basefeature of Part Design bodies
- Assembly basic sketch, usable with constraints
This enables some basic handling of top/down designs.
V0.4.40 Bugfix Release 2020-01-18
- fix import of booleans for FC0.19
- prevent section surfaces from being imported
- fix truncated lines on preferences page
- fix grouping of constraints under parent objects
V0.4.39 Release 2020-01-12
- add basic support for fasteners Workbench
Assemblies, containing objects created by the fasteners WB can be imported now.
V0.4.38 Release 2020-01-06
- better support for splined edges and splined faces