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Chapter 3. Code generation

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This tutorial considers an example case of a cubesat with two sensors - Battery monitor and a Temperature sensor. The functioning of the cubesat depends on whether the battery and temperature values are within operating ranges. In case they are not, the cubesat should be shut down (or take other appropriate action). We show how Klepsydra can be used to program for such a case.

The Problem to solve

We need to define a service which will receive messages from the battery and temperature sensors and take appropriate action based on the sensor values. For example, let's say that a low battery, extreme low or extreme high temperature should trigger the cubesat to stop and stay in idle mode.

If the battery level goes below 20%, then the cubesat stays idle until the battery has charged back up to at least 25%. Similarly, if the temperature goes below -15 C or above 60 C, the cubesat stops until the temperature is back in the -10 C to 55 C range.

The solution

Write the service classes.

The ControlService class

The Service class in Klepsydra core (kpsr-core) can be used to perform regular tasks and is the interface we implement. The start method of the Service class will start the subscribers to the battery and temperature messages. The idea is that the class should be independent of middlewares, so it holds pointers to subscribers and publishers.

The ControlService class inherits from the Service class to perform this task. It holds the subscribers for the battery and temperature sensor messages, and a publisher for SystemEventData data type where it publishes what action it desires should be taken.

We define functions that define what actions need to be done when battery values are received. For example, the function on receiving battery values is:

void kpsr::ControlService::onBatteryReceived(const kpsr::sensors::BatteryState &batteryData)
    _batteryValue = batteryData.percentage;
    if ((kpsr::BATTERY_THRESHOLD_LOW >= _batteryValue) && (_status != kpsr::SystemEventData::Stop)) {
        _batteryOk = kpsr::SystemEventData::Stop;
        _status = kpsr::SystemEventData::Stop;
    } else if ((kpsr::BATTERY_THRESHOLD_LOW_START <= _batteryValue) &&
               (_status != kpsr::SystemEventData::Start)) {
        _batteryOk = kpsr::SystemEventData::Start;
        if (_temperatureOk != kpsr::SystemEventData::Stop) {
            // This ensures that start is sent only when both battery
            // and temperature are in range.
            _status = kpsr::SystemEventData::Start;

This "Listener" function is bound to the subscriber using std::bind and the registerListener method of the Subscriber class. For example:

std::function<void(kpsr::sensors::BatteryState)> batteryListenerFn = std::bind(
    &ControlService::onBatteryReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1);
_batterySubscriber->registerListener("batteryCacheListener", batteryListenerFn);

Thus, whenever the batterySubscriber receives a message, it will execute the onBatteryReceived function.

The ApplicationService class

To simplify the tasks done by each class, the ControlService class is designed to only publish the actions it wants to be done. The ControlService class deals only with the sensor data. The actions that need to be performed should be handled by a different class which has access to the cubesat controllers.

For this, we use the ManagedService abstract class which subscribes to the SystemEventData messages. We define the ApplicationService class to inherit from the ManagedService class, and define the start, stop and execute methods specific to the cubesat:

    kpsr::Environment *environment,
    kpsr::Subscriber<SystemEventData> *systemStatusEventSubscriber,
    std::string serviceName)
    : ManagedService(environment, systemStatusEventSubscriber, serviceName)
    spdlog::info("Created object");

void kpsr::ApplicationService::start()
    // Actions to start the cubesat.
    spdlog::info("Started cubesat");

void kpsr::ApplicationService::stop()
    // Actions to put the cubesat in energy saving mode.
    spdlog::info("Stopping cubesat");

void kpsr::ApplicationService::execute() {}

In this example, these functions are empty, except for log messages to let us know that the functions were called correctly. Note that the two classes ApplicationService and ControlService are completely independent of ROS or any middleware and deal with the sensors/controllers of the cubesat.

Specific tutorials for each case