- Improved email client app selection in Android.
- Added HTML support - thanks to @trancanhluc.
- Finished migration to Android X.
- Configured external files path for FileProvider (Issue #10).
- Finish future when email screen is closed. (Issue #15).
- Migrated to AndroidX.
- Updated gradle and Kotlin versions to work with Android Studio 3.3.
- Updated Swift version to 4.2.
- Fixed compilation problem in flutter > 0.10.0 version (issue #5).
- Added custom file provider to work nicely with 'open_file' plugin (issue #3).
- Fixed problem, that email body was not provided to mail app in iOS part.
- Fixed AndroidRuntimeException when calling startActivity (Issue #1).
- Fixed grammar.
- Fixed homepage link.
- Works on Android and iOS. On Android Intent is launched, on iOS MFMailComposeViewController is used to compose an email.