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handaxeweb: a minimalist literate-programming system

Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to humans what we want the computer to do.

— Donald E. Knuth, "Literate Programming", in The Computer Journal, 1984, p.99

Literate-programming systems are systems for writing programs that are optimized for readability. This is a very simple literate-programming system called “handaxeweb” that supports multiple versions of a program in the same HTML or Markdown document.

What literate programming is, and how handaxeweb is related to other such systems

Traditionally a literate-programming system contains two programs: one called tangle, to feed the program to the compiler, and one to produce a printable version called weave (related to a famous couplet alluding to webs).

Following noweb, handaxeweb doesn’t make any attempt to produce a “woven” output for human consumption; it only tangles. The idea is that you write your literate program either as a plain ASCII text document, or in Markdown or something, as long as it permits you to write segments of your program indented by four spaces.

Phil Bewig’s “The Essence of Literate Programming”: the inspiration

handaxeweb is more directly inspired by Phil Bewig’s “The Essence of Literate Programming”, a post on comp.programming.literate on 1996-05-27, message-id <[email protected]>, containing the following noweb-like literate-programming system written in awk:

# in The Essence of Literate Programming:
/^<<.+>>=$/ {
    name = substr($0, 3, length($0) - 5)
    while (getline > 0) {
        if (length($0) == 0) next
        chunk[name, ++count[name]] = $0 } }
END { tangle("*", ""); printf "\n" }
function tangle(name, prefix,    i, tag, suffix) {
    for (i = 1; i <= count[name]; i++) {
        if (i == 2) gsub(/[^ \t]/, " ", prefix)
        if (match(chunk[name,i], /<<.+>>/)) {
            tag = substr(chunk[name,i], RSTART + 2, RLENGTH - 4)
            if (tag in count) {
                suffix = substr(chunk[name,i], RSTART + RLENGTH)
                tangle(tag, prefix substr(chunk[name,i], 1, RSTART - 1))
                printf "%s", suffix }
            else printf "%s%s", prefix, chunk[name,i] }
        else printf "%s%s", prefix, chunk[name,i]
        if (i < count[name]) printf "\n" } }

He explained:

The essence of literate programming is rearranging chunks of code, and a dozen and a half lines of awk is all you need for that.

Of course, with so little code it's not possible for everything to be perfect. … Even so, this microscopic system provides a useful tool that encompasses the essence of literate programming.

Overview of handaxeweb's features

Unfortunately, handaxeweb is 208 lines of code, twice the size of the previous Python version, and more than ten times the size of The Essence of Literate Programming (a full sixth of the size of CWEB!). But it solves a couple of other problems that I need for my purposes:

  • versioning: multiple versions of the same program in the same version of the same document;
  • multiple separate programs in the same document;
  • listing the programs and versions in a document;
  • indentation (needed for languages like Python);
  • support for Markdown, which is how I write most human-readable documents these days.

Literate programs may contain multiple versions of the program

Versioning is one of the biggest problems I've had with the previous version of handaxeweb, written in Python.

When I write a literate program, there are often bits of it that are present for scaffolding in initial versions which then should be removed in future versions. This is especially true with these bootstrapping-compiler things I've been writing lately, where the initial version of the bootstrapping compiler supports a minimal number of features and can barely compile itself, while later versions share a lot of code with the first version --- but all the versions coexist simultaneously, and I want to be able to make a bug-fix in the shared code.

The programming language itself can provide some support for this, as e.g. CSS does. But what about the case where the language itself doesn’t help much?

One obviously possible approach is to redefine the program from the root down; e.g., first you say

 in the initial version:
 <<bottom abstraction layer>>
 <<main program>>

And defining each of those pieces:

in initializations:
<<initialize I/O layer>>
<<initialize internal data structures>>

etc., and then for the next version:

in the new version:
<<bottom abstraction layer>>
<<new initializations>>
<<main program>>

with new versions of whatever treenodes have changed, such as:

in new initializations:
<<new initialize I/O layer>>
<<initialize internal data structures>>

and “new initialize I/O layer”.

Obviously this is pretty suboptimal in terms of requiring a lot of copy-and-pasted text that doesn’t really help the reader.

Version numbers on chunks allow such versions gracefully

Here’s a better idea. Every named chunk can have several versions, each with a version number. The name of the chunk when it’s being defined may end with “v312” to indicate that the text that follows belongs to version 312. Otherwise, it belongs to version 0. You can tangle any version N of any chunk; this will use the highest-numbered version <= N of each referenced chunk.

This means that you can get the effect of the repetition above simply by saying:

in initialize I/O layer v1:

and then tangling v1 of “initial version”.

The syntax of handaxeweb

The previous version of handaxeweb uses indented lines of the form “(in foo)” to start new named chunks. This is pretty reasonable, but it would be better if the line could be a valid comment in whatever language, to better support syntax-highlighting. So the right thing to do is to omit leading and trailing punctuation, but require a trailing ":", as in the previous examples in this document.

Beyond that, the syntax of handaxeweb is simply that program code is indented by four spaces, and references to other chunks are enclosed in <<>>.

handaxeweb, the program

-- in handaxeweb.lua:

<<read input literate program>>
<<carry out specified action on it>>

The main actions desired are to list the possible chunk names and version numbers, and to tangle a particular chunk with a particular version number.

-- in carry out specified action on it:
chunkname, version = ...
if chunkname == nil then
    if version == nil then version = 0 end
    tangle(chunks, chunkname, tonumber(version))

The problem of reading the input program can be factored into a third subroutine:

-- in read input literate program:
local chunks = parse_input()

So, the definitions so far needed:

-- in definitions:



These three need to share a common idea of the contents of the variable chunks. I think it should be a hash from chunk names to lists of chunk versions, where each version contains a version number and some text, stored as a list of lines.

-- in an example of the chunks variable:
{['read input literate program'] =
    {{v=0, text={"local chunks = parse_input()", ...}, 
     {v=1, ...}
 parse_input={{v=0...}, ...},


The job of parse_input is to turn the input file into such a structure. It looks for sequences of lines indented by at least four spaces to use as chunks; they may begin with a header line specifying their name and version, or they may just be a continuation of some previous chunk with a name and version.

We start with a nameless chunk that will be discarded.

-- in parse_input:
<<parse_input definitions>>

function parse_input()
    local chunks, current_chunk, in_chunk = {}, {text={}}, false
    local blank_lines = {}

    for line in io.lines() do
        if string.match(line, "^%s*$") then -- blank line
            <<handle blank line>>
        elseif not in_chunk and is_indented(line) then
            <<handle possible header line>>
            in_chunk = true
        elseif in_chunk and is_indented(line) then
            <<handle normal indented line>>
            blank_lines = {}
            in_chunk = false
    <<handle last chunk>>

    return chunks

Initially current_chunk is nil, and we don’t start a current_chunk until we see a header line. After that, current_chunk.text is always a list.

We need special handling for blank lines because they can occur inside of an indented region, but not have any spaces on them, depending on editor settings. So in this case we leave untouched the in_chunk setting, telling us whether we're in the middle of an indented chunk, and we append the blank line to a list that gets incorporated only if more nonblank indented lines appear.

-- in handle blank line:
if in_chunk then table.insert(blank_lines, "") end

Handling a normal indented line is very easy. Any parsing will be handled later by tangle.

-- in handle normal indented line:
-- incorporate any blank lines seen in between indented lines
for _, blank_line in ipairs(blank_lines) do
    table.insert(current_chunk.text, blank_line)
blank_lines = {}

table.insert(current_chunk.text, unindented(line))

The possible header line may be either a header line (not included in the chunk itself) or an ordinary chunk line, possibly adding more lines onto the previous chunk.

-- in handle possible header line:
local label = get_chunk_label(line)

if label then  -- if that succeeded, change chunks
    register_chunk(chunks, current_chunk)
    local name, ver = parse_chunk_label(label)
    current_chunk = {name = name, v = ver, text = {}}
    <<handle normal indented line>>

At the end of input, we just need to handle the last chunk:

-- in handle last chunk:
register_chunk(chunks, current_chunk)

So the parse_input function itself depends on a few other functions:

-- in parse_input definitions:





register_chunk is the only thing that actually builds the table chunks. It has to deal with questions of duplicate-handling, and discard the initial nil chunk.

With regard to duplicate-handling: if there are multiple chunks with the same name and version, then we concatenate them. This supports two important uses:

  1. It allows you to intersperse formatted text with the lines of a chunk without having to add header lines all over the place. If you like, you can write your entire program this way, with just a single header line at the top.

  2. It allows you to progressively add to multiple sections in parallel throughout your document. The example given in the CWEB manual is that you might have one section for all your global variables, progressively adding things to it. Some other examples follow: in C, it’s often convenient to put a declaration into a .h file at the same time as an implementation into a .c file; in a bytecode virtual machine, it may be convenient to put cases into a centralized switch statement at the same time as defining functions that those cases call.

However, it may run into some difficulty with versioning. If you define a new version of a chunk, then in that version, it replaces all of the text in that chunk, not just one paragraph of it. Clearly if those paragraphs are spread all over your document, that’s going to be hard to get right.

-- in register_chunk:
function register_chunk(chunks, new_chunk)
    if == nil then return end

    local contents = chunks[]
    if not contents then 
        contents = {}
        chunks[] = contents

    -- If there’s a duplicate, append text to it.
    for _, it in ipairs(chunks[]) do
        if it.v == new_chunk.v then
            for _, line in ipairs(new_chunk.text) do
                table.insert(it.text, line)

    -- No duplicate. Add to table.
    table.insert(contents, new_chunk)

The indentation functions are very simple.

-- in is_indented:
function is_indented(line)
    return string.match(line, "^    ")

assert(    is_indented("    hi"))
assert(not is_indented("   hi"))
assert(not is_indented("   hi    "))

The unindented function assumes the line is indented.

-- in unindented:
function unindented(line) return string.sub(line, 5) end
assert(unindented("    hi\n") == "hi\n")

Recognizing the chunk labels is not too hard with Lua’s pattern-matching:

-- in get_chunk_label:
function get_chunk_label(line)
    return string.match(line, "^[^%w]*in (.*):[^%w]*$")

assert(get_chunk_label("-- in handaxeweb.lua:") ==
assert(get_chunk_label("/* in handaxeweb.c: */") ==
assert(get_chunk_label("# in a minute: #\n") ==
       "a minute")

Pulling the version number out can be done similarly easily.

-- in parse_chunk_label:
function parse_chunk_label(label)
    local name, version = 
        string.match(label, "(.*) v(%d+)$")
    if name then return name, tonumber(version)
    else return label, 0 end

assert(parse_chunk_label("foo") == "foo")
assert(({parse_chunk_label("foo")})[2] == 0)
assert(parse_chunk_label("foo v32") == "foo")
assert(({parse_chunk_label("foo v32")})[2] == 32)

That covers all that’s needed to parse input.


This is the subroutine whose job it is to produce a runnable version of a literate program.

Our tangle routine in this case is passed the name of an initial chunk and a version number. In order for it to be able to invoke itself recursively and still produce readable output (and, in Python, parseable output) it also takes an indentation parameter.

-- in tangle:
<<tangle definitions>>

function tangle(chunks, chunkname, version, indent)
    if indent == nil then indent = '' end
    <<get the text of the chunk>>

    for _, line in ipairs(text) do
        local nindent, nchunkname = parse_reference(line)
        if nindent then
            tangle(chunks, nchunkname, version, indent..nindent)

This is simple enough: when we encounter a reference, we recurse, concatenating the indentation; and otherwise we simply indent the line and output it. (The indentation is essential for languages like Haskell and Python.)

The process of getting the text must worry about error conditions.

-- in get the text of the chunk:
local contents = chunks[chunkname]
if contents == nil then
    error(string.format("chunk `%s` does not exist", 

local text = get_chunk_text(contents, version)
if text == nil then 
    error(string.format("chunk `%s` has no version `%d`",
                        chunkname, version))

This depends on functions get_chunk_text and parse_reference.

-- in tangle definitions:


get_chunk_text need only walk the relevant part of the chunks table. Recall that the contents for a chunk are simply stored as a list of {v=3, text="foo"} structs, so we can pull them out as follows:

-- in get_chunk_text:
function get_chunk_text(contents, version)
    local best
    for _, it in ipairs(contents) do
        if it.v <= version and (not best or
                                it.v > best.v) then
            best = it
    if best then return best.text else return nil end

    local contents = {{v=0, text={"a"}},
                      {v=2, text={"b"}},
                      {v=1, text={"c"}}}
    assert(get_chunk_text(contents, 0)[1] == "a")
    assert(get_chunk_text(contents, 1)[1] == "c")
    assert(get_chunk_text(contents, 2)[1] == "b")
    assert(get_chunk_text(contents, 3)[1] == "b")
    assert(get_chunk_text(contents, -1) == nil)

parse_reference just needs to match the <<whatever>> references and pull out whatever indentation precedes them; it turns out Lua’s pattern-matching can do this directly.

-- in parse_reference:
function parse_reference(line)
    return string.match(line, "^(%s*)<<(.*)>>(%s*)$")

    local indent, name = parse_reference("  <<foo>>\n")
    assert(indent == "  ")
    assert(name == "foo")
    assert(parse_reference("bits << shiftlen >> 1") == nil)


Given this structure, listing either the chunk names or the versions should be simple. Unfortunately, listing both of them is a little annoying, because the output then requires parsing. But we can take advantage of this to be more explanatory.

We’d like to only list the names of root chunks, that is, those that aren’t included in any other chunk. Often there will be only one of them.

-- in list_chunk_names_and_versions:
function list_chunk_names_and_versions(chunks)
    <<display help message>>

    <<traverse chunks table>>

    <<display versions>>

    <<display chunk names>>

We’ll output one thing per line:

-- in display help message:
io.write("# Listing versions and root chunk names.\n")
io.write("# Version 12 is displayed as:\n")
io.write("# v 12\n")
io.write("# Chunk name foo bar is displayed as:\n")
io.write("# n foo bar\n")
io.write("# To tangle a particular root chunk, run:\n")
io.write("# "..arg[0].." chunkname\n")
io.write("# That tangles version 0 by default; to specify v69:\n")
io.write("# "..arg[0].." chunkname 69\n")

We traverse the table to build up information for what we display later.

-- in traverse chunks table:
local versions, referenced_chunks = {}, {}
for name, contents in pairs(chunks) do
    for _, it in ipairs(contents) do
        versions[it.v] = true

        for _, line in ipairs(it.text) do
            local _, chunkname = parse_reference(line)
            if chunkname ~= nil then 
                referenced_chunks[chunkname] = true

Then displaying the versions is easy; we need only to produce the keys from the versions table:

-- in display versions:
for version, _ in pairs(versions) do
    io.write(string.format("v %d\n", version))

Displaying the chunk names is almost as easy:

-- in display chunk names:
for name, _ in pairs(chunks) do
    if not referenced_chunks[name] then
        io.write("n ""\n")

The build script

Rebuilding handaxeweb from this document by hand is a little tedious. So here's a shell script that syntax-checks and double-compile checks.

# in build_handaxeweb:
set -ve
./handaxeweb.lua handaxeweb.lua 0 < > handaxeweb2.lua

# test new version
lua handaxeweb2.lua handaxeweb.lua 0 < > handaxeweb3.lua

# try building it with itself:
lua handaxeweb3.lua handaxeweb.lua 0 < > handaxeweb4.lua

# verify output is the same:
diff handaxeweb3.lua handaxeweb4.lua

# okay, we’ll accept it
cp handaxeweb4.lua handaxeweb.lua

./handaxeweb.lua build_handaxeweb 0 < >
cp build_handaxeweb

Flaws in handaxeweb

There are several things I could do to improve this program without changing its functionality.

(in this part of the document there is no code:)
(This note is needed because of how 
Markdown structures nested lists, sigh.)
  • The state machine in parse_input is obtuse and bug-prone.

  • There are a number of subroutines and abstraction layers that would simplify the main program logic:

    • Appending one list to another (in two places).
    • Some kind of parsing machinery, probably.
    • An ordered container supporting insertion and nearest-match searching.
    • Set arithmetic; in particular, set subtraction.
    • Collections stuff: keys of a table, mapping a function over a list, printing all the items in a list.
  • Appending to a versioned chunk is still kind of inconvenient. If you could say <<same chunkname v3>> this problem would mostly go away.

  • The default to output should probably be the last version, not version 0.

  • There’s still no syntax highlighting or tables of contents in the output.

  • Emacs isn’t smart enough to do syntax highlighting in the input.

  • Compiler error messages are subpar because handaxeweb doesn’t know enough to generate #line directives. (And for some languages, there is no such thing.)

Probably the right thing to do for some of these problems is to use parsing tools to parse the input.

a PEG for handaxeweb’s input

# in a PEG for handaxeweb:
# Top-level constructs, down to the paragraph level:
litprog   <- (!chunk (bl / textpara / codepara))* chunk*.
chunk     <- header (textpara* !header codepara)*.
codepara  <- first: indented+ more: (bl+ indented+)*.
textpara  <- bl* unindented+ bl*.

# Types of lines:
header      <-     indent nonalnum* "in " defname ":" nonalnum* nl.
indented    <- !bl indent (more: wsp* reference / text: normal+) nl.
bl          <- wsp* nl.  # Blank line.
unindented  <- !indent normal+ nl.

# Syntax within lines:
defname    <- name: (!version normal)* version.
version    <- (" v" n: number+ / ) !!":".
reference  <- "<<" name: (!">>" normal)* ">>".
indent     <- "    ".

# Character classes:
nonalnum  <- !alnum normal.
alnum     <- uppercase / lowercase / number.
uppercase <- "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" / "G" / 
             "H" / "I" / "J" / "K" / "L" / "M" / "N" / 
             "O" / "P" / "Q" / "R" / "S" / "T" / "U" / 
             "V" / "W" / "X" / "Y" / "Z".
lowercase <- "a" / "b" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f" / "g" / 
             "h" / "i" / "j" / "k" / "l" / "m" / "n" / 
             "o" / "p" / "q" / "r" / "s" / "t" / "u" / 
             "v" / "w" / "x" / "y" / "z".
number    <- "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / 
             "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9".
normal    <- !nl char.
nl        <- "\n".
wsp       <- " " / "\t".

And that pretty much covers the entire deep structure of the input. All the indentation, logic of blank lines between other indented lines, parsing of references, version numbers, carrying chunk headers from one indented region to the next, and so on, is in there. The only thing that really remains to be done is specifying what to do with it: concatenate the first and more parts of codeparas, default version numbers to zero, dump the codepara parts of chunks into a dictionary of ordered-search structures, and then run tangle.

(The grammar is slightly different from the one implemented by my current implementation: it no longer allows : or >>, in different contexts, inside of chunk names.)

<script src=""></script>