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This method is now published in Nature Communications: Park et al., 2022


Neuroclear is a deep-learning-based Python module to train a deep neural network for the task of applying super-resolution to a degraded axial resolution in Fluorescence microscopy, using a single image stack. For a demo, we provide a Jupyter notebook where you can generate your own randomized synthetic volume. You can use our github code to train a deep learning model and test with a ground-truth.

Featured image for axial resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy

Example of large-scale resolution enhancement for axial resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy

Example of large-scale resolution enhancement for axial resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy

System requirements

General requirements


  • Python 3.8 (tested on)
  • Conda
  • Pytorch 1.8. (tested on)
  • CUDA version 11.4 (tested on)
  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Jupyter notebook


  • CPU or GPU that supports CUDA CuDNN and Pytorch 1.9.
  • We tested on RTX 3090 and GTX 1080-Ti.
  • We recommend RAM memory of more than 16 Gb (for 3D volume inference).

Installation guide


  • Install Pytorch and other dependencies. The main Python dependencies include:
jupyter notebook

For a complete list of dependencies, please refer to the file in conda_environment folder.

  • Install CUDA Make sure the CUDA environment is set up (tested on CUDA 11.1).

  • Clone this repo:

git clone
cd neuroclear
  • Set up a virtual conda environment.
  1. Go to the conda_environment folder.

2a. Download the necessary packages and create a virtual environment using the following command.

conda env create -f neuroclear_env.yml

2b. If you are having trouble setting up the conda enviroment from the yml file, try... (step-by-step)

conda create --name neuroclear
conda activate neuroclear
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install scikit-image
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install -c conda-forge dominate
conda install -c conda-forge tqdm
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard
conda install -c conda-forge notebook
conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
pip install elasticdeform

If there's any missing package, please install them from the Conda repository.

[NOTE] For testing the Jupyter notebook, make sure that the Jupyter notebook kernel is connected to your conda environment.

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=neuroclear
  1. When all packages are installed, activate the environment and you should be able to run the codes without an issue.
conda activate neuroclear
  • While the typical install time will vary widely depending on the environment, the whole process of installing every software modules and dependencies will take 1-2 hours.
  • Docker environment will be available soon.


Generating a synthetic image volume

  • To generate a 3D synthetic volume, go to jupyter_notebook folder, and run the script Data Generator for Simulation.ipynb. The script will provide blurred input, ground-truth, and 90-degree-rotated image.

Training a model.

  • You can specify the training parameters using flags. The flags are documented in options folder. A test format is:
python \
--dataroot **[DATA DIRECTORY]** \
--checkpoints_dir **[CHECKPOINT DIRECTORY]**  --add_date \
--name **[MODEL NAME]** --dataset_mode singlevolume \
--print_freq 10 --display_freq 20 \
--preprocess random3Drotate_randomcrop_randomflip_addColorChannel_addBatchChannel --model axial_to_lateral_gan_apollo \
--netG unet_deconv --netG_B deep_linear_gen --netD basic --gan_mode lsgan \
--init_type kaiming --norm instance --batch_size 1 \
--lambda_A 5 --gpu_ids **[GPU ID]** --crop_size 108 108 108 --display_histogram  --lambda_plane 1 1 1 \
--save_by_iter --save_latest_freq 500 --server **[SERVER NAME]** --lr_policy constant --randomize_projection_depth --projection_depth 10

Expected output of

Expected output of

  • You can view the training progress on Tensorboard using the tensorboard file in the checkpoint folder.

→ Note that [axial_to_lateral_gan_apollo] is the standard model, and [axial_to_lateral_gan_athena] is for artifact correction in the OT-LSM imaging.

  • Training time varies widely depending on the environment. In our case, for training on a 900x900x900 pixel volume, training for a baseline model for simulation was selected at 11,000th iteration took approximately ~19 hours using a 148 pixel 16-bit image volume per iteration.

Testing a model

  • You can test a trained model with a format like this. The flags are documented in options folder.
python --dataroot **[DATA DIRECTORY]** \
--checkpoints_dir **[CHECKPOINT DIRECTORY]** --results_dir **[RESULT DIRECTORY]**  \
--name **[MODEL NAME]** --serial_batches \
--preprocess addColorChannel --dataset_mode diceImage \
--netG unet_deconv --data_name **[DATA NAME]** \
--gpu_ids 0 --overlap 15 --dice_size 120 120 120 --normalize_intensity \
--image_dimension 3 --model_suffix _A --save_volume --border_cut 10 --skip_real --load_iter **[Iteration Count]**

Expected output of

Expected output of

  • For inference on 900x900x900 pixel volume, it takes approximately 5-8 minutes on GTX 1080-Ti.
  • For quantitative assessments, we recommend to normalize the input and output for fair comparison. For simulation studies, we used histogram-based normalization between 0.25% and 99.75%.

If you have any questions, please contact me via:

peterpark828 (at) OR peterpark828 (at)