Welcome to the kubic-project! If you are interested in contributing to the kubic container-images repo then continue reading this document as it contains information on how the kubic container images is populated and other information that is pertinent to building kubic containers.
There are two ways to do it:
The sources for our openSUSE container images used in Kubic, can be found at the [kubic container-images repo](github: https://github.com/kubic-project/container-images). If you just want to modify an already existing image, then you don't have to do anything special. As soon as your PR gets approved and merged, then the changes are committed to the OBS. This triggering happens thanks to our internal ConcourseCI pipeline. This CI system is not meant to do any testing. It just connects Github with the appropriate devel projects in build service and triggers a new build of the images into their devel projects. If the build is green then your image gets released into the openSUSE container registry.
This is the reason why sometimes in OBS you will encounter the following commit message posted by our ConcourseCI: "Containers Team (containersteam) committed 27 days ago (revision 11) - Updated from concourse CI"
NOTE: For the people who are not connected within SUSE RnD network, you cannot have access to ConcourseCI -- actually you don't have to. All you need to know is that as soon as you commit something in this repository, then OBS will be triggered.
To get a new image accepted into our openSUSE container registry, it is required that all the RPM packages related to that container image, to be present in openSUSE Factory project. For example, for building the kubic-dex image, first we had to build the caasp-dex RPM package that provides the binary that is used as a part of the entrypoint for this image. As soon as you modify a package that is included in the .kiwi definition of a container image, then it will automatically schedule a new build. In other words, if you ever modify the RPM pkg that is related to an image, then OBS will automatically trigger a new rebuild of your image and if it's green it will publish it to the registry.
In case you would like to build a new container image that does not exist yet in our registry, you should get it accepted and merged in [kubic container-images repo](github: https://github.com/kubic-project/container-images). Then you have to manually create a SubmitRequest to the appropriate devel project in OBS. To highlight this for the reviewer, a proposed label for this should be new_image
. Finally to get any new commits for that image also committed to OBS it is needed to create a new ConcourseCI job to take care of that; please ask repository maintainers to handle that.
Nowhere in this process there is any testing automation. Hopefully, since you are building and modifying these images, you should be able to test your own changes by running some local tests. To do that, you can build your container image locally using kiwi image building system. To do that you have to perform a checkout of the image you want from OBS. Then inside that project/branch you have, you can just modify the .kiwi.ini file accordingly. Then calling ./pre_checking.sh
script will regenerate the kiwi description file for kubic. Once regenerated calling a osc build container
from the image folder will trigger a local build.
As soon as you have cloned/checked-out the code from OBS to your local dis, then it's time to build the container image. But before doing that it would be wise to be informed first about an existing a bug in the osc
tool that does not trigger correctly the replace_using_package_version
service. This is an OBS service that ensures that the image we are building has the same tag with the value of the OBS package version that provides. To understand this better, let's look for example at the kubic-caasp-dex-image.
_service # Synchronisation between the tag of the container image with the RPG pkg version and the source in kubic-project/container-images repo
kubic-caasp-dex-image.changes # Autogenerated on ConcourseCI, do not create it manually
kubic-caasp-dex-image.kiwi # Autogenerated. Intended for OBS usage (openSUSE Kubic)
caasp-dex-image.kiwi.ini # Template file from which the above .kiwi files are generated
pre_checkin.sh # Script to generate *kiwi files
If you are curious enough, you can read the kubic-caasp-dex-image.kiwi file. You need to pay attention to the name="kubic-caasp-dex">
-- this gets generated from the template, parsing the PRODUCT placeholder and it refers to the name of the package within OBS (as artifact of the devel project -- it should not be confused with the RPM package in any case). For those who are not familiar with kiwi image definitions, the kiwi file is similar to the spec file for RPM, or Dockerfile for docker containers. They are instructions on how to build/bake a container image through OBS. This duplication of kiwi files you see there, happens because the ConcourseCI is using copypack
. Copypac is a pure plain copy from one project to another, taking all the sources (as they are) to another project. It doesn't create any link or anything like that. However, SUSE maintainers should not forget that copypac
is not happening by default, but only if the image already exists in SLE (IBS). This way the automation is only responsible of tracking updates, but not creating new OBS packages, the very first copypac
to SLE needs to be done manually.
Continuing our example, the next interestng part is taking a look at the service file of the kubic-caasp-dex-image.kiwi. Here you should focus on the <service name="replace_using_package_version"
<service name="replace_using_package_version" mode="buildtime">
<param name="file">kubic-caasp-dex-image.kiwi</param>
<param name="regex">%%SHORT_VERSION%%</param>
<param name="parse-version">minor</param>
<param name="package">caasp-dex</param>
This service is executed during buildtime. Its job is to verify the package version for the %%placeholder%%
. It's looking for the RPM package <param name="package">caasp-dex</param>
and the regex is just a placeholder for any %%SHORT_VERSION% with the MINOR version (if you don't know what MINOR version stands for, keep reading the next paragraph).
Based the previous example, issueing rpm -q caasp-dex
from a TW machine we will get caasp-dex-2.7.1-1.2.x86_64
-- this is version is expected to be higher when you read this article. The versioning can be explained as follows:
Tags for images:
- 2.7 is following the pattern of <name>:<short_version>
- 2.7.1 is following the pattern of <name>:<long_version>
- 2.7.1-9.19 is following the patter of <name>:<long_version>-<release>
You can verify that by listing the available image in our openSUSE container registry using a tool called reg:
$ reg ls registry.opensuse.org | grep dex
devel/kubic/containers/container/kubic/caasp-dex 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.1-9.19
devel/kubic/containers/container_arm/kubic/caasp-dex 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.1-9.45
placeholder it is used to keep aligned the tag and the RPM package version. So this replace_using_package_version
service grabs the version you want and makes sure that your container image and the RPM package withing TW have the same tag/version. How it does that? Well, first it has to find the package (it needs to be inside the image obviously, so it has to be already submitted to Factory). From this RPM pkg, it takes the version using rpm commands, and then it uses it as TAG for the container image.
However, this replace_using_package_version
functionality doesn't happen when you build locally at your computer -- unless you follow this workaround (recommended): In order for this service to be usable at build time, it needs to be included into the build environment configuration. For some strange reason the OBS solver includes that service as a build requirement, but it does not pre-install it at the local builds. So you have to use the "pre-installed" call. This is:
# preinstall: obs-service-$nameoftheservice
preinstall: obs-service-replace_using_package_version
This has to be included in the project configuration file: osc meta prjconf -e
. Again, this is something you need to include this line to build it locally.
Finally, to build it, you can use the typical build command by specifying the repository we want our image to be published. In this special case, this repository is "container".: osc build <repo>
A summary of all the previous steps, using again the kubic-caasp-dex-image as an example.
Source: devel:kubic:containers / kubic-caasp-dex-image
Devel Project: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/devel:kubic:containers https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image
In other words: osc branchco <project name> <package name>
Issuing the command osc branchco devel:kubic:containers kubic-caasp-dex-image
will create the following branch:
- Branch Project name: home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers
- Branch Package name: kubic-caasp-dex-image
tux@ultron:~/obs> osc branchco devel:kubic:containers kubic-caasp-dex-image
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image/_service
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image/caasp-dex-image.kiwi.ini
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image/kubic-caasp-dex-image.changes
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image/kubic-caasp-dex-image.kiwi
A home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image/pre_checkin.sh
At revision 282f53e814fca88064c241a629e3185a.
Note: You can use "osc delete" or "osc submitpac" when done.
Any personal branch can be found at the subprojects of your homeproject. e.g. browsing at your the subprojects https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:YOURNAME
by modyfing the URI.
Subproject: branches:devel:kubic:containers Title: Branch project for package kubic-caasp-dex-image
URL: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:YOURNAME:branches:devel:kubic:containers
Now go into that:
tux@ultron:~/obs> cd home\:YOURNAME\:branches\:devel\:kubic\:containers/kubic-caasp-dex-image
Modify the configuration of the project to execute the service replace_using_package_version
during buildtime. To do that, type: osc meta prjconf -e
and copypaste this line:
preinstall: obs-service-replace_using_package_version
Now build locally by typing: sudo osc build container
Output when it finishes:
Load the image into docker:
$ docker load -i /var/tmp/build-root/container-x86_64/usr/src/packages/KIWI/kubic-caasp-dex.x86_64-4.0.1-Build.docker.tar
638ff2536f74: Loading layer [==================================================>] 34.51MB/34.51MB
Loaded image: kubic/caasp-dex:2.7
Verify that is loaded:
$ docker image ls kubic/caasp-dex
kubic/caasp-dex 2.7 dca2f32bc6c4 20 hours ago 148MB
Then, you should be able to know how to use this package and test it.