If the author uses IPUMS data, request access to the IPUMS API extract.
Your replication package uses IPUMS data. Provision of extracts is required for sample
(not full-count) files, and is compliant with IPUMS Terms of Use.
For the extracts you generated, you should provide
- the dofile for read-in "usa_0028.do" and dct files
- for sample files, the actual extract (dat or dta files)
However, IPUMS is trialling an API for extracts, which allows a user to export the extract
specification, and for a replicator to re-use the extract specification programmatically.
We are able to convert your stored extract specification into a downloadable file.
There are two ways forward for this:
- you sign up for the beta (write to [email protected] and tell them you want to participate
in the beta, and that the AEA Data Editor sent you)
- alternatively, you can give us permission to access your data extracts. We will then handle
converting the extract and adding the files to your replication package.
Please contact the Data Editor ([email protected]) to let us know your choice of action.