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Debugging Stata

Also check the LDI Replication Lab Wiki!

Basic debugging

Ado files not found

Issue: When an error message such as xml_tab command not recognized or outreg2 command not recognized appears...

Solution it usually means that you need to first install the command before running the .do file. Try

ssc install outreg2

or possibly

search this_great_command

followed by

net install  this_great_command, from(

In some cases, this will be a reference to the Stata Journal packages, which do NOT have the same name as the command they provide:

search frmttable


Search of official help files, FAQs, Examples, and Stata Journals

SJ-12-4 sg97_5  . A programmer's command to build formatted statistical tables
        (help frmttable if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. L. Gallup
        Q4/12   SJ 12(4):655--673
        create formatted tables from statistics and write them to
        Word or LaTeX files

Further below, you see this in a different way:

5 packages found (Stata Journal listed first)

sg97_5 from
    SJ12-4 sg97_5. Update: A programmer's command... / Update: A programmer's
    command to build / formatted statistical tables / by John Luke Gallup,
    Portland State University / Support:  [email protected] / After
    installation, type help frmttable

Now you see how to construct this with a one-line net install command:

net install <pkgname>, from(<pkgurl>)

where you replace <pkgname> with the name of the Stata Journal package (here: sg97_5) and the from() command gets the URL that is listed in the help.

For frmttable, this yields:

net install sg97_5, from(


Please be sure to make a note of this installation in the!!

You must include all these commands in the For all ssc install commands, add them to the appropriate line at the top of the


:::{admonition} Great tip: When searching for a package, the Stata help browser will show in the address bar "net describe this_great_command, from( Simply copy and paste into your and change describe to install. :::

unknown egen function wtmean()

Add package _gwtmean to the, or ssc inst _gwtmean

unknown egen function ....

Add package egenmore to the

struct_ ms_vcvorthog undefined

You may find this with ivreg2 or ivreghdfe:

struct ms_vcvorthog undefined
(817 lines skipped)
(error occurred while loading ivreghdfe.ado)

Solution: Ensure that you are using the correctly, your installs the relevant package (ivreg2, ivreghdfe, etc.), and that ranktest is also included. The code in the that calls

mata: mata mlib index

should fix any additional issues.

If you then get

last estimates not found

try installing from the Github website for ivreghdfe (see this link):

:::{warning} These commands should be included in the! :::

* Install ftools (remove program if it existed previously)
cap ado uninstall ftools
net install ftools, from("")

* Install reghdfe
cap ado uninstall reghdfe
net install reghdfe, from("")

* Install ivreg2, the core package
cap ado uninstall ivreg2
ssc install ivreg2

* Finally, install this package
cap ado uninstall ivreghdfe
net install ivreghdfe, from(

This problem is always fixable, contact your Team lead if you run into persistent problems.

reg2hdfespatial and ols_spatial_HAC

These programs are usually included. If they are not, they can be installed using the following commands:

cap mkdir reg2hdfespatial
copy reg2hdfespatial/reg2hdfespatial.ado
unzipfile // should create a directory "spatial_HAC"
local pwd : pwd
adopath ++ "`pwd'/spatial_HAC"
adopath ++ "`pwd'/reg2hdfespatial"

Installing grc1leg

If you encounter the grc1leg package, it cannot be installed by ssc install grc1leg. Use the following:

net install grc1leg, from("")

Exporting Graphs

If a manuscript contains figures but the authors do not include code to automatically export those figures, there exists very straightforward code to fix this.

Stata package information: Stata Manual.


graph export newfilename.suffix [, options]


graph export Figure.pdf

graph export Figure.png

I want to run my program in an older version of Stata?

Use the version command to emulate running the program on an older version. For example, to emulate Stata 12.1, use the following line:

version 12.1 

This fix may be relevant when running into problems with the tobit regression. This does not always work. We have some other, somewhat more involved solutions, involving running Stata in Docker and have access to Stata versions 12, 13, 14, 16, and 17.


Running other do files

Some code has a main "" or "" etc., which will have lines such as


This is a problem, because any parameters from, such as changing where you install Stata packages (sysdir PERSONAL "/path/to/somewhere") are lost...

Replace the above with

include ""

and you will be fine.

The difference is that the first one executes the in a somewhat fresh environment. The second one simply includes the code (as if copying-and-pasting) in the, by reference, and thus inherits everything that is transient (such as tempfiles, etc.)

This may not always work - sometimes authors rely on that reset that happens when you use the do version.

Always use include for files however.

Running Stata from the command line

It sometimes is more convenient to run Stata from the command line. How to do this varies by operating system. In almost all cases, you need to know where Stata is installed.

  • Windows: See this Stata page. In essence, on CISER nodes, navigate to the directory where the Stata program you want to run is located (here: Then, in the address bar of the file browser, type powershell. In the command line window, type
& 'C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe' /b do .\

will run the program, and create a logfile master.log (and any configured log files). Note that you can also right-click and request "Run (silently)".

  • Linux/MacOS: Similar to the Windows instructions, in a terminal, navigate (cd /path/to/directory) to the directory with the program you want to run. Most Linux systems will have the Stata command in the "path", meaning it will be automatically found.
stata-mp -b do

will run the program.

Stata Errors

Varlist required error:

  • May occur if the author calls upon a varlist that s/he forgets to define. Check the other .do files to see if it has been defined elsewhere. If the definition is obvious (based on the article & data) insert a line of code defining it yourself.

Too many values error:


Varlist not allowed error:


Maxvar too small error:

  • Run .do file using Stata-MP and add set maxvar 32767 (maximum number of variables) to the

File ___ could not be opened error:

  • May appear after the esttab command, or when Unix and Windows paths are mixed, or when running with Network paths (of style \\network\path\to\folder)
esttab using "$res/Cage_Rueda_Table_4.tex"

Solution 1 (most likely)

The directory $res has one or more elements that are missing (ie a subdirectory does not exist). For instance, if $res resolves to D:/project/tables but the subdirectory tables/ does not exist, Stata will fail.

You need to create the directory, as part of the code (and make a note of this in the report). Add the following line above the problematic line, or in the

cap mkdir "$res"

(NOTE: this will still fail if there are additional parts of the path that do not exist.)

Solution 2 (preferred if Solution 1 does not solve the problem)

Verify that $res does not contain a Windows "network path" (\\rschfs\users\A-K\fellow\project). Rather, it should contain a "letter drive" (D:/project). On Unix systems, it may help to remove relative paths (../project) and use a fully-qualified path (/home/user/fellow/project)

For reference: Filed with the package author on Github

If $res does actually contain a Windows network path, install the newest Github version of estout:

net install estout, replace from(

(this is also an optional install in the LDILab's

Options IK, CCT, and CV have been deprecated error:

May occur when using the bwselect() option after the rdrobust command. To fix this an older version of the rdrobust command must be installed. Install this by typing

net install st0366.pkg, from("") 

into the Don't forget to make a note of this in the Replication.txt!!

Problems with "xi" command:

The outdated command xi may sometimes cause errors that cannot be remedied by using an older version of Stata. To update the syntax follow this example:

xi: gen i.year i.adjustedmsc

This line of code currently produces the error message "invalid name". Correct this by dividing up the command into:

xi i.year
xi i.adjustedmsc

Problems with the "kdens" command:

May require the installation of kdens and possibly moremata.

.tex files cannot be opened

(this is a variant of the "File ___ could not be opened error")

Basic idea: Try setting your global directory (however that is specified in the code) to reference the name of the local drive on CISER.

Instead of setting the directory as something like: \\rschfs1x\userRS\K-Q\msw274_RS\aea_workspace\stata-training-redo\aer_replication

Replace the beginning part with (where anything after the U: is going to be specific to your project and set up): U:/aea_workspace/stata-training-redo/aer_replication

Suggested solution

  • Make the following modifications to the ""
  • modify, if necessary the last line (where "global rootdir" is set) to reference the local drive on CISER global rootdir "U:/Documents/Workspace/aearep-950/112343/replication_package" Note the use of "/" instead of "" - please always do so.
  • if the use of esttab using "$rootdir/output/table.tex" does not work, then try the next solution. Otherwise, you are done. Note the use of the quotes! they are important in this case, because the path contains spaces!

Expanded solution:

  • add a line global texdir "${rootdir}/output" (preferred) or the full path, to the BOTTOM of the
  • then replace esttab using "$texdir/table.tex"

If you do it like that, your modified programs will never have your personal path in the program code, only $rootdir and $texdir. Those are defined in the "", and are easy to change by the next replicator.

Specific to certain systems


Problems with temp files

Some (user-written) Stata packages do improper handling of Windows network paths. This affects the use of temp files.


> graph ..., saving(`tempfile')
(file \\rschfs2x\share\statatemp\ST_7390_000002.tmp not found)

file \\rschfs2x\share\statatemp\ST_7390_000002.tmp saved as .gph format

> graph combine `tempfile` other_file.gph, ...

file \rschfs2x\share\statatemp\ST_7390_000002.tmp not found

(the error is not specific to the graph command). Note the missing double-backslash in the path.


You need to redirect the STATATMP directory to a non-networked drive. Use a terminal, and set the STATATMP variable before launching Stata. In all examples, we assume that the new directory is U:\Documents\tmpdir. If it doesn't exist, create it. The path to Stata may be different on different systems, use command line expansion to find the right path.


::::{tab-item} Bash

export STATATMP="/c/Users/$USERNAME/statatmp"
mkdir "$STATATMP"
cd "/l/workspace/aearep-5697/203501/Data and do-files"
"/c/Program Files/Stata18/StataMP-64.exe" -b


::::{tab-item} Powershell

& 'C:\Program Files\Stata18\StataMP-64.exe'


::::{tab-item} Command Prompt

set STATATMP="U:\Documents\tmpdir"
'C:\Program Files\Stata18\StataMP-64.exe'


::::{tab-item} Alternate

Use the "Permanent fix" described here:



This normally succeeds.

CCSS Classic

When trying to install some extension Stata shows an error message such as: _file c:\ado\plus\next.trk already exists_

This issue usually occurs when running on a university system where you do not have rights to install to C:

Solution: Be sure you are including, which has lines like

global basepath "/path/to/your/project/directory"
sysdir set PERSONAL "$basepath/ado/personal"
sysdir set PLUS "$basepath/ado/plus"

where you would create a "ado" directory in the "project" folder you are currently using for the replication (i.e., ..../10.1257/mac.12345/replication_netid/ado). See the

Stata will then install the new extension into that directory instead of c:\ado\plus (source )