In this section, we will show you a few things related specifically to running code reproducibly with Julia. For more general debugging tips for Julia and other computer languages, see our wiki.
:::{admonition} The following instructions are primarily for Linux. :class: warning dropdown
You may need to use Conda on our Windows systems.
Julia has a native version manager. Follow instructions at https://github.com/JuliaLang/juliaup to install it - it will be installed in your personal directory (so is not shared). Then, to add a particular Julia version,
juliaup add 1.9.2
juliaup default 1.9.2
and your next call to Julia will launch 1.9.2.
julia --project=julia16 -p 4
should start with the project installed in julia16
and 4 worker processes. In fact, the worker processes ignore the project packages, and the whole thing fails (see this link).
export JULIA_PROJECT=julia16
julia -p 4
seems to work.